Source code for p4.mcmc

import as pf
import p4.func
from p4.var import var
import math
import random
import string
import sys
import time
import copy
import os
import pickle
from p4.chain import Chain
from p4.p4exceptions import P4Error
from p4.treepartitions import TreePartitions
from p4.constraints import Constraints
from p4.node import Node
from p4.pnumbers import Numbers
from p4.simtemp import SimTemp,SimTempTemp
import datetime
import numpy
import logging
import statistics
from collections import deque

# for proposal probs
fudgeFactor = {}
fudgeFactor['local'] = 1.0
fudgeFactor['brLen'] = 1.0
fudgeFactor['eTBR'] = 1.0
fudgeFactor['allBrLens'] = 1.0
fudgeFactor['polytomy'] = 1.0
fudgeFactor['root3'] = 0.05
fudgeFactor['root3n'] = 0.1
fudgeFactor['root2'] = 2.0
fudgeFactor['compLocation'] = 0.01
fudgeFactor['rMatrixLocation'] = 0.01
fudgeFactor['gdasrvLocation'] = 0.01
fudgeFactor['allCompsDir'] = 1.0
fudgeFactor['allRMatricesDir'] = 1.0
fudgeFactor['ndch2comp'] = 0.2
fudgeFactor['ndch2priorRefComp'] = 1.0
fudgeFactor['ndch2alpha'] = 0.01
fudgeFactor['ndrh2rates'] = 0.2
fudgeFactor['ndrh2alpha'] = 0.01
fudgeFactor['ndrh2priorRefRMatrix'] = 1.0

class McmcTuningsPart(object):

    def __init__(self, partNum):

        self.num = partNum
        self.default = {}
        # It is no longer changed depending on the dim
        self.default['comp'] = 0.3
        # This would depend on the dim; this is done in Mcmc.__init__()
        self.default['compDir'] = 100.
        self.default['allCompsDir'] = 500.
        self.default['ndch2_leafCompsDir'] = 200.
        self.default['ndch2_internalCompsDir'] = 100.
        self.default['ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha'] = 2.0 * math.log(1.2)
        self.default['ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha'] = 2.0 * math.log(3.0)
        self.default['ndch2_priorRefComp'] = 100.
        # rMatrix with sliders no longer changed depending on the dim (ie size of rMatrix)
        self.default['rMatrix'] = 0.3
        # rMatrixDir would depend on the dim; this is done in Mcmc.__init__()
        self.default['rMatrixDir'] = 200.
        self.default['allRMatricesDir'] = 500.
        self.default['twoP'] = 50.

        self.default['ndrh2_leafRatesDir'] = 200.
        self.default['ndrh2_internalRatesDir'] = 100.
        self.default['ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha'] = 2.0 * math.log(1.2)
        self.default['ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha'] = 2.0 * math.log(3.0)
        self.default['ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix'] = 100.

        self.default['gdasrv'] = 2.0 * math.log(1.5)  # 0.811
        self.default['pInvar'] = 0.5
        #self.default['rMatrixLocation'] = 0.0

class McmcTunings(object):

    def __init__(self, nParts):
        self.nParts = nParts = []
        for pNum in range(nParts):
        self.default = {}
        self.default['relRate'] = 0.5
        # This next tuning is set so that by default the brLens go up or down
        # maximum 10%, ie from 0.909 to 1.1
        self.default['local'] = 2.0 * math.log(1.1)  # 0.1906
        self.default['brLen'] = 2.0 * math.log(2.0)  # 1.386
        # Crux has  2.0 * math.log(1.6) as self.default
        self.default['etbrLambda'] = 2.0 * math.log(1.6)
        self.default['etbrPExt'] = 0.8
        self.default['brLenPriorLambda'] = 10.0
        self.default['brLenPriorLambdaForInternals'] = 1000.0
        self.default['doInternalBrLenPrior'] = False
        self.default['brLenPriorType'] = 'exponential'
        self.default['allBrLens'] = 2.0 * math.log(1.02)   # 0.0396
        self.default['root2'] = 0.1
        #self.default['root3'] = 10.0
        #self.default['root3n'] = 10.0

class McmcProposalProbs(dict):

    """User-settable relative proposal probabilities.

    An instance of this class is made as Mcmc.prob, where you can
    do, for example::

        yourMcmc.prob.local = 2.0

    These are relative proposal probs, that do not sum to 1.0, and
    affect the calculation of the final proposal probabilities (ie the
    kind that do sum to 1).  It is a relative setting, and the default
    is 1.0.  Setting it to 0 turns it off.  For small
    probabilities, setting it to 2.0 doubles it.  For bigger
    probabilities, setting it to 2.0 makes it somewhat bigger.

    Check the effect that it has by doing::

    which prints out the final calculated probabilities. 

    def __init__(self):
        #object.__setattr__(self, 'comp', 1.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'compDir', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'allCompsDir', 1.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndch2_leafCompsDir', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndch2_internalCompsDir', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndch2_priorRefCompDir', 0.0)
        #object.__setattr__(self, 'rMatrix', 1.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'rMatrixDir', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'allRMatricesDir', 1.0)

        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndrh2_leafRatesDir', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndrh2_internalRatesDir', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir', 0.0)

        object.__setattr__(self, 'gdasrv', 1.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'pInvar', 1.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'local', 1.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'brLen', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'allBrLens', 1.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'eTBR', 1.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'polytomy', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'root3', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'root3n', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'root2', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'compLocation', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'rMatrixLocation', 0.0)
        object.__setattr__(self, 'relRate', 1.0)

    def __setattr__(self, item, val):
        # complaintHead = "\nMcmcProposalProbs.__setattr__()"
        gm = ["\nMcmcProposalProbs(). (set %s to %s)" % (item, val)]
        theKeys = self.__dict__.keys()
        if item in theKeys:
                val = float(val)
                if val < 1e-15:
                    val = 0
                object.__setattr__(self, item, val)
                gm.append("Should be a float.  Got '%s'" % val)
                raise P4Error(gm)

            gm.append("Can't set '%s'-- no such proposal." % item)
            gm.append("See the list of proposal probabilities above for valid proposals.")
            raise P4Error(gm)

    def reprString(self):
        stuff = [
            "\nUser-settable relative proposal probabilities, from yourMcmc.prob"]
        stuff.append("  To change it, do eg ")
        stuff.append("    yourMcmc.prob.comp = 0.0 # turns comp proposals off")
        stuff.append("  Current settings:")
        theKeys = list(self.__dict__.keys())
        for k in theKeys:
            stuff.append("        %30s: %s" % (k, getattr(self, k)))
        return '\n'.join(stuff)

    def dump(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.reprString()

class Proposal(object):

    def __init__(self, theMcmc=None): = None
        self.variant = 'gtr'  # only for rMatrix.  2p or gtr
        self.mcmc = theMcmc
        self.nChains = theMcmc.nChains
        self.pNum = -1
        #self.mtNum = -1
        self.weight = 1.0
        self.tuning = None
        self.tuningLimitHi = None
        self.tuningLimitLo = None
        self.tunings = {}
        self.nProposals = [0] * theMcmc.nChains
        self.nAcceptances = [0] * theMcmc.nChains
        self.accepted = 0
        self.topologyChanged = 0
        self.nTopologyChangeAttempts = [0] * theMcmc.nChains
        self.nTopologyChanges = [0] * theMcmc.nChains
        self.doAbort = False
        self.nAborts = [0] * theMcmc.nChains

        self.tnSampleSize = 250
        self.tnNSamples = [0] * theMcmc.nChains
        self.tnNAccepts = [0] * theMcmc.nChains
        self.tnAccVeryHi = None
        self.tnAccHi = None
        self.tnAccLo = None
        self.tnAccVeryLo = None
        self.tnFactorVeryHi = None
        self.tnFactorHi = None
        self.tnFactorLo = None
        self.tnFactorVeryLo = None

        self.prior = None

    def dump(self):
        print("proposal name=%-10s pNum=%2s, weight=%s, tuning=%s" % (
            '%s,' %, self.pNum, self.weight, self.tuning))
        #print("proposal name=%-10s pNum=%2i, weight=%5.1f, tuning=%7.2f" % (
        #    '%s,' %, self.pNum, self.weight, self.tuning))
        #print("    nProposals   by temperature:  %s" % self.nProposals)
        #print("    nAcceptances by temperature:  %s" % self.nAcceptances)

    def tune(self, tempNum):
        assert self.tnSampleSize >= 100.
        assert self.tnNSamples[tempNum] >= self.tnSampleSize
        acc = self.tnNAccepts[tempNum] / self.tnNSamples[tempNum]
        doMessage = False
        if acc > self.tnAccHi:
            oldTn = self.tuning[tempNum]
            if acc > self.tnAccVeryHi:
                self.tuning[tempNum] *= self.tnFactorVeryHi
                self.tuning[tempNum] *= self.tnFactorHi
            doMessage = True
        elif acc < self.tnAccLo:
            oldTn = self.tuning[tempNum]
            if acc < self.tnAccVeryLo:
                self.tuning[tempNum] *= self.tnFactorVeryLo
                self.tuning[tempNum] *= self.tnFactorLo
            doMessage = True
        extraMessage = None
        if doMessage and self.tuningLimitHi and (self.tuning[tempNum] > self.tuningLimitHi):
            self.tuning[tempNum] = self.tuningLimitHi
            extraMessage = " (tuningLimitHi)"
        self.tnNSamples[tempNum] = 0
        self.tnNAccepts[tempNum] = 0
        if var.mcmc_logTunings and doMessage:
            message = "%s tune  gen=%i tempNum=%i acceptance=%.3f " % (, self.mcmc.gen, tempNum, acc)
            message += "(target %.3f -- %.3f) " % (self.tnAccLo, self.tnAccHi)
            message += "Adjusting tuning from %g to %g" % (oldTn, self.tuning[tempNum])
            if extraMessage:
                message += extraMessage

class Proposals(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.proposals = []
        self.topologyProposalsDict = {}
        self.propWeights = []
        self.cumPropWeights = []
        self.totalPropWeights = 0.0
        self.intended = None
        self.pDict = {}

    def summary(self):
        print("There are %i proposals" % len(self.proposals))
        for p in self.proposals:
            print("proposal name=%-10s pNum=%2s, weight=%s, tuning=%s" % (
                '%s,' %, p.pNum, p.weight, p.tuning))
    def calculateWeights(self):
        gm = ["Proposals.calculateWeights()"]
        self.propWeights = []
        for p in self.proposals:
            #print("%s: %s" % (, p.weight))
        self.cumPropWeights = [self.propWeights[0]]
        for i in range(len(self.propWeights))[1:]:
                self.cumPropWeights[i - 1] + self.propWeights[i])
        self.totalPropWeights = sum(self.propWeights)
        if self.totalPropWeights < 1e-9:
            gm.append("No proposal weights?")
            raise P4Error(gm)
        self.intended = self.propWeights[:]
        for i in range(len(self.intended)):
            self.intended[i] /= self.totalPropWeights
        if math.fabs(sum(self.intended) - 1.0 > 1e-14):
            raise P4Error("bad sum of intended proposal probs. %s" % sum(self.intended))

    def chooseProposal(self, equiProbableProposals):
        if equiProbableProposals:
            return random.choice(self.proposals)
            theRan = random.uniform(0.0, self.totalPropWeights)
            for i in range(len(self.cumPropWeights)):
                if theRan < self.cumPropWeights[i]:
            return self.proposals[i]

    def writeProposalIntendedProbs(self):
        """Tabulate the intended proposal probabilities"""

        spacer = ' ' * 4
        print("\nIntended proposal probabilities (%)")
        print("There are %i proposals" % len(self.proposals))
        print("%2s %11s %35s %5s %12s" % ('', 'intended(%)', 'proposal', 'part', 'tuning'))
        for i in range(len(self.proposals)):
            print("%2i" % i, end=' ')
            p = self.proposals[i]
            print("   %6.2f    " % (100. * self.intended[i]), end=' ')

            print(" %32s" %, end=' ')

            if p.pNum != -1:
                print(" %3i " % p.pNum, end=' ')
                print("   - ", end=' ')

            if p.tuning == None:
                print(" %12s "% '    -   ', end=' ')
                if p.tuning[0] < 0.1:
                    print(" %12.4g" % p.tuning[0], end=' ')
                elif p.tuning[0] < 1.0:
                    print(" %12.4f" % p.tuning[0], end=' ')
                elif p.tuning[0] < 10.0:
                    print(" %12.3f" % p.tuning[0], end=' ')
                elif p.tuning[0] < 1000.0:
                    print(" %12.1f" % p.tuning[0], end=' ')
                    print(" %12.2g " % p.tuning[0], end=' ')

    def writeTunings(self):
        print("Proposal tunings:")
        print("%20s %12s" % ("proposal name", "tuning"))
        for p in self.proposals:
            print("%20s" %, end=' ')
            if p.tuning:
                # if p.tuning < 10.0:
                #     print("%12.3f" % p.tuning, end=' ')
                # else:
                #     print("%12.1f" % p.tuning, end=' ')
                print("    %4s    " % '-', end=' ')

class SwapTuner(object):
    """Continuous tuning for swap temperature, matrix version"""

    def __init__(self, sampleSize):
        assert sampleSize >= 100
        self.sampleSize = sampleSize
        self.swaps01_nAttempts = 0
        self.swaps01_nSwaps = 0

        self.tnAccVeryHi = 0.18
        self.tnAccHi = 0.12
        self.tnAccLo = 0.04
        self.tnAccVeryLo = 0.01
        self.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.4
        self.tnFactorHi = 1.2
        self.tnFactorLo = 0.9
        self.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.6
        self.tnFactorZero = 0.4

    def tune(self, theMcmc):
        """A bad idea, at least as implemented.  It is unstable."""
        assert self.swaps01_nAttempts >= self.sampleSize
        acc = float(self.swaps01_nSwaps) / self.swaps01_nAttempts    # float() for Py2
        #print("SwapTuner.tune() nSwaps %i, nAttemps %i, acc %s" % (
        #    self.swaps01_nSwaps, self.swaps01_nAttempts, acc))
        doMessage = False
        direction = None
        if acc > self.tnAccHi:
            oldTn = theMcmc.chainTemp
            if acc > self.tnAccVeryHi:
                theMcmc.chainTemp *= self.tnFactorVeryHi
                theMcmc.chainTemp *= self.tnFactorHi
            doMessage = True
            direction = 'Increase'
        elif acc < self.tnAccLo:
            oldTn = theMcmc.chainTemp
            if acc == 0.0:   # no swaps at all
                theMcmc.chainTemp *= self.tnFactorZero
            elif acc < self.tnAccVeryLo:
                theMcmc.chainTemp *= self.tnFactorVeryLo
                theMcmc.chainTemp *= self.tnFactorLo
            doMessage = True
            direction = 'Decrease'
        self.swaps01_nAttempts = 0
        self.swaps01_nSwaps = 0
        if doMessage:
            message = "%s tune  gen=%i acceptance=%.3f " % ('chainTemp', theMcmc.gen, acc)
            message += "(target %.3f -- %.3f) " % (self.tnAccLo, self.tnAccHi)
            message += "%s chainTemp from %g to %g" % (direction, oldTn, theMcmc.chainTemp)

class SwapTunerV(object):
    """Continuous tuning for swap temperature, vector version"""

    def __init__(self, theMcmc):
        assert theMcmc.swapTunerSampleSize >= 100
        self.mcmc = theMcmc
        self.nChains = theMcmc.nChains

        # These are for adjacent pairs. Eg for attempts between chains 0 and 1,
        # we increment self.nAttempts[0], ie it is indexed with the lower number
        # in the pair.
        self.nAttempts = [0] * self.nChains
        self.nSwaps = [0] * self.nChains

        self.tnAccVeryHi = 0.30
        self.tnAccHi = 0.25
        self.tnAccLo = 0.10
        self.tnAccVeryLo = 0.05
        self.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.4
        self.tnFactorHi = 1.2
        self.tnFactorLo = 0.9
        self.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.6
        self.tnFactorZero = 0.4

    def tune(self, theTempNum):
        assert self.nAttempts[theTempNum] >= self.mcmc.swapTunerSampleSize
        acc = float(self.nSwaps[theTempNum]) / self.nAttempts[theTempNum]    # float() for Py2
        # print("SwapTunerV.tune() theTempNum %i, nSwaps %i, nAttemps %i, acc %s" % (
        #     theTempNum, self.nSwaps[theTempNum], self.nAttempts[theTempNum], acc))
        # print("tempDiffs %s" % self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs)
        # print("temps     %s" % self.mcmc.chainTemps)

        tnLimitHi = 1.0e5
        doMessage = False
        direction = None
        oldTn = self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum]
        if acc > self.tnAccHi:
            if self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum] >= tnLimitHi:
                message = f"chainTemp tune  gen={self.mcmc.gen} tempNum={theTempNum}  diff %g >= tnLimitHi %g --- no change" % (
                    self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum], tnLimitHi)
                direction = "no change"
                if acc > self.tnAccVeryHi:
                    self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum] *= self.tnFactorVeryHi
                    self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum] *= self.tnFactorHi
                doMessage = True
                direction = 'Increase'
        elif acc < self.tnAccLo:
            #if self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum] <= self.tnLimitLo:
            #    direction = "no change"
            if acc == 0.0:   # no swaps at all
                self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum] *= self.tnFactorZero
            elif acc < self.tnAccVeryLo:
                self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum] *= self.tnFactorVeryLo
                self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum] *= self.tnFactorLo
            doMessage = True
            direction = 'Decrease'
        self.nAttempts[theTempNum] = 0
        self.nSwaps[theTempNum] = 0
        if direction != "no change":
            if doMessage:
                message = "%s tune  gen=%i tempNum=%i acceptance=%.3f " % ('chainTemp', self.mcmc.gen, theTempNum, acc)
                message += "(target %.3f -- %.3f) " % (self.tnAccLo, self.tnAccHi)
                message += "%s chainTempDiff from %g to %g" % (direction, oldTn, self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[theTempNum])
        # Make chainTemps from chainTempDiffs
        if self.mcmc.doHeatingHack:
            self.mcmc.chainTemps = [self.mcmc.heatingHackTemperature]
            self.mcmc.chainTemps = [0.0]
        for dNum in range(self.mcmc.nChains - 1):
            self.mcmc.chainTemps.append(self.mcmc.chainTempDiffs[dNum] + self.mcmc.chainTemps[-1])
        if doMessage:
            message = "new chainTemps gen=%i " % (self.mcmc.gen)
            for cT in self.mcmc.chainTemps:
                message += "%10.2f" % cT

[docs] class Mcmc(object): """An MCMC for molecular sequences. aTree The tree should have a model and data attached. nChains The number of chains in the MCMCMC, default 4 runNum You may want to do more than one 'run' in the same directory, to facilitate convergence testing. The first runNum would be 0, and samples, likelihoods, and checkPoints are written to files with that number. sampleInterval Interval at which the cold chain is sampled, including writing a tree, the logLike, and perhaps doing a simulation. checkPointInterval Intervals at which the MCMC is checkpointed, meaning that the whole thing is written to a pickle file. You can re-start from a checkpoint, eg in the event of a crash, or if you just want to make the MCMC run longer. You can turn off checkPointing by setting it to zero or None. simulate a 'binary' number from 1-31 that says what posterior predictive simulation test quantities to collect. This week, we have 1. multinomial log likelihood 2. bigXSquared 4. meanNCharsPerSite 8. c_m, the compStatFromCharFreqs (2 numbers per part--sim and curTree) 16. constant sites count (not proportion) So if you say simulate=1, you get multinomial log like. If you say simulate=2 you get bigXSquared. If you say simulate=6 you get bigXSquared and meanNCharsPerSite. If you say simulate=31 you get all 5. writePrams write changeable model parameters to a file. constraints If you want to constrain the topology, say so with a Constraints object here. A constraints object may enforce multiple and nested constraints. To prepare for a run, instantiate an Mcmc object:: m = Mcmc(t, sampleInterval=1000, checkPointInterval=200000) To start it running, do this:: # Tell it the number of generations to do You will want to make the last generation land on a *checkPointInterval*. So in this case 1000000 is ok, but 900000 is not. As it runs, it saves trees and likelihoods at sampleInterval intervals (actually whenever the current generation number is evenly divisible by the sampleInterval). Whenever the current generation number is evenly divisible by the checkPointInterval it will write a checkPoint file. A checkPoint file is the whole MCMC without the data, and without C-structs. Using a checkPoint, you can re-start an Mcmc from the point you left off. Or, in the event of a crash, you can restart from the latest checkPoint. You can query checkPoints to get information about how the chain has been running, and about convergence diagnostics. In order to restart the MCMC from the end of a previous run, you need the data:: read('yourData.nex') d = Data() # read the last checkPoint file m = func.unPickleMcmc(0, d) # runNum 0 Its that easy if your previous run finished properly. However, if your previous run has crashed and you want to restart it from a checkPoint, then you will need to repair the sample output files to remove samples that were taken after the last checkPoint, but before the crash. Fix the trees, likelihoods, prams, and sims. (You probably do not need to beware of confusing gen (eg 9999) and gen+1 (eg 10000) issues.) When you remove trees from the tree files to restart, each tree file should have the word ``end;`` at the end after the last tree, with a single return after that. Other files (prams and so on) would end more simply with a single return. The checkPoints can help with convergence testing. To help with that, you can use the McmcCheckPointReader class. It will print out a table of average standard deviations of split supports between 2 runs, or between 2 checkPoints from the same run. It will print out tables of proposal acceptances to show whether they change over the course of the MCMC. Another way to monitor convergence of split supports is to use the Trees method trackSplitSupports(). That method requires a reference tree to tell it the splits that it should track; an obvious reference tree to use is the consensus tree, but it need not be; and the reference tree need not be fully resolved. Here is how it might be used:: # read in all 1000 trees in the file read('mcmc_trees_0.nex') tt = Trees() # Make a cons tree only from the last 500 trees tt2 = Trees(trees=var.trees[500:]) tp = TreePartitions(tt2) t = tp.consensus() # Track the splits in the cons tree tt.trackSplitsFromTree(t) This makes a verbose output, and also writes the numbers to a file in case you want to use them later. To make a consensus from the trees from more than one run, you can add trees to an existing TreePartitions object, like this:: tp = TreePartitions('mcmc_trees_0.nex', skip=500)'mcmc_trees_1.nex', skip=500) # add trees from a second run t = tp.consensus() t.reRoot(t.node('OutgroupTaxon').parent) for n in t.iterInternalsNoRoot(): = '%.0f' % (100. * t.writeNexus('cons.nex') """ def __init__(self, aTree, nChains=4, runNum=0, sampleInterval=100, checkPointInterval=10000, simulate=None, writePrams=True, constraints=None, verbose=True, simTempNTemps=None, simTempMax=10.0): gm = ['Mcmc.__init__()'] self.verbose = verbose if aTree and aTree.model and pass else: gm.append("The tree that you feed to this class should have a model and data attached.") raise P4Error(gm) self.isBiRoot = False rootNChildren = aTree.root.getNChildren() if var.mcmc_allowUnresolvedStartingTree: if rootNChildren == 2: self.isBiRoot = True # Add a rooter node to aTree.nodes, not "in" the tree # I did that, but both local and eTBR caused grief. else: if rootNChildren == 2: ret = aTree.isFullyBifurcating(verbose=True, biRoot=True) if not ret: gm.append("The tree has a bifurcating root, but otherwise is not fully bifurcating.") raise P4Error(gm) self.isBiRoot = True # Add a rooter node to aTree.nodes, not "in" the tree n = Node() n.isLeaf = 1 = 'tempRooter' n.nodeNum = var.NO_ORDER aTree.nodes.append(n) aTree.setPreAndPostOrder() elif rootNChildren == 3: ret = aTree.isFullyBifurcating(verbose=True, biRoot=False) if not ret: gm.append("The tree has a trifurcating root, but otherwise is not fully bifurcating.") raise P4Error(gm) self.isBiRoot = False elif rootNChildren == 1: ret = aTree.isFullyBifurcating(verbose=True, biRoot=False) if not ret: gm.append("The tree has a monofurcating root, but otherwise is not fully bifurcating.") raise P4Error(gm) self.isBiRoot = False else: gm.append("Mcmc only allows trifurcating or bifurcating roots. This tree root has %i children" % rootNChildren) raise P4Error(gm) self.tree = aTree self.constraints = constraints if self.constraints: self.tree.makeSplitKeys() assert isinstance(self.constraints, Constraints) mySplitKeys = [] for n in self.tree.iterInternalsNoRoot(): mySplitKeys.append( # print "input tree splitKeys = %s" % mySplitKeys for sk in self.constraints.constraints: if sk not in mySplitKeys: # self.tree.draw() gm.append('Constraint %i %s' % (sk, p4.func.getSplitStringFromKey(sk, self.tree.nTax))) gm.append('is not in the starting tree.') gm.append('Maybe you want to make a randomTree with constraints?') raise P4Error(gm) if self.constraints.rooting: ret = self.constraints.areConsistentWithTreeRoot(self.tree) if not ret: gm.append("The starting tree is not consistent with the constraints.cTree") raise P4Error(gm) try: nChains = int(nChains) except (ValueError, TypeError): gm.append("nChains should be an int, 1 or more. Got %s" % nChains) raise P4Error(gm) if nChains < 1: gm.append("nChains should be an int, 1 or more. Got %s" % nChains) raise P4Error(gm) self.nChains = nChains self.chains = [] self.gen = -1 self.startMinusOne = -1 self.chainTemp = 1.0 self.chainTemps = [] self.simTemp = None self.simTemp_doTuneTempsAndLogPi = True self.simTemp_doLogTemps = True self.simTemp_tempsLogFName = "mcmc_simTempTempsLog" self.simTemp_tempsFlob = None # Open file # If we are doing simulated tempering ... if simTempNTemps: try: simTempNTemps = int(simTempNTemps) except (ValueError, TypeError): gm.append("If set, simTempNTemps should be an int, 2 or more. Got %s" % simTempNTemps) raise P4Error(gm) if simTempNTemps < 2: gm.append("If set, simTempNTemps should be an int, 2 or more. Got %s" % simTempNTemps) raise P4Error(gm) if self.nChains != 1: gm.append("If simTempNTemps is set, nChains should only be 1. Got %i" % self.nChains) self.simTemp = SimTemp(self) self.simTemp.nTemps = simTempNTemps try: thisSimTempMax = float(simTempMax) except (ValueError, TypeError): gm.append("If doing simTemp, simTempMax should be set to a float more than zero. Got %s" % simTempMax) raise P4Error(gm) if thisSimTempMax <= 0.0: gm.append("If doing simTemp, simTempMax should be set to a float more than zero. Got %s" % simTempMax) raise P4Error(gm) #self.simTemp_maxTemp = thisSimTempMax if 0: # This makes the simTemp temperatures evenly spaced. stepSize = self.simTemp.maxTemp / (self.simTemp.nTemps - 1) self.simTemp.temps = [SimTempTemp(0.0)] for tNum in range(1,self.simTemp.nTemps): tmp = SimTempTemp(tNum * stepSize) self.simTemp.temps.append(tmp) if 1: # This makes more small temperatures and fewer big temperatures # The bigger the logBase, the more curvey the curve. Smaller is more linear logBase = var.mcmc_simTemp_tempCurveLogBase factor = thisSimTempMax / (math.pow(logBase, self.simTemp.nTemps - 1) - 1.0) tmp = SimTempTemp() tmp.temp = 0.0 tmp.tempNum = 0 self.simTemp.temps = [tmp] for tNum in range(1,self.simTemp.nTemps): tmp = SimTempTemp() tmp.tempNum = tNum tmp.temp = (math.pow(logBase, tNum) - 1.) * factor self.simTemp.temps.append(tmp) self.simTemp.tNumSampleSize = var.mcmc_simTemp_tNumSampleSizePerTemp * self.simTemp.nTemps self.simTemp.setTempDiffsFromTemps() if 1: print("Initial settings of temperatures in Mcmc.__init__()") for tNum,tmp in enumerate(self.simTemp.temps): print("%2i %10.3f" % (tNum, tmp.temp)) self.simTemp.tNumSample = deque([-1] * self.simTemp.tNumSampleSize) # Check that branch lengths are neither too short nor too long for n in self.tree.iterNodesNoRoot(): if < var.BRLEN_MIN: gm.append("Mcmc.__init__() node %i brlen (%g)is too short." % (n.nodeNum, raise P4Error(gm) elif > var.BRLEN_MAX: gm.append("Mcmc.__init__() node %i brlen (%f)is too long." % (n.nodeNum, raise P4Error(gm) # Get the run number try: runNum = int(runNum) except (ValueError, TypeError): gm.append("runNum should be an int, 0 or more. Got %s" % runNum) raise P4Error(gm) if runNum < 0: gm.append("runNum should be an int, 0 or more. Got %s" % runNum) raise P4Error(gm) self.runNum = runNum self.loggerPrinter = None self.logger = None self._setLogger() # Check that we are not going to over-write good stuff ff = os.listdir(os.getcwd()) hasPickle = False for fName in ff: if fName.startswith("mcmc_checkPoint_%i." % self.runNum): hasPickle = True break if hasPickle: gm.append("runNum is set to %i" % self.runNum) gm.append("There is at least one file in this directory." % self.runNum) gm.append("This is a new Mcmc, and I am refusing to over-write exisiting files.") gm.append("Maybe you want to re-start from the latest mcmc_checkPoint_%i file?" % self.runNum) gm.append("Otherwise, get rid of the existing files and start again." % self.runNum) raise P4Error(gm) if var.strictRunNumberChecking: # We want to start runs with number 0, so if runNum is more than # that, check that there are other runs. if self.runNum > 0: for runNum2 in range(self.runNum): hasTrees = False for fName in ff: if fName.startswith("mcmc_trees_%i" % runNum2): hasTrees = True break if not hasTrees: gm.append("runNum is set to %i" % self.runNum) gm.append("runNums should go from zero up.") gm.append("There are no mcmc_trees_%i.nex files to show that run %i has been done." % ( runNum2, runNum2)) gm.append("Set the runNum to that, first.") gm.append("(To get rid of this requirement, turn off var.strictRunNumberChecking.)") raise P4Error(gm) self.sampleInterval = sampleInterval self.checkPointInterval = checkPointInterval self.props = Proposals() self.tunableProps = """allBrLens allCompsDir brLen compDir gdasrv local ndch2_internalCompsDir ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha ndch2_leafCompsDir ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha ndch2_priorRefCompDir pInvar rMatrixDir allRMatricesDir ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir ndrh2_internalRatesDir ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha ndrh2_leafRatesDir ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha relRate """.split() # Maybetunablebutnotnow compLocation eTBR polytomy root3 root3n rMatrixLocation root2 self.treePartitions = None self.likesFileName = "mcmc_likes_%i" % runNum self.treeFileName = "mcmc_trees_%i.nex" % runNum self.simFileName = "mcmc_sims_%i" % runNum self.pramsFileName = "mcmc_prams_%i" % runNum self.hypersFileName = "mcmc_hypers_%i" % runNum self.simTempFileName = "mcmc_simTemp_%i" % runNum self.ssLikesFileName = "mcmc_ssLikes_%i" % runNum # self.siteLikesFileName = "mcmc_siteLikes_%i" % runNum self.likesFile = None self.treeFile = None self.simFile = None self.pramsFile = None self.hypersFile = None self.ssLikesFile = None # self.siteLikesFile = None self.writePrams = writePrams # self.writeSiteLikes = False self.doCpo = False self.cpo_startGen = None self.cpo_sumsOfInverseSiteLikes = None self.cpo_nSamples = None self.writeHypers = True self.coldChainNum = -1 self.lastTimeCheck = None if simulate: try: simulate = int(simulate) except (ValueError, TypeError): gm.append("Arg 'simulate' should be an int, 1-31, inclusive.") raise P4Error(gm) if simulate <= 0 or simulate > 31: gm.append("Arg 'simulate' should be an int, 1-31, inclusive.") raise P4Error(gm) self.simulate = simulate self.simTree = None if self.nChains > 1: self.swapMatrix = [] for i in range(self.nChains): self.swapMatrix.append([0] * self.nChains) else: self.swapMatrix = None self.swapTuner = None self.swapTunerDoTuning = True self.swapTunerSampleSize = 250 self.stickyRootComp = False # check the tree, and tree+model+data if not aTree.taxNames: gm.append("The tree that you supply should have a 'taxNames' attribute.") gm.append("The taxNames should be in the same order as the data.") raise P4Error(gm) aTree.calcLogLike(verbose=False) if 0: # print complaintHead print(" logLike of the input tree is %s" % aTree.logLike) # Default tunings self._tunings = McmcTunings(self.tree.model.nParts) self.polytomyUseResolutionClassPrior = False self.polytomyPriorLogBigC = 0.0 self.prob = McmcProposalProbs() # New tunings --- compDir and rMatrixDir, seem to depend on the dim. # And now allCompsDir for pNum in range(self._tunings.nParts): theDim =[pNum].dim nRates = ((theDim * theDim) - theDim) / 2[pNum].default['compDir'] = 50. * theDim[pNum].default['allCompsDir'] = 100. * theDim[pNum].default['ndch2_leafCompsDir'] = 2000. * theDim[pNum].default['ndch2_internalCompsDir'] = 500. * theDim[pNum].default['ndch2_priorRefCompDir'] = 500. * theDim[pNum].default['rMatrixDir'] = 50. * nRates[pNum].default['allRMatricesDir'] = 100. * nRates[pNum].default['ndrh2_leafRatesDir'] = 50. * nRates[pNum].default['ndrh2_internalRatesDir'] = 50. * nRates[pNum].default['ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir'] = 50. * nRates # Zap internal node names for n in aTree.root.iterInternals(): if = None # If we need relRate, turn it on, and say so. if self.tree.model.nParts > 1 and self.tree.model.relRatesAreFree: self.prob.relRate = 1.0 if self.verbose: print("\nInitiating across-data heterogeneous model...") print("\n%23s" % "Additional proposals:") print(" relative partition rate = on") print("\n %s" % "[You can turn it off by setting") print(" %s" % "yourMcmc.prob.relRate=0.0]") else: self.prob.relRate = 0.0 nNodes = len(list(self.tree.iterNodes())) for pNum in range(self.tree.model.nParts): mp =[pNum] dp =[pNum] if mp.ndch2: if mp.nComps != nNodes: gm.append("Model part %i, ndch2 is on, nNodes is %i, nComps is %i" % ( pNum, nNodes, mp.nComps)) gm.append("For ndch2 there should be one comp for each node.") raise P4Error(gm) if mp.nGdasrvs > 1: gm.append("Model part %i, ndch2 is on, nNodes is %i, nGdasrvs is %i" % ( pNum, nNodes, mp.nGdasrvs)) gm.append("This week, for ndch2 there should be only one gdasrv.") raise P4Error(gm) for n in self.tree.iterNodes(): assert n.nodeNum ==[pNum].compNum if not mp.ndch2_priorRefComp: mp.ndch2_priorRefComp = numpy.array(dp.composition()) mp.ndch2_priorRefComp = numpy.array(mp.ndch2_priorRefComp, dtype=float) # if not already a numpy.array assert len(mp.ndch2_priorRefComp) == mp.dim theMin = numpy.min(mp.ndch2_priorRefComp) if theMin < var.PIVEC_MIN: gm.append("ndch2_priorRefComp min value is too low (%s)" % theMin) gm.append("Set it 'by hand'") raise P4Error(gm) mp.ndch2_priorRefComp /= theMin while mp.ndch2_priorRefComp.min() < var.PIVEC_MIN: for i in range(mp.dim): if mp.ndch2_priorRefComp[i] < var.PIVEC_MIN: mp.ndch2_priorRefComp[i] += (1.0 + (1.1 * random.random())) * var.PIVEC_MIN mp.ndch2_priorRefComp /= mp.ndch2_priorRefComp.sum() # print(f"Mcmc init() mp.ndch2_priorRefComp is {mp.ndch2_priorRefComp}") # ususal comp proposals should not be on if we are doing ndch2 self.prob.compDir = 0.0 self.prob.allCompsDir = 0.0 self.prob.compLocation = 0.0 if mp.ndrh2: if mp.nRMatrices != nNodes - 1: gm.append("Model part %i, ndrh2 is on, nNodes is %i, nRMatices is %i" % ( pNum, nNodes, mp.nRMatrices)) gm.append("For ndrh2 there should be one comp for each node except the root.") raise P4Error(gm) for n in self.tree.iterNodesNoRoot(): assert n.nodeNum ==[pNum].rMatrixNum + 1 thisRMatrixLen = int(((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2) if not mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix: mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix = numpy.ones(thisRMatrixLen) mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix = numpy.array(mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix, dtype=float) # if not already a numpy.array assert len(mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix) == thisRMatrixLen mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix /= numpy.min(mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix) while mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix.min() < var.RATE_MIN: for i in range(thisRMatrixLen): if mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix[i] < var.RATE_MIN: mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix[i] += (1.0 + (1.1 * random.random())) * var.RATE_MIN mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix /= mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix.sum() # print(f"Mcmc init() mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix is {mp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix}") # Turn off non-ndrh2 rmatrix moves self.prob.rMatrixDir = 0.0 self.prob.allRMatricesDir = 0.0 self.prob.rMatrixLocation = 0.0 if self.tree.model.isHet: props_on = [] if verbose: print("\nInitiating across-tree heterogeneous model...") self.tree.setModelComponentsNNodes() if self.verbose: self.tree.summarizeModelComponentsNNodes() for pNum in range(self.tree.model.nParts): mp =[pNum] if mp.nComps > 1 and mp.nComps < nNodes: self.prob.compLocation = 1.0 if "composition location" not in props_on: props_on.append("composition location") if mp.nRMatrices > 1 and mp.nRMatrices < (nNodes - 1): self.prob.rMatrixLocation = 1.0 if "rate matrix location" not in props_on: props_on.append("rate matrix location") if mp.nGdasrvs > 1 and mp.nGdasrvs < nNodes: self.prob.gdasrvLocation = 1.0 if "gamma rate location" not in props_on: props_on.append("gamma rate location") if mp.ndch2: self.prob.ndch2_leafCompsDir = 1.0 thisMString = "ndch2_leafCompsDir" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) self.prob.ndch2_internalCompsDir = 1.0 thisMString = "ndch2_internalCompsDir" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) self.prob.ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha = 1.0 thisMString = "ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) self.prob.ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha = 1.0 thisMString = "ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) self.prob.ndch2_priorRefCompDir = 1.0 thisMString = "ndch2_priorRefCompDir" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) if mp.ndrh2: self.prob.ndrh2_leafRatesDir = 1.0 thisMString = "ndrh2_leafRatesDir" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) self.prob.ndrh2_internalRatesDir = 1.0 thisMString = "ndrh2_internalRatesDir" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) self.prob.ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha = 1.0 thisMString = "ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) self.prob.ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha = 1.0 thisMString = "ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) self.prob.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir = 1.0 thisMString = "ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir" if thisMString not in props_on: props_on.append(thisMString) if self.constraints and self.constraints.rooting: # a root constraint self.prob.root2 = 0.0 self.prob.root3 = 0.0 self.prob.root3n = 0.0 print("There is a constraint on the root position, so turning root proposals off.") else: print("root proposals are now turned off by default") self.prob.root2 = 0.0 self.prob.root3 = 0.0 self.prob.root3n = 0.0 # if self.isBiRoot: # self.prob.root2 = 1.0 # thisMString = "root2 (root location)" # if thisMString not in props_on: # props_on.append(thisMString) # else: # self.prob.root3 = 1.0 # thisMString = "root3 (root location)" # if thisMString not in props_on: # props_on.append(thisMString) # self.prob.root3n = 1.0 # thisMString = "root3n (root location, neighbours)" # if thisMString not in props_on: # props_on.append(thisMString) if verbose: print("\n%23s" % "Additional proposals:") for prop in props_on: print("%30s = on" % prop) print("\n %s" % "[All set to a relative proposal probability of 1.0. You can adjust those,") print(" %s" % " or turn them off, eg by setting m.prob.theProposal=0.0, before]\n") else: self.prob.root3 = 0.0 self.prob.root3n = 0.0 self.prob.root2 = 0.0 self.prob.compLocation = 0.0 self.prob.rMatrixLocation = 0.0 #self.prob.gdasrvLocation = 0.0 splash = p4.func.splash2(verbose=False) for aLine in splash: print(aLine) # Check the data for blank sequences, partition by partition hasBlanks = False blankSeqNums = [] for partNum in range( p =[partNum] partBlankSeqNums = [] for taxNum in range( nSites = pf.partSequenceSitesCount(p.cPart, taxNum) # no gaps, no missings # print(f"Mcmc.__init__() partNum {partNum} taxNum {taxNum} nSites {nSites}") if not nSites: partBlankSeqNums.append(taxNum) if partBlankSeqNums: hasBlanks = True blankSeqNums.append(partBlankSeqNums) if hasBlanks:"Blank sequences were found. For each partition, the sequence numbers are ---")"{blankSeqNums}")"These will be skipped in bigXSq simulations.") self.blankSeqNums = blankSeqNums else: self.blankSeqNums = None self.swapVector = var.mcmc_swapVector # Usually True if self.swapVector: if self.nChains > 1: print("%16s: %s" % ('swapVector', "on")) self.swapTuner = SwapTunerV(self) print("%16s: %s" % ('swapTuner', "on")) else: if self.nChains > 1: print("%16s: %s" % ('swapVector', "off")) # Hidden experimental hacking self.doHeatingHack = False self.heatingHackTemperature = 5.0 self.originalHeatingHackTemperature = 5.0 self.heatingHackRamper = None # Whether logging from the Pf module is turned on. # When it is turned on, a callback is set up to self._logFromPfModule() self.setupPfLogging = False # Whether to do root3 and root3n tuning or not # self.doRoot3Tuning = False # self.doRoot3nTuning = False if not var.gsl_rng: var.gsl_rng = pf.gsl_rng_get() pf.gsl_rng_set(var.gsl_rng, int(time.time())) the_gsl_rng_size = pf.gsl_rng_size(var.gsl_rng) # size of the state # A place to store the state. Empty to start. It is stored during a checkpoint. self.gsl_rng_state_ndarray = numpy.array(['0'] * the_gsl_rng_size, numpy.dtype('B')) # B is unsigned byte self.randomState = None # for python random library # For re-starts, if these values have changed or have been forgotten, allow checking and warning in self.init_PIVEC_MIN = var.PIVEC_MIN self.init_RATE_MIN = var.RATE_MIN self.init_BRLEN_MIN = var.BRLEN_MIN self.init_GAMMA_SHAPE_MIN = var.GAMMA_SHAPE_MIN # For stepping stone power posteriors self.doSteppingStone = False self.ssBeta = None
[docs] def _setLogger(self): """Make a logger.""" # Need to reset, or else basicConfig will be ignored log = logging.getLogger() # root logger for hdlr in log.handlers[:]: # remove all old handlers log.removeHandler(hdlr) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]', filename="mcmc_log_%i" % self.runNum, filemode='a') # This logger only logs to the file, not to stderr. self.logger = logging.getLogger("logFileOnly")
def _logFromPfModule(self, treeAddress, message): tinfo = None for chNum,ch in enumerate(self.chains): if ch.curTree.cTree == treeAddress: tinfo = "gen %i, chain %i, curTree; " % (self.gen, chNum) elif ch.propTree.cTree == treeAddress: tinfo = "gen %i, chain %i, propTree; " % (self.gen, chNum) if not tinfo: tinfo = "unknown tree; " message = tinfo + message #print(treeAddress, message)
[docs] def _makeProposals(self): """Make proposals for the mcmc.""" gm = ['Mcmc._makeProposals()'] # The weight determines how often proposals are made. The # weight is the product of 4 things: # # 1. User-settable self.prob.something. Its going to be # 1.0 by default, if it is on. # # 2. The inherent complexity of the proposal. Eg if there # is only one parameter, like pInvar, that would have a # complexity of 1, while a DNA composition proposal # would have a complexity of 3, and a protein # composition would have a complexity of 19. # # 3. In the NDCH or NDRH model, the number of comps or rMatrices in # the partition. So two comps doubles the weight compared to one # comp. # # 4. A fudge factor. Arbitrary witchcraft. # # So for example, for the 'local' proposal, the inherent # complexity is the number of nodes in the tree. That is the # same complexity as 'root3', but I don't think that root3 # needs to be proposed nearly as often as local, so I upweight # local using a fudgeFactor. So the weight will be # p.weight = self.prob.local * len(self.tree.nodes) * fudgeFactor['local'] # brLen if self.prob.brLen: p = Proposal(self) = 'brLen' p.tuning = [self._tunings.default[]] * self.nChains p.brLenPriorType = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorType'] p.brLenPriorLambda = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorLambda'] p.weight = self.prob.brLen * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['brLen'] p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnAccHi = 0.6 p.tnAccLo = 0.1 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.05 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # allBrLens if self.prob.allBrLens: p = Proposal(self) = 'allBrLens' p.tuning = [self._tunings.default[]] * self.nChains p.tuningLimitHi = 0.2 p.brLenPriorType = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorType'] p.brLenPriorLambda = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorLambda'] p.weight = self.prob.allBrLens * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['allBrLens'] p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # eTBR if self.prob.eTBR: p = Proposal(self) = 'eTBR' p.etbrLambda = self._tunings.default['etbrLambda'] p.etbrPExt = self._tunings.default['etbrPExt'] p.brLenPriorType = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorType'] p.brLenPriorLambda = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorLambda'] p.weight = self.prob.eTBR * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['eTBR'] self.props.proposals.append(p) # local if self.prob.local: p = Proposal(self) = 'local' p.tuning = [self._tunings.default[]] * self.nChains p.brLenPriorType = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorType'] p.brLenPriorLambda = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorLambda'] p.weight = self.prob.local * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['local'] p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnAccHi = 0.6 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # polytomy if self.prob.polytomy: p = Proposal(self) = 'polytomy' p.brLenPriorType = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorType'] p.brLenPriorLambda = self._tunings.default['brLenPriorLambda'] p.polytomyUseResolutionClassPrior = self.polytomyUseResolutionClassPrior p.polytomyPriorLogBigC = self.polytomyPriorLogBigC p.weight = self.prob.polytomy * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['polytomy'] self.props.proposals.append(p) # root3 if self.prob.root3: if len(self.tree.taxNames) <= 3: pass else: p = Proposal(self) = 'root3' #p.tuning = [self._tunings.default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.root3 * \ self.tree.nInternalNodes * fudgeFactor['root3'] p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.3 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.6 self.props.proposals.append(p) # root3n if self.prob.root3n: if len(self.tree.taxNames) <= 3: pass else: p = Proposal(self) = 'root3n' #p.tuning = [self._tunings.default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.root3n * \ self.tree.nInternalNodes * fudgeFactor['root3n'] p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.5 p.tnAccHi = 0.4 p.tnAccLo = 0.1 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.06 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.6 self.props.proposals.append(p) # root2 if self.prob.root2: if len(self.tree.taxNames) <= 3: pass else: p = Proposal(self) = 'root2' p.tuning = [self._tunings.default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.root2 * self.tree.nInternalNodes * fudgeFactor['root3n'] p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.5 p.tnAccHi = 0.4 p.tnAccLo = 0.1 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.06 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # relRate if self.prob.relRate: if self.tree.model.nParts == 1: pass if self.tree.model.doRelRates and self.tree.model.relRatesAreFree: p = Proposal(self) = 'relRate' p.tuning = [self._tunings.default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.relRate * self.tree.model.nParts p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnAccHi = 0.6 p.tnAccLo = 0.1 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.06 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # comp, rMatrix, gdasrv, pInvar, modelComponentLocations ... for pNum in range(self.tree.model.nParts): mp =[pNum] # # comp # if self.prob.comp: # if mp.comps and mp.comps[0].free: # for mtNum in range(mp.nComps): # assert mp.comps[mtNum].free # p = Proposal(self) # = 'comp' # p.tuning =[pNum].default[] # p.weight = self.prob.comp * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps # p.pNum = pNum # p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 # p.tnAccHi = 0.6 # p.tnAccLo = 0.1 # p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.06 # p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 # p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 # p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 # p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 # self.props.proposals.append(p) # compDir if self.prob.compDir: if mp.comps and mp.comps[0].free: for mtNum in range(mp.nComps): assert mp.comps[mtNum].free p = Proposal(self) = 'compDir' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.compDir * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.6 self.props.proposals.append(p) # allCompsDir if self.prob.allCompsDir: if mp.comps and mp.comps[0].free: for mtNum in range(mp.nComps): assert mp.comps[mtNum].free p = Proposal(self) = 'allCompsDir' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.allCompsDir * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['allCompsDir'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.4 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndch2_leafCompsDir if self.prob.ndch2_leafCompsDir: for mtNum in range(mp.nComps): assert mp.comps[mtNum].free p = Proposal(self) = 'ndch2_leafCompsDir' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_leafCompsDir * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['ndch2comp'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.4 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndch2_internalCompsDir if self.prob.ndch2_internalCompsDir: for mtNum in range(mp.nComps): assert mp.comps[mtNum].free p = Proposal(self) = 'ndch2_internalCompsDir' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_internalCompsDir * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['ndch2comp'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.4 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha if self.prob.ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha: p = Proposal(self) = 'ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['ndch2alpha'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnAccHi = 0.6 p.tnAccLo = 0.1 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.06 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha if self.prob.ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha: p = Proposal(self) = 'ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['ndch2alpha'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnAccHi = 0.6 p.tnAccLo = 0.1 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.06 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndch2_priorRefCompDir if self.prob.ndch2_priorRefCompDir: p = Proposal(self) = 'ndch2_priorRefCompDir' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_priorRefCompDir * (mp.dim - 1) * fudgeFactor['ndch2priorRefComp'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.4 self.props.proposals.append(p) # rMatrixDir if self.prob.rMatrixDir: if mp.rMatrices and mp.rMatrices[0].free: for mtNum in range(mp.nRMatrices): assert mp.rMatrices[mtNum].free p = Proposal(self) = 'rMatrixDir' if mp.rMatrices[mtNum].spec == '2p': p.weight = self.prob.rMatrixDir # Is this enough? p.variant = '2p' p.tuning = [[pNum].default['twoP']] * self.nChains else: p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.rMatrixDir * mp.nRMatrices * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2) - 1) p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.4 self.props.proposals.append(p) # allRMatricesDir if self.prob.allRMatricesDir: if mp.rMatrices and mp.rMatrices[0].free: for mtNum in range(mp.nRMatrices): assert mp.rMatrices[mtNum].free p = Proposal(self) = 'allRMatricesDir' if mp.rMatrices[mtNum].spec == '2p': raise P4Error("Proposal allRMatricesDir is not yet working for 2p. Fixme.") else: p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.allRMatricesDir * mp.nRMatrices * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2) - 1) * fudgeFactor['allRMatricesDir'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.4 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndrh2_leafRatesDir if self.prob.ndrh2_leafRatesDir: for mtNum in range(mp.nRMatrices): assert mp.rMatrices[mtNum].free p = Proposal(self) = 'ndrh2_leafRatesDir' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_leafRatesDir * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ mp.nRMatrices * fudgeFactor['ndrh2rates'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.4 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndrh2_internalRatesDir if self.prob.ndrh2_internalRatesDir: for mtNum in range(mp.nRMatrices): assert mp.rMatrices[mtNum].free p = Proposal(self) = 'ndrh2_internalRatesDir' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_internalRatesDir * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ mp.nRMatrices * fudgeFactor['ndrh2rates'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.4 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha if self.prob.ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha: p = Proposal(self) = 'ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ mp.nRMatrices * fudgeFactor['ndrh2alpha'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnAccHi = 0.6 p.tnAccLo = 0.1 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.06 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha if self.prob.ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha: p = Proposal(self) = 'ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ mp.nRMatrices * fudgeFactor['ndrh2alpha'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnAccHi = 0.6 p.tnAccLo = 0.1 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.06 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir if self.prob.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir: for mtNum in range(mp.nRMatrices): assert mp.rMatrices[mtNum].free p = Proposal(self) = 'ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ fudgeFactor['ndrh2priorRefRMatrix'] p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.4 p.tnAccHi = 0.15 p.tnAccLo = 0.05 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.03 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnFactorHi = 0.8 p.tnFactorLo = 1.2 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 1.4 self.props.proposals.append(p) # gdasrv if self.prob.gdasrv: if mp.nGdasrvs and mp.gdasrvs[0].free: assert mp.nGdasrvs == 1 p = Proposal(self) = 'gdasrv' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.gdasrv p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnAccHi = 0.6 p.tnAccLo = 0.15 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.10 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 2.0 p.tnFactorHi = 1.5 p.tnFactorLo = 0.75 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.5 self.props.proposals.append(p) # pInvar if self.prob.pInvar: if p = Proposal(self) = 'pInvar' p.tuning = [[pNum].default[]] * self.nChains p.weight = self.prob.pInvar p.pNum = pNum p.tnAccVeryHi = 0.7 p.tnAccHi = 0.6 p.tnAccLo = 0.1 p.tnAccVeryLo = 0.06 p.tnFactorVeryHi = 1.6 p.tnFactorHi = 1.2 p.tnFactorLo = 0.8 p.tnFactorVeryLo = 0.7 self.props.proposals.append(p) # compLocation if self.prob.compLocation: if mp.nComps > 1: p = Proposal(self) = 'compLocation' p.tuning = None[pNum].default[] p.weight = self.prob.compLocation * mp.nComps * len(self.tree.nodes) * \ fudgeFactor['compLocation'] p.pNum = pNum self.props.proposals.append(p) # rMatrixLocation if self.prob.rMatrixLocation: if mp.nRMatrices > 1: p = Proposal(self) = 'rMatrixLocation' p.tuning = None[pNum].default[] p.weight = self.prob.rMatrixLocation * mp.nRMatrices * (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * \ fudgeFactor['rMatrixLocation'] p.pNum = pNum self.props.proposals.append(p) # # gdasrvLocation # if self.prob.gdasrvLocation: # if mp.nGdasrvs > 1: # p = Proposal(self) # = 'gdasrvLocation' # p.weight = self.prob.gdasrvLocation * mp.nGdasrvs * (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * \ # fudgeFactor['gdasrvLocation'] # p.pNum = pNum # self.props.proposals.append(p) if not self.props.proposals: gm.append("No proposals?") raise P4Error(gm) for p in self.props.proposals: if in ['local', 'eTBR', 'polytomy']: self.props.topologyProposalsDict[] = p self.props.calculateWeights()
[docs] def _refreshProposalProbs(self): """Adjust proposals after a restart.""" gm = ['Mcmc._refreshProposalProbs()'] for p in self.props.proposals: # brLen if == 'brLen': p.weight = self.prob.brLen * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['brLen'] # allBrLens if == 'allBrLens': p.weight = self.prob.allBrLens * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['allBrLens'] # eTBR if == 'eTBR': p.weight = self.prob.eTBR * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['eTBR'] # local if == 'local': p.weight = self.prob.local * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['local'] # # treeScale # if == 'treeScale': # p.weight = self.prob.treeScale * \ # (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['treeScale'] # polytomy if == 'polytomy': p.weight = self.prob.polytomy * \ (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * fudgeFactor['polytomy'] # root3 if == 'root3': p.weight = self.prob.root3 * \ self.tree.nInternalNodes * fudgeFactor['root3'] # root3n if == 'root3n': p.weight = self.prob.root3n * \ self.tree.nInternalNodes * fudgeFactor['root3n'] # relRate if == 'relRate': p.weight = self.prob.relRate * self.tree.model.nParts # # comp # if == 'comp': # mp =[p.pNum] # p.weight = self.prob.comp * float(mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps # compDir if == 'compDir': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.compDir * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps # allCompsDir if == 'allCompsDir': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.allCompsDir * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['allCompsDir'] # ndch2_leafCompsDir if == 'ndch2_leafCompsDir': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_leafCompsDir * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['ndch2comp'] # ndch2_internalCompsDir if == 'ndch2_internalCompsDir': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_internalCompsDir * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['ndch2comp'] # ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha if == 'ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['ndch2alpha'] # ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha if == 'ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha * (mp.dim - 1) * mp.nComps * fudgeFactor['ndch2alpha'] # ndch2_priorRefCompDir if == 'ndch2_priorRefCompDir': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndch2_priorRefCompDir * (mp.dim - 1) * fudgeFactor['ndch2priorRefComp'] # # rMatrix # if == 'rMatrix': # mp =[p.pNum] # if mp.rMatrices[0].spec == '2p': # p.weight = self.prob.rMatrix # else: # p.weight = self.prob.rMatrix * mp.nRMatrices * \ # ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2) - 1) # rMatrixDir if == 'rMatrixDir': mp =[p.pNum] if mp.rMatrices[0].spec == '2p': p.weight = self.prob.rMatrixDir else: p.weight = self.prob.rMatrixDir * mp.nRMatrices * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1) # allRMatricesDir if == 'allRMatricesDir': mp =[p.pNum] #if mp.rMatrices[0].spec == '2p': # p.weight = self.prob.rMatrixDir #else: p.weight = self.prob.allRMatricesDir * mp.nRMatrices * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * fudgeFactor['allRMatricesDir'] # ndrh2_leafRatesDir if == 'ndrh2_leafRatesDir': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_leafRatesDir * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ mp.nRMatrices * fudgeFactor['ndrh2rates'] # ndrh2_internalRatesDir if == 'ndrh2_internalRatesDir': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_internalRatesDir * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ mp.nRMatrices * fudgeFactor['ndrh2rates'] # ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha if == 'ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ mp.nRMatrices * fudgeFactor['ndrh2alpha'] # ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha if == 'ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ mp.nRMatrices * fudgeFactor['ndrh2alpha'] # ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix if == 'ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrixDir * \ ((((mp.dim * mp.dim) - mp.dim) / 2.) - 1.) * \ fudgeFactor['ndrh2priorRefRMatrix'] # gdasrv if == 'gdasrv': p.weight = self.prob.gdasrv # pInvar if == 'pInvar': p.weight = self.prob.pInvar # compLocation if == 'compLocation': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.compLocation * mp.nComps * \ len(self.tree.nodes) * fudgeFactor['compLocation'] # rMatrixLocation if == 'rMatrixLocation': mp =[p.pNum] p.weight = self.prob.rMatrixLocation * mp.nRMatrices * (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * \ fudgeFactor['rMatrixLocation'] # # gdasrvLocation # if == 'gdasrvLocation': # mp =[p.pNum] # p.weight = self.prob.gdasrvLocation * mp.nGdasrvs * (len(self.tree.nodes) - 1) * \ # fudgeFactor['gdasrvLocation'] self.props.calculateWeights()
[docs] def writeProposalAcceptances(self): """Pretty-print the proposal acceptances.""" if (self.gen - self.startMinusOne) <= 0: print("\nwriteProposalAcceptances() There is no info in memory. ") print(" Maybe it was just emptied after writing to a checkpoint? ") print("If so, read the checkPoint and get the proposalAcceptances from there.") return spacer = ' ' * 8 print("\nProposal acceptances, run %i, for %i gens, from gens %i to %i, inclusive." % ( self.runNum, (self.gen - self.startMinusOne), self.startMinusOne + 1, self.gen)) print("%s %30s %5s %10s %13s%10s" % (spacer, 'proposal', 'part', 'nProposals', 'acceptance(%)', 'tuning')) for p in self.props.proposals: print("%s" % spacer, end=' ') print("%30s" %, end=' ') if p.pNum != -1: print(" %3i " % p.pNum, end=' ') else: print(" - ", end=' ') print("%10i" % p.nProposals[0], end=' ') if p.nProposals[0]: # Don't divide by zero print(" %5.1f " % (100.0 * float(p.nAcceptances[0]) / float(p.nProposals[0])), end=' ') else: print(" - ", end=' ') if p.tuning == None: print(" -", end=' ') elif p.tuning[0] < 2.0: print(" %8.4f" % p.tuning[0], end=' ') elif p.tuning[0] < 20.0: print(" %8.3f" % p.tuning[0], end=' ') elif p.tuning[0] < 200.0: print(" %8.1f" % p.tuning[0], end=' ') else: print(" %8.3g" % p.tuning[0], end=' ') print() # Tabulate topology changes for 'local', if any were attempted. doTopol = 0 p = self.props.topologyProposalsDict.get('local') if p: for tNum in range(self.nChains): if p.nTopologyChangeAttempts[tNum]: doTopol = 1 break if doTopol: print("'Local' proposal-- attempted topology changes") print("%s tempNum nProps nAccepts percent nTopolChangeAttempts nTopolChanges percent" % spacer) for tNum in range(self.nChains): print("%s" % spacer, end=' ') print("%4i " % tNum, end=' ') print("%9i" % p.nProposals[tNum], end=' ') print("%8i" % p.nAcceptances[tNum], end=' ') print(" %5.1f" % (100.0 * float(p.nAcceptances[tNum]) / float(p.nProposals[tNum])), end=' ') print("%20i" % p.nTopologyChangeAttempts[tNum], end=' ') print("%13i" % p.nTopologyChanges[tNum], end=' ') print(" %5.1f" % (100.0 * float(p.nTopologyChanges[tNum]) / float(p.nTopologyChangeAttempts[tNum]))) else: print("%sFor the 'local' proposals, there were no attempted" % spacer) print("%stopology changes in any of the chains." % spacer) # do the same for eTBR doTopol = 0 p = self.props.topologyProposalsDict.get('eTBR') if p: for tNum in range(self.nChains): if p.nTopologyChangeAttempts[tNum]: doTopol = 1 break if doTopol: print("'eTBR' proposal-- attempted topology changes") print("%s tempNum nProps nAccepts percent nTopolChangeAttempts nTopolChanges percent" % spacer) for tNum in range(self.nChains): print("%s" % spacer, end=' ') print("%4i " % tNum, end=' ') print("%9i" % p.nProposals[tNum], end=' ') print("%8i" % p.nAcceptances[tNum], end=' ') print(" %5.1f" % (100.0 * float(p.nAcceptances[tNum]) / float(p.nProposals[tNum])), end=' ') print("%20i" % p.nTopologyChangeAttempts[tNum], end=' ') print("%13i" % p.nTopologyChanges[tNum], end=' ') print(" %5.1f" % (100.0 * float(p.nTopologyChanges[tNum]) / float(p.nTopologyChangeAttempts[tNum]))) else: print("%sFor the 'eTBR' proposals, there were no attempted" % spacer) print("%stopology changes in any of the chains." % spacer) # Check for aborts. p = self.props.topologyProposalsDict.get('local') if p: if hasattr(p, 'nAborts'): if p.nAborts[0]: print("The 'local' proposal had %i aborts. (Not counted in nProps above.)" % p.nAborts[0]) print("(Aborts might be due to brLen proposals too big or too small)") if self.constraints: print("(Or, more likely, due to violated constraints.)") else: print("The 'local' proposal had no aborts (either due to brLen proposals") print("too big or too small, or due to violated constraints).") p = self.props.topologyProposalsDict.get('eTBR') if p: if hasattr(p, 'nAborts'): if p.nAborts[0]: print("The 'eTBR' proposal had %i aborts. (Not counted in nProps above.)" % p.nAborts[0]) assert self.constraints print("(Aborts due to violated constraints)") else: if self.constraints: print("The 'eTBR' proposal had no aborts (due to violated constraints).") for pN in ['polytomy']: for p in self.props.proposals: if == pN: if hasattr(p, 'nAborts'): print("The %15s proposal had %5i aborts." % (, p.nAborts[0])) for pN in ['compLocation', 'rMatrixLocation', 'gdasrvLocation']: for p in self.props.proposals: if == pN: if hasattr(p, 'nAborts'): print("The %15s proposal (part %i) had %5i aborts." % (, p.pNum, p.nAborts[0])) if self.nChains > 1: print("\n\nAcceptances and tunings by temperature") print("%s %30s %5s %5s %10s %13s%10s" % ( spacer, 'proposal', 'part', 'tempNum', 'nProposals', 'acceptance(%)', 'tuning')) for p in self.props.proposals: for tempNum in range(self.nChains): print("%s" % spacer, end=' ') print("%30s" %, end=' ') if p.pNum != -1: print(" %3i " % p.pNum, end=' ') else: print(" - ", end=' ') print(" %3i " % tempNum, end=' ') print("%10i" % p.nProposals[tempNum], end=' ') if p.nProposals[tempNum]: # Don't divide by zero print(" %5.1f " % ( 100.0 * float(p.nAcceptances[tempNum]) / float(p.nProposals[tempNum])), end=' ') else: print(" - ", end=' ') if p.tuning == None: print(" -", end=' ') elif p.tuning[tempNum] < 2.0: print(" %8.4f" % p.tuning[tempNum], end=' ') elif p.tuning[tempNum] < 20.0: print(" %8.3f" % p.tuning[tempNum], end=' ') elif p.tuning[tempNum] < 200.0: print(" %8.1f" % p.tuning[tempNum], end=' ') else: print(" %8.3g" % p.tuning[tempNum], end=' ') print()
[docs] def writeSwapMatrix(self): gm = ["Mcmc.writeSwapMatrix()"] if self.swapVector: gm.append("yourMcmc.swapVector is turned on, so you should use Mcmc.writeSwapVector() instead.") gm.append("or yourMcmcCheckPointReader.writeSwapVectors()") raise P4Error(gm) # swapVector is default now, so this would not be used. print("\nChain swapping, for %i gens, from gens %i to %i, inclusive." % ( (self.gen - self.startMinusOne), self.startMinusOne + 1, self.gen)) #print(" Swaps are presented as a square matrix, nChains * nChains.") print(" Upper triangle is the number of swaps proposed between two chains.") print(" Lower triangle is the percent swaps accepted.") #print(" The chainTemp is %s\n" % self.chainTemp) print(" " * 10, end=' ') for i in range(self.nChains): print("%7i" % i, end=' ') print() print(" " * 10, end=' ') for i in range(self.nChains): print(" ----", end=' ') print() for i in range(self.nChains): print(" " * 7, "%2i" % i, end=' ') for j in range(self.nChains): if i < j: # upper triangle print("%7i" % self.swapMatrix[i][j], end=' ') elif i == j: print(" -", end=' ') else: if self.swapMatrix[j][i] == 0: # no proposals print(" -", end=' ') else: print(" %5.1f" % (100.0 * float(self.swapMatrix[i][j]) / float(self.swapMatrix[j][i])), end=' ') print()
[docs] def writeSwapVector(self): assert self.swapVector assert self.nChains > 1 # swapVector is default now. However, self.swapMatrix is used and has the info. print("\nMcmc.writeSwapVector(). Chain swapping, for %i gens, from gens %i to %i, inclusive." % ( (self.gen - self.startMinusOne), self.startMinusOne + 1, self.gen)) print(" swapVector is on, so swaps occur only between adjacent chains.") chTmpString = ' '.join([f"{it:6.3f}" for it in self.chainTemps]) print(f" last chainTemps {chTmpString}") chTmpDiffsString = ' '.join([f"{it:6.3f}" for it in self.chainTempDiffs[:-1]]) print(f" last chainTempDiffs {chTmpDiffsString}") # This may be set differently in the run, but it is not saved (still true?), # so this could be invalid. Fix this! #print(f" self.swapTunerSampleSize is {self.swapTunerSampleSize}") print() print(f"{'chains':10}", end=' ') for i in range(1, self.nChains): s = f"{i-1}--{i}" print(f"{s:>9s}", end=' ') print() print(f"{' ':10}", end=' ') for i in range(1, self.nChains): print(f"{'------':>9s}", end=' ') print() print(f"{'proposed':10}", end=' ') for i in range(1, self.nChains): j = i - 1 print(f"{self.swapMatrix[j][i]:9}", end=' ') print() print(f"{'accepted':10}", end=' ') for i in range(1, self.nChains): j = i - 1 print(f"{self.swapMatrix[i][j]:9}", end=' ') print() print(f"{'accepted':10}", end=' ') for i in range(1, self.nChains): j = i - 1 if self.swapMatrix[j][i] == 0: # no proposals myProportion = "-" else: myProportion = f"{self.swapMatrix[i][j] / self.swapMatrix[j][i]:.6f}" print(f"{myProportion:>9}", end=' ') print()
[docs] def _makeChainsAndProposals(self): """Make chains and proposals.""" gm = ['Mcmc._makeChainsAndProposals()'] # random.seed(0) # Make chains, if needed if not self.chains: self.chains = [] for chNum in range(self.nChains): aChain = Chain(self) # Temperature. Set this way to start, but it changes. aChain.tempNum = chNum self.chains.append(aChain) if not self.props.proposals: self._makeProposals() # If we are going to be doing the resolution class prior # in the polytomy move, we want to pre-compute the logs of # T_{n,m}. Its a vector with indices (ie m) from zero to # nTax-2 inclusive. p = self.props.topologyProposalsDict.get('polytomy') if p and self.polytomyUseResolutionClassPrior: bigT = p4.func.nUnrootedTreesWithMultifurcations(self.tree.nTax) p.logBigT = [0.0] * (self.tree.nTax - 1) for i in range(1, self.tree.nTax - 1): p.logBigT[i] = math.log(bigT[i]) # print p.logBigT # Make a dictionary. If there is more than one partition, # some proposals may have the same name, so it is a double # index pDict[proposal.pNum][]. # Some props (eg topology moves) have a pNum of -1, so that is extra. self.props.pDict = {} self.props.pDict[-1] = {} for pNum in range( self.props.pDict[pNum] = {} for pr in self.props.proposals: self.props.pDict[pr.pNum][] = pr
[docs] def _setOutputTreeFile(self): """Setup the (output) tree file for the mcmc.""" gm = ['Mcmc._setOutputTreeFile()'] # Check if it exists. if os.path.isfile(self.treeFileName): gm.append(f"The file '{self.treeFileName}' already exists.") raise P4Error(gm) # Write the preamble for the trees outfile. self.treeFile = open(self.treeFileName, 'w') self.treeFile.write('#nexus\n\n') self.treeFile.write('begin taxa;\n') self.treeFile.write(' dimensions ntax=%s;\n' % self.tree.nTax) self.treeFile.write(' taxlabels') for tN in self.tree.taxNames: self.treeFile.write(' %s' % p4.func.nexusFixNameIfQuotesAreNeeded(tN)) self.treeFile.write(';\nend;\n\n') self.treeFile.write('begin trees;\n') self.translationHash = {} i = 1 for tName in self.tree.taxNames: self.translationHash[tName] = i i += 1 self.treeFile.write(' translate\n') for i in range(self.tree.nTax - 1): self.treeFile.write(' %3i %s,\n' % ( i + 1, p4.func.nexusFixNameIfQuotesAreNeeded(self.tree.taxNames[i]))) self.treeFile.write(' %3i %s\n' % ( self.tree.nTax, p4.func.nexusFixNameIfQuotesAreNeeded(self.tree.taxNames[-1]))) self.treeFile.write(' ;\n') # write the models comment # if self.tree.model.isHet: # writeModelComment = True # if[0].ndch2: # writeModelComment = False # if[0].ndch2_writeComps: # writeModelComment = True # if[0].ndrh2: # writeModelComment = False # if[0].ndrh2_writeRMatrices: # writeModelComment = True writeModelComment = False for mp in if mp.nComps > 1 or mp.nRMatrices > 1 or mp.nGdasrvs > 1: writeModelComment = True break if writeModelComment: self.treeFile.write(' [&&p4 models p%i' % self.tree.model.nParts) for pNum in range(self.tree.model.nParts): self.treeFile.write(' c%i.%i' % (pNum,[pNum].nComps)) self.treeFile.write(' r%i.%i' % (pNum,[pNum].nRMatrices)) self.treeFile.write(' g%i.%i' % (pNum,[pNum].nGdasrvs)) self.treeFile.write(']\n') self.treeFile.write(' [Tree numbers are gen+1]\nend;\n') if 0: self.prob.dump() self.tunings.dump() self.writeProposalProbs() if 0: for p in self.proposals: p.dump()
# return
[docs] def run(self, nGensToDo, verbose=True, equiProbableProposals=False, writeSamples=True): """Start the Mcmc running.""" gm = [''] # Keep track of the first gen of this call to run(), maybe restart firstGen = self.gen + 1 # Don't forget to set the PIVEC_MIN etc in a restart. # The hasattr() part is for older checkpoints that do not have self.init_PIVEC_MIN if var.mcmc_doCheck_PIVEC_MIN_etc and hasattr(self, "init_PIVEC_MIN"): doWarning = False if var.PIVEC_MIN != self.init_PIVEC_MIN: gm.append(f"Initial var.PIVEC_MIN for this run was {self.init_PIVEC_MIN}, but now is {var.PIVEC_MIN}") doWarning = True if var.RATE_MIN != self.init_RATE_MIN: gm.append(f"Initial var.RATE_MIN for this run was {self.init_RATE_MIN}, but now is {var.RATE_MIN}") doWarning = True if var.BRLEN_MIN != self.init_BRLEN_MIN: gm.append(f"Initial var.BRLEN_MIN for this run was {self.init_BRLEN_MIN}, but now is {var.BRLEN_MIN}") doWarning = True if var.GAMMA_SHAPE_MIN != self.init_GAMMA_SHAPE_MIN: gm.append(f"Initial var.GAMMA_SHAPE_MIN for this run was {self.init_GAMMA_SHAPE_MIN}, but now is {var.GAMMA_SHAPE_MIN}") doWarning = True if doWarning: gm.append("Were these values forgotten in a restart? If so, add them to the restart script.") gm.append("Are these values intentionally different? If so, you can turn off checking by setting, in your script ---") gm.append("var.mcmc_doCheck_PIVEC_MIN_etc = False") raise P4Error(gm) # Hidden experimental hack if self.doHeatingHack: print("Heating hack is turned on.") print("Heating hack temperature is %.2f" % self.heatingHackTemperature) #print("Heating hack affects proposals %s" % self.heatingHackProposalNames) self.originalHeatingHackTemperature = self.heatingHackTemperature if self.simTemp: if self.doHeatingHack: gm.append("If we are doing simTemp, then doHeatingHack should be off.") raise P4Error(gm) if not self.simTemp.temps: gm.append("If we are doing simTemp, we should have SimTempTemp objects in m.simTemp.temps.") raise P4Error(gm) if len(self.simTemp.temps) != self.simTemp.nTemps: gm.append("If we are doing simTemp, we should have %i SimTempTemp objects in m.simTemp.temps." % \ self.simTemp) raise P4Error(gm) for it in self.simTemp.temps: if not isinstance(it, SimTempTemp): gm.append("Each item in m.simTemp_temps should be a SimTempTemp object.") raise P4Error(gm) self.simTemp.nTempChangeProposals = 0 self.simTemp.nTempChangeAccepts = 0 self.simTemp.tNums = [] for tmp in self.simTemp.temps: tmp.occupancy = 0 tmp.nProposalsUp = 0 tmp.nAcceptedUp = 0 tmp.nProposalsDn = 0 tmp.nAcceptedDn = 0 if self.simTemp_doLogTemps: self.simTemp.writeTempsOneLineHeader() if self.prob.polytomy: for pNum in range(self.tree.model.nParts): mp =[pNum] if mp.ndch2: gm.append("Part %i uses ndch2" % pNum) gm.append("Ndch2 does not work with the polytomy move.") raise P4Error(gm) if mp.ndrh2: gm.append("Part %i uses ndrh2" % pNum) gm.append("Ndrh2 does not work with the polytomy move.") raise P4Error(gm) if self.doSteppingStone: #"doSteppingStone is on, so turn writing checkpoints off") self.checkPointInterval = False if writeSamples and self.checkPointInterval: # Check that checkPointInterval makes sense. # We want a couple of things: # 1. The last gen should be on checkPointInterval. For # example, if the checkPointInterval is 200, then doing # 100 or 300 generations will not be allowed cuz the # chain would continue past the checkPoint-- bad. Or if # you re-start after 500 gens and change to a # checkPointInterval of 200, then you won't be allowed to # do 500 gens. # if ((self.gen + 1) + nGensToDo) % self.checkPointInterval == 0: if nGensToDo % self.checkPointInterval == 0: pass else: gm.append("With the current settings, the last generation won't be on a checkPointInterval.") gm.append("self.gen+1=%i, nGensToDo=%i, checkPointInterval=%i" % ((self.gen + 1), nGensToDo, self.checkPointInterval)) raise P4Error(gm) # 2. We also want the checkPointInterval to be evenly # divisible by the sampleInterval. if not self.simTemp: if self.checkPointInterval % self.sampleInterval == 0: pass else: gm.append("The checkPointInterval (%i) should be evenly divisible" % self.checkPointInterval) gm.append("by the sampleInterval (%i)." % self.sampleInterval) raise P4Error(gm) if self.props.proposals: # It is a re-start # The probs and tunings may have been changed by the user. self._refreshProposalProbs() # This stuff below should be the same as is done after pickling, # see below. self.startMinusOne = self.gen # Start the tree partitions over. self.treePartitions = None # Zero the proposal counts for p in self.props.proposals: p.nProposals = [0] * self.nChains p.nAcceptances = [0] * self.nChains p.nTopologyChangeAttempts = [0] * self.nChains p.nTopologyChanges = [0] * self.nChains # Zero the swap matrix if self.nChains > 1: self.swapMatrix = [] for i in range(self.nChains): self.swapMatrix.append([0] * self.nChains) else: # The swap vector is just the diagonal of the swap matrix if self.swapVector and self.nChains > 1: if self.swapTunerDoTuning: print("======= Resetting chainTempDiffs and chainTemps") # These are differences in temperatures between adjacent chains. The last one is not used. self.chainTempDiffs = [self.chainTemp] * self.nChains # These are cumulative, summed over the diffs. This needs to be done whenever the diffs change self.chainTemps = [0.0] for dNum in range(self.nChains - 1): self.chainTemps.append(self.chainTempDiffs[dNum] + self.chainTemps[-1]) else: # doTuning has been turned off assert self.chainTemps, "swapTunerDoTuning is off. Please specify chainTemps." assert len(self.chainTemps) == self.nChains assert self.chainTemps[0] == 0.0 # set chainTempDiffs based on chainTemps, ie the reverse of above self.chainTempDiffs = [] for dNum in range(1, self.nChains): self.chainTempDiffs.append(self.chainTemps[dNum] - self.chainTemps[dNum - 1]) self.chainTempDiffs.append(0.0) # with reason? -- maybe not. if self.simulate: self.simTree = self.tree.dupe() = self.simTree.calcLogLike(verbose=False) self._makeChainsAndProposals() self._setOutputTreeFile() if self.simulate: self._writeSimFileHeader(self.tree) if self.setupPfLogging: for ch in self.chains: pf.setMcmcTreeCallback(ch.curTree.cTree, self._logFromPfModule) pf.setMcmcTreeCallback(ch.propTree.cTree, self._logFromPfModule) # Should I do self.tree and self.simTree as well? if self.doCpo: if self.cpo_sumsOfInverseSiteLikes: pass else: nSites = sum([p.nChar for p in]) self.cpo_sumsOfInverseSiteLikes = [0.0] * nSites self.cpo_nSamples = 0 if verbose: self.props.writeProposalIntendedProbs() sys.stdout.flush() if self.stickyRootComp: print("stickyRootComp is turned on.") # compLocation should be turned off. Is it? if self.prob.compLocation > 0.0: gm.append("If stickyRootComp is turned on, then compLocation should be off.") gm.append("Turn it off, by eg (for Mcmc object m)") gm.append("m.prob.compLocation = 0.0") raise P4Error(gm) # Find the cold chain, the one where tempNum is 0 self.coldChainNum = -1 for i in range(len(self.chains)): if self.chains[i].tempNum == 0: self.coldChainNum = i break if self.coldChainNum == -1: gm.append("Unable to find which chain is the cold chain. That is Bad.") raise P4Error(gm) # # If polytomy is turned on, then it is possible to get a star # # tree, in which case local will not work. So if we have both # # polytomy and local proposals, we should also have brLen. # if 'polytomy' in self.proposalsHash and 'local' in self.proposalsHash: # if 'brLen' not in self.proposalsHash: # gm.append("If you have polytomy and local proposals, you should have a brLen proposal as well.") # gm.append("It can have a low proposal probability, but it needs to be there.") # gm.append("Turn it on by eg yourMcmc.prob.brLen = 0.001") # raise P4Error(gm) if writeSamples and not self.doSteppingStone: # it is a re-start, so we need to back over the "end;" in the tree # files. if self.treeFile: if not self.treeFile.closed: self.treeFile.close() f2 = open(self.treeFileName, 'r+b') # print(f2, type(f2), f2.tell()) # <_io.BufferedRandom name='mcmc_trees_0.nex'> <class '_io.BufferedRandom'> 0 pos = -1 while 1:, 2) c = if c == b';': break pos -= 1 # print "pos now %i" % pos pos -= 3 # end;, 2) c = # print "got c = '%s'" % c if c != b"end;": gm.append(" Failed to find and remove the 'end;' at the end of the tree file.") raise P4Error(gm) else:, 2) f2.truncate() f2.close() if self.gen > -1:"Re-starting the MCMC run %i from gen=%i" % (self.runNum, self.gen)) if verbose: print() print("Re-starting the MCMC run %i from gen=%i" % (self.runNum, self.gen)) if not writeSamples: print("Arg 'writeSamples' is off" ) print("Set to do %i more generations." % nGensToDo) if writeSamples and self.writePrams: if self.chains[0].curTree.model.nFreePrams == 0: print("There are no free prams in the model, so I am turning writePrams off.") self.writePrams = False sys.stdout.flush() self.startMinusOne = self.gen else:"Starting the MCMC %s run %i" % ( (self.constraints and "(with constraints)" or ""), self.runNum)) if self.simTemp:"Using simulated tempering MCMC, with %i temperatures" % ( self.simTemp.nTemps)) if verbose: if self.nChains > 1: print("Using Metropolis-coupled MCMC, with %i chains." % self.nChains) if self.swapTunerDoTuning: print("Temperatures are tuned (self.swapTunerDoTuning is on)") else: print("self.swapTunerDoTuning is turned off, so temperatures will not be tuned.") else: print("Single chain --- not using Metropolis-coupled MCMC.") if self.simTemp: print("Using simulated tempering MCMC, with %i temperatures" % ( self.simTemp.nTemps)) print("Starting the MCMC %s run %i" % ( (self.constraints and "(with constraints)" or ""), self.runNum)) print("Set to do %i generations." % nGensToDo) if self.writePrams: if self.chains[0].curTree.model.nFreePrams == 0: if verbose: print("There are no free prams in the model, so I am turning writePrams off.") self.writePrams = False else: self.pramsFile = open(self.pramsFileName, 'w') self.chains[0].curTree.model.writePramsProfile(self.pramsFile, self.runNum) self.pramsFile.write("genPlus1") self.chains[0].curTree.model.writePramsHeaderLine(self.pramsFile) if self.writeHypers: if not[0].ndch2 and not[0].ndrh2: # and therefore all model parts, this week -- lame! self.writeHypers = False else: self.hypersFile = open(self.hypersFileName, 'w') self.hypersFile.write('genPlus1') self.chains[0].curTree.model.writeHypersHeaderLine(self.hypersFile) if not writeSamples:" arg 'writeSamples' is off, so samples are not being written") if equiProbableProposals:" arg 'equiProbableProposals' is turned on") if self.doSteppingStone:" doSteppingStone is turned on") self.ssLikesFile = open(self.ssLikesFileName, 'a') if verbose: if writeSamples: print("Sampling every %i." % self.sampleInterval) else: print("Arg 'writeSamples' is off, so samples are not being written") if equiProbableProposals: print("Arg 'equiProbableProposals' is turned on") if self.checkPointInterval: print("CheckPoints written every %i." % self.checkPointInterval) else: print("CheckPoints are not scheduled to be written") if nGensToDo <= 20000: print("One dot is 100 generations.") else: print("One dot is 1000 generations.") sys.stdout.flush() self.treePartitions = None realTimeStart = time.time() self.lastTimeCheck = time.time() for ch in self.chains: # 1 means do all pf.p4_copyCondLikes(ch.curTree.cTree, ch.propTree.cTree, 1) # 1 means do all pf.p4_copyBigPDecks(ch.curTree.cTree, ch.propTree.cTree, 1) ch.verifyIdentityOfTwoTreesInChain() abortableProposals = ['local', 'polytomy', 'compLocation', 'eTBR' 'rMatrixLocation', 'gdasrvLocation'] ################################################## ############### Main loop ######################## ################################################## for gNum in range(nGensToDo): self.gen += 1 # Do an initial time estimate based on 100 gens if nGensToDo > 100 and self.gen - firstGen == 100: diff_secs = time.time() - realTimeStart total_secs = (float(nGensToDo) / float(100)) * float(diff_secs) deltaTime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(round(total_secs))) print("Estimated completion time: %s days, %s" % ( deltaTime.days, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(deltaTime.seconds)))) # Above is a list of proposals where it is possible to abort. # When a gen(aProposal) is made, below, aProposal.doAbort # might be set, in which case we want to skip it for this # gen. But we want to start each 'for chNum' loop with # doAborts all turned off. for chNum in range(self.nChains): failure = True nAttempts = 0 while failure: # Choose a proposal gotIt = False safety = 0 while not gotIt: # equiProbableProposals is True or False. Usually False. aProposal = self.props.chooseProposal(equiProbableProposals) if aProposal: gotIt = True if == 'local': # Can't do local on a star tree. if self.chains[chNum].curTree.nInternalNodes == 1: #aProposal = self.proposalsHash['brLen'] gotIt = False elif in ['root3', 'root3n']: # Can't do root3 or root3n on a star tree. if self.chains[chNum].curTree.nInternalNodes == 1: gotIt = False if aProposal.doAbort: gotIt = False safety += 1 if safety > 1000: gm.append("Could not find a proposal after %i attempts." % safety) gm.append("Possibly a programming error.") gm.append("Or possibly it is just a pathologically frustrating Mcmc.") raise P4Error(gm) if 0: print("==== gNum=%i, chNum=%i, aProposal=%s (part %i)" % ( gNum, chNum,, aProposal.pNum), end='\n') #sys.stdout.flush() # success returns None failure = self.chains[chNum].gen(aProposal) #failure = None if failure: myWarn = " main loop. Proposal %s generated a 'failure'. Should be debugged." % self.logger.warning(myWarn) nAttempts += 1 if nAttempts > 1000: gm.append("Was not able to do a successful generation after %i attempts." % nAttempts) raise P4Error(gm) # Continuous tuning. We have a tuning, and propose/accept # tallies for each temperature, kept separately. Note that # since chNum does not equal tempNum, the most recently # incremented values (and the ones we want to tune now) will # be aProposal.tnNSamples[tempNum] and # aProposal.tnNAccepts[tempNum], where tempNum will most # likely not be chNum. So we get the tempNum from this # chNum, and tune it. # From init # self.tunableProps = """allBrLens allCompsDir brLen compDir # gdasrv local ndch2_internalCompsDir # ndch2_internalCompsDirAlpha ndch2_leafCompsDir # ndch2_leafCompsDirAlpha ndch2_priorRefCompDir # pInvar rMatrixDir allRMatricesDir ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix # ndrh2_internalRatesDir ndrh2_internalRatesDirAlpha ndrh2_leafRatesDir # ndrh2_leafRatesDirAlpha relRate """.split() # maybeTunablesButNotNow compLocation eTBR polytomy root3 rMatrixLocation root2 if in self.tunableProps: tempNum = self.chains[chNum].tempNum if aProposal.tnNSamples[tempNum] >= aProposal.tnSampleSize: aProposal.tune(tempNum) # elif == 'root3' and self.doRoot3Tuning: # tempNum = self.chains[chNum].tempNum # if aProposal.tnNSamples[tempNum] >= aProposal.tnSampleSize: # aProposal.tune(tempNum) # elif == 'root3n' and self.doRoot3nTuning: # tempNum = self.chains[chNum].tempNum # if aProposal.tnNSamples[tempNum] >= aProposal.tnSampleSize: # aProposal.tune(tempNum) # print " finished a gen on chain %i" % (chNum) for p in self.props.proposals: if in abortableProposals: p.doAbort = False if self.nChains == 1: if self.simTemp: self.simTemp.temps[self.simTemp.curTemp].occupancy += 1 # if (self.gen + 1) % self.simTemp.tempChangeProposeFreq == 0: self.simTemp.tNums.append(self.simTemp.curTemp) # this is a deque. Append on the left and pop on the right self.simTemp.tNumSample.appendleft(self.simTemp.curTemp) self.simTemp.tNumSample.pop() # from the right, of course self.simTemp.proposeTempChange() if self.simTemp_doTuneTempsAndLogPi: if self.gen >= self.simTemp.tNumSampleSize: if self.gen % self.simTemp.tNumSampleSize == 0: self.simTemp.tuneTempsAndLogPi() else: # Propose swap, if there is more than 1 chain. self._proposeSwapChainsInMcmcmc() # ===================================== # If it is a writeInterval, write stuff # ===================================== doWrite = False if self.simTemp: if self.simTemp.curTemp == 0: # Thinning the simTemp chain is awkward. Here is a hack. # var.mcmc_simTemp_thinning is a list of digit strings, by default ['0'] if var.mcmc_simTemp_thinning: genString = f"{self.gen + 1}" for ending in var.mcmc_simTemp_thinning: if genString.endswith(ending): doWrite = True else: doWrite = True else: if ((self.gen + 1) % self.sampleInterval) == 0: doWrite = True if doWrite and self.doSteppingStone: if writeSamples: self.ssLikesFile.write('%f\n' % self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.logLike) if doWrite and not self.doSteppingStone: if writeSamples: self._writeSample() # Do a simulation if self.simulate: # print "about to simulate..." self._doSimulate(self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree) # print "...finished simulate." # Do other stuff. if hasattr(self, 'hook'): self.hook(self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree) if 0 and self.constraints: print("Mcmc x1c") print(self.chains[0].verifyIdentityOfTwoTreesInChain()) print("b checking curTree ..") self.chains[0].curTree.checkSplitKeys() print("b checking propTree ...") self.chains[0].propTree.checkSplitKeys() print("Mcmc xxx") if 0: print(" xxx curTree propTree") a = self.chains[0].curTree b = self.chains[0].propTree for nNum in range(len(a.nodes)): if a.nodes[nNum] != a.root: print(f"{nNum:3} {a.nodes[nNum].br.rawSplitKey} {b.nodes[nNum].br.rawSplitKey}") else: print(f"{nNum:3} is root") # Add curTree to treePartitions if self.treePartitions: self.treePartitions.getSplitsFromTree( self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree) else: self.treePartitions = TreePartitions( self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree) if 0: print(" zzz curTree propTree") a = self.chains[0].curTree b = self.chains[0].propTree for nNum in range(len(a.nodes)): if a.nodes[nNum] != a.root: print(f"{nNum:3} {a.nodes[nNum].br.rawSplitKey} {b.nodes[nNum].br.rawSplitKey}") else: print(f"{nNum:3} is root") # After _getSplitsFromTree, need to follow, at some point, # with _finishSplits(). Do that when it is pickled, or at the # end of the run. # Checking and debugging constraints if 0 and self.constraints: print("Mcmc x1d") print(self.chains[self.coldChainNum].verifyIdentityOfTwoTreesInChain()) print("c checking curTree ...") self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.checkSplitKeys() print("c checking propTree ...") self.chains[self.coldChainNum].propTree.checkSplitKeys() # print "c checking that all constraints are present" #theSplits = [ for n in self.chains[0].curTree.iterNodesNoRoot()] # for sk in self.constraints.constraints: # if sk not in theSplits: # gm.append("split %i is not present in the curTree." % sk) # raise P4Error(gm) print("Mcmc zzz") # Double check that the curTree has all the constraints # The proposals will have done this already, so this is a double check to find errors. if self.constraints: #print(" double checking constraints") for sk in self.constraints.constraints: ret = self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.nodeForSplitKeyDict.get(sk) if not ret: gm.append("Programming error.") gm.append(f"The current tree (the last tree sampled) does not contain constraint sk") gm.append("%s" % p4.func.getSplitStringFromKey(sk, self.tree.nTax)) raise P4Error(gm) if self.constraints.rooting: ret = self.constraints.areConsistentWithTreeRoot(self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree) if not ret: gm.append("Programming error.") gm.append(f"The current tree (the last tree sampled) is not consistent with root constraint") raise P4Error(gm) # Do checkpoints doCheckPoint = False if not writeSamples: doCheckPoint = False elif self.doSteppingStone: doCheckPoint = False else: if self.checkPointInterval and (gNum + 1) % self.checkPointInterval == 0: doCheckPoint = True if doCheckPoint: if self.simTemp: fout = open(self.simTempFileName, 'a') print("-" * 50, file=fout) print("gen+1 %11i" % (self.gen + 1), file=fout) self.simTemp.writeTempsTable(flob=fout, zeroCountsAfter=True) fout.close() # print(f"writing checkpoint at self.gen {self.gen}, gNum {gNum}") self.checkPoint() # The stuff below needs to be done in a re-start as well. # See above "if self.proposals:" self.startMinusOne = self.gen # Start the tree partitions over. self.treePartitions = None # Zero the proposal counts for p in self.props.proposals: p.nProposals = [0] * self.nChains p.nAcceptances = [0] * self.nChains p.nTopologyChangeAttempts = [0] * self.nChains p.nTopologyChanges = [0] * self.nChains p.nAborts = [0] * self.nChains # Zero the swap matrix if self.nChains > 1: self.swapMatrix = [] for i in range(self.nChains): self.swapMatrix.append([0] * self.nChains) # Reassuring pips ... # We want to skip the first gen of every call to run() if firstGen != self.gen: if nGensToDo <= 20000: if (self.gen - firstGen) % 1000 == 0: if verbose: deltaTime = self._doTimeCheck( nGensToDo, firstGen, 1000) if deltaTime.days: timeString = "%s days, %s" % ( deltaTime.days, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(deltaTime.seconds))) else: timeString = time.strftime( "%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(deltaTime.seconds)) print("%10i - %s" % (self.gen, timeString)) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() elif (self.gen - firstGen) % 100 == 0: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() else: if (self.gen - firstGen) % 50000 == 0: if verbose: deltaTime = self._doTimeCheck( nGensToDo, firstGen, 50000) if deltaTime.days: timeString = "%s days, %s" % ( deltaTime.days, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(deltaTime.seconds))) else: timeString = time.strftime( "%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(deltaTime.seconds)) print("%10i - %s" % (self.gen, timeString)) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() elif (self.gen - firstGen) % 1000 == 0: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() # End of the Main loop. Gens finished. Clean up. print() if verbose: print("Finished %s generations." % nGensToDo) if writeSamples and not self.doSteppingStone: # Write "end;" regardless of writeSamples, or else subsequent attempts to remove it will fail. # No, that does not work for simTemp trialAndError. Why not? if not self.treeFile or self.treeFile.closed: self.treeFile = open(self.treeFileName, 'a') self.treeFile.write('end;\n\n') if self.likesFile: self.likesFile.close() if self.treeFile: self.treeFile.close() if self.simFile: self.simFile.close() if self.pramsFile: self.pramsFile.close() if self.hypersFile: self.hypersFile.close() if self.ssLikesFile: self.ssLikesFile.close()
#if self.siteLikesFile: # self.siteLikesFile.close() def _writeSample(self): try: self.likesFile.write('%11i %f\n' % (self.gen + 1, self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.logLike)) except (AttributeError, ValueError): self.likesFile = open(self.likesFileName, 'a') self.likesFile.write('%11i %f\n' % (self.gen + 1, self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.logLike)) # Check the likelihood every write interval if 0: oldLike = self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.logLike print("gen+1 %11i %f " % ( self.gen+1, self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.logLike), end=' ') self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.calcLogLike(verbose=False) newLike = self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.logLike print("%f" % self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.logLike, end=' ') likeDiff = math.fabs(oldLike - newLike) if likeDiff > 1e-14: print("%f" % likeDiff) else: print() try: self.treeFile.write(" tree t_%i = [&U] " % (self.gen + 1)) except (AttributeError, ValueError): self.treeFile = open(self.treeFileName, 'a') self.treeFile.write(" tree t_%i = [&U] " % (self.gen + 1)) # if[0].ndch2 or[0].ndrh2: # lazy programming -- and therefore all model parts # if[0].ndch2_writeComps or[0].ndrh2_writeRMatrices: # self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.writeNewick(self.treeFile, # withTranslation=1, # translationHash=self.translationHash, # doMcmcCommandComments=True) # else: # self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.writeNewick(self.treeFile, # withTranslation=1, # translationHash=self.translationHash, # doMcmcCommandComments=False) # else: self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.writeNewick(self.treeFile, withTranslation=1, translationHash=self.translationHash, doMcmcCommandComments=self.tree.model.isHet) if self.writePrams: try: self.pramsFile.write("%12i" % (self.gen + 1)) except (AttributeError, ValueError): self.pramsFile = open(self.pramsFileName, 'a') self.pramsFile.write("%12i" % (self.gen + 1)) self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.model.writePramsLine(self.pramsFile) if self.writeHypers: try: self.hypersFile.write("%12i" % (self.gen + 1)) except (AttributeError, ValueError): self.hypersFile = open(self.hypersFileName, 'a') self.hypersFile.write("%12i" % (self.gen + 1)) self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.model.writeHypersLine(self.hypersFile) # if self.writeSiteLikes: # try: # pf.p4_treeLogLike(self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.cTree, 1) # self.siteLikesFile.write(f"{self.gen + 1:11} ") # except (AttributeError, ValueError): # self.siteLikesFile = open(self.siteLikesFileName, 'a') # self.siteLikesFile.write(f"{self.gen + 1:11} ") # siteLikes = [] # for p in # siteLikes += pf.getSiteLikes(p.cPart) # for sL in siteLikes: # self.siteLikesFile.write("%.17g " % sL) # self.siteLikesFile.write("\n") if self.doCpo: if self.gen + 1 > self.cpo_startGen: siteNum = 0 pf.p4_treeLogLike(self.chains[self.coldChainNum].curTree.cTree, 1) for dp in self.chains[self.coldChainNum] siteLikes = pf.getSiteLikes(dp.cPart) for sL in siteLikes: self.cpo_sumsOfInverseSiteLikes[siteNum] += 1./sL siteNum += 1 self.cpo_nSamples += 1 def _proposeSwapChainsInMcmcmc(self): if self.swapVector: rTempNum1 = random.randrange(self.nChains - 1) rTempNum2 = rTempNum1 + 1 chain1 = None chain2 = None for ch in self.chains: if ch.tempNum == rTempNum1: chain1 = ch elif ch.tempNum == rTempNum2: chain2 = ch assert chain1 and chain2 # Use the upper triangle of swapMatrix for nAttempts self.swapMatrix[chain1.tempNum][chain2.tempNum] += 1 lnR = (1.0 / (1.0 + (self.chainTemps[chain1.tempNum])) ) * chain2.curTree.logLike lnR += (1.0 / (1.0 + (self.chainTemps[chain2.tempNum])) ) * chain1.curTree.logLike lnR -= (1.0 / (1.0 + (self.chainTemps[chain1.tempNum])) ) * chain1.curTree.logLike lnR -= (1.0 / (1.0 + (self.chainTemps[chain2.tempNum])) ) * chain2.curTree.logLike if lnR < -100.0: r = 0.0 elif lnR >= 0.0: r = 1.0 else: r = math.exp(lnR) acceptSwap = 0 if random.random() < r: acceptSwap = 1 # for continuous temperature tuning with self.swapTuner if self.swapTuner: # Index the nAttempts and nSwaps with the lower of the two tempNum's, which would be chain1.tempNum self.swapTuner.nAttempts[chain1.tempNum] += 1 if acceptSwap: self.swapTuner.nSwaps[chain1.tempNum] += 1 if self.swapTunerDoTuning: if self.swapTuner.nAttempts[chain1.tempNum] >= self.swapTunerSampleSize: self.swapTuner.tune(chain1.tempNum) # tune() zeros nAttempts and nSwaps counters if acceptSwap: # Use the lower triangle of swapMatrix to keep track of # nAccepted's assert chain1.tempNum < chain2.tempNum self.swapMatrix[chain2.tempNum][chain1.tempNum] += 1 # Do the swap chain1.tempNum, chain2.tempNum = chain2.tempNum, chain1.tempNum else: # swap matrix # Chain swapping stuff was lifted from MrBayes. Thanks again. chain1, chain2 = random.sample(self.chains, 2) thisCh1Temp = None thisCh2Temp = None # Use the upper triangle of swapMatrix for nProposed's if chain1.tempNum < chain2.tempNum: self.swapMatrix[chain1.tempNum][chain2.tempNum] += 1 thisCh1Temp = chain1.tempNum thisCh2Temp = chain2.tempNum else: self.swapMatrix[chain2.tempNum][chain1.tempNum] += 1 thisCh1Temp = chain2.tempNum thisCh2Temp = chain1.tempNum lnR = (1.0 / (1.0 + (self.chainTemp * chain1.tempNum)) ) * chain2.curTree.logLike lnR += (1.0 / (1.0 + (self.chainTemp * chain2.tempNum)) ) * chain1.curTree.logLike lnR -= (1.0 / (1.0 + (self.chainTemp * chain1.tempNum)) ) * chain1.curTree.logLike lnR -= (1.0 / (1.0 + (self.chainTemp * chain2.tempNum)) ) * chain2.curTree.logLike if lnR < -100.0: r = 0.0 elif lnR >= 0.0: r = 1.0 else: r = math.exp(lnR) acceptSwap = 0 if random.random() < r: acceptSwap = 1 # # for continuous temperature tuning with self.swapTuner # if self.swapTuner and thisCh1Temp == 0 and thisCh2Temp == 1: # self.swapTuner.swaps01_nAttempts += 1 # if acceptSwap: # self.swapTuner.swaps01_nSwaps += 1 # if self.swapTuner.swaps01_nAttempts >= self.swapTuner.sampleSize: # self.swapTuner.tune(self) # # tune() zeros nAttempts and nSwaps counters if acceptSwap: # Use the lower triangle of swapMatrix to keep track of # nAccepted's if chain1.tempNum < chain2.tempNum: self.swapMatrix[chain2.tempNum][chain1.tempNum] += 1 else: self.swapMatrix[chain1.tempNum][chain2.tempNum] += 1 # Do the swap chain1.tempNum, chain2.tempNum = chain2.tempNum, chain1.tempNum # Find the cold chain, the one where tempNum is 0 self.coldChainNum = -1 for i in range(len(self.chains)): if self.chains[i].tempNum == 0: self.coldChainNum = i break if self.coldChainNum == -1: gm.append("Unable to find which chain is the cold chain. Bad.") raise P4Error(gm)
[docs] def _doTimeCheck(self, nGensToDo, firstGen, genInterval): """Time check firstGen is the first generation of this call to else timing fails on restart""" nowTime = time.time() diff_secs = nowTime - self.lastTimeCheck total_secs = (float(nGensToDo - (self.gen - firstGen)) / float(genInterval)) * float(diff_secs) deltaTime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(round(total_secs))) self.lastTimeCheck = nowTime return deltaTime
def _writeSimFileHeader(self, curTree): self.simFile = open(self.simFileName, 'a') self.simFile.write(" genPlus1") # If self.simulate contains a 1, do unconstrained log like if 1 & self.simulate: for pNum in range( self.simFile.write(' uncLike%i' % pNum) if 2 & self.simulate: # If self.simulate contains a 2, do bigX^2 for pNum in range(self.simTree.model.nParts): self.simFile.write(' bigXSq%i' % pNum) # If self.simulate contains a 4, do meanNCharPerSite if 4 & self.simulate: for pNum in range(self.simTree.model.nParts): self.simFile.write(' meanNCharsPerSite%i' % pNum) # If self.simulate contains an 8, do c_m, the compStatFromCharFreqs if 8 & self.simulate: for pNum in range(self.simTree.model.nParts): self.simFile.write(' c_mSim%i c_mOrig%i' % (pNum, pNum)) # If self.simulate contains a 16, do constant sites count if 16 & self.simulate: for pNum in range(self.simTree.model.nParts): self.simFile.write(' nConstSites%i' % pNum) self.simFile.write('\n') def _doSimulate(self, curTree): curTree.copyToTree(self.simTree) curTree.model.copyValsTo(self.simTree.model) self.simTree.simulate() try: self.simFile.write(" %11i" % (self.gen + 1)) except (AttributeError, ValueError): self.simFile = open(self.simFileName, 'a') self.simFile.write(" %11i" % (self.gen + 1)) # If self.simulate contains a 1, do unconstrained log like if 1 & self.simulate: for p in self.simFile.write(' %f' % pf.getUnconstrainedLogLike(p.cPart)) if 2 & self.simulate: # If self.simulate contains a 2, do bigX^2 if self.blankSeqNums == None: ret = for pNum in range(self.simTree.model.nParts): self.simFile.write(' %f' % ret[pNum]) else: # We do not want sims corresponding to blank seqs to contribute to the bigXSq ret2 =, skipTaxNums=self.blankSeqNums, skipColumnZeros=True) for pNum in range(self.simTree.model.nParts): self.simFile.write(' %f' % ret2[pNum][0]) # check ... # for i in range(len(ret)): # if math.fabs(ret[i][0] - ret2[i]) > 0.000001: # print "The two methods of bigXSquared calculations differed. %f # and %f" % (ret[i], ret2[i]) # If self.simulate contains a 4, do meanNCharPerSite if 4 & self.simulate: ret = # ret is a list, one number per part for pNum in range(self.simTree.model.nParts): self.simFile.write(' %f' % ret[pNum]) # If self.simulate contains an 8, do c_m, the compStatFromCharFreqs if 8 & self.simulate: ret = self.simTree.compStatFromCharFreqs() ret2 = curTree.compStatFromCharFreqs() # ret is a list, one number per part for pNum in range(self.simTree.model.nParts): self.simFile.write(' %f %f' % (ret[pNum], ret2[pNum])) # print ' compStatFromCharFreqs: %f %f' % (ret[pNum], # ret2[pNum]) # If self.simulate contains a 16, do constant sites count if 16 & self.simulate: ret = # ret is a list, one number per part for pNum in range(self.simTree.model.nParts): self.simFile.write(' %i' % ret[pNum]) self.simFile.write('\n')
[docs] def checkPoint(self): if 0: for chNum,ch in enumerate(self.chains): print("chain %i ==================" % chNum) ch.curTree.summarizeModelComponentsNNodes() #print("Before removing data", end=' ') #self.chains[0].curTree.calcLogLike(verbose=True, resetEmpiricalComps=False) # Make a copy of self, but with no cStuff. # But we don't want to copy data or logger. So detach them. savedData = = None # The logger does not pickle savedLogger = self.logger self.logger = None savedLoggerPrinter = self.loggerPrinter self.loggerPrinter = None #print(f"checkPoint() self.simTemp_tempsFlob is {self.simTemp_tempsFlob}", end=' ') #print(f"type {type(self.simTemp_tempsFlob)}") # type <class '_io.TextIOWrapper'> # This does not pickle self.simTemp_tempsFlob = None # gsl_rng state the_gsl_rng_size = pf.gsl_rng_size(var.gsl_rng) # size of the state assert self.gsl_rng_state_ndarray.shape[0] == the_gsl_rng_size pf.gsl_rng_getstate(var.gsl_rng, self.gsl_rng_state_ndarray) # random (python module) state self.randomState = random.getstate() if self.setupPfLogging: # Get rid of the mcmcTreeCallbacks for ch in self.chains: pf.unsetMcmcTreeCallback(ch.curTree.cTree) pf.unsetMcmcTreeCallback(ch.propTree.cTree) if self.simulate: savedSimData = = None for ch in self.chains: = None ch.curTree.savedLogLike = ch.curTree.logLike = None # Open files don't copy. Furthermore, merely closing a file # is not enough --- nor is it enough to set the variable to # None (although that should be enough! --- it works for # small examples elsewhere! Why not here?!?). It needs to be # deleted, and then set to None. Extra: closing a closed file # is not an error. for myf in [ self.likesFile, self.treeFile, self.simFile, self.pramsFile, self.hypersFile, # self.siteLikesFile, ]: if myf: if not myf.closed: myf.close() del(myf) self.likesFile = None self.treeFile = None self.simFile = None self.pramsFile = None self.hypersFile = None # self.siteLikesFile = None theCopy = copy.deepcopy(self) # Re-attach data and logger to self. = savedData self.logger = savedLogger self.loggerPrinter = savedLoggerPrinter self.tree.calcLogLike(verbose=False, resetEmpiricalComps=False) if self.simulate: = savedSimData self.simTree.calcLogLike(verbose=False, resetEmpiricalComps=False) for chNum,ch in enumerate(self.chains): = savedData #print("After restoring data", end=' ') ch.curTree.calcLogLike(verbose=False, resetEmpiricalComps=False) theDiff = math.fabs(ch.curTree.savedLogLike - ch.curTree.logLike) if theDiff > 0.01: theMessage = "Mcmc.checkPoint(), chainNum %i. " % chNum theMessage += "Bad likelihood calculation just before writing the checkpoint. " theMessage += "Old curTree.logLike %g, new curTree.logLike %g, diff %g" % (ch.curTree.savedLogLike, ch.curTree.logLike, theDiff) print() print(theMessage) sys.stdout.flush() = savedData #ch.propTree.dump(node=True) #ch.propTree.draw() ch.propTree.calcLogLike(verbose=False, resetEmpiricalComps=False) if self.setupPfLogging: for ch in self.chains: pf.setMcmcTreeCallback(ch.curTree.cTree, self._logFromPfModule) pf.setMcmcTreeCallback(ch.propTree.cTree, self._logFromPfModule) # Get rid of c-pointers in the copy theCopy.tree.deleteCStuff() = None if self.simulate: theCopy.simTree.deleteCStuff() = None #theCopy.treePartitions._finishSplits() theCopy.likesFile = None theCopy.treeFile = None for ch in theCopy.chains: ch.curTree.deleteCStuff() = None ch.propTree.deleteCStuff() = None # Pickle it. fName = "mcmc_checkPoint_%i.%i" % (self.runNum, self.gen + 1) f = open(fName, 'wb') pickle.dump(theCopy, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close()
[docs] def writeProposalProbs(self, makeDict=False): """(Another) Pretty-print the proposal probabilities. See also Mcmc.writeProposalAcceptances(). """ nProposals = len(self.props.proposals) if not nProposals: print("Mcmc.writeProposalProbs(). No proposals (yet?).") return nAttained = [0] * nProposals nAccepted = [0] * nProposals for i in range(nProposals): nAttained[i] = self.props.proposals[i].nProposals[0] nAccepted[i] = self.props.proposals[i].nAcceptances[0] sumAttained = float(sum(nAttained)) # should be zero or nGen if not sumAttained: print("Mcmc.writeProposalProbs(). No proposals have been made.") print("Possibly, due to it being a checkPoint interval, nProposals have all been set to zero.") return # assert int(sumAttained) == self.gen + 1, "sumAttained is %i, should be gen+1, %i." % ( # int(sumAttained), self.gen + 1) probAttained = [] for i in range(len(nAttained)): probAttained.append(100.0 * float(nAttained[i]) / sumAttained) if math.fabs(sum(probAttained) - 100.0 > 1e-13): raise P4Error("bad sum of attained proposal probs. %s" % sum(probAttained)) if not makeDict: spacer = ' ' * 4 print("\nProposal probabilities (%)") # print "There are %i proposals" % len(self.proposals) print("For %i gens, from gens %i to %i, inclusive." % ( (self.gen - self.startMinusOne), self.startMinusOne + 1, self.gen)) print("%2s %11s %11s %11s %11s %10s %30s %5s" % ('', 'nProposals', 'intended(%)', 'proposed(%)', 'accepted(%)', 'tuning', 'proposal', 'part')) for i in range(len(self.props.proposals)): print("%2i" % i, end=' ') p = self.props.proposals[i] print(" %7i " % self.props.proposals[i].nProposals[0], end=' ') print(" %5.1f " % (100.0 * self.props.intended[i]), end=' ') print(" %5.1f " % probAttained[i], end=' ') if nAttained[i]: print(" %5.1f " % (100.0 * float(nAccepted[i]) / float(nAttained[i])), end=' ') else: print(" - ", end=' ') if p.tuning == None: print(" - ", end=' ') elif p.tuning[0] < 2.0: print(" %7.3f " % p.tuning[0], end=' ') else: print(" %9.3g " % p.tuning[0], end=' ') print(" %27s" %, end=' ') if p.pNum != -1: print(" %3i " % p.pNum, end=' ') else: print(" - ", end=' ') print() else: rd = {} for i in range(len(self.props.proposals)): p = self.props.proposals[i] if p.pNum != -1: pname = + "_%i" % p.pNum else: pname = rd[pname] = [] rd[pname].append(p.nProposals[0]) rd[pname].append(probAttained[i]) if nAttained[i]: rd[pname].append((100.0 * float(nAccepted[i]) / float(nAttained[i]))) else: rd[pname].append(None) if p.tuning == None: rd[pname].append(None) elif p.tuning < 2.0: rd[pname].append(p.tuning) else: rd[pname].append(p.tuning) return rd
[docs] def lpml(self, verbose=True): """Calculate log pseudo marginal likelihood from CPO""" gm = ["Mcmc.lpml()"] if not self.doCpo: gm.append("CPO was not turned on, via m.doCpo = True") raise P4Error(gm) if not self.cpo_nSamples: gm.append("No cpo samples?") raise P4Error(gm) a = numpy.array(self.cpo_sumsOfInverseSiteLikes) a /= self.cpo_nSamples a = -numpy.log(a) theSum = a.sum() if verbose: print(f"cpo_nSamples: {self.cpo_nSamples}, lpml: {theSum}") return theSum