Source code for p4.model

import as pf
import sys
import random
import math
import p4.func
from p4.var import var
from p4.p4exceptions import P4Error
import numpy

class BigQAndEig(object):  # not used

    def __init__(self, dim, comp, rMatrix):
        self.dim = dim
        self.comp = comp
        self.rMatrix = rMatrix
        self.bigR = numpy.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=numpy.double)
        self.bigQ = numpy.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=numpy.double)
        self.eval = None
        self.evec = None
        self.inv_evec = None

        if not comp.val:
            raise P4Error("comp.val should be set at this point.")

        for i in range(self.dim):
            if self.comp.val[i] < var.PIVEC_MIN:
                print("bad comp, %f" % self.comp.val[i])

    def setBigR(self):
        i = 0
        k = 0
        while i < self.dim - 2:
            j = i + 1
            while j < self.dim:
                # print i,j,k
                self.bigR[i, j] = self.rMatrix.val[k]
                self.bigR[j, i] = self.rMatrix.val[k]
                k += 1
                j += 1
            i += 1
        self.bigR[self.dim - 2, self.dim - 1] = 1.0
        self.bigR[self.dim - 1, self.dim - 2] = 1.0
        # print self.bigR

    def setBigQ(self):
        for i in range(self.dim):
            rowSum = 0.0
            for j in range(self.dim):
                if i != j:
                    self.bigQ[i, j] = self.bigR[i, j] * self.comp.val[j]
                    rowSum += self.bigQ[i, j]
            self.bigQ[i, i] = -rowSum
        self.bigQ /= -sum(diagonal(self.bigQ) * self.comp.val)
        # print self.bigQ

    def eig(self):
        self.eval, self.evec = numpy.linalg.eig(self.bigQ)
        self.evec = numpy.transpose(self.evec)
        self.inv_evec = numpy.linalg.inv(self.evec)

    def calcBigP(self, mat, brLen, nCat, rates):

        # Making a new array of zeros is faster than passing a
        # pre-allocated result (which needs zeroing), cuz zeroing
        # it takes too long.
        #result = zeros((self.dim, self.dim), dtype=numpy.double)
        for catNum in range(nCat):
            for i in range(self.dim):
                for j in range(self.dim):
                    mat[catNum, i, j] = 0.0

        #xx = exp(self.eval * brLen)
        # for i in range(self.dim):
        #    for j in range(self.dim):
        #        for k in range(self.dim):
        #            mat[i,j] += self.evec[i,k] * self.inv_evec[k,j] * xx[k]

        for catNum in range(nCat):
            if rates:
                xx = numpy.exp(self.eval * brLen * rates[catNum])
                xx = numpy.exp(self.eval * brLen)
            for i in range(self.dim):
                for j in range(self.dim):
                    for k in range(self.dim):
                        mat[catNum, i, j] += self.evec[i, k] * \
                            self.inv_evec[k, j] * xx[k]
        # print mat
        #import sys; sys.exit()

    def calcBigPCat(self, mat, brLenTimesRate):
        for i in range(self.dim):
            for j in range(self.dim):
                mat[i, j] = 0.0

        xx = numpy.exp(self.eval * brLenTimesRate)
        for i in range(self.dim):
            for j in range(self.dim):
                for k in range(self.dim):
                    mat[i, j] += self.evec[i, k] * self.inv_evec[k, j] * xx[k]
        # print mat
        #import sys; sys.exit()

class ModelPart(object):

    """Model description for one data partition."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.num = -1
        self.dim = 0
        self.comps = []
        self.rMatrices = []
        self.gdasrvs = []
        self.nGammaCat = 1
        self.pInvar = None  # only one, not a list
        self.relRate = 1.0
        self.isHet = 0
        self.symbols = None
        #self.bigQAndEigArray = None
        self.bQETneedsReset = None

        self.nCat = 0      # This is set by Tree.modelSanityCheck()

        self.ndch2 = False
        self.ndch2_leafAlpha = 2.0      # Leaf
        self.ndch2_internalAlpha = 2.0  # Internal
        self.ndch2_priorRefComp = None
        self.ndch2_writeComps = True

        self.ndrh2 = False
        self.ndrh2_leafAlpha = 2.0      # Leaf
        self.ndrh2_internalAlpha = 2.0  # Internal
        self.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix = None
        self.ndrh2_writeRMatrices = True
    def nComps(self):
        return len(self.comps)

    def nRMatrices(self):
        return len(self.rMatrices)

    def nGdasrvs(self):
        return len(self.gdasrvs)

    def setCStuff(self, theModel):
        gm = ['ModelPart.setCStuff()']
        for mNum in range(self.nComps):
            mt = self.comps[mNum]
            #print("comp %i = %s" % (mNum, mt.val))
            if 1:
                theSum = numpy.sum(mt.val)
                theDiff = math.fabs(1.0 - theSum)
                if theDiff > 1e-15:
                    print("Model.setCStuff().  1.0 - sum(comp.val) = %g" % theDiff)
            # for i in range(self.dim):
            #     if mt.val[i] < var.PIVEC_MIN:
            #         gm = ['ModelPart.setCStuff()']
            #         gm.append("Part %i, comp %i, val %i is too small. %g" % (
            #             self.num, mNum, i, mt.val[i]))
            #         gm.append("mt.val = %s" % mt.val)
            #         gm.append("Programming error!  This should not happen.")
            #         raise P4Error(gm)
            #     # no longer needed, as comp.val is a numpy array
            #     #pf.p4_setCompVal(theModel.cModel, self.num, mNum, i, mt.val[i])
            assert numpy.min(mt.val) >= var.PIVEC_MIN

        # Do the rMatrices
        for mNum in range(self.nRMatrices):
            mt = self.rMatrices[mNum]
            # print "Model.setCStuff()   rMatrix.spec is %s" % mt.spec
            if mt.spec == '2p':
                pf.p4_setKappa(theModel.cModel, self.num, mNum, mt.val[0])
            elif or mt.spec == 'specified':
                k = 0
                if var.rMatrixNormalizeTo1:
                    for i in range(self.dim - 1):
                        for j in range(i + 1, self.dim):
                            # print i, j, k
                            pf.p4_setRMatrixBigR(theModel.cModel, self.num, mNum, i, j, mt.val[k])
                            k += 1
                    for i in range(self.dim - 2):
                        for j in range(i + 1, self.dim):
                            # print i, j, k
                            pf.p4_setRMatrixBigR(theModel.cModel, self.num, mNum, i, j, mt.val[k])
                            k += 1

        # Do the gdasrvs
        # if self.nGammaCat > 1:
        #    for mNum in range(self.nGdasrvs):
        #        mt = self.gdasrvs[mNum]
        # pf.p4_setGdasrvVal(theModel.cModel, self.num, mNum, mt.val)   # no
        # longer needed.

        # Do the pInvar and relRate
        pf.p4_setPInvarVal(theModel.cModel, self.num, self.pInvar.val)
        pf.p4_setRelRateVal(theModel.cModel, self.num, self.relRate)

    def copyValsTo(self, otherModelPart):
        sp = self
        op = otherModelPart

        # comps
        for mtNum in range(sp.nComps):
            smt = sp.comps[mtNum]
                omt = op.comps[mtNum]
                for i in range(sp.dim):
                    omt.val[i] = smt.val[i]
            if sp.isHet:
                omt = op.comps[mtNum]
                omt.nNodes = smt.nNodes

        # rMatrices
        for mtNum in range(sp.nRMatrices):
            smt = sp.rMatrices[mtNum]
                omt = op.rMatrices[mtNum]
                if smt.spec == '2p':
                    omt.val[0] = smt.val[0]
                    if var.rMatrixNormalizeTo1:
                        for i in range(((sp.dim * sp.dim) - sp.dim) // 2):
                            omt.val[i] = smt.val[i]
                        for i in range((((sp.dim * sp.dim) - sp.dim) // 2) - 1):
                            omt.val[i] = smt.val[i]
                if sp.isHet:
                    omt.nNodes = smt.nNodes

        # gdasrvs
        for mtNum in range(sp.nGdasrvs):
            smt = sp.gdasrvs[mtNum]
                omt = op.gdasrvs[mtNum]
                omt.val[0] = smt.val[0]

        # pInvar
            op.pInvar.val = sp.pInvar.val

        # relRate
        op.relRate = sp.relRate

        # ndch2
        if sp.ndch2:
            op.ndch2_leafAlpha = sp.ndch2_leafAlpha
            op.ndch2_internalAlpha = sp.ndch2_internalAlpha
            for i in range(sp.dim):
                op.ndch2_priorRefComp[i] = sp.ndch2_priorRefComp[i]

        # ndrh2
        if sp.ndrh2:
            op.ndrh2_leafAlpha = sp.ndrh2_leafAlpha
            op.ndrh2_internalAlpha = sp.ndrh2_internalAlpha
            rLen = int(((sp.dim * sp.dim) - sp.dim) / 2)
            for i in range(rLen):
                op.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix[i] = sp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix[i]

    def copyBQETneedsResetTo(self, otherModelPart):
        sp = self
        op = otherModelPart
        # if hasattr(sp.bQETneedsReset, 'size'):  # Can't simply ask 'if
        # sp.bQETneedsReset'
        if 1:
            for i in range(sp.nComps):
                for j in range(sp.nRMatrices):
                    op.bQETneedsReset[i][j] = sp.bQETneedsReset[i][j]

    def copyNNodesTo(self, otherModelPart):
        sp = self
        op = otherModelPart

        # comps
        for mtNum in range(sp.nComps):
            op.comps[mtNum].nNodes = sp.comps[mtNum].nNodes

        # rMatrices
        for mtNum in range(sp.nRMatrices):
            op.rMatrices[mtNum].nNodes = sp.rMatrices[mtNum].nNodes

        # gdasrvs
        for mtNum in range(sp.nGdasrvs):
            op.gdasrvs[mtNum].nNodes = sp.gdasrvs[mtNum].nNodes

    def writeEmpiricalProteinModelInPAMLFormat(self, compNum, rMatrixNum, outFileName):
        gm = ["ModelPart.writeEmpiricalProteinModelInPAMLFormat()"]

        if self.dim != 20: 
            gm.append(f"dim should be 20, got {self.dim}")
            raise P4Error(gm)
        # Get comp
        cVal = self.comps[compNum].val
        assert isinstance(cVal, numpy.ndarray)
        assert cVal.shape == (20,)

        # Get rMatrix
        r = self.rMatrices[rMatrixNum]
        if r.spec in var.rMatrixProteinSpecs:
            rVal = p4.func.getProteinEmpiricalModelRMatrix(r.spec, upperTriangle=False) # full r matrix
            # print(r.val)
            assert isinstance(r.val, numpy.ndarray)
            if r.val.shape not in [(190,)]:
                gm.append(f"r.val.shape is {r.val.shape}, expecting (190,)")
                raise P4Error(gm)
            rVal = numpy.zeros((20,20))
            counter = 0
            for row in range(0,20):
                for col in range(row+1,20):
                    rVal[row][col] = r.val[counter]
                    rVal[col][row] = r.val[counter]
                    counter += 1
            assert counter == 190
        assert rVal.shape == (20,20)

        # write it
        fout = open(outFileName, "w")
        for row in range(1,20):
            for col in range(0,row):   # lower triangle
                print(rVal[row][col], end=" ", file=fout)

        for it in range(20):
            print(cVal[it], end=" ", file=fout)

[docs] class Model(object): def __init__(self, nParts): = [] self.cModel = None self.doRelRates = 0 self.relRatesAreFree = 0 """Boolean that says whether relRates for each data partition are free parameters.""" self.nFreePrams = 0 self.isHet = 0 for i in range(nParts): mp = ModelPart() mp.num = i @property def nParts(self): return len( def __del__(self, freeModel=pf.p4_freeModel): if self.cModel: freeModel(self.cModel) self.cModel = None
[docs] def dump(self): """Print a summary of self. Part by part.""" # def _writeCharFreqToOpenFile(theCharFreq, dim, symbols, openFile, offset=23): # def _writeRMatrixTupleToOpenFile(theTuple, dim, openFile, offset=23): print("\nModel.dump(). nParts=%s" % self.nParts) if self.nParts == 0: print("nParts is zero.") return if self.doRelRates: if self.relRatesAreFree: print("Relative rates are set and free.") else: print("Relative rates are set but not free.") for pNum in range(self.nParts): mp =[pNum] print("\n==== Part %s, dim=%s" % (pNum, mp.dim)) if self.doRelRates: print("\n ---- relRate = %s" % mp.relRate) print("\n ---- Comp Info") if mp.nComps == 0: print(" No comps.") else: print() print("%4s %6s %9s %6s %4s" % ( '', 'num', 'spec', 'free', 'symb')) for i in range(mp.nComps): c = mp.comps[i] print("%4s" % '', end=' ') print("%6s" % c.num, end=' ') print("%9s" % c.spec, end=' ') print("%6s" %, end=' ') print("%4s" % c.symbol, end=' ') print('') print('') for i in range(mp.nComps): c = mp.comps[i] print('%6s part %i, num %i' % ('', pNum, i)) if c.val is not None: print(" " * 14, end='') if mp.symbols: theseSymbols = mp.symbols else: theseSymbols = '?' * mp.dim p4.func._writeCharFreqToOpenFile( c.val, mp.dim, theseSymbols, sys.stdout, offset=15) print(" %s]" % c.spec) else: print(' ' * 14, 'No values defined.') #import sys; sys.exit() print("\n ---- rMatrix Info") if mp.nRMatrices == 0: print(" No rMatrices.") else: print() print("%4s %6s %9s %6s %6s" % ( '', 'num', 'spec', 'free', 'symb')) for i in range(mp.nRMatrices): c = mp.rMatrices[i] print("%4s" % '', end=' ') print("%6s" % c.num, end=' ') if c.spec in var.rMatrixSpecs: theSpec = c.spec else: theSpec = 'unknown' print("%9s" % theSpec, end=' ') print("%6s" %, end=' ') print("%6s" % c.symbol) print('') for i in range(mp.nRMatrices): c = mp.rMatrices[i] if theSpec in var.rMatrixProteinSpecs: pass elif theSpec == '2p': print("%6s part %i, num %i" % ('', pNum, i)) print(" " * 15, end='') print("kappa = %f" % c.val[0]) else: print("%6s part %i, num %i" % ('', pNum, i)) print(" " * 15, end='') if mp.dim > 2: p4.func._writeRMatrixTupleToOpenFile( c.val, mp.dim, sys.stdout, offset=15) elif mp.dim == 2: print("dim = 2. No free values") else: raise P4Error( "dim=%s How did *that* happen?" % mp.dim) print("\n ---- gdasrv Info. nGammaCat=%s" % mp.nGammaCat) if mp.nGdasrvs == 0: print(" No gdasrvs.") else: print() print("%4s %6s %6s %6s %8s" % ( '', 'num', 'free', 'symb', 'val')) for i in range(mp.nGdasrvs): c = mp.gdasrvs[i] print("%4s" % '', end=' ') print("%6s" % c.num, end=' ') print("%6s" %, end=' ') print("%6s" % c.symbol, end=' ') if c.val: print(" %6.3f" % c.val) else: print("%6s" % 'None') # This should never happen print("\n ---- pInvar Info") c = mp.pInvar if c: print(" %6s %6s %8s" % ('', 'free', 'val')) print("%6s" % '', end=' ') # indent print("%6s" %, end=' ') if c.val or c.val == 0.0: print(" %6.3f" % c.val) else: print("%6s" % 'None') # This should never happen else: print(" No pInvar.")
# def allocBigQAndEig(self): # for pNum in range(self.nParts): ## mp =[pNum] ## qe = [] # for cNum in range(mp.nComps): ## qe.append([None] * mp.nRMatrices) # for cNum in range(mp.nComps): # for rNum in range(mp.nRMatrices): ## qe[cNum][rNum] = BigQAndEig(mp.dim, mp.comps[cNum], mp.rMatrices[rNum]) ## mp.bigQAndEigArray = qe def writePramsProfile(self, flob, runNum): """Write commented lines as a key to the model prams.""" flob.write("# Model.writePramsProfile() runNum %i\n" % runNum) flob.write("# \n") flob.write("# There are %i free parameters in this model.\n" % self.nFreePrams) flob.write("# The parameters sampled at a given gen+1 are written on one line.\n") flob.write("# The first number is gen+1, followed by any changeable model parameters.\n") flob.write("# The number of changeable model parameters may be more than the \n") flob.write("# number of free model parameters, eg for DNA composition, there are\n") flob.write("# 3 free parameters, but 4 changeable parameters.\n") flob.write("# The column number or column range for each parameter or\n") flob.write("# parameter set is given twice-- the first is zero-based \n") flob.write("# numbering, and the second is one-based numbering.\n") flob.write("# Numbers in square brackets are the number of parameters listed.\n") flob.write("# \n") nPrams = 0 spacer1 = ' ' * 23 spacer2 = ' ' * 12 flob.write("# 0-based 1-based\n") flob.write("# ------- -------\n") flob.write("#%s%i data partitions\n" % (spacer1, self.nParts)) if self.doRelRates: if self.relRatesAreFree: flob.write("#%sRelative rates are set and free.\n" % spacer1) else: flob.write( "#%sRelative rates are set but not free.\n" % spacer1) pramsList = [] zeroBasedColNum = 1 oneBasedColNum = 2 for pNum in range(self.nParts): pramsList.append([]) flob.write("#%sData Partition %i\n" % (spacer1, pNum)) mp =[pNum] if self.doRelRates and self.relRatesAreFree: flob.write("# %7i %7i " % (zeroBasedColNum, oneBasedColNum)) flob.write("%srelRate[1]\n" % spacer2) pramsList[pNum].append(['relRate', 1]) nPrams += 1 zeroBasedColNum += 1 oneBasedColNum += 1 if mp.nComps: if mp.ndch2 and not mp.ndch2_writeComps: pass else: for i in range(mp.nComps): if mp.comps[i].free: flob.write("# ") begin = zeroBasedColNum end = zeroBasedColNum + (mp.dim - 1) theRangeString = "%s-%s" % (begin, end) flob.write("%7s " % theRangeString) begin = oneBasedColNum end = oneBasedColNum + (mp.dim - 1) theRangeString = "%s-%s" % (begin, end) flob.write("%7s " % theRangeString) flob.write("%scomp[%i]\n" % (spacer2, mp.dim)) pramsList[pNum].append(['comp', mp.dim]) nPrams += mp.dim zeroBasedColNum += mp.dim oneBasedColNum += mp.dim if mp.nRMatrices: if mp.ndrh2 and not mp.ndrh2_writeRMatrices: pass else: for i in range(mp.nRMatrices): mt = mp.rMatrices[i] if if mt.spec == '2p': flob.write("# %7i %7i " % (zeroBasedColNum, oneBasedColNum)) flob.write("%srMatrix[1]\n" % spacer2) pramsList[pNum].append(['rMatrix', 1]) nPrams += 1 zeroBasedColNum += 1 oneBasedColNum += 1 else: lenMtVal = len(mt.val) flob.write("# ") begin = zeroBasedColNum end = zeroBasedColNum + (lenMtVal - 1) theRangeString = "%s-%s" % (begin, end) flob.write("%7s " % theRangeString) begin = oneBasedColNum end = oneBasedColNum + (lenMtVal - 1) theRangeString = "%s-%s" % (begin, end) flob.write("%7s " % theRangeString) flob.write("%srMatrix[%i]\n" % (spacer2, lenMtVal)) pramsList[pNum].append(['rMatrix', lenMtVal]) nPrams += lenMtVal zeroBasedColNum += lenMtVal oneBasedColNum += lenMtVal if mp.nGdasrvs: for i in range(mp.nGdasrvs): mt = mp.gdasrvs[i] if flob.write("# %7i %7i " % (zeroBasedColNum, oneBasedColNum)) flob.write("%sgdasrv[1]\n" % spacer2) pramsList[pNum].append(['gdasrv', 1]) nPrams += 1 zeroBasedColNum += 1 oneBasedColNum += 1 if mp.pInvar and flob.write("# %7i %7i " % (zeroBasedColNum, oneBasedColNum)) flob.write("%spInvar[1]\n" % spacer2) pramsList[pNum].append(['pInvar', 1]) nPrams += 1 zeroBasedColNum += 1 oneBasedColNum += 1 flob.write("# \n") flob.write("# %i changeable prams in all.\n" % nPrams) flob.write("# \n") f = open("" % runNum, 'w') f.write( "# This file, '', is used by func.summarizeMcmcPrams() and PosteriorSamples\n" % runNum) f.write("pramsProfile = %s\n" % pramsList) f.write("nPrams = %i\n" % nPrams) f.close() def writePramsLine(self, flob): """Write a line of model parameters for mcmc output.""" profile1 = "\t%12.6f" profile2 = "\t%10.8f" for pNum in range(self.nParts): mp =[pNum] if self.doRelRates and self.relRatesAreFree: flob.write(profile1 % mp.relRate) if mp.nComps: if mp.ndch2 and not mp.ndch2_writeComps: pass else: for i in range(mp.nComps): mt = mp.comps[i] if for j in mt.val: flob.write(profile2 % j) if mp.nRMatrices: if mp.ndrh2 and not mp.ndrh2_writeRMatrices: pass else: for i in range(mp.nRMatrices): mt = mp.rMatrices[i] if for j in mt.val: flob.write(profile2 % j) if mp.nGdasrvs: for i in range(mp.nGdasrvs): mt = mp.gdasrvs[i] if flob.write(profile1 % mt.val[0]) if mp.pInvar and flob.write(profile2 % mp.pInvar.val) flob.write("\n") def writeHypersLine(self, flob): """Write a line of model hyperparameters for mcmc output.""" profile1 = "\t%12.6f" profile2 = "\t%10.8f" for pNum in range(self.nParts): mp =[pNum] if mp.ndch2: flob.write(profile1 % mp.ndch2_leafAlpha) flob.write(profile1 % mp.ndch2_internalAlpha) if mp.ndrh2: flob.write(profile1 % mp.ndrh2_leafAlpha) flob.write(profile1 % mp.ndrh2_internalAlpha) flob.write("\n") def writePramsHeaderLine(self, flob): """Write a header line of model parameters for mcmc output.""" for pNum in range(self.nParts): mp =[pNum] if self.doRelRates and self.relRatesAreFree: flob.write('\trelRate.%i' % pNum) if mp.nComps: if mp.ndch2 and not mp.ndch2_writeComps: pass else: for i in range(mp.nComps): mt = mp.comps[i] if for j in range(len(mt.val)): flob.write('\tcomp.%i.%i.%i' % (pNum, i, j)) if mp.nRMatrices: if mp.ndrh2 and not mp.ndrh2_writeRMatrices: pass else: for i in range(mp.nRMatrices): mt = mp.rMatrices[i] if for j in range(len(mt.val)): flob.write('\trMatrix.%i.%i.%i' % (pNum, i, j)) if mp.nGdasrvs: for i in range(mp.nGdasrvs): mt = mp.gdasrvs[i] if flob.write('\tgdasrv.%i.%i' % (pNum, i)) if mp.pInvar and flob.write('\tpInvar.%i' % pNum) flob.write("\n") def writeHypersHeaderLine(self, flob): """Write a header line of model hyperparameters for mcmc output.""" for pNum in range(self.nParts): mp =[pNum] if mp.ndch2: flob.write('\tndch2_leafAlpha.%i' % pNum) flob.write('\tndch2_internalAlpha.%i' % pNum) if mp.ndrh2: flob.write('\tndrh2_leafAlpha.%i' % pNum) flob.write('\tndrh2_internalAlpha.%i' % pNum) flob.write("\n") def allocCStuff(self): complaintHead = '\nModel.allocCStuff()' if 0: print("nParts = %s %s" % (self.nParts, type(self.nParts))) print("doRelRates = %s %s" % (self.doRelRates, type(self.doRelRates))) print("relRatesAreFree = %s %s" % (self.relRatesAreFree, type(self.relRatesAreFree))) print("nFreePrams = %s %s" % (self.nFreePrams, type(self.nFreePrams))) # a float ?! print("isHet = %s %s" % (self.isHet, type(self.isHet))) print("_rMatrixNormaizeTo1 = %s %s" % (var._rMatrixNormalizeTo1, type(var._rMatrixNormalizeTo1))) if self.cModel: gm = [complaintHead] gm.append("About to alloc cModel, but cModel already exists.(%s)" % self.cModel) raise P4Error(gm) self.cModel = pf.p4_newModel(self.nParts, self.doRelRates, self.relRatesAreFree, int(self.nFreePrams), self.isHet, var._rMatrixNormalizeTo1, var._PINVAR_MIN, var._PINVAR_MAX, var._KAPPA_MIN, var._KAPPA_MAX, var._GAMMA_SHAPE_MIN, var._GAMMA_SHAPE_MAX, var._PIVEC_MIN, var._PIVEC_MAX, var._RATE_MIN, var._RATE_MAX, var._RELRATE_MIN, var._RELRATE_MAX, var._BRLEN_MIN, var._BRLEN_MAX) #print(" ==== new cModel %s" % self.cModel) for pNum in range(self.nParts): mp =[pNum] if 0: print(self.cModel, end=' ') print(pNum, end=' ') print(mp.dim, end=' ') print(mp.nComps, end=' ') print(mp.nRMatrices, end=' ') print(mp.nGdasrvs, end=' ') print(mp.nGammaCat, end=' ') print(, end=' ') nGammaCat = mp.nGammaCat mp.bQETneedsReset = numpy.ones( (mp.nComps, mp.nRMatrices), numpy.int32) pf.p4_newModelPart(self.cModel, pNum, mp.dim, mp.nComps, mp.nRMatrices, mp.nGdasrvs, nGammaCat,, mp.bQETneedsReset) for mNum in range(mp.nComps): mt = mp.comps[mNum] assert mt.val is not None # mt.val is a numpy array pf.p4_newComp(self.cModel, pNum, mNum,, mt.val) for mNum in range(mp.nRMatrices): mt = mp.rMatrices[mNum] theSpec = None if mt.spec == 'ones': theSpec = 100 elif mt.spec == 'specified' or mt.spec == 'optimized': theSpec = 20 elif mt.spec == '2p': theSpec = 5 elif mt.spec in var.rMatrixProteinSpecs: theSpec = var.rMatrixProteinSpecNumberForNameDict[mt.spec] else: gm = [complaintHead] gm.append("Programming error.") gm.append("Bad rMatrix spec '%s'. Part %i" % (mt.spec, pNum)) gm.append("Should be one of %s" % var.rMatrixSpecs) raise P4Error(gm) # This next function sets the values of the rMatrices. # For protein matrices, the values are set only in c. # For ones and specified matrices, the rmatrix is set # to all ones-- any specifed values are poked in # later, in ModelPart.setCStuff() pf.p4_newRMatrix(self.cModel, pNum, mNum,, theSpec) for mNum in range(mp.nGdasrvs): mt = mp.gdasrvs[mNum] # print 'about to pf.p4_newGdasrv(), mt.val=%f, mt.val[0]=%f' % # (mt.val, mt.val[0]) mt.c = pf.p4_newGdasrv( self.cModel, pNum, mNum, mt.nGammaCat,, mt.val, mt.freqs, mt.rates) mt.calcRates() # print "finished Model.allocCStuff()" def setCStuff(self, partNum=None): complaintHead = '\nModel.setCStuff()' if partNum == None: for pNum in range(self.nParts):[pNum].setCStuff(self) else:[partNum].setCStuff(self) def restoreFreePrams(self, prams): complaintHead = '\nModel.restoreFreePrams()' if 0: print(complaintHead) print("nFreePrams = %s" % self.nFreePrams) print("prams=%s" % prams) sys.exit() pos = 0 for pNum in range(self.nParts): mp =[pNum] # Do the comps for mNum in range(mp.nComps): mt = mp.comps[mNum] if mt.spec = 'optimized' # Restore all but the last val for i in range(mp.dim - 1): #mt.val[i] = prams[pos] pos += 1 # # Calculate the last val # mt.val[mp.dim - 1] = 1.0 - sum(mt.val[:-1]) # # Make sure the vals are not too small # needsNormalizing = 0 # theSum = 0.0 # for i in range(mp.dim): # if mt.val[i] < var.PIVEC_MIN: # mt.val[i] = var.PIVEC_MIN + (var.PIVEC_MIN * 0.2) + (var.PIVEC_MIN * random.random()) # needsNormalizing = 1 # theSum += mt.val[i] # if needsNormalizing or theSum != 1.0: # for i in range(mp.dim): # mt.val[i] /= theSum assert math.fabs(1.0 - numpy.sum(mt.val)) < 1.e-15 if numpy.min(mt.val) < var.PIVEC_MIN: gm = [complaintHead] gm.append("var.PIVEC_MIN is currently %g" % var.PIVEC_MIN) gm.append("Got comp %i val %g ; too small" % (mNum, numpy.min(mt.val))) raise P4Error(gm) if 0: theSum = sum(mt.val) print("restoreFreePrams(). pNum %i, comp %i, sum=%g, 1.0 - sum = %g" % ( pNum, mNum, theSum, (1.0 - theSum))) # Do the rMatrices. for mNum in range(mp.nRMatrices): mt = mp.rMatrices[mNum] if if mt.spec == '2p': mt.val[0] = prams[pos] pos += 1 else: mt.spec = 'optimized' k = 0 for i in range(mp.dim - 2): for j in range(i + 1, mp.dim): # print i, j, k, pos mt.val[k] = prams[pos] k += 1 pos += 1 if var.rMatrixNormalizeTo1: # Calculate the last value mt.val[-1] = 1.0 - sum(mt.val[:-1]) needsNormalizing = 0 theSum = 0.0 # print mt.val, sum(mt.val) for i in range(len(mt.val)): if mt.val[i] < var.RATE_MIN: mt.val[i] = var.RATE_MIN + \ (var.RATE_MIN * random.random()) needsNormalizing = 1 theSum += mt.val[i] if needsNormalizing or theSum != 1.0: mt.val /= theSum # Do the gdasrvs if mp.nGammaCat > 1: for mNum in range(mp.nGdasrvs): mt = mp.gdasrvs[mNum] if # print 'restoreFreePrams(). mt.val=%f, mt.val[0]=%f, prams[pos]=%f' % ( # mt.val, mt.val[0], prams[pos]) if (mt.val - prams[pos]) > 1.e-10: raise P4Error( "restoreFreePrams. bad gdasrv non-restore.") #mt.val = prams[pos] pos += 1 # Do the pInvar if mp.pInvar.val = prams[pos] pos += 1 # Do the relRates, after the loop if self.relRatesAreFree: for pNum in range(self.nParts - 1): mp =[pNum] mp.relRate = prams[pos] pos += 1 # Get the last relRate mp =[self.nParts - 1] mp.relRate = pf.p4_getRelRate(self.cModel, self.nParts - 1) def copyValsTo(self, otherModel): #complaintHead = '\nModel.copyValsTo()' for pNum in range(self.nParts): sp =[pNum] op =[pNum] sp.copyValsTo(op) def copyBQETneedsResetTo(self, otherModel): for pNum in range(self.nParts):[pNum].copyBQETneedsResetTo([pNum]) def copyNNodesTo(self, otherModel): #complaintHead = '\nModel.copyNNodesTo()' if self.isHet: for pNum in range(self.nParts): sp =[pNum] if sp.isHet: op =[pNum] sp.copyNNodesTo(op) def verifyValsWith(self, otherModel): complaintHead = '\nModel.verifyValsWith()' isBad = 0 epsilon1 = 1.e-15 for pNum in range(self.nParts): sp =[pNum] op =[pNum] # comps for mtNum in range(sp.nComps): smt = sp.comps[mtNum] if omt = op.comps[mtNum] for i in range(sp.dim): if math.fabs(smt.val[i] - omt.val[i]) > epsilon1: print("Model.verifyValsWith() comp vals differ.") isBad = 1 break if self.isHet: for mtNum in range(sp.nComps): if op.comps[mtNum].nNodes != sp.comps[mtNum].nNodes: print("Model.verifyValsWith() nNodes differ.") isBad = 1 break # rMatrices for mtNum in range(sp.nRMatrices): smt = sp.rMatrices[mtNum] if omt = op.rMatrices[mtNum] if smt.spec == '2p': if math.fabs(smt.val[0] - omt.val[0]) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 break else: # for i in range((((sp.dim * sp.dim) - sp.dim) // 2) - 1): for i in range(len(smt.val)): if math.fabs(smt.val[i] - omt.val[i]) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 break if self.isHet: for mtNum in range(sp.nRMatrices): if op.rMatrices[mtNum].nNodes != sp.rMatrices[mtNum].nNodes: isBad = 1 break # gdasrvs for mtNum in range(sp.nGdasrvs): smt = sp.gdasrvs[mtNum] if omt = op.gdasrvs[mtNum] if math.fabs(smt.val[0] - omt.val[0]) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 break # pInvar if if math.fabs(sp.pInvar.val - op.pInvar.val) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 if isBad: break # relRate if self.doRelRates and self.relRatesAreFree: if math.fabs(sp.relRate - op.relRate) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 if isBad: break if sp.ndch2: if math.fabs(sp.ndch2_leafAlpha - op.ndch2_leafAlpha) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 break if math.fabs(sp.ndch2_internalAlpha - op.ndch2_internalAlpha) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 break for i in range(sp.dim): if math.fabs(sp.ndch2_priorRefComp[i] - op.ndch2_priorRefComp[i]) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 break if sp.ndrh2: if math.fabs(sp.ndrh2_leafAlpha - op.ndrh2_leafAlpha) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 break if math.fabs(sp.ndrh2_internalAlpha - op.ndrh2_internalAlpha) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 break rLen = int(((sp.dim * sp.dim) - sp.dim) / 2) for i in range(rLen): if math.fabs(sp.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix[i] - op.ndrh2_priorRefRMatrix[i]) > epsilon1: isBad = 1 break # bQETneedsReset # if hasattr(sp.bQETneedsReset, 'size'): # Can't simply ask 'if # sp.bQETneedsReset' if 0: for i in range(sp.nComps): for j in range(sp.nRMatrices): # integers if op.bQETneedsReset[i][j] != sp.bQETneedsReset[i][j]: print(complaintHead) print("Mis-matched bQETneedsReset.") print("self.bQETneedsReset is") print(sp.bQETneedsReset) print("other.bQETneedsReset is") print(op.bQETneedsReset) isBad = 1 break if 1: # bQETneedsReset is a numpy array of ints assert isinstance(op.bQETneedsReset, numpy.ndarray) # ret is an array of booleans. ret = op.bQETneedsReset != sp.bQETneedsReset if numpy.any(ret): print(complaintHead) print("Mis-matched bQETneedsReset. Part %i" % pNum) print("self.bQETneedsReset is") print(sp.bQETneedsReset) print("other.bQETneedsReset is") print(op.bQETneedsReset) print("positions differing:") print(ret) isBad = 1 break if isBad: print(complaintHead) print(" Mis-matched model prams.") return var.DIFFERENT return var.SAME
[docs] def getBigQ(self, pNum=0, compNum=0, rMatrixNum=0): """Returns a dim * dim numpy array with the bigQ """ mp =[pNum] c = mp.comps[compNum] r = mp.rMatrices[rMatrixNum] a = numpy.zeros((mp.dim, mp.dim), dtype=numpy.double) pf.getBigQ(self.cModel, mp.dim, pNum, compNum, rMatrixNum, a) return a