import os
import sys
import math
import string
import p4.func
from p4.p4exceptions import P4Error
from p4.var import var
import numpy
class Numbers(object):
"""Simple 1-dimensional data handling. Emphasis on 'simple'.
Feed this a list of floats, or the name of a file containing
floats. If it is a file, lines are read in only if the first
character is a digit. So lines starting with words, '#', or blank
lines, are ignored (and those ignored lines do not contribute to
the 'skip', below). So this should be able to read in MrBayes ``*.p``
files, sensibly skipping the first lines.
If inThing is a file, it can have multiple columns.
This says which one to use. Zero-based!
If inThing is a file, you can skip lines at the
beginning. This says how many. It skips 'skip'
data lines in addition to ignored lines, 'cuz ignored
lines are skipped anyway.
The ``histo()`` method does a simple 1-D histogram, putting the data
into bins. It would be usual to not supply a ``binSize``, in which
case a suitable binSize is chosen for you. But if you don't like
the result, you can optionally specify a binSize,
(eg myNumbers.binSize=10.0)
If your numbers are in more than one list or file, you can read in
more stuff with the ``read()`` method.
def __init__(self, inThing, col=0, skip=0): = []
self.bins = None
# self.binSize is a property
self._binSize = None
self.nBins = None
#self.min = None
#self.max = None
#self.range = None
# self.col
# self.skip
if isinstance(inThing, numpy.ndarray):
inThing = list(inThing)
if inThing:, col, skip)
def binSize(self):
"""(property) Return the bin size"""
return self._binSize
def binSize(self, binSize):
theBinSize = float(binSize)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise P4Error("Arg binSize, if set, should be a float.")
if theBinSize <= 0.0:
raise P4Error("Arg binSize, if set, should be a positive float.")
self._binSize = theBinSize
def binSize(self):
self._binSize = None
def read(self, inThing, col=0, skip=0):
"""Slurp in some more numbers.
You can use this repeatedly, eg if your numbers are in more
than one list or file. """
gm = ['']
if isinstance(inThing, str) and os.path.isfile(inThing):
# col and skip only come into play if its a file.
self.col = int(col)
self.skip = int(skip)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
gm.append("Args col and skip must be ints")
raise P4Error(gm)
flob = open(inThing)
theLines = flob.readlines()
# if skip:
# if len(theLines) <= self.skip:
# gm.append("File '%s' has %i lines, " % (inThing, len(theLines)))
# gm.append("but skip is set to %i." % self.skip)
# raise P4Error(gm)
skipsDone = 0
digitsPlusMinus = '0123456789+-'
for aLine in theLines:
ll = aLine.lstrip()
if ll.startswith("#"):
elif not ll:
# Read MrBayes *.p files
# elif ll.startswith("[ID: "):
# pass
# elif ll.startswith("Gen"):
# pass
elif ll[0] not in digitsPlusMinus:
if skipsDone < self.skip:
skipsDone += 1
splitLine = aLine.split()
theOne = splitLine[col]
except IndexError:
gm.append("Line '%s'. " % aLine.rstrip())
"Can't get the item at (zero-based) index %i " % col)
raise P4Error(gm)
aFloat = float(theOne)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
gm.append("Line '%s'. " % aLine.rstrip())
gm.append("Can't make sense of '%s'" % theOne)
raise P4Error(gm)
elif isinstance(inThing, list):
for thing in inThing:
aFloat = float(thing)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
gm.append("Can't make sense of '%s'" % thing)
gm.append("I was expecting a float.")
raise P4Error(gm)
gm.append("Can't understand inThing. Should be a file or a list.")
raise P4Error(gm)
# print "got %i data points" % len(
# print
self.min = min(
self.max = max(
self.range = self.max - self.min
def mean(self):
if len(
return sum( / len(
return None
def _makeBins(self, padMin, padMax):
if not self.binSize:
# Try to figure out a good binSize
orderOfMag = 0
rng = self.range
orderOfMag = int(math.floor(math.log(rng, 10)))
rng *= math.pow(10, -orderOfMag)
# print "rng = %f" % rng
# print "orderOfMag = %i" % orderOfMag
# This gives 10-20 bins
# if rng < 2.0:
# step = 0.1
# elif rng < 4.0:
# step = 0.2
# else:
# step = 0.5
# This gives 9-18 bins (I think)
if rng < 1.5:
step = 0.1
elif rng < 3.6:
step = 0.2
elif rng < 9.0:
step = 0.5
step = 1.0
step = step * math.pow(10, orderOfMag)
# print "step = %f" % step
self.binSize = step
# At this point we have a binSize. Now calculate a
# niceMin, so that if the bins included zero, then
# zero would be a bin border.
if padMin != None:
theMin = padMin
# print "theMin = padMin = %f" % padMin
theMin = self.min
# print "theMin = self.min = %f" % self.min
if padMax != None:
theMax = padMax
# print "theMax = padMax = %f" % padMax
theMax = self.max
# print "theMax = self.max = %f" % self.max
nStepsToMin = int(math.floor(theMin / self.binSize))
niceMin = nStepsToMin * self.binSize
# print "nStepsToMin = %i, niceMin = %f" % (nStepsToMin, niceMin)
# sys.exit()
self.nBins = int(math.ceil((theMax - niceMin) / float(self.binSize)))
# print "self.max = %f, niceMin + (self.nBins * self.binSize) = %f" % (
# self.max, niceMin + (self.nBins * self.binSize))
assert niceMin + (self.nBins * self.binSize) >= theMax
# If the maximum point lies on a bin border, we need another bin.
if niceMin + (self.nBins * self.binSize) == theMax:
# print "...adding another bin."
self.nBins += 1
if 0:
print("binSize= %f" % self.binSize)
print("self.max = %f, self.min = %f, niceMin=%f" % (self.max, self.min, niceMin))
print("padMin=%s, theMin=%s, padMax=%s, theMax=%s" % (padMin, theMin, padMax, theMax))
print("self.range = %f" % self.range)
print("theMax - niceMin = %f" % (theMax - niceMin))
print("self.nBins = %i" % self.nBins)
# sys.exit()
# Make the bins
self.bins = []
binBorders = []
for i in range(self.nBins):
bb = i * self.binSize
self.bins.append([niceMin + bb, 0])
binBorders.append(niceMin + bb)
#niceRange = self.nBins * self.binSize
for i in
# This next line did not work for 0.7 on a 0.7 border!
#bNum = int(math.floor(((i - niceMin) / niceRange) * self.nBins))
# Nor did this next bit get it right. Seems to be insoluble.
bNum = 0
for j in range(1, self.nBins):
if i >= binBorders[j]:
bNum = j
assert bNum >= 0 and bNum < self.nBins
self.bins[bNum][1] += 1
def histo(self, verbose=True, binSize=None, padMin=None, padMax=None):
"""Put the data nicely into bins.
After you do this, the bins are available in self.bins, a list
of pairs.
Args *padMin* and *padMax* extend the range up or down, where
the extended bins would have zero content, so they would be
placeholders. It would be good for making two different
histos have exactly the same range, eg so you can plot them in
the same plot.
gm = ['Numbers.histo()']
if padMin != None:
assert padMin <= self.min
if padMax != None:
assert padMax >= self.max, "padMax is %f, self.max is %f" % (padMax, self.max)
if binSize:
# a property, so it checks to make sure it is a float
self.binSize = binSize
# It is possible that the data are all the same, so its really
# not clear how to make bins. Unless there is a binSize defined.
if self.binSize:
if not self.range:
"The data are all the same. max=min. That will not work.")
raise P4Error(gm)
self._makeBins(padMin, padMax)
if not self.bins:
gm.append("No bins.")
raise P4Error(gm)
if verbose:
print("%i data points, min=%s, max=%s, binSize=%s, nBins=%i" % (
len(, self.min, self.max, self.binSize, self.nBins))
if padMin != None or padMax != None:
print("padMin=%s, padMax=%s" % (padMin, padMax))
print("%i points at min, %i points at max" % (,
for bin in self.bins:
print(f"{bin[0]:.10} {bin[1]}")
def dump(self):
print("%i data points, " % len(, end=' ')
print("min=%s, " % self.min, end=' ')
print("max=%s, " % self.max, end=' ')
print("mean=%s, " % self.mean(), end=' ')
print("binSize=%s, " % self.binSize, end=' ')
print("nBins=%s" % self.nBins)
def plot(self, term='qt', output=None, font="Helvetica,14"):
"""A horrible hack to plot stuff with GnuPlot.
A file, gnuplot_instructs, is written. Then gnuplot is
called. The default terminal type is 'qt', so that is needed.
Couldn't this be done in a clever way with (existing) proper
python hooks into GnuPlot? -yes, but it would require installing
another module.
To make a png, you could call it with::
term='png', output='myPlot.png'
To plot to the terminal, say term='dumb'.
weirdName = 'tmPFoRGnUPloT'
f1 = open(weirdName, 'w')
for i in
f1.write('%s\n' % i)
instructionsFileName = 'gNupLot_inStruCts'
f1 = open(instructionsFileName, 'w')
if term == 'qt':
f1.write('set term %s font "%s"\n' % (term,font))
f1.write('set term %s\n' % term)
if output:
f1.write('set output "%s"\n' % output)
f1.write('plot "%s" notitle\n' % weirdName)
if term == 'qt':
os.system('gnuplot --persist %s' % instructionsFileName)
os.system('gnuplot %s' % instructionsFileName)
os.system('rm %s' % weirdName)
os.system('rm %s' % instructionsFileName)
def tailAreaProbability(self, theStat, verbose=1):
"""Access to :func:`p4.func.tailAreaProbability`
Supply *theStat*, ie the test quantity, and it uses
```` to make the distribution.
return p4.func.tailAreaProbability(theStat,, verbose)
# def mplPlot(self):
# """Plot with mathplotlib. Does this work?"""
# from pylab import plot,show
# plot(
# show()
# def harmonicMeanOfLogs2(self):
# theMax = -min(
# diff = 600. - theMax
# theSum = 0.0
# for i in range(len(
# val =[i] + diff
# theSum += math.exp(val)
# return -(math.log(theSum) - diff)
def gsl_meanVariance(self):
"""Uses gsl. Returns a tuple of the mean and the variance."""
if len(
a = numpy.array(, dtype=numpy.double)
m = numpy.zeros([1], dtype=numpy.double)
v = numpy.zeros([1], dtype=numpy.double)
p4.func.gsl_meanVariance(a, m, v)
return (m, v)
return None
def arithmeticMeanOfLogs(self):
ar = numpy.array(, dtype=numpy.double)
# print ar
if 0:
numpy.exp(ar, ar)
m = sum(ar) / len(ar)
return math.log(m)
# From MrBayes. Thanks again, guys!
scaler = max(ar) - 100.0
a = aOld = n = 0.0
for x in ar:
y = x
y -= scaler
if y < -100.0:
print("Numbers.arithmeticMeanOfLogs() Ignoring outlier %f" % x)
x = numpy.exp(y)
if n < 0.5:
a = x
aOld = a
a = aOld + (x - aOld) / (n + 1.0)
n += 1.0
mean = numpy.log(a) + scaler
# print "mean = %f" % mean
return mean
def harmonicMeanOfLogs(self):
"""Returns log of the harmonic mean of logs.
Self is in log form. The harmonic mean is calculated after
exponentiating, and the result is returned as a log.
The method was stolen uncritically from MrBayes. This gives
the same result as MrBayes.
# The numbers are scaled relative to the lowest log value. If
# the highest log values are more than 200 log units more than
# the lowest log value, then they are ignored.
ar = numpy.array(, dtype=numpy.double)
# print ar
# From MrBayes.
scaler = (0.0 - min(ar)) - 100.0
# print "scaler = %f" % scaler
a = aOld = n = 0.0
for x in ar:
x *= -1.0
y = x
y -= scaler
# print "x=%f, y = %f" % (x, y)
if y < -100.0:
print("Numbers.harmonicMeanOfLogs() Ignoring outlier %f" % -x)
x = numpy.exp(y)
if n < 0.5:
a = x
aOld = a
a = aOld + (x - aOld) / (n + 1.0)
n += 1.0
harm_mean = - numpy.log(a) - scaler
return harm_mean