Source code for p4.quartetjoining

from p4.p4exceptions import P4Error
import p4.func
from p4.func import read
from p4.var import var
from p4.tree import Tree
from p4.node import Node, NodeBranch
import sys
import random
import copy
from p4.pnumbers import Numbers
import math

# I suppose if there are input trees whose tax sets are equal to or subsets
# of the current bigT, then they need not ever be considered again and
# could be removed from the list of input trees also. Or rather put on a
# list of ignores.

# On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 2:17 PM, mark wilkinson <> wrote:
# > Do you have any prioritisation of the order in which leaves are added.  For
# > example you might choose to add leaves that are present in the most input
# > trees first?   --Done.


class QJTax(object):

    def __init__(self, taxName):
        self.num = None = taxName
        self.bitKey = None
        self.node = None         # used by getQuartetFromFourTaxa()
        self.kBrs = None
        self.nTrees = 0          # ie how many input trees have this taxon

    def dump(self):
        print("Tax.dump().       name = %s" %
        print("                bitKey = %s" % self.bitKey)
        if not self.kBrs:
            print("                  kBrs = %s" % self.kBrs)
            print("                  kBrs = %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in self.kBrs])

# What is a quartet?
# In a theoretical description of a quartet ij|kx, all of i, j, k, and
# x are taxa.  But that is not the case here!  Here x is indeed a
# taxon, but k does not need to be defined as such, and only needs to
# be defined as a subtree on a node on bigT.  There are 3 such
# subtrees, so k is one of 0, 1, or 2.  Confusingly, I treat k
# like a taxon in some descriptions below, and so I refer to "kx" for
# example.  The k there would mean one of the taxa on the
# k-subtree in bigT, and that subtree would be identified by the
# k-number.
# Since we know the node in bigT, and we know x, then a quartet is
# adequately described by a number, one of 0, 1, or 2 -- that is the
# k-number, or just k, in the code below.  So a quartet is k.
# It gets a little more complicated when we turn on doAddXSubTree.
# Then we need to know more -- we need to know about the input tree
# that the quartet came from, and other bits of info, as well as the
# k-number.  That is packaged up in a QJQuartet object.  It still has
# a k-number, called k, as an attribute.
# Below, the method that finds quartets is getQuartetsForXForNode().
# It returns a list of quartets.  Those quartets are just numbers, or
# if doAddXSubTree is turned on, then the quartets are QJQuartet
# objects.

class QJQuartet(object):
    # This is used only when adding x-subtrees.

    def __init__(self, theTree, theNode, k, xAndKAreAbove):
        self.tree = theTree  # the input tree, not bigT
        # the node on self.tree, with quartet ij|kx, with ij on one side and kx
        # on the other
        self.node = theNode
        # The k-number.-- 0, 1, or 2, indicating a subtree in bigT
        self.k = k
        # I am not quite sure that this next bit is useful.  Might be dropped
        # True or False.  If kx is above then it would be True.
        self.xAndKAreAbove = xAndKAreAbove
        # These next 2 have to do with making a smaller x-subtree,
        # making sure that it contains no polytomies nor any other
        # taxa from bigT.
        # The node on self.tree at the origin of the x-subtree
        self.xNode = None
        # Whether the x-subtree goes up or down from the xNode.
        self.up = None

    def dump(self):
        print("node is node %i," % self.node.nodeNum, end=' ')
        print(" k = %i," % self.k, end=' ')
        print(" xAndKAreAbove = %s" % self.xAndKAreAbove)

class QJDiagnostics(object):
    # For debugging.  If the QuartetJoining object has diagn set, eg
    # as qj.diagn = 1, then each time the quartetJoining() method is
    # called it instantiates a new QJDiagnostics object.  Completely
    # flexible.  All this will be deleted when everything works.

    def __init__(self):

    def dump(self):

[docs] class QuartetJoining(object): """Mark Wilkinson's fast supertree method. You feed this a list of p4 Tree objects. For example. read('myTreeFile.nex') qj = QuartetJoining(var.trees) qj.useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree = True qj.doBreakTies = True qj.doPips=True qj.maxQuartetsPerN = 0 qj.doAddXSubTree = True qjt = qj.quartetJoining() qjt.writeNexus('myQJTree.nex') """ def __init__(self, theTrees): gm = ['QuartetJoining.__init__()'] # Check the input trees. assert isinstance(theTrees, list), "Arg theTrees should be a list of p4 tree objects." for t in theTrees: assert isinstance( t, Tree), "Input trees should be p4 Tree objects. Got %s" % t rootNChildren = t.root.getNChildren() if rootNChildren == 2: t.write() gm.append( 'This input tree has a bifurcating root. Not allowed.') raise P4Error(gm) if not t.taxNames: t.taxNames = [ for n in t.iterLeavesNoRoot()] self.trees = theTrees # Make a list of taxa that are found in all the trees. We # have a list of names, and a corresponding list of Tax # objects, that hold more info. self.taxa = [] # Tax objects self.taxNames = [] self.taxaDict = {} # key is the taxName if theTrees: t = theTrees[0] for tName in t.taxNames: self.taxNames.append(tName) theQJTax = QJTax(tName) theQJTax.nTrees = 1 self.taxa.append(theQJTax) self.taxaDict[tName] = theQJTax for t in theTrees[1:]: for tName in t.taxNames: ret = self.taxaDict.get(tName) if ret: ret.nTrees += 1 else: self.taxNames.append(tName) theQJTax = QJTax(tName) theQJTax.nTrees = 1 self.taxa.append(theQJTax) self.taxaDict[tName] = theQJTax # Set the bitKey for each Tax object. for i in range(len(self.taxa)): tx = self.taxa[i] tx.bitKey = 1 << i tx.num = i # Calculate bitKeys and taxBits for the input trees. Each # internal branch has a bitKey, that says what leaves are # above it. Each tree has a taxBits that says which taxa are # in it. for t in self.trees: self.decorateTreeWithBitKeys(t) self.setTreeTaxBits(t) #t.loserDict = {} #t.nLosers = 0 # A useful binary number. self.allOnes = 2 ** (len(self.taxNames)) - 1 # The supertree is made by the quartetJoining() method. self.bigT = None # This list, bigTInternalNodes, needs to be kept up to date. self.bigTInternalNodes = [] ########## # OPTIONS ########## # Option 'verbose' says how much info to spit to the screen as # it goes. Zero is off, 1 is some, 2 is lots, and 3 is also # lots but it stops occasionally, allowing you to read the # output. Zero by default. self.verbose = 0 # This 'central node strategy' is the strategy of picking an # internal node that maximizes the product of the number of # leaves in the three subtrees. It may be a speedup, but it # involves extra calculations. self.doCentralNodeStrategy = True # The starting tree can be a quartet or a full input tree, # controlled by the following. True means use a randomly # chosen input tree as the starting tree, False means start # with a quartet from an input tree (or trees). If an input # tree is used, it must be fully resolved, and if an input # tree that is fully resolved cannot be found then it dies # with an error. self.useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree = False # If we do opt to use a quartet as the starting tree, by # setting useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree=False, we can either # use a single quartet or use all the quartets in all the # input trees that have those four taxa (and make a consensus # quartet) to start. False means use the quartet from the # first randomly chosen tree only. self.useAllTreesInStartingQuartet = True # If we have tried to add all the unused taxa and failed, we # can choose a random taxon with few choices in where it can # go in bigT and simply add it. Only leaves can be added this # way, not subtrees. When a leaf has been added, it goes back # to normal and cycles thru the taxa one by one trying to add # them. Only if none of them can be added will it attempt to # break a tie, and then with only 1 leaf. self.doBreakTies = True self.ifUnfinishedAddUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs = False #self.ifUnfinishedCollapseNodesAndAddUnusedTaxa = False self.addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst = False # Write a dot every time a taxon gets added. self.doPips = True # We only get one quartet per tree-- that is a built-in # limitation. However, we can get more than one quartet if # they exist in different input trees. Getting quartets is # expensive, and so one way to make things go faster is to # limit the number of quartets that we get from any N. If # zero, then there is no limit, and it will get all the # quartets that it can, up to a maximum of 1 per input tree. self.maxQuartetsPerN = 4 # We can add an x leaf one at a time, or save time and add an # x-subtree. But there is a computational cost to this, which # might be overcome by its benefits in speed and accuracy. Or # not. self.doAddXSubTree = False self.kk = [] self.votes = None self.dbug = False self.slowCheck = False self.diagn = False self.didBreakTie = False self.taxFrequenciesNTrees = [] self.taxFrequenciesDict = {} # # If doCountTries is turned on, then every time a leaf or # # subtree is added it prints a line saying how many # # x-candidates it tried, how many quartets it attempted to # # find from input trees, and how many taxa it added. It will # # also announce if there has been a tie-breaking step. (You # # probably do not want to have both this and doPips turned on, # # as the pips will interfere with this output.) # self.doCountTries = False # self.count_xTries = 0 # self.count_getQuartetOnTreeTries = 0 # self.count_txAdded = 0 # When you ask for a quartet from a tree that has polytomies, # the tree might not have it, even though it has the 4 taxa. # That becomes a problem if we repeatedly ask the same tree # for the same quartet that it does not have. The solution is # to check whether a tree has been asked for a quartet before, # and if so, then don't bother trying to get one. That is the # point of doAvoidLoserQuartets. There is a small computation # cost for asking the question, and so it is possible to turn # it off. It does not offer any advantage if the input trees # are all fully resolved, because there will never be any # loser quartets, but on the other hand it costs less than 1% # of the speed to have it on when it is not needed. One very # nice thing about it is that when you do multiple calls to # quartetJoining() from the same QuartetJoining object, the # compilations of loserTrees persist between reps, so it they # do not have to be found and added to the compilation again. # I don't know if this is needed or works. . #self.doAvoidLoserQuartets = True #self.count_foundLosers = 0 # print "Got %i input trees." % len(self.trees) # print "There are %i taxa in all the input trees." % len(self.taxa) @property def nTrees(self): """(property) Return the number of input trees""" return len(self.trees) @property def nTax(self): """(property) Return the number of taxa""" return len(self.taxNames)
[docs] def dump(self, fName=None): """Dump info and options about self.""" # if not fName: # f = sys.stdout f = sys.stdout f.write("QuartetJoining.dump()\n") f.write("---------------------\n") f.write("nTrees: %i\n" % self.nTrees) f.write("nTax: %i\n" % self.nTax) f.write("verbose: %s\n" % self.verbose) f.write("doCentralNodeStrategy: %s\n" % self.doCentralNodeStrategy) f.write("useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree: %s\n" % self.useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree) if self.useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree: f.write("inapplicable -- useAllTreesInStartingQuartet: %s\n" % self.useAllTreesInStartingQuartet) else: f.write("useAllTreesInStartingQuartet: %s\n" % self.useAllTreesInStartingQuartet) f.write("doBreakTies: %s\n" % self.doBreakTies) if self.doBreakTies: f.write("inapplicable -- ifUnfinishedAddUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs: %s\n" % self.ifUnfinishedAddUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs) else: f.write("ifUnfinishedAddUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs: %s\n" % self.ifUnfinishedAddUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs) f.write("addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst: %s\n" % self.addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst) f.write("doPips: %s\n" % self.doPips) f.write("maxQuartetsPerN: %i\n" % self.maxQuartetsPerN) f.write("doAddXSubTree: %s\n" % self.doAddXSubTree) f.write('---------------------\n') if self.trees: #f.write('N Trees per taxon histogram --\n') taxaNTrees = [tx.nTrees for tx in self.taxa] n = Numbers(taxaNTrees) if math.fabs(n.max - n.min) < 0.001: f.write( "All %i QJ-wide taxa are each found in %i input trees.\n" % (self.nTax, n.max)) else: n.histo(verbose=False, binSize=1) f.write( "The following table shows how many input trees have each QJ-wide taxon.\n") f.write(' taxa nTrees\n') f.write(' ---- ------\n') for bin in n.bins: if bin[1]: f.write("%5i %6.0f\n" % (bin[1], bin[0])) treeSizes = [t.nTax for t in self.trees] n = Numbers(treeSizes) if math.fabs(n.max - n.min) < 0.001: f.write("All %i input trees have %i taxa\n" % (self.nTrees, n.max)) else: n.histo(verbose=False, binSize=1) f.write('\n') f.write( "In the following table, the tree size is the number of taxa in that tree.\n") f.write(' tree size nTrees\n') f.write(' --------- ------\n') for bin in n.bins: if bin[1]: f.write("%9i %5.0f\n" % (bin[0], bin[1])) # Characterize the input trees in terms of resolution. # Here I am making up an index to describe how well the # trees are resolved. It is the number of nodes that # would be needed to make it fully resolved. So a fully # resolved tree has an index of zero. A fully resolved # tree has nTax - 2 internal nodes, and a tree with # polytomies has less. polytomyIndices = [ (t.nTax - 2) - t.nInternalNodes for t in self.trees] # print polytomyIndices n = Numbers(polytomyIndices) f.write('\n') f.write( "Here the 'polytomy index' is the number of nodes that must be added to make the tree fully resolved.\n") if math.fabs(n.max - n.min) < 0.001: f.write( "All %i input trees have a polytomy index of %i\n" % (self.nTrees, n.max)) else: n.histo(verbose=False, binSize=1) f.write(' polytomy index nTrees\n') f.write(' ------------- ------\n') for bin in n.bins: if bin[1]: f.write("%10i %5.0f\n" % (bin[0], bin[1])) if f != sys.stdout: f.close()
[docs] def quartetJoining(self, verbose=True): """Do The quartet joining method. This returns a Tree object (bigT), which either has all the taxa, or not. It has a list of unusedTaxa attached, and if that list is empty then it has all the taxa. On the other hand if the supertree is incomplete then there are Tax objects in that list, each of which contains a list of nodes on bigT on which the leftover taxon could go. If you set verbose=True for this method (which is different from setting verbose for the whole QuartetJoining instance) then it will tell you if it gets a complete tree or not, and if not it will make a table of taxa that did not make it into the supertree, and the branches on which they could go. You can test if you have a complete tree by asking the tree that is returned whether it has any unusedTaxa, eg if you call your tree 'qt' you can ask if qt.unusedTaxa: <it is incomplete> else: <its a complete supertree> """ gm = ['QuartetJoining.quartetJoining()'] # It doesn't make sense if ... if self.ifUnfinishedAddUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs and self.doBreakTies: gm.append( "If ifUnfinishedAddUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs is set, it does not make sense to doBreakTies as well.") raise P4Error(gm) # if self.ifUnfinishedCollapseNodesAndAddUnusedTaxa and self.doBreakTies: # gm.append("If ifUnfinishedCollapseNodesAndAddUnusedTaxa is set, it does not make sense to doBreakTies as well.") # raise P4Error(gm) if self.useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree and self.addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst: gm.append( "Sorry - useAnIputTreeAsTheStartingTree and addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst do not work together at the moment.") raise P4Error(gm) if self.addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst and not self.taxFrequenciesDict: taxaNTrees = [tx.nTrees for tx in self.taxa] n = Numbers(taxaNTrees) if math.fabs(n.max - n.min) < 0.001: # print "All %i QJ-wide taxa are each found in %i input trees." # % (self.nTax, n.max)) self.taxFrequenciesNTrees = [n.max] self.taxFrequenciesDict = {n.max: self.taxa[:]} else: n.histo(verbose=False, binSize=1) # print "The following table shows how many input trees have each QJ-wide taxon." # print ' taxa nTrees' # print ' ---- ------' # for bin in n.bins: # if bin[1]: # print "%5i %6.0f" % (bin[1], bin[0]) self.taxFrequenciesNTrees = [int(b[0]) for b in n.bins if b[1]] self.taxFrequenciesDict = {} for tS in self.taxFrequenciesNTrees: self.taxFrequenciesDict[tS] = [] for tx in self.taxa: self.taxFrequenciesDict[tx.nTrees].append(tx) # print # for nT in self.taxFrequenciesNTrees: # print "%5i %6.0f" % (nT, len(self.taxFrequenciesDict[nT])) # kBrs is an attribute of Tax objects. If it exists, it is a # list of bigT nodes where that tax could be added to bigT as # an x. As such, it is specific to a particular state of # bigT, and so we need to wipe it if bigT has been modified. # That is done below whenever an x tax is added to bigT, but # it also needs to be done here, as this might not be the # first time that quartetJoining() is called from self. So # initialize ... for tx in self.taxa: tx.kBrs = None # A flexible object for diagnostics. if self.diagn: self.diagn = QJDiagnostics() # This next method sets self.bigT if self.useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree: self.getAnInputTreeForTheStartingTree() else: self.getStartingTreeFromQuartet() self.unusedTaxa = [] self.usedTaxa = [] for tx in self.taxa: if in self.bigT.taxNames: self.usedTaxa.append(tx) else: self.unusedTaxa.append(tx) # If we have self.addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst, we want to sort # the unusedTaxa in order of their coverage (tx.nTrees). But # we want to be somewhat random, so that repeated calls to # this method will not give the same order of unusedTaxa. # Since we only need to do this once, a hack would be to # shuffle the unusedTaxa, and then sort them by nTrees. Is # that too slow? if self.addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst: random.shuffle(self.unusedTaxa) self.unusedTaxa = p4.func.sortListOfObjectsOnAttribute( self.unusedTaxa, 'nTrees') self.bigTInternalNodes = [n for n in self.bigT.iterInternalsNoRoot()] self.bigTInternalNodes.append(self.bigT.root) if self.doPips: for i in range(self.bigT.nTax): sys.stdout.write(".") if i > 0 and i % 50 == 0: print(" %4i" % i) sys.stdout.flush() # So now we have a starting bigT, either an input tree or a # quartet taken from one or more of the input trees. if self.verbose: if self.doPips: print() p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("The tree above is the starting tree, becoming self.bigT") # for n in self.bigT.iterNodesNoRoot(): # print " node %2i %10s %s" % (n.nodeNum,, self.getTaxBitsString( # print self.taxNames self.pause() # Keep adding taxa to it, until the tree is finished, or taxa # cannot be added. The following is the main tree-building # loop. while len(self.bigT.taxNames) < self.nTax: self.didBreakTie = False if self.verbose >= 2: p4.func.setTerminalColour('BLUE') print("About to tryToAddAnyX() ...") p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("self.usedTaxa = %s" % [ for tx in self.usedTaxa]) # if self.doCountTries: # self.count_xTries = 0 # self.count_getQuartetOnTreeTries = 0 # self.count_txAdded = 0 if self.slowCheck: self.checkBitKeys(self.bigT) for tx in self.unusedTaxa: if tx.kBrs: gm.append( "tx %s has a kBrs before going into tryToAddAnyX()" % raise P4Error(gm) # This next method returns self if it manages to add an x, # and None if not. If it returns None, it has tried every # unused taxon, and failed. ret = self.tryToAddAnyX() # if self.doCountTries: # print "xTries=%3i getQuartetTries=%4i txAdded=%2i nTx=%3i" % ( # self.count_xTries, self.count_getQuartetOnTreeTries, # self.count_txAdded, len(self.usedTaxa)), # if not ret and self.doBreakTies: # print "breakTie" # else: # print if ret: # An x was added. # self.bigT.draw() # print "the tree above is the latest bigT" for tx in self.unusedTaxa: tx.kBrs = None else: # We were unable to add any x. Our options now # are limited. If doBreakTies is turned on, then # we can do that, and continue on. If that is not # turned on, then we are done. if self.slowCheck: for tx in self.unusedTaxa: if tx.kBrs: for n in tx.kBrs: if n not in self.bigT.nodes: gm.append("unused tx %s kBr %i (%s) is not in self.bigT" % (, n.nodeNum, n)) raise P4Error(gm) if self.doBreakTies: self.breakTie() for tx in self.unusedTaxa: tx.kBrs = None else: if self.ifUnfinishedAddUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs: addedLeaves = self.addUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs() if 0 and addedLeaves: tDupe = self.bigT.dupe() self.decorateTreeWithBitKeys(tDupe) self.setTreeTaxBits(tDupe) self.trees.append(tDupe) # if self.unusedTaxa and self.ifUnfinishedCollapseNodesAndAddUnusedTaxa: # self.collapseNodesAndAddUnusedTaxa() leftOverTaxNames = [ for tx in self.unusedTaxa] if verbose and self.unusedTaxa: self.summarizeUnusedTaxa( leftOverTaxNames=leftOverTaxNames) tnn = [ tName for tName in self.taxNames if tName not in leftOverTaxNames] self.bigT.taxNames = tnn # triggers bigT.checkTaxNames() self.bigT.unusedTaxa = self.unusedTaxa self.unusedTaxa = None # needed? return self.bigT # Incomplete if self.slowCheck: self.checkBitKeys(self.bigT) if self.doPips: print() if verbose: print("quartetJoining() Got a completed tree.") self.bigT.taxNames = self.taxNames[:] # So I do not need to ask hasattr(self.bigT, 'unusedTaxa') self.bigT.unusedTaxa = [] #self.tNums[self.diagn.treeNum] += 1 # if self.doAvoidLoserQuartets: # Show how many loser quartets each tree had. # for t in self.trees: # print t.nLosers, # Say how many times we avoided trying to get the same quartet more than once. # print "\ncount_foundLosers = %i" % self.count_foundLosers # self.count_foundLosers = 0 return self.bigT
[docs] def summarizeUnusedTaxa(self, leftOverTaxNames=None): if not leftOverTaxNames: leftOverTaxNames = [ for tx in self.unusedTaxa] print("\nquartetJoining() Did not make a complete tree.") print("Still have %i taxa left: %s" % (len(leftOverTaxNames), leftOverTaxNames)) print("LeftoverTaxon could be on the branch on node numbers") print("------------- --------------------------------------") for tx in self.unusedTaxa: # tx.dump() if tx.kBrs: print("%-25s%s" % (, [n.nodeNum for n in tx.kBrs])) else: print("%-25s Any" %
[docs] def addUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs(self): gm = ['QuartetJoining.addUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs()'] # +---------2:A # +--------1 # | | +--------4:B # | +---------3 # | +--------5:C # 0 # |--------6:D # | # +--------7:E # So lets say that QJ has ended with an unfinished tree # (obviously without breaking ties), and we have # myQJ.ifUnfinishedAddUnusedTaxaIfTheyHaveThreeKBrs set, # meaning that this method will be called. The leftover taxa # if they have 3 kBrs, will allways be in a relationship like # branches [1,2,3] or [3,4,5] or sometimes [1,6,7] -- either # going up with a parent and 2 children, or going down where # all 3 are children of the root. # Or it might be like [2,3,4]. Maybe like [6,1,3]. -- ie two # levels. But in those cases we do not want to do anything, # as it would mean collapsing existing nodes, destroying # information. # Might be like [1,3,5], which would be the same sort of thing # as [6,1,3] -- also don't do anything, as it is two-level. toDo = [] for uT in self.unusedTaxa: # kBrs will be either None, implying any location, or a list of # nodes. if uT.kBrs: if len(uT.kBrs) == 3: # print, [n.nodeNum for n in uT.kBrs] parents = set() parentsOutsideKbrs = set() for n in uT.kBrs: if n.parent in uT.kBrs: parents.add(n.parent) else: parentsOutsideKbrs.add(n.parent) # print "got parents", [n.nodeNum for n in parents] # print "got parentsOutsideKbrs", [n.nodeNum for n in # parentsOutsideKbrs] if len(parents) == 1: # The usual case for non-roots. Like [1,2,3] # or [3,4,5] above. One parent in kBrs, and # the others are children of that parent. theParent = parents.pop() othersAreChildren = True for n in uT.kBrs: if n != theParent: if n.parent != theParent: othersAreChildren = False if othersAreChildren: # print "parent node %i, others are children" % theParent.nodeNum # This would be the case where we have a stem and 2 # children, a two-pronged fork. toDo.append([, theParent, uT]) # pass else: # This would be the case like [2,3,4] or [6,1,3] # above. pass elif len(parents) == 2: # This would happen in cases like [1,3,5] above. Two # level, so don't do anything. pass elif len(parentsOutsideKbrs) == 1: # Eg [1,6,7] theParentOutsideKbrs = parentsOutsideKbrs.pop() if theParentOutsideKbrs == self.bigT.root: othersAreChildren = True for n in uT.kBrs: if n.parent != theParentOutsideKbrs: othersAreChildren = False if othersAreChildren: # print "parentOutsideKbrs is the root, all # Kbrs are children." toDo.append([, self.bigT.root, uT]) else: # How would this happen? gm.append("b something wrong! -- fix me!") gm.append("attempting to add taxon %s" % gm.append("kBrs %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in uT.kBrs]) gm.append("got parents %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in parents]) gm.append("got parentsOutsideKbrs %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in parentsOutsideKbrs]) self.bigT.draw(width=140) raise P4Error(gm) else: self.bigT.draw(width=140) gm.append("attempting to add taxon %s" % gm.append("kBrs %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in uT.kBrs]) gm.append("got parents %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in parents]) gm.append("got parentsOutsideKbrs %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in parentsOutsideKbrs]) gm.append("c something is wrong here ...") raise P4Error(gm) for l in toDo: self.bigT.addSibLeaf(l[1], l[0]) self.unusedTaxa.remove(l[2]) return len(toDo)
[docs] def collapseNodesAndAddUnusedTaxa(self): # This is unfinished, obviously. gm = ['QuartetJoining.collapseNodesAndAddUnusedTaxa()'] print("collapseNodesAndAddUnusedTaxa() here ...") self.summarizeUnusedTaxa() self.bigT.setPreAndPostOrder() self.bigT.draw() if 0: for tx in self.unusedTaxa: # tx may not have kBrs, indicating no preference for placement. if tx.kBrs: nodeNums = [n.nodeNum for n in tx.kBrs] # Here we ask whether all the nodes in nodeNums are # connected. If they are connected, they will all have # the same parent closest to the root. parents = [] #penultimate = None for n in tx.kBrs: p = n while p.nodeNum in nodeNums: #penultimate = p p = p.parent if p not in parents: parents.append(p) if len(parents) != 1: gm.append( "Appears to be discontiguous branches for tx %s" % raise P4Error(gm) #assert penultimate and penultimate.nodeNum in nodeNums # print "kBrs %s have parent %i, penultimate %i" % # (nodeNums, parents[0].nodeNum, penultimate.nodeNum) print("kBrs %s have parent %i" % (nodeNums, parents[0].nodeNum)) #toCollapse = [] # for n in self.bigT.iterInternalsNoRootPostOrder(): # if n.nodeNum in nodeNums: # toCollapse.append(n) # for n in toCollapse[:-1]: # self.bigT.collapseNode(n) # for n in tx.kBrs: # if not n.isLeaf: # self.bigT.collapseNode(n) if 1: comb = False toCollapseSet = set() for tx in self.unusedTaxa: if not tx.kBrs: print("Add tx %s anywhere -- comb" % comb = True break else: # for kNode in tx.kBrs: # if not kNode.isLeaf: # print "internal node %i" % kNode.nodeNum # The rules: # First do the nodes where the node's parent is not the # root. If the node's parent is not the root, and if any # of the children of the node are in tx.kBrs, then do # collapse those children. If none of the children are in # tx.kBrs, then don't collapse. # If the node's parent is the root, and the other children # of the root are not in tx.kBrs, then don't collapse it. # If none of the node's children are in tx.kBrs, then don't # collapse. Otherwise do. theAttachNode = None for kNode in tx.kBrs: if kNode.isLeaf: pass elif kNode in toCollapseSet: if not theAttachNode: theAttachNode = kNode.parent pass else: print("considering kNode %i" % kNode.nodeNum) if kNode.parent == self.bigT.root: doCollapse = False doCollapse2 = False for ch in self.bigT.root.iterChildren(): if ch != kNode and ch in tx.kBrs: doCollapse = True print("kNode %i: root has more than one child in kBrs" % kNode.nodeNum) break if doCollapse: doCollapse2 = False for ch in kNode.iterChildren(): if ch in tx.kBrs: doCollapse2 = True print("kNode %i: has a child in kBrs" % kNode.nodeNum) break if doCollapse and doCollapse2: print("a kNode %i, adding to collapse set" % kNode.nodeNum) toCollapseSet.add(kNode) theAttachNode = kNode.parent else: doCollapse = False if kNode.parent in tx.kBrs: for ch in kNode.iterChildren(): if ch in tx.kBrs: doCollapse = True break if doCollapse: print("b adding kNode %i to collapse set" % kNode.nodeNum) toCollapseSet.add(kNode) theAttachNode = kNode.parent if theAttachNode: print("attach node for tx %s is %s" % (, theAttachNode.parent)) else: print("attach node for tx %s not found" % if comb: print("Comb") elif toCollapseSet: for cNode in toCollapseSet: print("collapse node %i" % cNode.nodeNum)
[docs] def getAnInputTreeForTheStartingTree(self): gm = ['QuartetJoining.getAnInputTreeForTheStartingTree()'] if self.verbose: print("\nSince useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree is set, we start from an input tree...") # Old code, from when polytomous trees were not allowed ... # # We want to randomly choose a tree. We only want to get # # a fully bifurcating tree. The slow way to do that would # # be to make a list of all the input trees that are fully # # bifurcating and then choose one randomly. But it is # # probably faster to choose a random tree and then ask # # whether it is fully bifurcating, until I get one. So # # make a list of indices, shuffle the list, and pop from # # it. # indices = range(len(self.trees)) # random.shuffle(indices) # gotIt = False # while not gotIt: # try: # randomIndex = indices.pop() # except IndexError: # gm.append("useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree is set") # gm.append("However, I was unable to find any fully bifurcating input tree.") # raise P4Error(gm) # randTree = self.trees[randomIndex] # if randTree.isFullyBifurcating(): # gotIt = True # #self.diagn.treeNum = randomIndex # if self.dbug: # print "dbug. Using input tree 1" # randTree = self.trees[1] # self.bigT = randTree.dupe() # if not self.bigT.taxNames: # self.bigT.taxNames = [ for n in self.bigT.iterLeavesNoRoot()] # #self.countSubTreeTaxa(self.bigT) # There are various possible strategies. One could simply # take a random tree. Or one could take the biggest tree. Or # somehow the 'best' tree, defined by some criterion. That # criterion would be to use the highest frequency taxa first. # And especially avoid low frequency taxa. # This is tricky, and especially tricky for polytomous trees, # as we don't know the content of those trees at the moment. # I don't think there is a good easy solution, so at the # moment it is not allowed if addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst is # set. # As a first go, just a random tree. randTree = random.choice(self.trees) if randTree.isFullyBifurcating(): self.bigT = randTree.dupe() else: # this method dupes the randTree first self.bigT = self._qj_extractFullyBifurcatingTree(randTree) if not self.bigT.taxNames: self.bigT.taxNames = [ for n in self.bigT.iterLeavesNoRoot()] self.decorateTreeWithBitKeys(self.bigT) self.setTreeTaxBits(self.bigT)
[docs] def getStartingTreeFromQuartet(self): if self.addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst: self.getStartingTreeFromQuartet_highFrequencyFirst() else: self.getStartingTreeFromQuartet_randomTaxa()
[docs] def getStartingTreeFromQuartet_highFrequencyFirst(self): gm = ['QuartetJoining.getStartingTreeFromQuartet_highFrequencyFirst()'] # self.taxFrequenciesNTrees, a series of ints # self.taxFrequeciesDict, key is an int from self.taxFrequenciesNTrees, # vals are lists of Tax objects. nCandidatesWanted = 10 candidates = [] indx = -1 while len(candidates) < nCandidatesWanted: # potential IndexError here thisNTrees = self.taxFrequenciesNTrees[indx] candidates += self.taxFrequenciesDict[thisNTrees] indx -= 1 # print "Got %i candidates" % len(candidates) if len(candidates) > nCandidatesWanted: candidates = random.sample(candidates, nCandidatesWanted) allSubsetsOfFour = self.allChooseFour(candidates) # print "got %i subsetsOfFour" % len(allSubsetsOfFour) bigT = None while allSubsetsOfFour: oneSubsetOfFour = random.choice(allSubsetsOfFour) allSubsetsOfFour.remove(oneSubsetOfFour) allBits = 0 for tx in oneSubsetOfFour: allBits += tx.bitKey # print, tx.bitKey, tx.nTrees # print allBits tt = [t for t in self.trees if (t.taxBits & allBits) == allBits] # print len(tt) if tt: bigT = self.getQuartetForFourTaxaInTrees(oneSubsetOfFour, tt) if bigT: break if bigT: self.bigT = bigT if not self.bigT.taxNames: self.bigT.taxNames = [ for n in self.bigT.iterLeavesNoRoot()] self.decorateTreeWithBitKeys(self.bigT) self.setTreeTaxBits(self.bigT) else: raise P4Error("no bigT!")
[docs] def getStartingTreeFromQuartet_randomTaxa(self): gm = ['QuartetJoining.getStartingTreeFromQuartet_randomTaxa()'] if self.verbose: print("\nSince useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree is not set, we need a quartet to start with...") safety = 0 self.bigT = None # Choose a random tree and make sure that it has at least one split. indices = range(len(self.trees)) random.shuffle(indices) gotIt = False while not gotIt: try: randomIndex = indices.pop() # if self.dbug: # randomIndex = 0 except IndexError: gm.append("useAnInputTreeAsTheStartingTree is not set") gm.append( "However, I was unable to find any input trees with internal nodes.") raise P4Error(gm) randTree = self.trees[randomIndex] # root is an internal, but we want more if randTree.nInternalNodes > 1: gotIt = True # print "randomIndex=%i" % randomIndex if self.diagn: self.diagn.randomIndex = randomIndex noRootInternals = [n for n in randTree.iterInternalsNoRoot()] assert noRootInternals aNode = random.choice(noRootInternals) nodesAbove = [n for n in aNode.iterLeaves()] nodesBelow = [n for n in aNode.iterDown() if n.isLeaf] if len(nodesAbove) < 2: print() randTree.draw() gm.append( "Something is wrong, maybe with the randomly chosen input tree.") gm.append("There are only %i leaf nodes above node %i" % (len(nodesAbove), aNode.nodeNum)) raise P4Error(gm) if len(nodesBelow) < 2: print() randTree.draw() gm.append( "Something is wrong, maybe with the randomly chosen input tree.") gm.append("There are only %i leaf nodes below node %i" % (len(nodesBelow), aNode.nodeNum)) raise P4Error(gm) twoNodesAbove = random.sample(nodesAbove, 2) twoNodesBelow = random.sample(nodesBelow, 2) fourTaxNames = [ for n in twoNodesAbove] fourTaxNames += [ for n in twoNodesBelow] # print "fourTaxNames = %s" % fourTaxNames # if self.dbug: # fourTaxNames = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'X'] fourTaxa = [tx for tx in self.taxa if in fourTaxNames] assert len(fourTaxa) == 4 # if self.diagn: # self.diagn.firstFourTaxa = ''.join([ for tx in fourTaxa]) if self.verbose >= 2: p4.func.setTerminalColour(INPUT_T_COLOUR) randTree.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("To get a quartet, I start with a randomly chosen input tree (above),") print("and chose a random internal node -- in this case node %i" % aNode.nodeNum) print("Then I randomly choose 2 taxa on one side and 2 taxa on the other side of that split.") print("So the starting quartet will involve %s" % fourTaxNames) # If self.useAllTreesInStartingQuartet is not set, then we # do not need to call makeStartingQuartetFromAllTrees(), # as we have the quartet already. if not self.useAllTreesInStartingQuartet: savedWarnReadNoFile = var.warnReadNoFile var.warnReadNoFile = 0 read("(A, B, (C, D));") var.warnReadNoFile = savedWarnReadNoFile self.bigT = var.trees.pop() self.bigT.nodes[1].name = twoNodesAbove[0].name self.bigT.nodes[2].name = twoNodesAbove[1].name self.bigT.nodes[4].name = twoNodesBelow[0].name self.bigT.nodes[5].name = twoNodesBelow[1].name else: self.bigT = self.makeStartingQuartetFromAllTrees( randTree, twoNodesAbove, twoNodesBelow, fourTaxa) assert self.bigT self.bigT.taxNames = [ for n in self.bigT.iterLeavesNoRoot()] self.decorateTreeWithBitKeys(self.bigT) self.setTreeTaxBits(self.bigT)
# self.bigT.draw()
[docs] def makeStartingQuartetFromAllTrees(self, theOriginalTree, twoNodesAbove, twoNodesBelow, fourTaxa): """Having chosen fourTaxa, get quartets from all input trees, and make a staring quartet.""" assert self.useAllTreesInStartingQuartet bk0 = fourTaxa[0].bitKey bk1 = fourTaxa[1].bitKey bk2 = fourTaxa[2].bitKey bk3 = fourTaxa[3].bitKey allBits = bk0 | bk1 | bk2 | bk3 treesWithTheFourTaxa = [] for t in self.trees: if (t.taxBits & allBits) == allBits: treesWithTheFourTaxa.append(t) assert treesWithTheFourTaxa # if self.diagn: # self.diagn.nTreesWithTheFourTaxa = len(treesWithTheFourTaxa) if self.verbose: print("\nuseAllTreesInStartingQuartet is set") print("Search all the %i input trees for quartets with those 4 taxa." % len(self.trees)) print("Got %i input trees that had the first four taxa." % len(treesWithTheFourTaxa)) print("(first fourTaxa are %s)" % [ for tx in fourTaxa]) # If we only got one tree in treesWithTheFourTaxa, then it # must be theOriginalTree, and that makes it easy, as we have # the quartet already in the twoNodesAbove and twoNodesBelow. if len(treesWithTheFourTaxa) == 1: assert treesWithTheFourTaxa[0] == theOriginalTree savedWarnReadNoFile = var.warnReadNoFile var.warnReadNoFile = 0 read("(A, B, (C, D));") var.warnReadNoFile = savedWarnReadNoFile bigT = var.trees.pop() bigT.nodes[1].name = twoNodesAbove[0].name bigT.nodes[2].name = twoNodesAbove[1].name bigT.nodes[4].name = twoNodesBelow[0].name bigT.nodes[5].name = twoNodesBelow[1].name return bigT else: # More than one tree has the chosen quartet. votes = [0] * 3 for gT in treesWithTheFourTaxa: if self.verbose >= 2: p4.func.setTerminalColour(INPUT_T_COLOUR) gT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() gotIt = False tNode = gT.root while not gotIt: biggestNBits = 0 n = tNode.leftChild badBitsBelow = False while n: if n.isLeaf: pass elif allBits & # at least one bit bitHits = [] nBits = 0 for bk in [bk0, bk1, bk2, bk3]: if bk & nBits += 1 bitHits.append(bk) if nBits > 2: # print "nBits is more than 2, so its # further up this subtree." break if nBits > biggestNBits: biggestNBits = nBits if nBits == 2: # Now we have n, and is the split, and there are # 2 bits above it. Presumably there are 2 bits below # it as well, but it might be ambiguous, in which case # it is not 2 bits. So it is worth checking. Maybe # this should be optional, with a switch. badBitsBelow = False bitHitsBelow = [] bitsBelow = ( self.allOnes ^ & gT.taxBits if 0: p4.func.setTerminalColour('violet') gT.draw() print("taxa below node %i are %s" % ( n.nodeNum, self.getTaxBitsString(bitsBelow))) p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() for bk in [bk0, bk1, bk2, bk3]: if bk & bitsBelow: bitHitsBelow.append(bk) if len(bitHitsBelow) == 2: gotIt = True break else: # ambiguous! #p4.func.writeInColour("Got %i bitHitsBelow\n" % len(bitHitsBelow), "CYAN") badBitsBelow = True elif nBits > 2: # Its further up that subtree tNode = n nBits = 0 break n = n.sibling # Try the next subtree if biggestNBits < 2: # useless to go further break if gotIt: break if badBitsBelow: break if not gotIt: continue else: # Now we have n, and is the split. # print "makeStartingQuartetFromAllTrees() gotIt. node num # = %i" % n.nodeNum assert len(bitHits) == 2 # 2 of [bk0, bk1, bk2, bk3] assert len(bitHitsBelow) == 2 # 2 of [bk0, bk1, bk2, bk3] # bk0 and bk1 => vote 0 (ie bk2 and bk3) # bk0 and bk2 => vote 1 (ie bk1 and bk3) # bk0 and bk3 => vote 2 (ie bk1 and bk2) theVoteIndex = None if 0: print("bk0=%s, bk1=%s, bk2=%s, bk3=%s" % (bk0, bk1, bk2, bk3)) print("bitHits are [%s, %s]" % (bitHits[0], bitHits[1])) if (bk0 in bitHits and bk1 in bitHits) or (bk2 in bitHits and bk3 in bitHits): theVoteIndex = 0 elif (bk0 in bitHits and bk2 in bitHits) or (bk1 in bitHits and bk3 in bitHits): theVoteIndex = 1 elif (bk0 in bitHits and bk3 in bitHits) or (bk1 in bitHits and bk2 in bitHits): theVoteIndex = 2 if self.verbose >= 2: print("the vote for the tree above is %i" % theVoteIndex) assert theVoteIndex != None votes[theVoteIndex] += 1 theMaxVotes = max(votes) maxIndexes = [] for i in range(3): if votes[i] == theMaxVotes: maxIndexes.append(i) myMaxIndex = random.choice(maxIndexes) if self.verbose >= 2: print("The votes for all %i trees are" % len(treesWithTheFourTaxa), votes) print("Choosing vote at index %s" % myMaxIndex) # if self.dbug: # myMaxIndex = 1 # if self.diagn: # self.diagn.myMaxIndex = myMaxIndex savedWarnReadNoFile = var.warnReadNoFile var.warnReadNoFile = 0 read('(A, B, (C, D));') var.warnReadNoFile = savedWarnReadNoFile t = var.trees.pop() if myMaxIndex == 0: # 0 and 1 go together, so 2 and 3 go together t.nodes[1].name = fourTaxa[2].name t.nodes[2].name = fourTaxa[3].name t.nodes[4].name = fourTaxa[0].name t.nodes[5].name = fourTaxa[1].name # 0 and 2 go together, so 1 and 3 go together elif myMaxIndex == 1: t.nodes[1].name = fourTaxa[1].name t.nodes[2].name = fourTaxa[3].name t.nodes[4].name = fourTaxa[0].name t.nodes[5].name = fourTaxa[2].name # 0 and 3 go together, so 1 and 2 go together elif myMaxIndex == 2: t.nodes[1].name = fourTaxa[0].name t.nodes[2].name = fourTaxa[3].name t.nodes[4].name = fourTaxa[1].name t.nodes[5].name = fourTaxa[2].name if self.diagn: = t.dupe() return t
[docs] def breakTie(self): # This method is called by quartetJoining(), if tryToAddAnyX() fails. # Redundantly prevent adding a subTree, by zeroing the votes self.votes = [0] * 3 smallestKBrs = None for tx in self.unusedTaxa: if tx.kBrs: if smallestKBrs == None: smallestKBrs = len(tx.kBrs) else: if (len(tx.kBrs) < smallestKBrs): smallestKBrs = len(tx.kBrs) if smallestKBrs == None: txWithSmallestKBrs = self.unusedTaxa else: txWithSmallestKBrs = [ tx for tx in self.unusedTaxa if tx.kBrs and (len(tx.kBrs) == smallestKBrs)] x = random.choice(txWithSmallestKBrs) # It is possible that x.kBrs is None, which will give an IndexError try: myBr = random.choice(x.kBrs) except TypeError: # any branch in bigT if self.verbose: print("Warning: no quartet info, so adding leaf %s randomly!" % myBr = random.choice([n for n in self.bigT.iterNodesNoRoot()]) x.kBrs = [myBr] # This is straight from tryToAddAnyX() if self.verbose == 1: print(" +Add it (x=%s), after breaking ties" % if self.verbose >= 2: if self.doAddXSubTree: print("By breaking a tie, we have only 1 kBr. We do not add a subtree-- just add the leaf.") else: print("By breaking a tie, we have only 1 kBr, so we can go on to add the leaf") # if self.doAddXSubTree: # addXSubTreeToBigT() uses self.votes, but self.votes # probably does not apply to the chosen x. It is too much # bother to recalculate. So just add the leaf. #subTreeTaxNames = self.addXSubTreeToBigT(x.kBrs[0], x) # self.bigT.checkTaxNames() #taxaInSubTree = [tx for tx in self.unusedTaxa if in subTreeTaxNames] # print "taxaInSubTree = %s" % [ for tx in taxaInSubTree] #self.usedTaxa += taxaInSubTree #self.unusedTaxa = [tx for tx in self.unusedTaxa if tx not in taxaInSubTree] # print "self.unusedTaxa is now %s" % [ for tx in self.unusedTaxa] # else: # if not (x.kBrs[0] in self.bigT.nodes): # raise P4Error("breakTie(). node %i is not in bigT." % x.kBrs[0].nodeNum) self.didBreakTie = True self.addLeafToBigT(x.kBrs[0], x) self.usedTaxa.append(x) self.unusedTaxa.remove(x) if self.slowCheck: self.checkBitKeys(self.bigT) return self # to the quartetJoining() method.
[docs] def tryToAddAnyX(self): """Add any one of the unused taxa. This is called only by the main loop in the quartetJoining() method. Its an infinite loop, and the only way to get out of it is to add a taxon to bigT or to run out of choices. First choose a random x. Having chosen an x, we invoke the method tryToAddAParticularX(). This will return either None or a list, kBrs, with at least one item in it. KBrs are branches in bigT where x might be added. Ideally, the list of kBrs will have only one item, the branch on the k-subtree on bigT where the x should be added. But often it returns a list with 2 or more, meaning that it is ambiguous. If so, we move on to the next x. If tryToAddAParticularX() returns a single kBr, then we add that leaf (x) to bigT at kBr. If doAddXSubTree is turned on, then an x-subtree is added. """ gm = ["QuartetJoining.tryToAddAnyX()"] if self.verbose >= 2: # if self.dbug: # self.unusedTaxa = p4.func.sortListOfObjectsOnAttribute(self.unusedTaxa, 'name') print("tryToAddAnyX(), choices = %s" % [ for tx in self.unusedTaxa]) # if self.dbug: # currTxNames = [ for tx in self.unusedTaxa] if self.doCentralNodeStrategy: # self.checkBitKeys(self.bigT) for n in self.bigTInternalNodes: n.pc0 = self.popcount( n.pc1 = self.popcount( if n == self.bigT.root: n.pc2 = self.popcount( else: n.pc2 = self.popcount( self.bigT.taxBits & (self.allOnes ^ n.pc012 = n.pc0 * n.pc1 * n.pc2 self.bigTInternalNodes = p4.func.sortListOfObjectsOnAttribute( self.bigTInternalNodes, 'pc012') if self.verbose >= 2: print("self.taxa are", [ for tx in self.taxa]) p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("(The tree above is bigT)") for n in self.bigTInternalNodes: print(" node %2i " % n.nodeNum, end=' ') print("pc0=%s, " % n.pc0, end=' ') print("pc1=%s, " % n.pc1, end=' ') print("pc2=%s, " % n.pc2, end=' ') print("pc012=%i" % n.pc012) indices = range(len(self.unusedTaxa)) # don't shuffle-- its too expensive! while 1: try: if self.addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst: # self.unusedTaxa are sorted -- use the ones at the end # first, if possible myIndx = indices.pop() else: myIndx = random.choice(indices) except IndexError: # for tx in self.unusedTaxa: # if tx.kBrs: # for n in tx.kBrs: # if n not in self.bigT.nodes: # gm.append("unused tx %s kBr %i (%s) is not in self.bigT" % ( #, n.nodeNum, n)) # raise P4Error(gm) return None if 0: # self.dbug: if 'W' in currTxNames: self.bigT.write() if currTxNames.index('W') in indices: myIndx = currTxNames.index('W') elif 'Z' in currTxNames: if len(currTxNames) == 2: if currTxNames.index('Z') in indices: self.bigT.write() myIndx = currTxNames.index('Z') # print "dbug: considering adding tax 'X'" # print "indices =%s, myIndx = %s" % (indices, myIndx) if self.addHighFrequencyTaxaFirst: pass # its already pop'ed, above else: indices.remove(myIndx) x = self.unusedTaxa[myIndx] if self.verbose >= 2: print("Considering adding leaf x=%s" % if self.verbose >= 3: self.pause() # The return value of tryToAddAParticularX() is kBrs, a # list of nodes in bigT. Ideally with only one item, but # of course often with more. kBrs = self.tryToAddAParticularX(x) if 0: # slow check for debug if kBrs: for n in kBrs: if n not in self.bigT.nodes: raise P4Error( "tryToAddAnyX(). node %i (%s) is not in self.bigT" % (n.nodeNum, n)) for tx in self.unusedTaxa: if tx.kBrs: for n in tx.kBrs: if n not in self.bigT.nodes: gm.append("current x=%s" % gm.append("unusedTaxa=%s" % [ for tx2 in self.unusedTaxa]) gm.append("x unused tx %s kBr %i (%s) is not in self.bigT" % (, n.nodeNum, n)) raise P4Error(gm) # if self.diagn: # if == 'W': # if kBrs: # self.diagn.nKbrsW = len(kBrs) # else: # self.diagn.nKbrsW = 0 # if == 'Z': # if kBrs: # self.diagn.nKbrsZ = len(kBrs) # else: # self.diagn.nKbrsZ = 0 if kBrs == None: if self.verbose >= 1: if indices: print(" +kBrs is None. Try another x") else: print(" +kBrs is None. There are no more x candidates. ") continue if len(kBrs) == 0: raise P4Error( "len(kBrs) is zero. This should not happen. Programming error.") if len(kBrs) == 1: if self.verbose == 1: print(" +Add it.") if self.verbose >= 2: if self.doAddXSubTree: print("Back in tryToAddAnyX(). We have only 1 kBr, so we can go on to add the subtree") else: print("Back in tryToAddAnyX(). We have only 1 kBr, so we can go on to add the leaf") if self.doAddXSubTree: subTreeTaxNames = self.addXSubTreeToBigT(kBrs[0], x) self.bigT.checkTaxNames() taxaInSubTree = [ tx for tx in self.unusedTaxa if in subTreeTaxNames] if self.diagn: if hasattr(self.diagn, 'afters'): self.diagn.afters.append( ''.join([ for tx in taxaInSubTree])) else: self.diagn.afters = [ ''.join([ for tx in taxaInSubTree])] # print "taxaInSubTree = %s" % [ for tx in # taxaInSubTree] self.usedTaxa += taxaInSubTree self.unusedTaxa = [ tx for tx in self.unusedTaxa if tx not in taxaInSubTree] # print "self.unusedTaxa is now %s" % [ for tx in # self.unusedTaxa] else: self.addLeafToBigT(kBrs[0], x) self.usedTaxa.append(x) self.unusedTaxa.remove(x) if self.slowCheck: self.checkBitKeys(self.bigT) return self # to the quartetJoining() method. else: if self.verbose == 1: print(" +Can't add it (x=%s) now." % if self.verbose >= 2: print("We have more than 1 kBr, so attach that list to x, as x.kBrs") x.kBrs = kBrs
[docs] def tryToAddAParticularX(self, x): """Given a particular x, try to add it. This method tries to add the particular x 'centered' on all the internal nodes in bigT, until success or until it runs out of internal nodes in bigT. It returns a list of branches on bigT where x could be added. The list contains at least 1 item, but may contain more. """ # if self.doCountTries: # self.count_xTries += 1 #self.diagn.calls += 1 goodInternalNodeNums = [n.nodeNum for n in self.bigTInternalNodes] if not self.doCentralNodeStrategy: random.shuffle(goodInternalNodeNums) # if self.dbug: # if == 'W': # print "goodInternalNodeNums", goodInternalNodeNums if self.verbose >= 2: print("goodInternals (in bigT):") p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("(The tree above is bigT)") if self.doCentralNodeStrategy: for n in self.bigTInternalNodes: print(" node %2i pc0=%2i, pc1=%2i, pc2=%2i, pc012=%2i" % ( n.nodeNum, n.pc0, n.pc1, n.pc2, n.pc012)) else: for i in goodInternalNodeNums: print(" node %2i" % i) if self.verbose >= 3: self.pause() # print "used=%s, choices=%s" % ([ for tx in self.usedTaxa], # [ for tx in choices]) # In case we need to refineKSubTree() below, we keep track of # the internalNodesWithNoQuartets, that is nodes from # goodInternals that we try to find quartets for but there are # none in the input trees. refineKSubTree() also needs to # look for quartets centered on various nodes, and there is no # point in looking for them again if they do not exist. internalNodesWithNoQuartets = [] # kk is a list of quartets, either as numbers (0, 1, or 2) or QJQuartet # objects. self.kk = [] while not self.kk: if self.verbose >= 2: print(" tryToAddAParticularX(x=%s). " %, end=' ') print("goodInternalNodeNums are now %s" % goodInternalNodeNums) if 0 and self.dbug and == 'Z': theNodeNum = 3 p4.func.setTerminalColour('VIOLET') self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("dbug: goodInternalNodeNums", goodInternalNodeNums) print("dbug: choosing node %i in bigT" % theNodeNum) goodInternalNodeNums.remove(theNodeNum) theNode = self.bigT.nodes[theNodeNum] if self.diagn: self.diagn.tZ = self.bigT.dupe() else: try: # from the end, ie highest pc012. theNodeNum = goodInternalNodeNums.pop() theNode = self.bigT.nodes[theNodeNum] except IndexError: # print "No more goodInternals. Not an error. It just # means choose another x" return None # to tryToAddAnyX(), above. if self.verbose >= 1: print("Try to add x=%s 'centered on' node %i" % (, theNode.nodeNum)) if self.verbose >= 3: self.pause() # if self.dbug: # if == 'W': # print "theNodeNum is", theNodeNum self.kk = self.getQuartetsForXForNode(x, theNode) # print "xxxxx got %i kk" % len(self.kk) # if self.dbug: # if == 'W': # if self.kk: # print "theNodeNum %i, len(self.kk) = %i, k=%i" % (theNodeNum, len(self.kk), self.kk[0].k) # else: # print "theNodeNum %i, self.kk = %s" % (theNodeNum, self.kk) # unable to find an appropriate tree, so try another theNode if not self.kk: internalNodesWithNoQuartets.append(theNode) if self.verbose >= 1: print(" Can't get any quartets centered on that node. Try another node.") if self.verbose >= 2: if not goodInternalNodeNums: # print " Failed to get a quartet, at all, for x=%s. # Bad! -- P4Error follows!" % print(" ...except that there are no other nodes. ", end=' ') print("So we have failed to add x=%s on any node." % return None else: # This happens a lot, both for qj's that will be # successful or will fail. print(" Failed to get a quartet, so choose another theNode from goodInternals") if self.verbose >= 3: p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print(" (The tree above is the current bigT)") # A list, one for each tree that had a k, unless limited by # maxQuartetsPerN assert self.kk # print "got %i quartets" % len(self.kk) # print self.kk # for k in self.kk: # k.dump() # sys.exit() # We have self.kk, so find kNodes and kBrs. if self.verbose >= 1: print(" Maybe able to add x=%s. Got quartets from %i trees. Now see how big the k-subtree is." % (, len(self.kk))) # print " ", kIntNodes, kBrs = self.getKNodes(theNode) if self.verbose >= 2: print(" After assessing the first quartet, we have %i kBrs, %s" % ( len(kBrs), [n.nodeNum for n in kBrs])) # print " After assessing the first quartet, we have %i kBrs" % # len(kBrs) print(" and %i kIntNodes, %s" % (len(kIntNodes), [n.nodeNum for n in kIntNodes])) if self.verbose >= 3: p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("(The tree above is bigT, in which we find the kIntNodes %s)" % ( [n.nodeNum for n in kIntNodes])) if len(kBrs) > 1: print(" So refineKSubTree() it.") if self.verbose == 1: if len(kBrs) > 1: print(" k-subtree is %i kBrs. Need to refine the k-subtree." % len(kBrs)) elif len(kBrs) == 1: print(" k-subtree is %i kBrs. Lucky-- can add it right now." % len(kBrs)) # if self.dbug: # if == 'Z': # pass # #print "** len(kBrs)", len(kBrs), "len(kIntNodes)", len(kIntNodes) # print "len(kBrs) == %i." % len(kBrs) # sys.exit() if len(kBrs) == 1: return kBrs # to tryToAddAnyX() # This can happen with a tie score in getKNodes() elif len(kBrs) > 1 and not kIntNodes: return kBrs # to tryToAddAnyX() elif not kBrs: raise P4Error( "No kBrs. %i kIntNodes. Programming error." % len(kIntNodes)) else: # if not kIntNodes or not kBrs: # self.bigT.draw() # print "kIntNodes %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in kIntNodes] # print "kBrs %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in kBrs] # raise P4Error("There are %i kIntNodes and %i kBrs" % (len(kIntNodes), len(kBrs))) kBrs = self.refineKSubTree( kIntNodes, kBrs, x, internalNodesWithNoQuartets) if self.verbose >= 2: print(" refineKSubTree() returned kBrs = %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in kBrs]) self.pause() assert kBrs, "no kBrs. Programming error. How did *that* happen?!?" return kBrs # to tryToAddAnyX()
[docs] def refineKSubTree(self, kIntNodes, kBrs, x, internalNodesWithNoQuartets): # print "refineKSubTree() start. got %i kIntNodes, %i kBrs" % # (len(kIntNodes), len(kBrs)) if self.doCentralNodeStrategy: kIntNodes = p4.func.sortListOfObjectsOnAttribute(kIntNodes, 'pc012') else: random.shuffle(kIntNodes) # print "Starting refineKSubTree() with %i kIntNodes" % len(kIntNodes) while 1: if self.verbose == 1: print(" Refining. %i kBrs" % len(kBrs)) if self.verbose >= 2: print(" refineKSubTree() kIntNodes are now %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in kIntNodes]) try: # print "x%i" % len(kIntNodes), # sys.stdout.flush() theIntNode = kIntNodes.pop() except IndexError: # print "No more kIntNodes. Don't bother re-looping?" # print "Z" if self.verbose >= 2: print(" refineKSubTree() no more kIntNodes. Returning kBrs.") return kBrs if theIntNode in internalNodesWithNoQuartets: if self.verbose >= 2: print(" Ignoring node %i -- it is in internalNodesWithNoQuartets" % theIntNode.nodeNum) else: if self.verbose >= 2: # self.bigT.draw() print(" Continue to try to add x=%s, this time via a quartet centered on %i" % (, theIntNode.nodeNum)) self.kk = self.getQuartetsForXForNode(x, theIntNode) if not self.kk: # print "y", if self.verbose >= 2: print(" Failed to get a quartet, so choose another theIntNode from kIntNodes.") else: oldKBrs = kBrs oldKIntNodes = kIntNodes # getKNodes gets all of the kBrs and kIntNodes on the # k-subtree. newKIntNodes, newKBrs = self.getKNodes(theIntNode) # For both kBrs and kIntNodes, get the intersection of the # old and new sets. kBrs = [] for kN in oldKBrs: if kN in newKBrs: kBrs.append(kN) kIntNodes = [] for kN in oldKIntNodes: if kN in newKIntNodes: kIntNodes.append(kN) # We should be refining here-- making the list smaller. Is # it smaller? # should it be just >? No, often it stays the same. if len(kBrs) > len(oldKBrs): print("refineKSubTree(). Added a quartet, but the number of kBrs did not decrease.") # This next 'else' happens a lot # if len(kIntNodes) < len(oldKIntNodes): # pass # else: # print "refineKSubTree(). Added a quartet, but the number # of kIntNodes did not decrease." if len(kBrs) == 1: return kBrs elif not kBrs: print("refineKSubTree(). No kBrs. How did *that* happen?!?") sys.exit() else: if self.verbose >= 2: print(" after getting set intersections, got %i kIntNodes and %i kBrs" % ( len(kIntNodes), len(kBrs))) print(" kBrs %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in kBrs])
[docs] def addLeafToBigT(self, theNode, x): # Add a leaf on the branch on the chosenNode. That causes # 2 nodes to be added -- one internal, and one leaf. For # both, the bitKeys need to be added. # print "adding taxon %s ..." % if self.verbose >= 2: print("Before adding the leaf, bigT is:") p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() # The Tree.addLeaf() method adds 2 nodes, one for the leaf, # and one on the branch leading from theNode. The leaf node # is returned (here addedNode). The other new node is # unambiguously its parent (here theParent). addedNode = self.bigT.addLeaf(theNode, = x.bitKey theParent = addedNode.parent self.bigTInternalNodes.append(theParent) # self.checkBigTInternalNodes() # slow check p = theParent while p != self.bigT.root: self.calculateBitKeyForInternalNodeFromChildren(p) p = p.parent self.bigT.taxBits = self.bigT.taxBits | x.bitKey if self.verbose: print(" addLeafToBigT: Add a leaf x=%s on the branch for node %i." % (, theNode.nodeNum)) if self.verbose >= 2: p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("... resulting in the tree above, with %i leaves." % self.bigT.nTax) self.pause() # if self.doCountTries: # self.count_txAdded = 1 if self.doPips: if self.didBreakTie: sys.stdout.write('*') else: sys.stdout.write(".") if self.bigT.nTax % 50 == 0: print(" %4i" % self.bigT.nTax) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def addXSubTreeToBigT(self, theNode, x): # theNode is a node in bigT, where an x-subtree may now be added. gm = ["addXSubTreeToBigT(theNodeOnBigT=%i, x=%s)" % ( theNode.nodeNum,] if self.verbose >= 2: print("Now doing %s" % gm[0]) # Use only those trees that had the high vote in the choice of the kBr. maxVotes = max(self.votes) assert maxVotes nMaxs = self.votes.count(maxVotes) #maxs = [] # for i in range(3): # if self.votes[i] == maxVotes: # maxs.append(i) if nMaxs > 1: # We only call addXSubTreeToBigT() if there is only 1 kBr, # and that would only happen if there was only 1 maxVotes # in self.votes. So if we are here, with nMaxs more # than 1, we must have made a tie-breaking choice. And # that should have been prevented. gm.append( "nMaxs is %i. Odd. Programming error. Due to tie-breaking?" % nMaxs) gm.append("self.votes = %s" % self.votes) raise P4Error(gm) theMaxNum = self.votes.index(maxVotes) # Find all the quartets that had the maxVote, where theQJQuartet.k == # theMaxNum maxVoteQuartets = [q for q in self.kk if q.k == theMaxNum] if not maxVoteQuartets: for i in range(len(self.kk)): q = self.kk[i] gm.append( "addXSubTreeToBigT(),," % (, gm.append("addXSubTreeToBigT() self.votes=%s, maxVotes=%s" % (self.votes, maxVotes)) gm.append("addXSubTreeToBigT() maxs = %s" % maxs) gm.append("no maxVoteQuartets -- how can that be?") raise P4Error(gm) if 0: for i in range(len(maxVoteQuartets)): q = maxVoteQuartets[i] q.tree.draw() print("Above is the tree for maxVoteQuartets number %i" % i) print("got %i maxVoteQuartets" % len(maxVoteQuartets)) print("adding taxon x=%s, and its subtree." % # sys.exit() # Now we want to find the QJQuartet with biggest x-subtree. # There might be more than one QJQuartet with a tree with the # biggest x-subtree -- the way this loop is set up is it finds # and keeps the first one, and ignores subsequent ones the # same size. qWithBiggestSubTree = None nLeavesInBiggestSubTree = 0 for q in maxVoteQuartets: # the first one, so it must be the biggest so far if not qWithBiggestSubTree: qWithBiggestSubTree = q nLeavesInBiggestSubTree = self.locateAndCountLeavesInXSubTreeFromQuartet( q, x) else: thisNLeaves = self.locateAndCountLeavesInXSubTreeFromQuartet( q, x) if thisNLeaves > nLeavesInBiggestSubTree: nLeavesInBiggestSubTree = thisNLeaves qWithBiggestSubTree = q if self.verbose >= 2: print("The (first) tree with the biggest sub-tree (with %i leaves) tree follows:" % ( nLeavesInBiggestSubTree)) p4.func.setTerminalColour(INPUT_T_COLOUR) qWithBiggestSubTree.tree.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() theSubTree = qWithBiggestSubTree.tree.dupeSubTree( qWithBiggestSubTree.xNode, up=qWithBiggestSubTree.up) assert theSubTree.isFullyBifurcating() self.decorateTreeWithBitKeys(theSubTree) # theSubTree.draw() # print "The above is the subtree." # sys.exit() # Calculate the taxBits for theSubTree subTreeTaxBits = if not qWithBiggestSubTree.up: subTreeTaxBits = ( self.allOnes ^ subTreeTaxBits) & qWithBiggestSubTree.tree.taxBits # flip bits # Slow check of theSubTree.taxBits if 1: checkTaxBits = 0 for n in theSubTree.iterLeavesNoRoot(): checkTaxBits = checkTaxBits | if subTreeTaxBits != checkTaxBits: raise P4Error("subTreeTaxBits are wrong. Existing=%s, check=%s" % ( self.getTaxBitsString(subTreeTaxBits), self.getTaxBitsString(checkTaxBits))) # theSubTree does not last long -- it is destroyed when it is # added to bigT. But I need the taxNames and the taxBits. So # save them. And the internalNodes subTreeTaxNames = [ for n in theSubTree.iterLeavesNoRoot()] assert len(subTreeTaxNames) == nLeavesInBiggestSubTree #subTreeTaxBits = theSubTree.taxBits subTreeInternalNodes = [n for n in theSubTree.iterInternalsNoRoot()] subTreeInternalNodes.append(theSubTree.root) if self.verbose >= 2: # if not qWithBiggestSubTree.up: if 1: p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("addXSubTreeToBigT(). The tree above is the current bigT") p4.func.setTerminalColour('violet') theSubTree.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("addXSubTreeToBigT(). The tree above is the sub-tree") print("Add it to node %i in bigT" % theNode.nodeNum) print("addXSubTreeToBigT(). nLeaves = %2i, up=%5s" % ( nLeavesInBiggestSubTree, qWithBiggestSubTree.up)) print("subTreeTaxBits = %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(subTreeTaxBits)) # sys.exit() if self.diagn: self.xSubTree = nLeavesInBiggestSubTree # Doing the following zaps theSubTree. oldBigTNTax = self.bigT.nTax self.bigT.addSubTree(theNode, theSubTree, subTreeTaxNames) # includes root of subtree self.bigTInternalNodes += subTreeInternalNodes # self.checkBigTInternalNodes() # slow check = None = subTreeTaxBits # self.calculateBitKeyForInternalNodeFromChildren(theNode.parent) p = theNode.parent while p != self.bigT.root: self.calculateBitKeyForInternalNodeFromChildren(p) p = p.parent if 0: if qWithBiggestSubTree.up == False: for n in self.bigT.nodes: if hasattr(n, 'br') and hasattr(, 'bitKey'): print("node %2i %s" % (n.nodeNum, self.getTaxBitsString( else: print("node %2i None" % n.nodeNum) p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("The above is bigT, after adding %i nodes" % nLeavesInBiggestSubTree) # if qWithBiggestSubTree.up == False: # self.checkBitKeys(self.bigT) if self.verbose >= 2: p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("The tree above is the current bigT, after adding the sub-tree.") # Need the taxBits from the subTree to add to self.bigT self.bigT.taxBits = self.bigT.taxBits | subTreeTaxBits # if self.doCountTries: # self.count_txAdded = nLeavesInBiggestSubTree if self.doPips: pipsWrittenNow = 0 for pip in range(nLeavesInBiggestSubTree): sys.stdout.write(".") pipsWrittenNow += 1 if (oldBigTNTax + pipsWrittenNow) % 50 == 0: print(" %4i" % (oldBigTNTax + pipsWrittenNow)) sys.stdout.flush() # print "adding %i leaves" % nLeavesInBiggestSubTree return subTreeTaxNames # to tryToAddAnyX
[docs] def getQuartetsForXForNode(self, x, theNode): # Our goal here is to identify k as the subtree on theNode on # bigT were x goes. Since bigT is fully bifurcating, we can # identify k by one of the numbers 0, 1, or 2, for one of the # 3 subtrees. Number 0 is the subtree on theNode.leftChild. # Number 1 is the subtree on theNode.leftChild.sibling. For # usual internal nodes, number 2 would be the subtree below # theNode, but if theNode is the root of bigT then number 2 # would be the subtree on theNode.sibling.sibling. if self.slowCheck: self.checkBitKeys(self.bigT) # if self.verbose >= 1: # print " getQuartetsForXForNode()" # First find all the 'goodTrees' in the input trees. It uses # 'theNode', which is an internal node in bigT. A good tree # is one that contains at least one taxon from each of the 3 # sub-trees attached to theNode, plus x. if theNode == self.bigT.root: bk0 = bk1 = bk2 = goodTrees = [t for t in self.trees if ( t.taxBits & x.bitKey and t.taxBits & bk0) and (t.taxBits & bk1) and (t.taxBits & bk2)] else: bk0 = bk1 = bk2 = (self.allOnes ^ & self.bigT.taxBits goodTrees = [t for t in self.trees if ( t.taxBits & x.bitKey and t.taxBits & bk0) and (t.taxBits & bk1) and (t.taxBits & bk2)] if not goodTrees: return if goodTrees: if self.verbose >= 2: print("There are %i good input trees, so will attempt to find a quartet with x=%s" % ( len(goodTrees), if 0: print(" The following are the %i input trees from which to get a quartet:" % len(goodTrees)) for t in goodTrees: p4.func.setTerminalColour(INPUT_T_COLOUR) sL = t.textDrawList(showInternalNodeNames=False, addToBrLen=0.0, width=50, autoIncreaseWidth=True, showNodeNums=True, partNum=None, model=None) for s in sL: print(" ", end=' ') print(s) p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() # if self.verbose >= 3: # self.pause() p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("(The tree above is bigT)") print("getQuartetsForXForNode() theNode=%i, x=%s" % (theNode.nodeNum, print("theNode.pc0 = %s" % theNode.pc0) print("theNode.pc1 = %s" % theNode.pc1) print("theNode.pc2 = %s" % theNode.pc2) print("bk0 = %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(bk0)) print("bk1 = %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(bk1)) print("bk2 = %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(bk2)) # sys.exit() # k's (quartets) from all the trees. At most one per tree kk = [] allBits = x.bitKey | bk0 | bk1 | bk2 if 0: # self.dbug: if == 'W': p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("(The tree above is bigT)") print("getQuartetsForXForNode() theNode=%i, x=%s" % (theNode.nodeNum, print("bk0 = %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(bk0)) print("bk1 = %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(bk1)) print("bk2 = %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(bk2)) print() print("allBits = %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(allBits)) print("goodTree[0] is ", end=' ') goodTrees[0].write() for gT in goodTrees: if self.verbose >= 2: p4.func.setTerminalColour(INPUT_T_COLOUR) sL = gT.textDrawList(showInternalNodeNames=False, addToBrLen=0.0, width=50, autoIncreaseWidth=True, showNodeNums=True, partNum=None, model=None) for s in sL: print(" ", end=' ') print(s) p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() print("Input tree containing the right bitKeys") gotIt = False badBitsBelow = False #mBits = 0 tNode = gT.root while not gotIt: biggestNBits = 0 n = tNode.leftChild while n: # print "while n. Doing node %i" % n.nodeNum if n.isLeaf: pass elif allBits & # at least one bit bitHits = [] nBits = 0 for bk in [bk0, bk1, bk2, x.bitKey]: if bk & nBits += 1 bitHits.append(bk) if nBits > 2: # print "nBits is more than 2, so its # further up this subtree." break if nBits > biggestNBits: biggestNBits = nBits if nBits == 2: # Now we have n, and is the split, and there are # 2 bits above it. Presumably there are 2 bits below # it as well, but it might be ambiguous, in which case # it is not 2 bits. So it is worth checking. Maybe # this should be optional, with a switch. badBitsBelow = False bitHitsBelow = [] bitsBelow = ( self.allOnes ^ & gT.taxBits if 0: p4.func.setTerminalColour('violet') gT.draw() print("taxa below node %i are %s" % (n.nodeNum, self.getTaxBitsString(bitsBelow))) p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() for bk in [bk0, bk1, bk2, x.bitKey]: if bk & bitsBelow: bitHitsBelow.append(bk) if len(bitHitsBelow) == 2: gotIt = True break else: # ambiguous! #p4.func.writeInColour("Got %i bitHitsBelow\n" % len(bitHitsBelow), "CYAN") badBitsBelow = True elif nBits > 2: # Its further up that subtree tNode = n nBits = 0 break n = n.sibling # Try the next subtree if biggestNBits < 2: # useless to go further break if gotIt: break if badBitsBelow: break if not gotIt: if self.verbose >= 2: print("The tree above does not have a relevant quartet.") continue else: assert len(bitHits) == 2 # 2 of [bk0, bk1, bk2, x.bitKey] # 2 of [bk0, bk1, bk2, x.bitKey] assert len(bitHitsBelow) == 2 if self.verbose >= 2: print("The tree above has a relevant quartet, at node num %i" % n.nodeNum) # if self.dbug and == 'W': # print "The tree above has a relevant quartet, at node num %i" # % n.nodeNum k = None xAndKAreAbove = None # If x.bitKey is in bitHits, then it must be the 2nd of 2. if bitHits[1] == x.bitKey: # Then bitHits[0] is from the k-subtree if bitHits[0] == bk0: k = 0 elif bitHits[0] == bk1: k = 1 elif bitHits[0] == bk2: k = 2 # x is in bitHits, so must be above n, and so must k xAndKAreAbove = True else: # x.bitKey goes with the 3rd one, the one that is # not in bitHits, so it will be the k-subtree allThree = [bk0, bk1, bk2] allThree.remove(bitHits[0]) allThree.remove(bitHits[1]) thirdOne = allThree[0] if thirdOne == bk0: k = 0 elif thirdOne == bk1: k = 1 elif thirdOne == bk2: k = 2 xAndKAreAbove = False assert k != None assert xAndKAreAbove != None if self.verbose >= 2: print("Got k = %i, and xAndKAreAbove=%s, which means that x=%s and one of" % ( k, xAndKAreAbove, if k == 0: print("%s" % self.getTaxBitsString(bk0)) elif k == 1: print("%s" % self.getTaxBitsString(bk1)) elif k == 2: print("%s" % self.getTaxBitsString(bk2)) if xAndKAreAbove: print("are above the split at node %i" % n.nodeNum) else: print("are below the split at node %i" % n.nodeNum) if self.doAddXSubTree: theQuart = QJQuartet(gT, n, k, xAndKAreAbove) else: theQuart = k kk.append(theQuart) if self.maxQuartetsPerN and len(kk) >= self.maxQuartetsPerN: return kk return kk
[docs] def getKNodes(self, theNode): """Find and return the kIntNodes and kBrs in the k-subtree.""" # We have a list kk, which may be a list of Tax objects, or a # list of QJQuartet objects, or ints. So vote. self.votes = [0] * 3 # assume only 3 subtrees on theNode. for item in self.kk: if self.doAddXSubTree: # item is a QJQuartet object self.votes[item.k] += 1 else: # item is an int self.votes[item] += 1 if self.verbose >= 2: print(" getKNodes(). self.votes = %s" % self.votes) # In the following, we take into account the possibility of there being # a tie score. maxVotes = max(self.votes) assert maxVotes # It may be a tie score. It happens a fair amount. if 0: tieScore = False if self.votes.count(maxVotes) > 1: tieScore = True if tieScore: print("tieScore is %s" % tieScore) # Now that we have voted, get the kIntNodes and kBrs. kIntNodes = [] kBrs = [] for theVoteIndx in [0, 1, 2]: if self.votes[theVoteIndx] == maxVotes: if theNode == self.bigT.root: if theVoteIndx == 0: ch = theNode.leftChild elif theVoteIndx == 1: ch = theNode.leftChild.sibling elif theVoteIndx == 2: ch = theNode.leftChild.sibling.sibling for n in ch.iterPreOrder(): if not n.isLeaf: kIntNodes.append(n) kBrs.append(n) else: # theNode is not root. if theVoteIndx < 2: if theVoteIndx == 0: ch = theNode.leftChild elif theVoteIndx == 1: ch = theNode.leftChild.sibling for n in ch.iterPreOrder(): if not n.isLeaf: kIntNodes.append(n) kBrs.append(n) # theVoteIndx is 2, so its below else: for n in theNode.iterDown(): if not n.isLeaf: kIntNodes.append(n) if kBrs.append(n) kIntNodes = kIntNodes[1:] # print "getKNodes() got kIntNodes=%s, kBrs=%s" % ( # [n.nodeNum for n in kIntNodes], [n.nodeNum for n in kBrs]) #assert kIntNodes assert kBrs return (kIntNodes, kBrs)
[docs] def getQuartetForFourTaxaInTrees(self, taxa, theTrees): assert len(taxa) == 4 votes = [0] * 3 # **.. -- 0 # *.*. -- 1 # *..* -- 2 bk0 = taxa[0].bitKey bk1 = taxa[1].bitKey bk2 = taxa[2].bitKey bk3 = taxa[3].bitKey allBits = bk0 | bk1 | bk2 | bk3 for gT in theTrees: if self.verbose >= 2: p4.func.setTerminalColour(INPUT_T_COLOUR) sL = gT.textDrawList(showInternalNodeNames=False, addToBrLen=0.0, width=50, autoIncreaseWidth=True, showNodeNums=True, partNum=None, model=None) for s in sL: print(" ", end=' ') print(s) p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() # print "Input tree containing the right bitKeys" gotIt = False badBitsBelow = False #mBits = 0 tNode = gT.root while not gotIt: biggestNBits = 0 n = tNode.leftChild while n: # print "while n. Doing node %i" % n.nodeNum if n.isLeaf: pass elif allBits & # at least one bit bitHits = [] nBits = 0 for bk in [bk0, bk1, bk2, bk3]: if bk & nBits += 1 bitHits.append(bk) if nBits > 2: # print "nBits is more than 2, so its # further up this subtree." break if nBits > biggestNBits: biggestNBits = nBits if nBits == 2: # Now we have n, and is the split, and there are # 2 bits above it. Presumably there are 2 bits below # it as well, but it might be ambiguous, in which case # it is not 2 bits. So it is worth checking. Maybe # this should be optional, with a switch. badBitsBelow = False bitHitsBelow = [] bitsBelow = ( self.allOnes ^ & gT.taxBits if 0: p4.func.setTerminalColour('violet') gT.draw() print("taxa below node %i are %s" % (n.nodeNum, self.getTaxBitsString(bitsBelow))) p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() for bk in [bk0, bk1, bk2, bk3]: if bk & bitsBelow: bitHitsBelow.append(bk) if len(bitHitsBelow) == 2: gotIt = True break else: # ambiguous! #p4.func.writeInColour("Got %i bitHitsBelow\n" % len(bitHitsBelow), "CYAN") badBitsBelow = True elif nBits > 2: # Its further up that subtree tNode = n nBits = 0 break n = n.sibling # Try the next subtree if biggestNBits < 2: # useless to go further break if gotIt: break if badBitsBelow: break if not gotIt: if self.verbose >= 2: print("The tree above does not have a quartet with those four taxa.") continue else: assert len(bitHits) == 2 # 2 of [bk0, bk1, bk2, bk3] assert len(bitHitsBelow) == 2 # 2 of [bk0, bk1, bk2, bk3] if self.verbose >= 2: print("The tree above has a quartet, at node num %i" % n.nodeNum) # **.. -- 0 # *.*. -- 1 # *..* -- 2 # bitHits are lists of bitKeys if bk0 in bitHits: if bk1 in bitHits: assert bk0 in bitHits and bk1 in bitHits assert bk2 in bitHitsBelow and bk3 in bitHitsBelow votes[0] += 1 elif bk2 in bitHits: assert bk0 in bitHits and bk2 in bitHits assert bk1 in bitHitsBelow and bk3 in bitHitsBelow votes[1] += 1 else: assert bk0 in bitHits and bk3 in bitHits assert bk1 in bitHitsBelow and bk2 in bitHitsBelow votes[2] += 1 else: if bk1 in bitHits: if bk2 in bitHits: assert bk1 in bitHits and bk2 in bitHits assert bk0 in bitHitsBelow and bk3 in bitHitsBelow votes[2] += 1 else: assert bk1 in bitHits and bk3 in bitHits assert bk0 in bitHitsBelow and bk2 in bitHitsBelow votes[1] += 1 else: assert bk2 in bitHits and bk3 in bitHits assert bk0 in bitHitsBelow and bk1 in bitHitsBelow votes[0] += 1 theMax = max(votes) if not theMax: return None nMaxs = votes.count(theMax) if nMaxs > 1: # we don't want ambiguity return None myMaxIndex = votes.index(theMax) # print "taxa names are %s, " % [ for tx in taxa], # print "myMaxIndex is", myMaxIndex savedWarnReadNoFile = var.warnReadNoFile var.warnReadNoFile = 0 read('(A, B, (C, D));') var.warnReadNoFile = savedWarnReadNoFile t = var.trees.pop() if myMaxIndex == 0: # 0 and 1 go together, so 2 and 3 go together t.nodes[1].name = taxa[2].name t.nodes[2].name = taxa[3].name t.nodes[4].name = taxa[0].name t.nodes[5].name = taxa[1].name elif myMaxIndex == 1: # 0 and 2 go together, so 1 and 3 go together t.nodes[1].name = taxa[1].name t.nodes[2].name = taxa[3].name t.nodes[4].name = taxa[0].name t.nodes[5].name = taxa[2].name elif myMaxIndex == 2: # 0 and 3 go together, so 1 and 2 go together t.nodes[1].name = taxa[0].name t.nodes[2].name = taxa[3].name t.nodes[4].name = taxa[1].name t.nodes[5].name = taxa[2].name return t
# ************************************************* # ************************************************* # ************************************************* # *************************************************
[docs] def pause(self): if self.verbose >= 3: p4.func.setTerminalColour('blue') input("Hit return to continue ...") print("=" * 90) p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() else: pass
[docs] def popcount(self, n): count = 0 for tx in self.taxa: if n < tx.bitKey: return count if tx.bitKey & n: count += 1 return count
[docs] def setTreeTaxBits(self, theTree): """This needs to have bitKey attributes for nodes already set. taxBits says which of self.taxa are in theTree. """ theTree.taxBits = 0 for ch in theTree.root.iterChildren(): # print theTree.taxBits = theTree.taxBits | # bitwise 'or'
[docs] def decorateTreeWithBitKeys(self, theTree): """Put bitKey attributes on all branches of the tree. bitKey's are attributes of node branches, and are binary numbers that say what taxa are above that branch in the tree. """ for n in theTree.iterPostOrder(): if n != theTree.root: if n.isLeaf: # order comes from self.taxNames, not from the tree = 1 << self.taxNames.index( else: childrenNums = theTree.getChildrenNums(n) x = theTree.nodes[childrenNums[0]].br.bitKey for i in childrenNums[1:]: y = theTree.nodes[i].br.bitKey x = x | y = x if 0: theTree.draw() print("bitKeys for the tree above:") for n in theTree.iterInternalsNoRoot(): print(" %2i %s" % (n.nodeNum, self.getTaxBitsString( self.setTreeTaxBits(theTree) print("taxBits is %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(theTree.taxBits)) print("order:", end=' ') tNames = [ for tx in self.taxa] for tName in tNames: print(" %s" % tName, end=' ') print()
[docs] def checkBitKeys(self, theTree): for n in theTree.iterPostOrder(): if n != theTree.root: if n.isLeaf: # order comes from self.taxNames, not from the tree theBitKey = 1 << self.taxNames.index( # Hard to imagine how this would get messed up. # , "checkBitKeys(). node %i is wrong" % n.nodeNum if != theBitKey: print() theTree.draw() gm = ["checkBitKeys()"] gm.append("leaf node %i bitKey is %s, should be %s" % ( n.nodeNum,, theBitKey)) raise P4Error(gm) else: childrenNums = theTree.getChildrenNums(n) x = theTree.nodes[childrenNums[0]].br.bitKey for i in childrenNums[1:]: y = theTree.nodes[i].br.bitKey x = x | y if != x: print() theTree.draw() gm = ['checkBitKeys()'] for ch in n.iterChildren(): gm.append("node %i bitKey is %s" % (ch.nodeNum, gm.append("but node %i bitKey is %s -- wrong!" % (n.nodeNum, gm.append("should be %s" % x) raise P4Error(gm) # Check theTree.taxBits checkTaxBits = 0 for ch in theTree.root.iterChildren(): # print checkTaxBits = checkTaxBits | # bitwise 'or' if checkTaxBits != theTree.taxBits: gm = ['checkBitKeys() tcheck tree taxBits'] gm.append('theTree.taxBits=%s, check=%s' % (theTree.taxBits, checkTaxBits)) raise P4Error(gm)
[docs] def checkBigTInternalNodes(self): recalculatedInternalNodesSet = set( [n for n in self.bigT.iterInternalsNoRoot()]) recalculatedInternalNodesSet.add(self.bigT.root) existingSet = set(self.bigTInternalNodes) if recalculatedInternalNodesSet != existingSet: p4.func.setTerminalColour(BIG_T_COLOUR) self.bigT.draw() p4.func.unsetTerminalColour() gm = ["checkBigTInternalNodes()"] gm.append("existingSet = %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in existingSet]) gm.append("recalculated = %s" % [n.nodeNum for n in recalculatedInternalNodesSet]) raise P4Error(gm)
[docs] def calculateBitKeyForInternalNodeFromChildren(self, theNode): children = [ch for ch in theNode.iterChildren()] x = children[0].br.bitKey for ch in children[1:]: y = x = x | y = x
[docs] def getTaxBitsString(self, taxBits): sTax = [] for tx in self.taxa: if (taxBits & tx.bitKey) == tx.bitKey: sTax.append( else: # sTax.append('.') pass # return ' '.join(sTax) + " (small bits on the left)" return ' '.join(sTax)
[docs] def locateAndCountLeavesInXSubTreeFromQuartet(self, q, x): """Find the node in the q.tree with the x-subtree, and count leaves. We also find the xNode, the node in q.tree at which the x-subtree can be taken, and 'up', which says whether that x-subtree goes up or down from that xNode. Both of these become attributes of q, the QJQuartet object. The leaf count is returned. """ gm = ['locateAndCountLeavesInXSubTreeFromQuartet()'] #p4.func.printColour("Now in %s" % gm[0], 'BLUE') # q.dump() # includes a tree drawing # Arg q is a QJQuartet object, and q.tree is an input tree # that has a relevant quartet ij|kx. Here x is the leaf that # we want to add, and q.k is the number (one of 0, 1, or 2) # indicating which subtree in bigT that contains one or more # taxa in bigT that are on the x-side of the relevant quartet. # Sorry! - k is being used in two senses here -- in the # quartet ij|kx k is a taxon, but q.k is number indicating a # bigT-subtree that contains a k-taxon (or perhaps more than # one k-taxa) shared by bigT and q.tree. But at this point # the k-taxon (or k-taxa) is not pinpointed, not identified, # and we don't really ever need to actually identify it as a # taxon; we just know that an identified subtree (the # k-subtree) in bigT and the x-side of the split at q.node in # q.tree share taxa (exclusively, ie there are no bigT-k-taxa # on the non-x side of the split in q.tree, and no # bigT-non-k-taxa on the x-side of the split in q.tree). # So we know that q.tree at q.node, either up or down, has a # k-taxon and x. The k-taxon (or k-taxa) is in bigT, and we # do not want it in the x-subtree that we add, so we start # with the split at q.node and work toward x in q.tree until # no bigT taxa are in that smaller x-subtree. The smaller # x-subtree might be just x by itself, but if we are lucky it # might have other taxa that are not yet in bigT. That # smaller x-subtree may be added to bigT if the branch on the # k-subtree in bigT can be identified, but that is another # story. if q.xAndKAreAbove: theNode = q.node # if theNode == q.tree.root: # for n in theNode.iterChildren(): # if & x.bitKey: # theNode = n # break assert theNode != q.tree.root # print "theNode %i, and x (%s) is above." % (theNode.nodeNum, # if & self.bigT.taxBits: bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch = True else: bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch = False # print "bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch is %s" % # bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch while bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch: if theNode.isLeaf: bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch = False break if not bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch: break for n in theNode.iterChildren(): # print " ** Looking at node %i" % n.nodeNum if & x.bitKey: # print " ** x is above" # print " ** bigT bits above is %s" % ( # & self.bigT.taxBits) if not ( & self.bigT.taxBits): bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch = False theNode = n break assert not bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch assert & x.bitKey # print "theNode %i, and x is above, and there are no bigT bits above" % theNode.nodeNum # sys.exit() # Now we want to make sure that the x-subtree that we have # found is fully bifurcating. If it is not, then follow # nodes toward x until it is fully bifurcating. If we are # very unlucky, we will need to follow all the way to x, # and the subtree will be a single leaf. while 1: if theNode.isLeaf: break if q.tree.subTreeIsFullyBifurcating(theNode, up=True): break else: for n in theNode.iterChildren(): if & x.bitKey: theNode = n break assert q.tree.subTreeIsFullyBifurcating(theNode, up=True) # print "the x subtree (fully bifurcating, and no bigT taxa) is everything from node %i up." % ( # theNode.nodeNum) # sys.exit() q.xNode = theNode q.up = True if theNode.isLeaf: return 1 else: return self.popcount( else: # xAndK are below theNode = q.node xIsBelow = True bigTBitsAreBelow = True # print 'bigT.taxBits are %s' % self.getTaxBitsString(self.bigT.taxBits) # print 'theNode %i, is %s' % ( # theNode.nodeNum, self.getTaxBitsString( bitsBelow = (self.allOnes ^ & q.tree.taxBits # print ' taxa below are %s' % # (self.getTaxBitsString(bitsBelow)) assert x.bitKey & bitsBelow assert self.bigT.taxBits & bitsBelow if 0: for qn in q.tree.iterLeavesNoRoot(): if in self.bigT.taxNames: qn.oldName = = "\033[1;36m%s ***\033[m" % elif == qn.oldName = = "\033[1;31m%s\033[m" % q.tree.draw() for qn in q.tree.iterLeavesNoRoot(): if hasattr(qn, 'oldName'): = qn.oldName del(qn.oldName) print("x (%s) and at least some bigT taxa (%s)" % (, self.getTaxBitsString(self.bigT.taxBits))) print(" are both somewhere down from node %i on the QJQuartet tree" % q.node.nodeNum) while 1: theNode = theNode.parent # print "while 1: theNode=%i" % theNode.nodeNum if theNode == q.tree.root: xIsBelow = False # print "x (%s) is no longer below" % break bitsBelow = (self.allOnes ^ & q.tree.taxBits # print "theNode %i, bitsBelow = %s" % (theNode.nodeNum, # self.getTaxBitsString(bitsBelow)) if not (x.bitKey & bitsBelow): xIsBelow = False # print "x (%s) is no longer below" % if not (self.bigT.taxBits & bitsBelow): bigTBitsAreBelow = False # print "there are no longer any bigT bits below." if xIsBelow and bigTBitsAreBelow: pass else: break # print "*** theNode=%i, xIsBelow is %s, bigTBitsAreBelow = %s" % ( # theNode.nodeNum, xIsBelow, bigTBitsAreBelow) # sys.exit() # So we have now found the x-subtree. It is off of theNode, either # above it or below it. # Now we want to make sure that the x-subtree that we have # found is fully bifurcating. If it is not, then follow # nodes toward x until it is fully bifurcating. If we are # very unlucky, we will need to follow all the way to x, # and the subtree will be a single leaf. if xIsBelow: while 1: if not xIsBelow: break if q.tree.subTreeIsFullyBifurcating(theNode, up=False): # print "theSubTree going down from theNode %i is fully # bifurcating" % theNode.nodeNum break else: # print "theSubTree going down from theNode %i is not # fully bifurcating" % theNode.nodeNum previousNode = theNode theNode = theNode.parent for n in theNode.iterChildren(): if n == previousNode: pass elif & x.bitKey: xIsBelow = False break if xIsBelow: assert q.tree.subTreeIsFullyBifurcating(theNode, up=False) # print "locateAndCountLeavesInXSubTreeFromQuartet() x=%s, k=%s. node with split is %i" % ( #,, q.node.nodeNum) # print "theNode is now %i" % theNode.nodeNum # print "xIsBelow=%s, bigTBitsAreBelow=%s" % (xIsBelow, bigTBitsAreBelow) # if not xIsBelow: # print "(However, the bigTBitsAreBelow value does not matter since x is not below)." # q.tree.draw() # print "Drawing above is q.tree. theNode is %i" % theNode.nodeNum # print "bigT taxNames is %s" % self.bigT.taxNames # sys.exit() if xIsBelow and not bigTBitsAreBelow: # print "x is everything below node %i (now isolated from bigT # taxa)." % theNode.nodeNum flippedBits = q.tree.taxBits ^ # print "flippedBits = %s" % self.getTaxBitsString(flippedBits) assert not flippedBits & self.bigT.taxBits q.xNode = theNode q.up = False return self.popcount(flippedBits) # At this point, whether bigTBitsAreBelow or not does not matter. elif not xIsBelow: if theNode == q.tree.root: for n in theNode.iterChildren(): if & x.bitKey: theNode = n break # print "theNode %i, and x is above." % theNode.nodeNum if & self.bigT.taxBits: bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch = True else: bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch = False # print "bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch is %s" % # bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch while bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch: if theNode.isLeaf: bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch = False break if not bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch: break for n in theNode.iterChildren(): # print " ** Looking at node %i" % n.nodeNum if & x.bitKey: # print " ** x is above" # print " ** bigT bits above is %s" % # ( & self.bigT.taxBits) if not ( & self.bigT.taxBits): bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch = False theNode = n break assert not bigTBitsAreOnTheSameBranch assert & x.bitKey # print "Found theNode %i, and x is above, and there are no # bigT bits above" % theNode.nodeNum while 1: if theNode.isLeaf: break if q.tree.subTreeIsFullyBifurcating(theNode, up=True): break else: for n in theNode.iterChildren(): if & x.bitKey: theNode = n break assert q.tree.subTreeIsFullyBifurcating(theNode, up=True) # print "the x subtree (fully bifurcating, and no bigT taxa) is everything from node %i up." % ( # theNode.nodeNum) q.xNode = theNode q.up = True if theNode.isLeaf: return 1 else: return self.popcount(
[docs] def _qj_extractFullyBifurcatingTree(self, aTree): """Dupe the tree, and remove leaves until it is fully bifurcating. Tries to make the biggest possible fully bifurcating tree. """ theTree = aTree.dupe() PP = [] for n in theTree.iterNodes(): if n.isLeaf: pass elif n == theTree.root: nCh = n.getNChildren() if nCh > 3: PP.append(n) else: nCh = n.getNChildren() if nCh > 2: PP.append(n) # if PP: # print "There are %i polytomies" % len(PP) if not PP: return theTree while PP: pN = PP.pop() if pN in theTree.nodes: # print "==================== %i ===========" % pN.nodeNum chNN = [] sumOfAboves = 0 for n in pN.iterChildren(): if n.isLeaf: above = 1 sumOfAboves += 1 else: above = self.popcount( sumOfAboves += above chNN.append([n, above, 1]) if pN != theTree.root: chNN.append([pN.parent, theTree.nTax - sumOfAboves, 0]) chNN = p4.func.sortListOfListsOnListElementNumber(chNN, 1) chNN.reverse() # for chN in chNN: # print "%2i (%i %i) " % (chN[0].nodeNum, chN[1], chN[2]) if pN == theTree.root: theNChildren = 3 else: theNChildren = 2 while 1: if pN.getNChildren() <= theNChildren: break theAction = chNN.pop() if theAction[2]: # going up -- easy pass else: # Going down -- not as easy. # Does this ever happen? -- yes indeed. # print "_qj_extractFullyBifurcatingTree() # ============== ReRooting." theTree.reRoot(pN) theNChildren = 3 rNode = theAction[0] # removeNode() renumbers the nodes and resets pre and post # order. theTree.removeNode(rNode) # print "The tree following is after removal of the node, and re-numbering." # theTree.draw() self.decorateTreeWithBitKeys(theTree) self.setTreeTaxBits(theTree) return theTree
[docs] def allChooseFour(self, things): ttNN = [] nTx = len(things) nTxMinus1 = nTx - 1 nTxMinus2 = nTx - 2 nTxMinus3 = nTx - 3 w = 0 x = 1 y = 2 z = 3 counter = 0 # print "%4i | %4i %4i %4i %4i" % (counter, w,x,y,z) tN = [things[w], things[x], things[y], things[z]] ttNN.append(tN) counter += 1 while 1: z += 1 if z >= nTx: y += 1 if y >= nTxMinus1: x += 1 if x >= nTxMinus2: w += 1 if w >= nTxMinus3: # print "w is now %i" % w break x = w + 1 y = x + 1 z = y + 1 # print "%4i | %4i %4i %4i %4i" % (counter, w,x,y,z) tN = [things[w], things[x], things[y], things[z]] ttNN.append(tN) #thisQNum = self.qNum([w,x,y,z]) #assert counter == thisQNum counter += 1 # print "There are %i possible quartets." % counter return ttNN