Source code for p4.reducedstrictconsensus

from p4.tree import Tree
from p4.node import Node
from p4.func import read
from p4.var import var
from p4.p4exceptions import P4Error

import sys
import csv
import operator
import time

multiProcessing = False

    from multiprocessing import Process as Process
    from multiprocessing import Queue, cpu_count
    cpu_count = cpu_count()
    multiProcessing = True
except ImportError:
    from threading import Thread as Process
    from Queue import Queue

def printVerticalNumbers(noOfNumbers):
    if noOfNumbers > 99999:
        print('Ops, to many taxa in the tree, more than 99999 of them')
    Tens = Hundreds = Thousands = Tenthousands = False
    base = ''
    if noOfNumbers >= 10:
        Tens = True
        tens = ''
        tensIndex = 0
    if noOfNumbers >= 100:
        Hundreds = True
        hundreds = ''
        hundredsIndex = 0
    if noOfNumbers >= 1000:
        Thousands = True
        thousands = ''
        thousandsIndex = 0
    if noOfNumbers >= 10000:
        Tenthousands = True
        tenthousands = ''
        tenthousandsIndex = 0

    for i in range(1, noOfNumbers + 1):
        base += str(i % 10)
        if Tens:
            if i < 10:
                tens += ' '
                if i % 10 == 0:
                    tensIndex += 1
                    if tensIndex % 10 == 0:
                        tensIndex = 0
                tens += str(tensIndex)
        if Hundreds:
            if i < 100:
                hundreds += ' '
                if i % 100 == 0:
                    hundredsIndex += 1
                    if hundredsIndex % 10 == 0:
                        hundredsIndex = 0
                hundreds += str(hundredsIndex)
        if Thousands:
            if i < 1000:
                thousands += ' '
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                    thousandsIndex += 1
                    if thousandsIndex % 10 == 0:
                        thousandsIndex = 0
                thousands += str(thousandsIndex)
        if Tenthousands:
            if i < 10000:
                tenthousands += ' '
                if i % 10000 == 0:
                    tenthousandsIndex += 1
                    if tenthousandsIndex % 10 == 0:
                        tenthousandsIndex = 0
                tenthousands += str(tenthousandsIndex)
    if Tenthousands:
    if Thousands:
    if Hundreds:
    if Tens:

class ConcurrentIntersections(Process):

    def __init__(self, bitKeys, minimumProportion, minNoOfTaxa, weights, listOfSplits, rooted, queue, verbose=1):
        self.weights = weights
        self.minProp = minimumProportion
        self.minNoOfTaxa = minNoOfTaxa
        self.bitkeys = bitKeys
        self.bits = len(self.bitkeys)
        self.dict = {}
#        print 'Thread len(): ', len(listOfSplits)
        self.listOfSplits = listOfSplits
        self.rooted = rooted
        self.noTrees = float(len(listOfSplits))
        self.cutoff = sum(self.weights) * self.minProp
        self.weightedNoTrees = sum(self.weights)
        self.weight = 0
        self.queue = queue
        self.verbose = verbose

    def run(self):
        if self.verbose:
            sampler = int(float(len(self.listOfSplits)) / 20)
            if sampler < 1:
                sampler = 1
            sys.stdout.write('0% ')
        weightSoFar = 0.0
        for q in range(len(self.listOfSplits)):
            completeList = self.filteredList(
                self.weightedNoTrees - weightSoFar)
            weightSoFar += self.weights[q]
            dict = {}
            for s in self.listOfSplits[q]:
                for i in completeList:
                    t = i[0] & s[0], (i[0] ^ s[0]) | i[1] | s[1]
                    dict[t] = i[2]
                    if not self.rooted:
                        t = (i[0] ^ s[0]) & i[
                            0], (i[0] ^ (~s[0] & ((self.bitkeys[-1] << 1) - 1))) | i[0] | s[0]
                        dict[t] = i[2]

            for i, j in dict.items():
                self.addAndUpdate(long(i[0]), long(i[1]), self.weights[q], j)

            for s in self.listOfSplits[q]:
                self.add(s[0], s[1], self.weights[q])

            if self.verbose:
                if (q + 1) % sampler == 0:

        if self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write(' 100%\n')
        self.filteredList(self.weightedNoTrees - weightSoFar)
        self.weight = weightSoFar

        self.queue.put((self.dict, self.weight))

    def filteredList(self, remaining):
        list = []
        newDict = {}
        for key, value in self.dict.items():
            dict = {}
            for k, v in value.items():
                if remaining + v >= self.cutoff and self.enoughTaxa(k):
                    list.append([key, k, v])
                    dict[k] = v
            if len(dict.values()) > 0:
                newDict[key] = dict
        self.dict = newDict
        return list

    def add(self, index1, index2, weight):
        if not self._isTrivial(index1, index2):
            if index1 in self.dict:
                if index2 in self.dict[index1]:
                    #                    self.dict[index1][index2] = weight + self.dict[index1][index2]
                    self.dict[index1][index2] = weight
                self.dict[index1] = {}
                self.dict[index1][index2] = weight

    def addAndUpdate(self, index1, index2, weight1, weight2):
        if not self._isTrivial(index1, index2):
            if index1 in self.dict:
                if index2 in self.dict[index1]:
                    self.dict[index1][index2] = weight1 + \
                    self.dict[index1][index2] = weight1 + weight2
                self.dict[index1] = {}
                self.dict[index1][index2] = weight1 + weight2

    def _isTrivial(self, index1, index2):
        if index1 == 0:
            return True
        if self._popcount(index1) <= 1:
            return True
        if self._popcount(index1 | index2) == len(self.bitkeys):
            return True
        if index1 | index2 == 0:
            return True
        return False

    def enoughTaxa(self, countie):
        #        print 'self.minNoOfTaxa: ', self.minNoOfTaxa
        count = 0
        for bk in self.bitkeys:
            if not bk & countie:
                count += 1
            if count == self.minNoOfTaxa:
                #                print 'True'
                return True
#        print 'False'
        return False

    def _popcount(self, countie):
        count = 0
        for bk in self.bitkeys:
            if countie < bk:
                return count
            if bk & countie:
                count += 1
        return count

    def getWeight(self):
        return self.weight

    def getDict(self):
        return self.dict

    def getResults(self):
        return self.results

class ConcurrentCombineIntersectionDicts(Process):

    def __init__(self, bitKeys, minimumProportion, dict1, dict2, rooted, weights, weight, queue):
        self.weights = weights
        self.weight = weight
        self.minProp = minimumProportion
        self.bitkeys = bitKeys
        self.dict = {}
        self.dict1 = dict1
        self.dict2 = dict2
        self.rooted = rooted
        self.cutoff = round(sum(self.weights) * self.minProp)
        self.weightedNoTrees = sum(self.weights)
        self.queue = queue

    def run(self):
        #        print 'Started thread: ', self.getName()
        list = []
        for key, value in self.dict2.items():
            for k, v in value.items():
                list.append([key, k, v])

        self.dict = self.dict1

#        list = self.combine()
        sampler = float(len(list)) / 10
        weightSoFar = self.weight
        dict = {}
        for q in range(len(list)):
            completeList = self.filteredList(
                self.weightedNoTrees - weightSoFar)
            for i in completeList:
                t = i[0] & list[q][0], (i[0] ^ list[q][0]) | i[1] | list[q][1]
                if t in dict:
                    if dict[t] < i[2]:
                        dict[t] = i[2]
                    dict[t] = i[2]
                if not self.rooted:
                    t = (i[0] ^ list[q][0]) & i[
                        0], (i[0] ^ (~list[q][0] & ((self.bitkeys[-1] << 1) - 1))) | i[0] | list[q][0]
                    if t in dict:
                        if dict[t] < i[2]:
                            dict[t] = i[2]
                        dict[t] = i[2]
            if q + 1 % sampler == 0:
                print('Thread %s processed %s combinations' % (self.getName(), q + 1))

        for i, j in dict.items():
            self.addAndUpdate(long(i[0]), long(i[1]), j, list[q][2])

        for q in range(len(list)):
            self.add(list[q][0], list[q][1], list[q][2])

        # completeList = self.filteredList(self.weightedNoTrees - weightSoFar)

    def add(self, index1, index2, weight):
        if not self._isTrivial(index1, index2):
            if index1 in self.dict:
                if index2 in self.dict[index1]:
                    #                    self.dict[index1][index2] = weight + self.dict[index1][index2]
                    self.dict[index1][index2] = weight
                self.dict[index1] = {}
                self.dict[index1][index2] = weight

    def addAndUpdate(self, index1, index2, weight1, weight2):
        if not self._isTrivial(index1, index2):
            if index1 in self.dict:
                if index2 in self.dict[index1]:
                    self.dict[index1][index2] = weight2 + \
                    self.dict[index1][index2] = weight1 + weight2
                self.dict[index1] = {}
                self.dict[index1][index2] = weight1 + weight2

    def _isTrivial(self, index1, index2):
        if index1 == 0:
            return True
        if self._popcount(index1) <= 1:
            return True
        if self._popcount(index1 | index2) == len(self.bitkeys):
            return True
        if index1 | index2 == 0:
            return True
        return False

    def _popcount(self, countie):
        count = 0
        for bk in self.bitkeys:
            if countie < bk:
                return count
            if bk & countie:
                count += 1
        return count

    def filteredList(self, remaining):
        list = []
        newDict = {}
        for key, value in self.dict.items():
            dict = {}
            for k, v in value.items():
                #                if remaining + v >= self.cutoff:
                list.append([key, k, v])
                dict[k] = v
#                else:
#                    print 'Cut: ', self.cutoff
#                    print 'Rem + v: ', remaining +v
#                    print 'DOOOOOOOGH'
            if len(dict.values()) > 0:
                newDict[key] = dict
        self.dict = newDict
        return list

    def printDict(self, dict):

        for k, v in dict.items():
            for key, value in v.items():
                print('%s, %s, %s ' % (k, key, value))

    def combine(self):

        self.dict = self.dict1

        list = []
        for k, v in self.dict2.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                list.append([k, k2, v2])

        return list

#        list = []
#        for k1, v1 in self.dict1.items():
#            if k1 in self.dict2:
#                dict = {}
#                for k2, v2 in v1.items():
#                    if k2 in self.dict2[k1]:
#                        dict[k2] = self.dict2[k1][k2] + v2
#                    else:
#                        list.append([k1,k2,v2])
#                if len(dict.keys()) > 0:
#                    self.dict[k1] = dict
#            else:
#                for k2, v2 in v1.items():
#                    list.append([k1,k2,v2])
#        print list
#        for k1, v1 in self.dict2.items():
#            if k1 in self.dict1:
#                for k2, v2 in v1.items():
#                    if not k2 in self.dict1[k1]:
#                        list.append([k1,k2,v2])
#            else:
#                for k2, v2 in v1.items():
#                    list.append([k1,k2,v2])
#        print list
#        return list

    def getCombinedDict(self):
        return self.dict

class SimpleIntersections(object):

    def __init__(self, bitKeys, minimumProportion, minNoOfTaxa, weights, listOfSplits, rooted):
        self.weights = weights
        self.minProp = minimumProportion
        self.minNoOfTaxa = minNoOfTaxa
        self.bitkeys = bitKeys
        self.bits = len(self.bitkeys)
        self.dict = {}
        self.inputSplits = listOfSplits
        self.splits = []
        self.rooted = rooted
        self.cutoff = sum(self.weights) * self.minProp
        self.weightedNoTrees = sum(self.weights)
        self.allOnes = 2 ** (len(self.bitkeys)) - 1

    def createIntersections(self):
        sampler = int(float(len(self.listOfSplits)) / 20)
        if sampler < 1:
            sampler = 1
        weightSoFar = 0.0
        sys.stdout.write('0% ')

        for inputList in self.inputSplits:

            for split in inputList:

        for q in range(len(self.listOfSplits)):
            completeList = self.filteredList(
                self.weightedNoTrees - weightSoFar)
            weightSoFar += self.weights[q]
            dict = {}
            for s in self.listOfSplits[q]:
                for i in completeList:
                    t = i[0] & s[0], (i[0] ^ s[0]) | i[1] | s[1]
                    dict[t] = i[2]
                    if not self.rooted:
                        t = (i[0] ^ s[0]) & i[
                            0], (i[0] ^ (~s[0] & ((self.bitkeys[-1] << 1) - 1))) | i[0] | s[0]
                        dict[t] = i[2]

            for i, j in dict.items():
                self.addAndUpdate(long(i[0]), long(i[1]), self.weights[q], j)

            for s in self.listOfSplits[q]:
                self.add(s[0], s[1], self.weights[q])

            if (q + 1) % sampler == 0:

        sys.stdout.write(' 100%\n')
        self.filteredList(self.weightedNoTrees - weightSoFar)
        self.weight = weightSoFar

        self.queue.put((self.dict, self.weight))

class BuildIntersections(object):

    def __init__(self, bitKeys, minimumProportion, minNoOfTaxa, weights, listOfSplits, rooted, sortByNoSplits, verbose=1):
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.sortByNoSplits = sortByNoSplits
        self.weights = weights
        self.minProp = minimumProportion
        self.minNoOfTaxa = minNoOfTaxa
        self.bitkeys = bitKeys
        self.bits = len(self.bitkeys)
        self.dict = {}
        self.listOfSplits = listOfSplits
        self.rooted = rooted
        self.cutoff = sum(self.weights) * self.minProp
        self.weightedNoTrees = sum(self.weights)
        self.allOnes = 2 ** (len(self.bitkeys)) - 1
#        print 'self.weightedNoTrees:', self.weightedNoTrees

    def buildIntersections(self, verbose=1):

        if multiProcessing and False:
            print('Starting dual cpu computations')
            queue = Queue()
#            print 'CPUS: ', cpu_count
            threads = []
#            cpus = cpu_count
#            divider = len(self.listOfSplits)/cpus*4

#            print 'Len(): ', len(self.listOfSplits)

#            print 'Divider: ', divider

#            for i in range(cpus):
#                start = i*divider
#                stop = (i+1)*divider
#                print 'List of splits %s:%s ' % (start, stop)
#                print 'Len(): ', len(self.listOfSplits[start:stop])
#                thread = ConcurrentIntersections(self.bitkeys, self.minProp, self.minNoOfTaxa, self.weights[start:stop], self.listOfSplits[start:stop], self.rooted, queue)
#                thread.start()
#                threads.append(thread)

#        results = []
#        start = 0
#        stop = 25
#        thread = ConcurrentIntersections(self.bitkeys, self.minProp, self.weights[start:stop], self.listOfSplits[start:stop], self.rooted, queue)
#        thread.start()
#        threads.append(thread)
#        results.append(queue.get())
#        thread.join()
#        print 'List of splits %s:%s ' % (start,stop)
#        print 'Len(): ', len(self.listOfSplits[start:stop])
#        print self.listOfSplits[start:stop]
#        start = 25
#        stop = 50
#        thread = ConcurrentIntersections(self.bitkeys, self.minProp, self.weights[start:stop], self.listOfSplits[start:stop], self.rooted, queue)
#        thread.start()
#        threads.append(thread)
#        results.append(queue.get())
#        thread.join()
#        print 'List of splits %s:%s ' % (start, stop)
#        print 'Len(): ', len(self.listOfSplits[start:stop])
#        print self.listOfSplits[start:stop]

#            results = []
#            for i in range(cpus):
#                results.append(queue.get())

#        for t in threads:
#            t.join()
            thread1 = ConcurrentIntersections(self.bitkeys, self.minProp, self.minNoOfTaxa, self.weights, self.listOfSplits[
                                              len(self.listOfSplits) / 2:], self.rooted, queue)
            thread2 = ConcurrentIntersections(self.bitkeys, self.minProp, self.minNoOfTaxa, self.weights, self.listOfSplits[
                                              :len(self.listOfSplits) / 2], self.rooted, queue)

#            thread1.setName('Worker 1')
#            thread2.setName('Worker 2')

            results = []
            dict1 = results[0][0]
            weight1 = results[0][1]
            print('weight1: ', weight1)
            self.dict = dict1




            dict2 = results[0][0]
            weight2 = results[1][1]
            print('weight2: ', weight2)
            self.dict = dict2
            combine = ConcurrentCombineIntersectionDicts(
                self.bitkeys, self.minProp, dict1, dict2, self.rooted, self.weights, weight1 + weight2, queue)
#            combine.setName('Combinator')
#            self.dict = combine.getCombinedDict()

            self.dict = queue.get()
#            self.dict = dict2

            print('self.dict: ', self.dict)

            #            print 'Starting single cpu computations'
            queue = Queue()
            threads = []
            thread = ConcurrentIntersections(
                self.bitkeys, self.minProp, self.minNoOfTaxa, self.weights, self.listOfSplits, self.rooted, queue, verbose=0)

            results = []

            dict1 = results[0][0]
            weight1 = results[0][1]
            self.dict = dict1

        self.finalList = self.informativeList()

        return self.finalList

    def buildExtendedProfile(self, generations=2):

        alreadyAdded = {}
        newlyAdded = {}
        completeList = []
        for list in self.finalList:
            for i in list:
                if i[2] == 1.0 and self._addToDict(alreadyAdded, i[0], i[1]):

        for counter in range(generations):
            list = []
            for i in range(0, len(completeList) - 1):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(completeList)):
                    extend = self._extend(completeList[i], completeList[j])
                    if len(extend) > 0:
                        if self._addToDict(alreadyAdded, extend[0][0], extend[0][1]):
                                newlyAdded, extend[0][0], extend[0][1])
                        if self._addToDict(alreadyAdded, extend[1][0], extend[1][1]):
                                newlyAdded, extend[1][0], extend[1][1])

        list = []
        for key in newlyAdded.keys():
            list.extend(self._getInformativeList(newlyAdded[key], key))

        list = self._sortByLeafSet(list)

        tempList = []
        for l in list:

        return tempList

    def _addToDict(self, dict, i, j):
        if i in dict:
            if j not in dict[i]:
                dict[i][j] = self.weightedNoTrees
                return True
                return False
            dict[i] = {}
            dict[i][j] = self.weightedNoTrees

        return True

    def _extend(self, i, j):

        if i[0] & j[0] == 0:
            if i[0] & j[1] == 0:
                if i[1] & j[0] == 0:
                    return [[i[0], i[1] | j[1], self.weightedNoTrees], [j[0], i[1] | j[1], self.weightedNoTrees]]

        if i[0] | j[0] == i[0] or i[0] | j[0] == j[0]:
            if i[0] & j[1] == 0 and j[0] & i[1] == 0:
                return [[i[0], i[1] | j[1], self.weightedNoTrees], [j[0], i[1] | j[1], self.weightedNoTrees]]

        return []

    def popcountLimit(self, n, limit):
        count = 0
        for bk in self.bitkeys:
            if bk & n:
                count += 1
            if n >= limit:
                return True
        return False

    def isCompatible(self, i, j, excluded):

        def isPowerOf2(number):
            return (not(number & (number - 1)))

        if not self.popcountLimit(i & j, 2) or not self.popcountLimit(i ^ j, 2):
            return True
            ones = i & j
            one1 = 0
            if ones > 0:
                if not isPowerOf2(ones):
                    one1 = 2
                    one1 = 1
#                        print 'one1: ', one1

            zeroOnes = (i ^ j) & j
            zero1 = 0
            if zeroOnes > 0:
                if not isPowerOf2(zeroOnes):
                    zero1 = 2
                    zero1 = 1
#                        print 'zero1: ', zero1

            oneZeroes = (i ^ j) & i
            one0 = 0
            if oneZeroes > 0:
                if not isPowerOf2(oneZeroes):
                    one0 = 2
                    one0 = 1
#                        print 'one0: ', one0

            zeroZeroes = ((j ^ self.allOnes) & (i ^ self.allOnes)) ^ excluded
            zero0 = 0
            if zeroZeroes > 0:
                if not isPowerOf2(zeroZeroes):
                    zero0 = 2
                    zero0 = 1
#                        print 'zero0: ', zero0

            if one1 and zero1 and one0 and zero0:
                return False

        return True

    def quickList(self, list, bitkeys):

        #        print 'Initial list'
        #        for i in list:
        #            i.printIntersection(bitkeys)

        #        print

        for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
                if list[i].frequency < list[j].frequency:
                    temp = list[i]
                    list[i] = list[j]
                    list[j] = temp
                elif list[i].frequency == list[j].frequency:
                    pop1 = self._pop(list[i].right, bitkeys)
                    pop2 = self._pop(list[j].right, bitkeys)
                    if pop1 > pop2:
                        temp = list[i]
                        list[i] = list[j]
                        list[j] = temp
                    elif pop1 == pop2:
                        if list[i].firstHit(bitkeys) > list[j].firstHit(bitkeys):
                            temp = list[i]
                            list[i] = list[j]
                            list[j] = temp

                        elif list[i].firstHit(bitkeys) == list[j].firstHit(bitkeys):
                            if self._pop(list[i].left, bitkeys) < self._pop(list[j].left, bitkeys):
                                temp = list[i]
                                list[i] = list[j]
                                list[j] = temp

#        print 'Sorted'
#        for i in list:
#            i.printIntersection(bitkeys)

        nonRedundantList = []

        for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
                if list[i].left | list[j].right == list[j].left | list[j].right:
                    if list[i].right | list[j].right == list[j].right:
                        list[j].hits = 0

        if self.verbose:
        for intersection in list:
            if intersection.hits > 0:
                if self.verbose:
                        bitkeys, self.weightedNoTrees)

        list = nonRedundantList

        self.fullList = []
        for i in nonRedundantList:
            copy = i.copy()
            copy.frequency = copy.frequency / self.weightedNoTrees

        lists = []

        while len(list) > 0 and list[0].frequency >= self.cutoff:
            split = list.pop(0)
            exclude = split.right
            compatibleList = [split]
            for i in range(len(list)):
                added = False
                wannabe = list.pop(0)
                if wannabe.right | exclude == exclude:
                    temp = wannabe.copy()
                    if wannabe.right != exclude:
                        added = True
                        wannabe.right = wannabe.right | exclude
                        wannabe.left = wannabe.left ^ (wannabe.left & exclude)
                    compatible = True
                    for j in range(len(compatibleList)):
                        if compatibleList[j].left == wannabe.left:
                            compatible = False
                        if not self.isCompatible(compatibleList[j].left, wannabe.left, exclude):
                            compatible = False
                    if compatible:
                        if self._pop(wannabe.left, bitkeys) > 1:
                            if not added:
                        if not added:

            if len(compatibleList) > 0:

#        print 'Lists'
#        for list in lists:
#            for i in list:
#                i.printIntersection(bitkeys)
#            print

#        print 'len(lists): ', len(lists)

        for index in range(1, len(lists)):
            excluded = lists[index][0].right
            for i in lists[0]:
                j = i.copy()
                j.right = excluded
                j.left = j.left ^ (j.left & excluded)
                if j.left == 0 or j.popcount(bitkeys) <= 1:
                    append = True
                    for k in lists[index]:
                        if k.left == j.left:
                            append = False
                            if k.frequency < j.frequency:
                                k.frequency = j.frequency

                    if append:

        if self.sortByNoSplits:
            for i in range(0, len(lists) - 1):
                for j in range(i, len(lists)):
                    if len(lists[i]) > len(lists[j]):
                        temp = lists[i]
                        lists[i] = lists[j]
                        lists[j] = temp
                    elif len(lists[i]) == len(lists[j]):
                        if lists[i][0].popcountExcluded(bitkeys) > lists[j][0].popcountExcluded(bitkeys):
                            temp = lists[i]
                            lists[i] = lists[j]
                            lists[j] = temp

#        print 'Partitioned splits'
        for list in lists:
            for i in list:
                i.frequency = i.frequency / self.weightedNoTrees
#                i.printIntersection(bitkeys)

#            print ''

        return lists

    def informativeList(self):


        list = []
        for key, value in self.dict.items():
            for k, v in value.items():
                if v >= self.cutoff:
                    list.append(Intersection(key, k, v))

#        for i in list:
#            i.printIntersection(self.bitkeys)
#        print ''

        for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
                if list[i].frequency < list[j].frequency:
                    temp = list[i]
                    list[i] = list[j]
                    list[j] = temp
                elif list[i].frequency == list[j].frequency:
                    if self._popcount(list[i].right) > self._popcount(list[j].right):
                        temp = list[i]
                        list[i] = list[j]
                        list[j] = temp
                    elif self._popcount(list[i].right) == self._popcount(list[j].right):
                        if list[i].firstHit(self.bitkeys) > list[j].firstHit(self.bitkeys):
                            temp = list[i]
                            list[i] = list[j]
                            list[j] = temp

                        elif list[i].firstHit(self.bitkeys) == list[j].firstHit(self.bitkeys):
                            if self._popcount(list[i].left) < self._popcount(list[j].left):
                                temp = list[i]
                                list[i] = list[j]
                                list[j] = temp

#        print 'Sorted'
#        for i in list:
#            i.printIntersection(self.bitkeys)

        nonRedundantList = []

        for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
                if list[i].left | list[j].right == list[j].left | list[j].right:
                    if list[i].right | list[j].right == list[j].right:
                        list[j].hits = 0

        if self.verbose:
        for intersection in list:
            if intersection.hits > 0:
                if self.verbose:
                        self.bitkeys, self.weightedNoTrees)

        list = nonRedundantList

        self.fullList = []
        for i in nonRedundantList:
            copy = i.copy()
            copy.frequency = copy.frequency / self.weightedNoTrees

        lists = []

        while len(list) > 0 and list[0].frequency >= self.cutoff:
            split = list.pop(0)
            exclude = split.right
            compatibleList = [split]
            for i in range(len(list)):
                added = False
                wannabe = list.pop(0)
                if wannabe.right | exclude == exclude:
                    temp = wannabe.copy()
                    if wannabe.right != exclude:
                        added = True
                        wannabe.right = wannabe.right | exclude
                        wannabe.left = wannabe.left ^ (wannabe.left & exclude)
                    compatible = True
                    for j in range(len(compatibleList)):
                        if compatibleList[j].left == wannabe.left:
                            compatible = False
                        if not self.isCompatible(compatibleList[j].left, wannabe.left, exclude):
                            compatible = False
                    if compatible:
                        if self._popcount(wannabe.left) > 1:
                            if not added:
                        if not added:

            if len(compatibleList) > 0:

#        print 'len(lists): ', len(lists)

        for index in range(1, len(lists)):
            excluded = lists[index][0].right
            for i in lists[0]:
                j = i.copy()
                j.right = excluded
                j.left = j.left ^ (j.left & excluded)
                if j.left == 0 or j.popcount(self.bitkeys) <= 1:
                    append = True
                    for k in lists[index]:
                        if k.left == j.left:
                            append = False
                            if k.frequency < j.frequency:
                                k.frequency = j.frequency

                    if append:

        if self.sortByNoSplits:
            for i in range(0, len(lists) - 1):
                for j in range(i, len(lists)):
                    if len(lists[i]) > len(lists[j]):
                        temp = lists[i]
                        lists[i] = lists[j]
                        lists[j] = temp
                    elif len(lists[i]) == len(lists[j]):
                        if lists[i][0].popcountExcluded(self.bitkeys) > lists[j][0].popcountExcluded(self.bitkeys):
                            temp = lists[i]
                            lists[i] = lists[j]
                            lists[j] = temp

#        print 'Partitioned splits'
        for list in lists:
            for i in list:
                i.frequency = i.frequency / self.weightedNoTrees
#                i.printIntersection(self.bitkeys)

#            print ''

        return lists

    def _informativeList(self):


        list = []
        for key, value in self.dict.items():
            for k, v in value.items():
                list.append(Intersection(key, k, v))

        for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
                if list[i].frequency < list[j].frequency:
                    temp = list[i]
                    list[i] = list[j]
                    list[j] = temp
                elif list[i].frequency == list[j].frequency and self._popcount(list[i].right) < self._popcount(list[j].right):
                    temp = list[i]
                    list[i] = list[j]
                    list[j] = temp

#        for i in list:
#            i.printIntersection(self.bitkeys)

#        print 'Consolidate within: '
        list = self._consolidateWithinFrequency(list)
#        for i in list:
#            i.printIntersection(self.bitkeys)

        list = self._consolidateBetweenFrequencies(list)
#        print 'Consolidate between:'
#        for i in list:
#            i.printIntersection(self.bitkeys)

        for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
                if list[i].frequency == list[j].frequency:
                    if list[i].popcountExcluded(self.bitkeys) > list[j].popcountExcluded(self.bitkeys):
                        temp = list[i]
                        list[i] = list[j]
                        list[j] = temp
                    elif list[i].firstHit(self.bitkeys) > list[j].firstHit(self.bitkeys):
                        temp = list[i]
                        list[i] = list[j]
                        list[j] = temp
                    elif list[i].firstHit(self.bitkeys) == list[j].firstHit(self.bitkeys):
                        if list[i].popcount(self.bitkeys) > list[j].popcount(self.bitkeys):
                            temp = list[i]
                            list[i] = list[j]
                            list[j] = temp

        for i in list:

        smallestList, remainder = self._smallestList(list)

#        for i in remainder:
#            i.printIntersection(self.bitkeys)

        lists = []
        oldList = smallestList
        added = {}
        for intersection in remainder:
            if intersection.right not in added:
                temp = []
                addable = self._addable2List(intersection, oldList)
                if addable == 2:
                    temp = self._add2List(intersection, oldList)
                    for i in remainder:
                        addableWithRestraint = self._addable2ListWithRestraint(
                            i, temp)
                        if addableWithRestraint == 2:
                            added[i.right] = 1
                            self._add2ListWithRestraint(i, temp)
#                            temp.append(i)
                        elif addableWithRestraint == 1:
                            added[i.right] = 1
                            self._replaceWithRestraint(i, temp)

                elif addable == 1:
                    temp = self._replace(intersection, oldList)
                    for i in remainder:
                        addableWithRestraint = self._addable2ListWithRestraint(
                            i, temp)
                        if addableWithRestraint == 2:
                            self._add2ListWithRestraint(i, temp)
#                            temp.append(i)
                            added[i.right] = 1
                        elif addableWithRestraint == 1:
                            self._replaceWithRestraint(i, temp)
                            added[i.right] = 1

                if len(temp) > 0:

        for i in range(0, len(lists) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(lists)):
                if lists[i][0].popcountExcluded(self.bitkeys) > lists[j][0].popcountExcluded(self.bitkeys):
                    temp = lists[i]
                    lists[i] = lists[j]
                    lists[j] = temp

        for list in lists:
            for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):

                    if list[i].popcount(self.bitkeys) > list[j].popcount(self.bitkeys):
                        temp = list[i]
                        list[i] = list[j]
                        list[j] = temp
                    elif list[i].popcount(self.bitkeys) == list[j].popcount(self.bitkeys):
                        if list[i].firstHit(self.bitkeys) > list[j].firstHit(self.bitkeys):
                            temp = list[i]
                            list[i] = list[j]
                            list[j] = temp

            for i in list:
                i.frequency = i.frequency / self.weightedNoTrees

        for list in lists:
            for i in list:

        return lists

    def _replaceWithRestraint(self, intersection, intersections):
        counter = 0
        for i in intersections:
            if intersection.left == i.left:
               # print 'replaced %s with %s' % (i.frequency,
               # intersection.frequency)
                i.frequency = intersection.frequency
                counter += 1

        if counter > 1:

    def _replace(self, intersection, intersections):
        copy = intersection.copy()
        jointExcluded = intersection.right | intersections[0].right
        copy.left = (copy.left & jointExcluded) ^ copy.left
        copy.right = jointExcluded
        first = True
        dict = {}
        for i in intersections:
            c = i.copy()
            c.left = (c.left & jointExcluded) ^ c.left
            if self._popcount(c.left) > 1:
                c.right = jointExcluded
                if copy.left == c.left:
                    if copy.frequency > c.frequency:
                        c.frequency = copy.frequency
#                    if first:
#                        first = False
                    if c.left in dict:
                        if c.frequency > dict[c.left].frequency:
                            dict[c.left] = c
                        dict[c.left] = c
                    if c.left in dict:
                        if c.frequency > dict[c.left].frequency:
                            dict[c.left] = c
                        dict[c.left] = c

        return dict.values()

    def _add2ListWithRestraint(self, intersection, intersections):
        for i in intersections:
            if intersection.left == i.left:
                print('Adding identical intersection to list')

    def _add2List(self, intersection, intersections):
        jointExcluded = intersection.right | intersections[0].right
        copy = intersection.copy()
        copy.left = (copy.left & jointExcluded) ^ copy.left
        copy.right = jointExcluded
        add = True
        dict = {}
        for i in intersections:
            temp = i.copy()
            temp.left = (i.left & jointExcluded) ^ i.left
            temp.right = jointExcluded
            if self._popcount(temp.left) > 1:
                if temp.left in dict:
                    if dict[temp.left].frequency < temp.frequency:
                        if temp.left == copy.left and temp.frequency >= copy.frequency:
                            add = False
#                    list.append(temp)
                        dict[temp.left] = temp
                    if temp.left == copy.left and temp.frequency >= copy.frequency:
                        add = False
#                    list.append(temp)
                    dict[temp.left] = temp
        list = dict.values()
        if add:
        return list

    def _addable2ListWithRestraint(self, proposed, intersections):
        if not proposed.right == intersections[0].right:
            return 0
        higher = False
        for intersection in intersections:
            #            temp = proposed.right & intersection.left

            #            if proposed.left == intersection.left ^ temp:
            if proposed.left == intersection.left:
                if proposed.frequency <= intersection.frequency:
                    return 0
                    higher = True
        if higher:
            return 1
        return 2

    def _addable2List(self, proposed, intersections):
        higher = False
        for intersection in intersections:
            temp = proposed.right & intersection.left
            if proposed.left == intersection.left ^ temp:
                if proposed.frequency <= intersection.frequency:
                    return 0
                    higher = True
        if higher:
            return 1
        return 2

    def _consolidateBetweenFrequencies(self, intersections):
        list = []

        for index in range(len(intersections) - 1, -1, -1):
            if index == 0:
                return list
#            intersections[index].printIntersection(self.bitkeys)
            pop = self._popcount(intersections[index].right)
            left = intersections[index].left
            frequency = intersections[index].frequency
            replace = False
            for jndex in range(index - 1, -1, -1):
                #                intersections[jndex].printIntersection(self.bitkeys)
                if intersections[jndex].left == left:
                    #                    print 'true'
                    if frequency < intersections[jndex].frequency:
                        #                        print 'True'
                        if pop > self._popcount(intersections[jndex].right):
                            #                            print 'TRUE'
                            replace = True
#            print ''
            if not replace:

        return list

    def _consolidateWithinFrequency(self, intersections):
        list = []
        for index in range(len(intersections)):
            if index == len(intersections) - 1:
                return list
            pop = self._popcount(intersections[index].right)
            if pop > 0:
                replace = False
                makeup = intersections[index].left | intersections[index].right
                hits = intersections[index].frequency
# print '&', intersections[index].left | intersections[index].right
                for jndex in range(index + 1, len(intersections)):
                    #                    print '.', intersections[jndex].left
                    if intersections[jndex].left == makeup:
                        #                        print 'true'
                        if intersections[jndex].frequency == hits:
                            replace = True
                if not replace:

        return list

    def _smallestList(self, list):
        smallest = sys.maxint
        smallestList = []
        remainder = []
        for intersection in list:
            pop = self._popcount(intersection.right)
            if pop < smallest:
                smallest = pop
                smallestList = [intersection]
            elif pop == smallest:

        return smallestList, remainder

    def _remove(self):

        dict = {}
        for key, value in self.dict.items():
            temp = {}
            for v in value.values():
                temp[v] = 1
            tempDict = {}
            for k in temp.keys():
                list = []
                smallest = sys.maxint
                for ke, v in value.items():
                    if v == k:
                        list.append((ke, v))
                        pop = self._popcount(ke)
                        if pop < smallest:
                            smallest = pop

                for tuple in list:
                    pop = self._popcount(tuple[0])
                    if pop == smallest:
                        tempDict[tuple[0]] = tuple[1]

            dict[key] = tempDict

        self.dict = dict

    def removeRedundant(self):

        leafsets = {}

        for d1 in self.dict.keys():
            for k, v in self.dict[d1].items():
                leafset = d1 | k
                if leafset in leafsets:
                    if v in leafsets[leafset]:
                        leafsets[leafset][v].append((d1, k))
                        leafsets[leafset][v] = [(d1, k)]
                    leafsets[leafset] = {}
                    leafsets[leafset][v] = [(d1, k)]

        dict = {}
        for k, v in leafsets.items():
            for hits, list in v.items():
                biggestList = []
                biggest = 0
                for i in range(len(list)):
                    pop = self._popcount(list[i][0])
                    if pop > biggest:
                        biggestList = [list[i]]
                        biggest = pop
                    elif pop == biggest:

                for i in biggestList:
                    if i[0] in dict:
                        if i[1] not in dict[i[0]]:
                            dict[i[0]][i[1]] = hits
                        dict[i[0]] = {}
                        dict[i[0]][i[1]] = hits
        self.dict = dict

    def _getInformativeList(self, dict, left):

        freqDict = {}
        for v in dict.keys():
            if dict[v] >= self.cutoff:
                if dict[v] in freqDict:
                    freqDict[dict[v]] = [v]

        informativeList = []
        for v in freqDict.keys():
            for i in self._getMostInformative(freqDict[v]):
                #                print 'v:', v
                # print 'self.weightedNoTrees: ', self.weightedNoTrees
                informativeList.append([left, i, v / self.weightedNoTrees])

        return informativeList

    def _getMostInformative(self, list):
        smallest = self._popcount(list[0])
        index = [list[0]]
        for i in range(1, len(list)):
            pop = self._popcount(list[i])
            if pop == smallest:
            elif pop < smallest:
                smallest = pop
                index = [list[i]]
        return index

    def _pop(self, countie, bitkeys):
        count = 0
        for bk in bitkeys:
            if countie < bk:
                return count
            if bk & countie:
                count += 1
        return count

    def _popcount(self, countie):
        count = 0
        for bk in self.bitkeys:
            if countie < bk:
                return count
            if bk & countie:
                count += 1
        return count

    def _sortByLeafSet(self, list):
        leafDict = {}
        for i in list:
            if i[1] in leafDict:
                leafDict[i[1]] = [i]
        list = []
        for v in leafDict.values():
        return list

    def _buildUnconflictingLists(self, list, sort=True):

        if sort:

        unconflictingLists, unresolved = self._unConflictingList(list)

        if len(unresolved) > 0:
            lenght = len(unresolved) + 1
            while len(unresolved) < lenght:
                unconflictingLists, unresolved = self._unconflictingList(
                    unconflictingLists, unresolved, False)
                lenght = len(unresolved)

            if lenght > 0:
                unconflictingLists, unresolved = self._unconflictingList(
                    unconflictingLists, unresolved, True)
                if len(unresolved) > 0:
                    print('Damn, unconlictingList creation gone wrong')

        return unconflictingLists

    def _unConflictingList(self, list):
        return self._unconflictingList([[list.pop(0)]], list, False)

    def _unconflictingList(self, unconflictingLists, list, addUnresolvedToMultiple=False):
        unresolved = []
        for i in range(0, len(list)):
            temp = []
            for ii in unconflictingLists:

            insert = []
            for j in range(0, len(temp)):
                added = False
                conflict = False
                for k in temp[j]:
                    if list[i][0] & k[0] != 0:
                        if list[i][0] & k[0] != list[i][0] and list[i][0] & k[0] != k[0]:
                            conflict = True
                if not conflict:

            if len(insert) > 0:
                if len(insert) > 1:
                    if addUnresolvedToMultiple:
                        for index in insert:
                    for index in insert:
        return unconflictingLists, unresolved

    def _sortListByHits(self, list):
        for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
                if list[i][2] < list[j][2]:
                    temp = list[i]
                    list[i] = list[j]
                    list[j] = temp

class TreeHandler(object):

    def __init__(self, inThing=None, skip=0, max=None):
        self.trees = []
        self.intersections = []
        self.nTrees = 0
        self.taxNames = None
        self.nTax = 0        # Merely len(taxNames)
        self.splits = []
        self.bitkeys = []
        self.splitsDict = {}
        # biSplits and biSplitsDict for the "even" side of the biRoot
        # bifurcation.
        self.biSplits = []
        self.biSplitsDict = {}
        self.isBiRoot = None      # Is it a bifurcating root?
        self.doModelComments = 0
        self.modelInfo = None
        self.treesBuilt = False
        self.tfl = None
        self.verbose = 1
        if inThing:
  , skip, max)

    def read(self, inThing, skip=0, max=None):
        """Read in a tree, or some trees, or a file of trees.

        Arg inThing can be a file name, a Tree instance, or a
        Trees instance.  Args skip and max only come into play if
        inThing is a file or a Trees object."""

        gm = ['']

        if not inThing:
            gm.append("No input?")
            raise P4Error(gm)
        # print "inThing = %s, type %s" % (inThing, type(inThing))
        if isinstance(inThing, str):
            var.trees = []
            if len(var.trees) < 1:
                    'Sorry, at least one tree must be supplied as input tree')
                raise P4Error(gm)
            self.trees = var.trees
#            self.tfl = TreeFileLite(inThing)
        elif isinstance(inThing, list):
            for t in inThing:
                if not isinstance(t, Tree):
                        "Input trees should be a list of p4 Tree objects. Got %s" % t)
                    raise P4Error(gm)
            self.trees = inThing
                "Sorry-- I can't grok your input.  What is '%s'?" % inThing)
            raise P4Error(gm)

    def _printSplitList(self, list):
        for split in list:
            #            for split in list:
            intersection = ''
            for bk in self.bitkeys:
                if bk & split[0]:
                    intersection = intersection + '1'
                elif bk & split[1]:
                    intersection = intersection + '?'
                    intersection = intersection + '*'
            print('Split: %s' % (intersection))
        print(' ')

    def buildTreesFromIntersections(self, intersections, minimumSplitsToBuildTree, treeLabel):

#        print 'Taxnumber to taxname translation: '
#        for i in range(0, len(self.taxNames)):
#            print '%s,%s' % ( i+1, self.taxNames[i])

        treeBuilder = TreeBuilderFromSplits(self.bitkeys, self.taxNames)

        conTrees = []
        for l in intersections:
            if len(l) >= minimumSplitsToBuildTree:
                t = treeBuilder.buildTreeFromInformativeList(l)
                ex = 'Excluded taxa: '
                for j in l[0].excluded:
                    ex += self.taxNames[j] + ', '
                if len(l[0].excluded) > 0:
                    print(ex[0:len(ex) - 2])
                    print(ex + 'None')
#                sp = 'Included splits: '

                t.draw(showInternalNodeNames=1, addToBrLen=0.2,
                       width=None, showNodeNums=0, partNum=0, model=None)

#        for i in range(len(conTrees)):
#            if isinstance(conTrees[i], Tree):
#                ex = 'Exluded taxa: '
#                print 'len(conTrees[i].excluded): ', len(conTrees[i].excluded)
#                for j in conTrees[i].excluded:
#                    ex += self.taxNames[j] +', '
#                print ex[0:len(ex)-1]
#                self.printVerticalNumbers(len(self.taxNames))
#                for j in intersections[i]:
#                    j.printIntersection(self.bitkeys)
#                conTrees[i].draw(showInternalNodeNames=1, addToBrLen=0.2, width=None, showNodeNums=0, partNum=0, model=None)
#                print ''

        if len(conTrees) == 0:
            print('No trees where produced')
            return []
            return conTrees

    def buildConsensusTreeHash(self, contree):
        if not contree._taxNames:

#        t.taxNames.sort()
        dict = {}
        self.bitkeys = []
        for i in range(len(contree.taxNames)):
            self.bitkeys.append(1 << i)
            dict[contree.taxNames[i]] = 1 << i

        self.taxNames = contree.taxNames

    def commonLeafSetTrees(self, trees):
        list = []

        if self.verbose:
            print('Processing input trees')

            sampler = int(float(len(trees) / 20))
            if sampler < 1:
                sampler = 1
        t = trees[0]
        if not t._taxNames:

        dict = {}
        self.bitkeys = []
        for i in range(len(t.taxNames)):
            self.bitkeys.append(1 << i)
            dict[t.taxNames[i]] = 1 << i

        self.taxNames = t.taxNames

        self.weights = []
        splits = []
        treeNames = []
        index = 0
        if self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('0% ')
        for t in trees:
            index += 1
            if self.verbose:
                if index % sampler == 0:
            for n in t.iterLeavesNoRoot():
       = dict[]
            t.splits = []
            weight = 1.0
            if hasattr(t, "weight"):
                if t.weight != None:
                    weight = t.weight
            elif hasattr(t, "recipWeight"):
                if t.recipWeight != None:
                    weight = 1.0 / int(t.recipWeight)
        if self.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write(' 100%\n')

        return splits, treeNames

    def commonLeafSet(self, tfl):
        list = []

        print('Processing input trees')

        sampler = int(float(tfl.nSamples) / 20)
        if sampler < 1:
            sampler = 1
        t = tfl.getTree(1)
        if not t._taxNames:

        dict = {}
        self.bitkeys = []
        for i in range(len(t.taxNames)):
            self.bitkeys.append(1 << i)
            dict[t.taxNames[i]] = 1 << i

        self.taxNames = t.taxNames

        self.weights = []
        splits = []
        treeNames = []
        index = 0
        sys.stdout.write('0% ')
        for i in range(tfl.nSamples):
            index += 1
            if index % sampler == 0:
            t = tfl.getTree(i)
            for n in t.iterLeavesNoRoot():
       = dict[]
            t.splits = []
            weight = 1.0
            if hasattr(t, "weight"):
                if t.weight != None:
                    weight = t.weight
            elif hasattr(t, "recipWeight"):
                if t.recipWeight != None:
                    weight = 1.0 / int(t.recipWeight)

        sys.stdout.write(' 100%\n')

        return splits, treeNames

    def updateToCommonLeafSet(self, tfl):
        uniqueSet = set()

        print('Processing input trees')

        sampler = int(float(tfl.nSamples) / 20)
        if sampler < 1:
            sampler = 1

        index = 0.0
        sys.stdout.write('0% ')
        for i in range(tfl.nSamples):
            index += 0.5
            if index % sampler == 0:
#                print '%s trees processed ' % (int (index))
            t = tfl.getTree(i)
#            t.setPreAndPostOrder()
            if not t._taxNames:
            for name in t.taxNames:
        self.list = []
        for name in uniqueSet:


        dict = {}
        self.bitkeys = []
        for i in range(len(self.list)):
            self.bitkeys.append(1 << i)
            dict[self.list[i]] = 1 << i

        self.taxNames = self.list

        self.weights = []
        splits = []
        treeNames = []
        for i in range(tfl.nSamples):

            index += 0.5
            if index % sampler == 0:
#                print '%s trees processed' % (int(index))
            t = tfl.getTree(i)
            if not t._taxNames:
            t.missingTaxa = 0
            for name in self.list:
                if not t.taxNames.count(name):
                    t.missingTaxa = t.missingTaxa | dict[name]
            for n in t.iterLeavesNoRoot():
       = dict[]
#            t.setPreAndPostOrder()
            weight = 1.0
            if hasattr(t, "weight"):
                if t.weight != None:
                    weight = t.weight
            elif hasattr(t, "recipWeight"):
                if t.recipWeight != None:
                    weight = 1.0 / int(t.recipWeight)
            t.splits = []
            for n in t.iterInternalsNoRoot():
                for m in
                    t.splits.append([m, t.missingTaxa])

        sys.stdout.write(' 100%\n')

        return splits, treeNames

    def writeNexus(self, trees,  filename='rcTrees'):
        This method will simply write the trees that were produced by calling reduced()
        If a filename is provided the trees will be written to a number of files starting
        with filename1.nex and then filename2.nex and so on and so forth. This is done to avoid 
        mixing trees with different leafsets in the same nexus file as this will make it hard
        to open the file in other software.
        Beware that if no filename is provided the default filename will be used and might therefore overwrite
        already completed analysis.


        if len(trees) == 0:
            print('No trees created, can not write to file')

        for i in range(len(trees)):
            trees[i].writeNexus('%s%d%s' % (filename, i + 1, '.nex'))

    def first(self, split):
        first = 0.0
        for bk in self.bitkeys:
            if bk & split:
                return first
            first += 1
        return first

    def popcount(self, n):
        count = 0
        for bk in self.bitkeys:
            if n < bk:
                return count
            if bk & n:
                count += 1
        return count

    def _reduceSplitsPair(self, reduceRules, splits1, splits2):
        newSplits1 = []
        newSplits2 = []

        splitList = []

        excludedTaxa = []
        for row in csvReader:
            #            print row
            for name in row:
                if name not in taxa2bitkey:
                    print('Taxname not in any tree: ', name)
            if len(row) > 1:
                reduce2 = taxa2bitkey[row[0]]
                substitute = 0
                for i in range(1, len(row)):
                    substitute = substitute | taxa2bitkey[row[i]]

                for i in range(len(splitList)):

                    #                    if i == 239:
                    #                        print 'Before'
                    #                        for split in splitList[i]:
                    #                            Intersection(split[0], split[1]).printIntersection(self.bitkeys)
                    for split in splitList[i]:
                        if split[0] & substitute != 0:
                            split[0] = (split[0] & substitute) ^ split[0]
                            split[0] = split[0] | reduce2
                        if split[1] & reduce2 != 0:
                            split[1] = split[1] ^ reduce2
                        split[1] = split[1] | substitute
#                    if i == 239:
#                        print 'After'
#                        for split in splitList[i]:
#                            Intersection(split[0], split[1]).printIntersection(self.bitkeys)
#                        sys.exit()

        excluded = 0
        for bitkey in excludedTaxa:
            excluded = excluded | bitkey
        return excluded

        return newSplits1, newSplits2

    def _reduceSplits(self, csvReader, splitList):

        bitkey2taxa = {}
        taxa2bitkey = {}
        for i in range(0, len(self.taxNames)):
            taxa2bitkey[self.taxNames[i]] = self.bitkeys[i]
            bitkey2taxa[self.bitkeys[i]] = self.taxNames[i]

        excludedTaxa = []
        for row in csvReader:
            #            print row
            for name in row:
                if name not in taxa2bitkey:
                    print('Taxname not in any tree: ', name)
            if len(row) > 1:
                reduce2 = taxa2bitkey[row[0]]
                substitute = 0
                for i in range(1, len(row)):
                    substitute = substitute | taxa2bitkey[row[i]]

                for i in range(len(splitList)):

                    #                    if i == 239:
                    #                        print 'Before'
                    #                        for split in splitList[i]:
                    #                            Intersection(split[0], split[1]).printIntersection(self.bitkeys)
                    for split in splitList[i]:
                        if split[0] & substitute != 0:
                            split[0] = (split[0] & substitute) ^ split[0]
                            split[0] = split[0] | reduce2
                        if split[1] & reduce2 != 0:
                            split[1] = split[1] ^ reduce2
                        split[1] = split[1] | substitute
#                    if i == 239:
#                        print 'After'
#                        for split in splitList[i]:
#                            Intersection(split[0], split[1]).printIntersection(self.bitkeys)
#                        sys.exit()

        excluded = 0
        for bitkey in excludedTaxa:
            excluded = excluded | bitkey
        return excluded

    def _sortCompatibleSplits(self, compatibleSplits):

        pops = []
        i = 0
        for split in compatibleSplits:
            pop = self.popcount(split[0])
            if pop > 1:
                first = self.first(split[0]) / len(self.bitkeys)
                pop = pop - first
                pops.append([pop, i])
            i += 1

#        print 'unsorted', pops
        pops = sorted(pops, key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
#        print 'sorted', pops

        sortedList = []
#        print 'Sorting indices'
        for i in range(0, len(pops)):
            #            print pops[i][1]

        return sortedList

class SemiStrictSuperTree(TreeHandler):

    def __init__(self, inThing=None, skip=0, max=None):
        TreeHandler.__init__(self, inThing, skip, max)

    def semiStrictSuperTree(self, semiStrictOnly=True, treatMultifurcatingRootsAsUnrooted=0, readCSV=False, csvFile='clades.csv'):
        Creates a semistrict supertree from a set of trees. Setting the semiStricOnly to False will
        cause the algorithm to try and resolve any unresolved nodes by using majority rule consensus. 


        rd = Reduced('filename')

        to safe supertree to file:


        self.conTrees = []

        self.splits, treeNames = self.updateToCommonLeafSet(self.tfl)

        if readCSV:
            csvReader = csv.reader(open(csvFile), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

            excludedTaxa = self._reduceSplits(csvReader, self.splits)
            excludedTaxa = 0
#        print 'Excluded taxa: ', excludedTaxa

        noSplitSets = len(self.splits)

#        Found no splits, exiting
        if len(self.splits) < 1:
            print('No splits found')

# Found only one set of splits, as the set is from a single tree it is
# assumed to be compatible
        elif len(self.splits) == 1:
            print('Only one set of splits')
            treeBuilder = TreeBuilderFromSplits(self.bitkeys, self.taxNames)
            intersections = []
            for split in self.splits[0]:
                intersections.append(Intersection(split[0], split[1], 1, 1))
#            print self.splits
#            print self.splits[0]
            mrc = treeBuilder.buildTreeFromInformativeList(intersections)
            print(' ')

        print('Creating compatible split set, collapsing where necessary')

        set = []
        for t in range(0, len(self.splits)):
            for split in self.splits[t]:
        print('Initial splits')

        overlappingLists = self._buildOverlappingLists(set)

        print('Overlapping lists: ', len(overlappingLists))
        for list in overlappingLists:

        combinedLists = []
        for list in overlappingLists:

        print('Combined overlapping lists')
        for list in combinedLists:

#        print 'Creating compatible splits list'
        compatibleSplits = []
        for list in combinedLists:
            for split in list:

        uniqueSet = {}
        for split in compatibleSplits:
            if (split[0], split[1]) not in uniqueSet:
                uniqueSet[(split[0], split[1])] = 1

#        self._isListCompatible(uniqueSet.keys())

        compatibleSplits = []
        for split in uniqueSet.keys():
            compatibleSplits.append([split[0], split[1]])

        compatibleSplits = self._sortCompatibleSplits(compatibleSplits)

        print('Sorted compatible splits')

        if semiStrictOnly:
            #        To conform to the format used by treeBuilderFromSplits we need to convert splits into intersections
            # We use a set to remove any duplicate splits created during the
            # refinement

            # print '1. Looking for incompatibility in fixed compatible splits'

            compatibleIntersections = []
            for s in compatibleSplits:
                i = Intersection(s[0], s[1], 1, 1)

            if False:
                print('List of unique splits')
                for s in compatibleSplits:

            print('Building tree')
            treeBuilder = TreeBuilderFromSplits(self.bitkeys, self.taxNames)
            mrc = treeBuilder.buildTreeFromInformativeList(
                compatibleIntersections, excluded=excludedTaxa)
#            mrc.dump()
            print(' ')
            self.treesBuilt = True
            return mrc

    def _compatible(self, split1, split2):

        if split1[0] & split2[0] == 0:
            #            print '1'
            #            self._printSplitList([split1])
            #            self._printSplitList([split2])
            return True

        if split1[0] | split2[0] == split1[0] or split1[0] | split2[0] == split2[0]:
            #            print '2'
            #            self._printSplitList([split1])
            #            self._printSplitList([split2])
            return True

        if (split1[0] | split1[1]) | split2[0] == (split1[0] | split1[1]):
            #            print '3'
            #            self._printSplitList([split1])
            #            self._printSplitList([split2])
            return True

        if (split2[0] | split2[1]) | split1[0] == (split2[0] | split2[1]):
            #            print '4'
            #            self._printSplitList([split1])
            #            self._printSplitList([split2])
            return True

        if (split1[0] | split1[1]) | (split2[0] | split2[1]) == (split1[0] | split1[1]):
            #            print '5'
            #            self._printSplitList([split1])
            #            self._printSplitList([split2])
            return True

        if (split1[0] | split1[1]) | (split2[0] | split2[1]) == (split2[0] | split2[1]):
            #            print '6'
            #            self._printSplitList([split1])
            #            self._printSplitList([split2])
            return True

        if (split1[0] | (split2[0] | split2[1]) != (split1[0] | split1[1]) and split1[0] | (split2[0] | split2[1]) != (split2[0] | split2[1])):
            #            print '7'
            #            self._printSplitList([split1])
            #            self._printSplitList([split2])
            return False

        print('Defaults to true, not good')
        print(' ')
        return True

    def _isListCompatible(self, list):
        for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):
                if not self._compatible(list[i], list[j]):

    def _buildOverlappingLists(self, list):

        overlappingList = [[list.pop()]]
        firstTime = True
        while len(list) > 0:
            #            print 'while 1'
            i = 0
            while i <= 1:
                for oList in overlappingList:
                    remaining = []
                    for split in list:
                        add = False
                        for s in oList:
                            if s[0] & split[0] != 0:
                                add = True

                        if add:
                    list = remaining
                i += 1

            if len(list) > 0:
#            if len(list) == 1 and not firstTime:
#                overlappingList.append([list.pop()])
#            if len(list) == 1 and firstTime:
#                firstTime = False
        return overlappingList

    def _combineList(self, list):

        allOnes = 2 ** (len(self.bitkeys)) - 1

#        zero will hold the unknown taxa off all splits in list
        zero = 0
        for split in list:
            zero = zero | split[1]
#        print 'Zero: '
        self._printSplitList([[zero, 0]])

        xor = zero ^ allOnes
#        print 'Xor: '
        self._printSplitList([[xor, 0]])

        includeSplit = []
        if len(list) > 2:
            for split in list:
                #                self._printSplitList([split])
                #            split[1] = split[1] & xor
                #            self._printSplitList([split])
                #            print '*********************************'
#            print '*********************************'
            for split in list:

        includesCombined = {}

        for i in range(0, len(list) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(list)):

                #                self._printSplitList([list[i]])
                #                self._printSplitList([list[j]])

                if list[i][0] & list[j][0] != 0 and list[i][0] | list[j][0] != list[i][0] and list[i][0] | list[j][0] != list[j][0]:
                    combined = list[i][0] | list[j][0]
                    if self.popcount(list[i][0] | list[i][1]) >= self.popcount(list[j][0] | list[j][1]):
                        #                        list[i][0] = combined
                        #                        list[i][1] = list[i][1] & xor
                        if list[i][0] in includesCombined:
                            includesCombined[list[i][0]] = -1
                        includesCombined[combined] = list[i][1] & xor
                        #                        list[j][0] = combined
                        #                        list[j][1] = list[j][1] & xor
                        if list[j][0] in includesCombined:
                            includesCombined[list[j][0]] = -1

                        includesCombined[combined] = list[j][1] & xor
#                    self._printSplitList([list[i]])
#                    self._printSplitList([list[j]])
#                    print '------------------------------------'
                    # if (list[i][0] | list[i][1]) | (list[j][0]) == list[j][0]
                    # or (list[j][0] | list[j][1]) | list[i][0] == list[i][0]:
                    includeSplit[i] = True
                    includeSplit[j] = True

#                if not self._compatible(list[i], list[j]):
#                    self._printSplitList([list[i]])
#                    self._printSplitList([list[j]])
# print
# 'incompatible****************************************************************************'

        newList = []
        for i in range(0, len(includeSplit)):
            if includeSplit[i]:
                list[i][1] = list[i][1] & xor

#        print includesCombined
        for i in includesCombined.keys():
            if includesCombined[i] >= 0:
                newList.append([i, includesCombined[i]])

        return newList

class CompatibleTreePairs(TreeHandler):

    def __init__(self, inThing=None, skip=0, max=None):
        TreeHandler.__init__(self, inThing, skip, max)

    def slidingWindow(self, csvInfile, csvOutFile, startYear, stopYear, maxDistance):

        csvReader = csv.reader(open(csvInfile), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
        csvWriter = csv.writer(open(csvOutFile, "wb"))

        yearDict = {}
        first = True
        index = 0
        added = 0
        rows = []
        for row in csvReader:
            if first:
                first = False
                index += 1
                name = str(row[0])
                for i in range(startYear, stopYear + 1):
                    if name.rfind(str(i)) >= 0 and name.rfind('SCC') < 0:
                        if i in yearDict:
                            added += 1
                            yearDict[i].append([index, row])
                            added += 1
                            yearDict[i] = [[index, row]]

#        print 'Counted rows: ', index
#        print 'Added rows: ', added
#        print ''

        ranges = []
        for index in range(startYear, stopYear - 4):
            #            print 'Range: %s, %s ' % (index, index+4)
            studies = []
            for i in range(index, index + 5):
                if i in yearDict:

#            for studie in studies:
#                print studie[1][0]
#                print studie

#            print ''
#            print '[%s, %s, %'
            ranges.append([index, index + 4, studies])

#        print ''
        outputRows = []
        for dataset in ranges:
            row = [dataset[0], dataset[1]]
            print('%s, %s' % (dataset[0], dataset[1]))
            indecies = []
            for data in dataset[2]:

            sum = 0.0
            index = 0
            for data in dataset[2]:
                for data1 in dataset[2]:
                    if data[0] != data1[0]:
                        if data[1][data1[0]] != '*':
                            index += 1
#                            print data[1][data1[0]]
                            sum += float(data[1][data1[0]]) / maxDistance
            if sum == 0:
                print('Mean: ', 0)
                row.append(sum / index)
                print('Mean: ', sum / index)



    def formatNexusFileFromCSV(self, csvInFile, nexusOutFile, maxDistance):

        csvDataReader = csv.reader(
            open(csvInFile), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
        data = []
        nTax = -1
        for row in csvDataReader:
            nTax += 1

        writer = open(nexusOutFile, 'w')
        writer.write('[!user defined distances]\n')
        writer.write('Begin distances;\n')
        dim = 'Dimensions ntax=%s;\n' % (str(nTax))
        writer.write('format nodiagonal;\n')
        first = True
        for index in range(0, len(data)):
            if first:
                first = False
                line = ''
                for datapoint in data[index][0:index]:
                    if datapoint == '*':
                        line += '0.0'
                        line += datapoint
                    line += ' '
                if index == len(data) - 1:
                    line += ';'
                line += '\n'

        writer.write('[! nj with user defined distances]\n')
        writer.write('Begin paup;\n')
        writer.write('dset distance=user;\n')


    def calcStatsFromCSV(self, csvInFileIntraGroups, csvInFileInterGroups, csvInFileData, csvOutFile, maxDistance):

        csvInterGroupReader = csv.reader(
            open(csvInFileInterGroups), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

        csvIntraGroupReader = csv.reader(
            open(csvInFileIntraGroups), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

        csvDataReader = csv.reader(
            open(csvInFileData), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')

        data = []
        for row in csvDataReader:
            if len(row) > 0:

        length = 0
        if len(data) > 0:
            length = len(data[0])

        intraGroups = {}
        for row in csvIntraGroupReader:
            if len(row) > 0:
                #                print 'Adding:', row[0]
                intraGroups[row[0]] = [length, 0]
#        print intraGroups.keys()

        interGroups = {}
        for row in csvInterGroupReader:
            if len(row) > 0:
                interGroups[row[0]] = [0]
#        print interGroups.keys()

        for index in range(1, len(data)):
            if data[index][0] in interGroups:
                interGroups[data[index][0]] = index
#                print 'Inter: %s, %s ' % (data[index][0], index)
                if data[index][0] in intraGroups:
                    #                    print 'data[index][0]:', data[index][0]
                    #                    print 'data[index][1]:', data[index][1]
                    #                    print 'intraGroups[data[index][0]]:',intraGroups[data[index][0]]
                    # print '%s : %s,%s' % (data[index][0], index, index)
                    intraGroups[data[index][0]] = [index, index]
#                    if index < intraGroups[data[index][0]]:

#                        intraGroups[data[index][0]] = [index,intraGroups[data[index][1]]]
#                    if index > intraGroups[data[index][1]]:
#                        intraGroups[data[index][0]] = [intraGroups[data[index][0],index]]
                    start = data[index][0].find('mpt')
                    substring = ''
                    if start > 0:
                        substring = data[index][0].partition('mpt')[0]
                        start = data[index][0].find('SCC')
                        if start > 0:
                            substring = data[index][0].partition('SCC')[0]
#                    print 'Created substring:', substring
                    if substring in intraGroups:
                        if index < intraGroups[substring][0]:
                            intraGroups[substring] = [index, intraGroups[substring][1]]
# print 'Intra1: %s, %s - %s ' % (substring, index,
# intraGroups[substring][1])
                        elif index > intraGroups[substring][1]:
                            intraGroups[substring] = [intraGroups[substring][0], index]
# print 'Intra2: %s, %s - %s ' % (substring, intraGroups[substring][0],
# index )
                        print('Found nowhere to put: ', data[index][0])

        writer = csv.writer(open(csvOutFile, "wb"))
        outputRows = []
            ['Real trees intra group distances, normalized, mean distance'])
        outputRows.append(['Study', 'Mean'])
#        print 'Study: max, min, mean'

        def compareStudyYear(x, y):
            #            print '%s, %s' % (x[0], x[0][len(x[0])-4:len(x[0])])
            #            print '%s, %s' % (y[0], y[0][len(y[0])-4:len(y[0])])
            #            print ''
            return int(x[0][len(x[0]) - 4:len(x[0])]) - int(y[0][len(y[0]) - 4:len(y[0])])

        items = intraGroups.items()
#        print items
        for k, v in items:
            #            max, min, mean = self.calcIntraMinMaxMean(data, v[0], v[1])
                [k, self.calcIntraMinMaxMean(data, v[0], v[1], maxDistance)])
#            print '%s: %s, %s, %s' % (k, max, min, mean)

        outputRows.append([' '])
            ['Real trees inter group distances, normalized, mean distance'])
        items = intraGroups.items()
#        print 'Study: max, min, mean'
        row = ['']
        for i in items:

        for i in range(0, len(items)):
            row = [items[i][0]]
            for j in range(0, len(items)):
                row.append(self.calcIntraInterMinMaxMean(data, items[i][1][0], items[
                           i][1][1], items[j][1][0], items[j][1][1], maxDistance))
#            max, min, mean = self.calcIntraMinMaxMean(data, v[0], v[1])

#            print '%s: %s, %s, %s' % (k, max, min, mean)

        items = interGroups.items()
        outputRows.append([' '])
            ['Expertograms intra tree distances, normalized, distance'])
        row = ['']
        for i in items:

        for i in range(0, len(items)):
            row = [items[i][0]]
            for j in range(0, len(items)):
                #                print items[i][1]
                #                print items[j][1]
                if data[items[i][1]][items[j][1]] == '*':
                        float(data[items[i][1]][items[j][1]]) / maxDistance)

        intraItems = intraGroups.items()
        outputRows.append([' '])
            ['Expertograms to real trees inter group distances, normalized, mean distance'])
        row = ['']
        for i in intraItems:

        for key, value in items:
            row = []
            for d, v in intraItems:
                    self.calcInterMinMaxMean(data, value, v[0], v[1], maxDistance))


    def median(self, numbers):
        #        "Return the median of the list of numbers."
        # Sort the list and take the middle element.
        n = len(numbers)
        copy = numbers[:]  # So that "numbers" keeps its original order
        if n & 1:         # There is an odd number of elements
            return copy[n // 2]
            return (copy[n // 2 - 1] + copy[n // 2]) / 2

    def calcInterMinMaxMean(self, data, inter, start, stop, maxDistance):
        min = 99999999999
        max = 0
        sum = 0.0
        index = 0

#        print 'range: ', range(start, stop+1)

        for i in range(start, stop + 1):
            if data[inter][i] == '*':
                #                return '*/*/*'
                return '*'
#            print '%s,%s' % (inter,i)
            dist = float(data[inter][i]) / maxDistance
            if dist < min:
                min = dist
            if dist > max:
                max = dist
            sum += dist
            index += 1

#        return str(max) +'/' + str(min) +'/' + str(sum/index)
        return sum / index

    def calcIntraInterMinMaxMean(self, data, start1, stop1, start2, stop2, maxDistance):
        min = 99999999999.0
        max = 0.0
        sum = 0.0
        index = 0.0

        for i in range(start1, stop1 + 1):
            for j in range(start2, stop2 + 1):
                if i != j:
                    #                print '%s, %s' % (data[i][0], data[j][0])
                    if data[i][j] == '*':
                        #                    return '*','*','*'
                        return '*'
#                print '%s,%s' % (i,j)
                    dist = float(data[i][j]) / maxDistance
                    if dist < min:
                        min = dist

                    if dist > max:
                        max = dist
                    sum += dist
                    index += 1

#        return max, min, sum/index
        if sum != 0:
            return sum / index
        return 0

    def calcIntraMinMaxMean(self, data, start, stop, maxDistance):
        min = 99999999999.0
        max = 0.0
        sum = 0.0
        index = 0.0

#        print range(start, stop+1)

        for i in range(start, stop + 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, stop + 1):
                #                print '%s, %s' % (data[i][0], data[j][0])
                if data[i][j] == '*':
                    #                    return '*','*','*'
                    return '*'
#                print '%s,%s' % (i,j)
                dist = float(data[i][j]) / maxDistance
                if dist < min:
                    # print 'MIN: %s < %s' % (float(data[i][j]) ,min)
                    min = dist

                if dist > max:
                    # print 'MAX: %s > %s' % (float(data[i][j]) ,max)
                    max = dist
                sum += dist
                index += 1

#        print 'Max: ', max
#        print 'Min: ', min
#        print 'Sum: ', sum
#        print 'Index: ', index
#        print 'Mean: ', sum/index

#        return max, min, sum/index
        if sum != 0:
            return sum / index
        return 0

    def createCompatibleTreePairs(self, readCSV=True, csvInFile='clades.csv', writeCSV=False, csvOutFile='treeMatrix.csv', writeNexus=True, nexusFilename='compatiblePair', calcDistances=False, distanceMeasure='sd'):

        from p4.trees import Trees

        self.splits, treeNames = self.updateToCommonLeafSet(self.tfl)

        self.bitkey2taxa = {}
        self.taxa2bitkey = {}
        for i in range(0, len(self.taxNames)):
            self.taxa2bitkey[self.taxNames[i]] = self.bitkeys[i]
            self.bitkey2taxa[self.bitkeys[i]] = self.taxNames[i]

        if readCSV:

            csvReader = csv.reader(
                open(csvInFile), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
            self.replace = []
            self.reduceRules = []

            for row in csvReader:

        if writeCSV:
            writer = csv.writer(open(csvOutFile, "wb"))

        treeBuilder = TreeBuilderFromSplits(
            self.bitkeys, self.taxNames, internalNames=False)

#        bitkey2taxa = {}
#        taxa2bitkey = {}
#        for i in range(0,len(self.taxNames)):
#            taxa2bitkey[self.taxNames[i]] = self.bitkeys[i]
#            bitkey2taxa[self.bitkeys[i]] = self.taxNames[i]

        index = 0

        csvOut = []
        if writeCSV:
            names = []
            for i in range(0, len(treeNames)):

        if calcDistances:
            max = 0.0
            min = 99999999999999.0
            sum = 0.0
            distances = 0
            if distanceMeasure not in ['sd', 'triplet', 'quartet']:
                print('No such distance measure: ', distanceMeasure)
                print('Defaulting to Symmetric Difference')
                distanceMeasure = 'sd'

            print('Distance measure: ', distanceMeasure)

        dict = {}
        nonUnique = {}

        for i in range(0, len(self.splits)):
            row = []
            if writeCSV:
            for j in range(0, len(self.splits)):
                if j >= i:
                    if i != j:

                        set1, set2, taxnames, pairExcluded = self._commonTaxaFromTreePair(
                            self.splits[i], self.splits[j])

                        if len(set1) > 0 and len(set2) > 0:

                            uniqueSet = {}
                            for split in set1:
                                if (split[0], split[1]) not in uniqueSet:
                                    uniqueSet[(split[0], split[1])] = 1

                            list = []
                            for s in uniqueSet.keys():
                                list.append([s[0], s[1]])

                            list = self._sortCompatibleSplits(list)

                            intersections1 = []
                            for s in list:
                                    Intersection(s[0], s[1], 1, 1))

                            mrc = treeBuilder.buildTreeFromInformativeList(
                                intersections1, treeNames[i])

                            mrc.taxNames = taxnames
                            uniqueSet = {}
                            for split in set2:
                                if (split[0], split[1]) not in uniqueSet:
                                    uniqueSet[(split[0], split[1])] = 1

                            list = []
                            for s in uniqueSet.keys():
                                list.append([s[0], s[1]])

                            list = self._sortCompatibleSplits(list)

                            intersections2 = []
                            for s in list:
                                    Intersection(s[0], s[1], 1, 1))

                            mrc2 = treeBuilder.buildTreeFromInformativeList(
                                intersections2, treeNames[j])

                            mrc2.taxNames = taxnames

                            if calcDistances:
                                if mrc.root.getNChildren() <= 2:
                                if mrc2.root.getNChildren() <= 2:

                                dist = mrc.topologyDistance(
                                    mrc2, distanceMeasure)
#                                dist = float(dist)/setSize
                                dict[(j, i)] = float(dist)

                                if dist > max:
                                    max = dist

                                if dist < min:
                                    min = dist

                                sum += dist

#                                if dist > 0:
                                distances += 1

                                if dist == 0.0:
                                    study = 'Clark2004'
                                    if and
                                        print('%s, %s: %s' % (,, dist))

                                if writeCSV:

                                if dist == 0:
                                    nonUnique[] = 1

                            if writeNexus:
                                trees = Trees([mrc, mrc2], taxnames)
                                trees.writeNexus(fName='%s%d%s' % (
                                    nexusFilename, index + 1, '.nex'), append=0, withTranslation=1, writeTaxaBlock=1, likeMcmc=0)

                            index += 1

                            dict[(j, i)] = '*'
                            if writeCSV:
                    row.append(dict[(i, j)])
            if writeCSV:

        print(' ')

        if calcDistances:
            print('Max: ', max)
            print('Min: ', min)
            print('Mean: ', sum / distances)

        if writeCSV:
            print('Wrote csv-data to file: ', csvOutFile)

        if writeNexus:
            print('Wrote tree data to nexus files on format %s ' % (nexusFilename + '#' + '.nex'))

        nonUniquetrees = nonUnique.keys()

#        print sorted(nonUniquetrees)

    def _commonTaxaFromTreePair(self, splits1, splits2):

        replace = False
        for i in self.replace:
            #            for split in splits1:
            if not splits1[0][1] & i:
                replace = True
#            if replace:
#                break
        replace2 = False
        for i in self.replace:
            #            for split in splits2:
            if not splits2[0][1] & i:
                replace2 = True
#            if replace2:
#                break

        if (replace and not replace2) or (not replace and replace2):
            # print
            # '=========================================================='
            splits1, splits2 = self._reduceSplitsPair(splits1, splits2)

        included1 = 2 ** (len(self.bitkeys)) - 1
        included1 = included1 ^ splits1[0][1]

        included2 = 2 ** (len(self.bitkeys)) - 1
        included2 = included2 ^ splits2[0][1]

        combined = included1 & included2
        excluded = 2 ** (len(self.bitkeys)) - 1 ^ combined

        set1 = []
        set2 = []
        taxnames = []

        if self.popcount(combined) >= 3:

            for i in self.bitkeys:
                if i & combined:

            temp = {}
            for split in splits1:
                if self.popcount(split[0] & combined) > 1 and ((split[0] & combined) ^ (split[1] | excluded)) ^ (2 ** (len(self.bitkeys)) - 1) != 0:
                    temp[(split[0] & combined, split[1] | excluded)] = 1

            for i in temp.keys():
                set1.append([i[0], i[1]])
            temp = {}
            for split in splits2:
                if self.popcount(split[0] & combined) > 1 and ((split[0] & combined) ^ (split[1] | excluded)) ^ (2 ** (len(self.bitkeys)) - 1) != 0:
                    temp[(split[0] & combined, split[1] | excluded)] = 1

            for i in temp.keys():
                set2.append([i[0], i[1]])

        return set1, set2, taxnames, excluded

    def _reduceSplitsPair(self, splits1, splits2):
        newSplits1 = []
        for i in splits1:
            newSplits1.append([i[0], i[1]])

        newSplits2 = []
        for i in splits2:
            newSplits2.append([i[0], i[1]])

        splitList = []

        excludedTaxa = []
        for row in self.reduceRules:
            present = []
            for name in row:
                if name in self.taxa2bitkey:
#                else:
#                    print 'Taxname not in any tree: ', name

            if len(present) > 1:
                reduce2 = self.taxa2bitkey[present[0]]
                substitute = 0
                for i in range(1, len(present)):
                    substitute = substitute | self.taxa2bitkey[present[i]]

                for i in range(len(splitList)):
                    for split in splitList[i]:
                        if split[0] & substitute != 0:
                            split[0] = (split[0] & substitute) ^ split[0]
                            split[0] = split[0] | reduce2
                        if split[1] & reduce2 != 0:
                            split[1] = split[1] ^ reduce2
                        split[1] = split[1] | substitute

        excluded = 0
        for bitkey in excludedTaxa:
            excluded = excluded | bitkey
#        return excluded

        return splitList[0], splitList[1]

    def _buildAndDisplayTree(self, set1):
        treeBuilder = TreeBuilderFromSplits(
            self.bitkeys, self.taxNames, internalNames=False)
        uniqueSet = {}
        for split in set1:
            if (split[0], split[1]) not in uniqueSet:
                uniqueSet[(split[0], split[1])] = 1

        list = []
        for s in uniqueSet.keys():
            list.append([s[0], s[1]])

        list = self._sortCompatibleSplits(list)

        intersections1 = []
        for s in list:
            intersections1.append(Intersection(s[0], s[1], 1, 1))

        mrc = treeBuilder.buildTreeFromInformativeList(intersections1, 'name')


[docs] class Reduced(TreeHandler): def __init__(self, inThing=None, skip=0, max=None): self.minimumProportion = 0.5 self.rooted = True self.minNoOfTaxa = 3 self.treatMultifurcatingRootsAsUnrooted = 0 self.minimumSplitsToBuildTree = 1 self.extendProfile = False self.saveTreesToFile = False self.saveSplitsToFile = False self.extendProfile = False self.saveExtendedTreesToFile = False self.saveExtendedToFile = False self.treeFileName = 'trees' self.splitFileName = 'splits.txt' self.extendedTreeFileName = 'extendedTrees' self.extendedFileName = 'extended.txt' self.sortByNoSplits = True TreeHandler.__init__(self, inThing, skip, max) """ A container for * reduced strict consensus * reduced majority consensus, . * reduced strict supertree * reduced majority supertree Start it up like this: rd = Reduced(inThing) where inThing can be a file name If you are reading from a file (generally a bootstrap or mcmc output), you can skip some trees at the beginning, and optionally after that read only a maximum number of trees, like this:: rd = Reduced('myFile', skip=1000, max=500) Then you can do:: reduced strict consensus rd.reducedStrictConsensus() majority rule consensus rd.majorityRuleConsensus() write trees to file rd.writeNexus(filename) The input trees do not need to have the same taxa. These are the default settings:: rd.minimumProportion=0.5 rd.rooted=True rd.minNoOfTaxa = 3 rd.treatMultifurcatingRootsAsUnrooted=0 rd.minimumSplitsToBuildTree=1 rd.extendProfile=False rd.saveTreesToFile=False rd.saveSplitsToFile=False rd.extendProfile=False rd.saveExtendedTreesToFile=False rd.saveExtendedToFile=False rd.treeFileName='trees' rd.splitFileName='splits.txt' rd.extendedTreeFileName='extendedTrees' rd.extendedFileName='extended.txt' self.sortByNoSplits=True To change one of them do this:: rd = Reduced(inThing) rd.rooted = False """ def _getTreeSplits(self): for t in self.trees: self._determineRooting(t) for t in self.trees: t.setPreAndPostOrder() t._makeRCSplitKeys() t.splits = [] for n in t.iterInternalsNoRoot(): t.splits.append([, t.missingTaxa]) # print t.splits def _determineRooting(self, theTree): gm = ['ReducedStrictConsensus._determineRooting()'] nRootChildren = theTree.root.getNChildren() if not nRootChildren: gm.append("Root has no children.") raise P4Error(gm) elif nRootChildren == 1: gm.append("Tree is rooted on a terminal node. No workee.") raise P4Error(gm) elif nRootChildren == 2: if self.isBiRoot == None: print('Found bifurcating root') self.isBiRoot = 1 else: if self.isBiRoot == None: print('Found multifurcating root') self.isBiRoot = 0 elif self.isBiRoot == 0: pass else: gm.append( "Self.isBiRoot has been previously turned on, but now we have a non-biRoot tree.") raise P4Error(gm)
[docs] def writeIntersections(self, filename='rcIntersections'): if len(self.intersections) == 0: print('No splits created, can not write splits to file') return fileHandle = open(filename, 'w') for name in self.taxNames: fileHandle.write(name) fileHandle.write(',') fileHandle.write('\n') list = [] for il in self.intersections: list.extend(il) # print 'list1:', list for i in range(0, len(list) - 1): for j in range(i, len(list)): if list[i].frequency < list[j].frequency: temp = list[i] list[i] = list[j] list[j] = temp # print 'list2:',list fileHandle.write('Taxnumber to taxname translation: \n') for i in range(0, len(self.taxNames)): fileHandle.write('%s,%s \n' % (i + 1, self.taxNames[i])) # self.printVerticalNumbers(len(self.taxNames)) for i in list: fileHandle.write(i.intersectionToString(self.bitkeys)) fileHandle.write('\n') # fileHandle.write('\n') fileHandle.close()
[docs] def writeExtended(self, extendedFileName='rcExtended'): if len(self.extendedIntersections) > 0: list = [] for il in self.extendedIntersections: list.extend(il) # print 'list1:', list for i in range(0, len(list) - 1): for j in range(i, len(list)): if list[i].frequency < list[i].frequency: temp = list[i] list[i] = list[j] list[j] = temp fileHandle = open(extendedFileName, 'w') for name in self.taxNames: fileHandle.write(name) fileHandle.write(',') fileHandle.write('\n') for i in list: fileHandle.write(i.intersectionToString(self.bitkeys)) fileHandle.write('\n') fileHandle.close() else: print('No splits in the extended profile')
def _rule1(self, compatibleSplits): highestbitkey = (self.bitkeys[-1] << 1) - 1 print('HighestBitkey: %s' % (str(highestbitkey))) split2Parents = {} parents = {} newSplits = [] for i in range(0, len(compatibleSplits) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(compatibleSplits)): # Rule 1 if compatibleSplits[i][0] & compatibleSplits[j][0] != 0 and compatibleSplits[i][0] & (compatibleSplits[j][0] | compatibleSplits[j][1]) == 0 and compatibleSplits[j][0] & (compatibleSplits[i][0] | compatibleSplits[i][1]) == 0: split1 = [compatibleSplits[i][0] & compatibleSplits[j][0], ((compatibleSplits[j][0] | compatibleSplits[ j][1]) | highestbitkey) | ((compatibleSplits[i][0] | compatibleSplits[i][1]) | highestbitkey)] if (split1[0], split1[1]) in split2Parent: split2Parent[(split1[0], split1[1])][i] = 1 split2Parent[(split1[0], split1[1])][j] = 1 else: dict = {} dict[i] = 1 split12Parent[(split1[0], split1[1])] = dict newSplits.append(split1) parents[(split1[0], split1[1])] split2 = [compatibleSplits[i][0] | compatibleSplits[j][0], ((compatibleSplits[j][0] | compatibleSplits[ j][1]) | highestbitkey) & ((compatibleSplits[i][0] | compatibleSplits[i][1]) | highestbitkey)] newSplits.append(split2) def _printMajorityRuleSplits(self, list, noSplitSets): for split in list: # for split in list: intersection = '' for bk in self.bitkeys: if bk & split[0]: intersection = intersection + '1' elif bk & split[1]: intersection = intersection + '?' else: intersection = intersection + '*' print('Split: %s, %s' % (intersection, str(float(split[2]) / noSplitSets))) print(' ') def _findSmallestSet(self, bk, compatibleSplits): smallest = 0 minPopcount = len(compatibleSplits) + 1 for split in compatibleSplits: if split[0] & bk: popCount = self.popcount(split[0]) if popCount < minPopcount: minPopcount = popCount smallest = split[0] elif popCount == minPopcount: smallest = smallest | split[0] return smallest def _applySmallest(self, unknown, smallest, compatibleSplits): # print 'Unknown' # print str(unknown) for split in compatibleSplits: if split[0] & smallest != 0: print('11') self._printSplitList([split]) split[0] = split[0] | unknown split[1] = split[1] ^ unknown self._printSplitList([split]) if split[1] & unknown: print('22') self._printSplitList([split]) split[1] = split[1] ^ unknown self._printSplitList([split]) # print '' def _isOverlapping(self, split1, split2): if split1[0] | split2[0] == split1[0] or split1[0] | split2[0] == split2[0]: # print 'True 1' return True if (split1[0] | split1[1]) | (split2[0] | split2[1]) == (split1[0] | split1[1]): # print 'True 2' return True if (split1[0] | split1[1]) | (split2[0] | split2[1]) == (split2[0] | split2[1]): # print 'True 3' return True return False def _combineSet(self, set): newSet = set() used = {} for i in range(0, len(set) - 1): for j in range(i, len(set)): if set[i][0] & set[j][0] != 0: and1 = set[i][0] & set[j][1] and2 = set[j][0] & set[i][1] or1 = and1 | and2 newSet.add( (set[i][0] | or1, (set[i][1] & or1) ^ set[i][1])) newSet.add( (set[j][0] | or1, (set[j][1] & or1) ^ set[j][1])) used[set[i]] = 1 used[set[j]] = 1 else: if set[i] not in used: newSet.add(set[i]) if set[j] not in used: newSet.add(set[j]) ## set[i][0] = set[i][0] | or1 # set[i][1] = (set[i][1] &or1) ^ set[i][1] # set[j][0] = set[j][0] | or1 # set[j][1] = (set[j][1] &or1) ^ set[j][1] # # newSet.add((set[i][0],set[i][1])) # newSet.add((set[j][0],set[j][1])) return newSet def _combineSplits(self, split1, split2): if split1[0] & split2[0] != 0: and1 = split1[0] & split2[1] and2 = split2[0] & split1[1] or1 = and1 | and2 split1[0] = split1[0] | or1 split1[1] = (split1[1] & or1) ^ split1[1] split2[0] = split2[0] | or1 split2[1] = (split2[1] & or1) ^ split2[1] def _makeCompatible(self, split1, split2): if split1[0] & split2[0] == 0: return if split1[0] | split2[0] == split1[0] or split1[0] | split2[0] == split2[0]: return if (split1[0] | split1[1]) | split2[0] == (split1[0] | split1[1]): return if (split2[0] | split2[1]) | split1[0] == (split2[0] | split2[1]): return if (split1[0] | split1[1]) | (split2[0] | split2[1]) == (split1[0] | split1[1]): return if (split1[0] | split1[1]) | (split2[0] | split2[1]) == (split2[0] | split2[1]): return if (split1[0] | (split2[0] | split2[1]) != (split1[0] | split1[1]) and split1[0] | (split2[0] | split2[1]) != (split2[0] | split2[1])): # print 'incompatible' # self._printSplitList([split1]) # self._printSplitList([split2]) xor1 = split1[0] ^ split2[0] and1 = xor1 & split1[1] xor2 = xor1 ^ and1 and2 = xor2 & split2[1] xor3 = and2 ^ xor2 split1[0] = split1[0] ^ (split1[0] & xor3) split1[1] = split1[1] | xor3 split2[0] = split2[0] ^ (split2[0] & xor3) split2[1] = split2[1] | xor3 # print 'made compatible' # self._printSplitList([split1]) # self._printSplitList([split2]) # return print('default, not good at all') # self._printSplitList([split1]) # self._printSplitList([split2])
[docs] def listOfSplits(self, treatMultifurcatingRootsAsUnrooted, minimumProportion=1.0): """ listOfSplits will return a list of splits (maybe zero lenght) that fulfill the minimumProportion criterion """ self.splits, treeNames = self.updateToCommonLeafSet(self.tfl) print('Building intersectionlist') print(time.ctime(time.time())) intersectionList = BuildIntersections( self.bitkeys, minimumProportion, self.weights, self.splits, not treatMultifurcatingRootsAsUnrooted) splitData = intersectionList.buildIntersections() print('Build intersectionlist') print(time.ctime(time.time())) intersections = [] for list in splitData: tempList = [] for sd in list: tempList.append(Intersection(sd[0], sd[1], sd[2])) intersections.append(tempList) for il in intersections: print('') for i in il: i.printIntersection(self.bitkeys) return intersections
[docs] def reducedStrictConsensus(self): self.minimumProportion = 1.0 trees, extendedTrees = self.reducedConsensusProfile() if self.saveTreesToFile: self.writeNexus(trees, self.treeFileName) if self.saveSplitsToFile: self.writeIntersections(self.splitFileName) if self.saveExtendedTreesToFile: self.writeNexus(extendedTrees, self.extendedTreeFileName) if self.saveExtendedToFile: self.writeExtended(self.extendedFileName)
[docs] def majorityRuleConsensus(self): self.minimumProportion = 0.5 trees, extendedTrees = self.reducedConsensusProfile() if self.saveTreesToFile: self.writeNexus(trees, self.treeFileName) if self.saveSplitsToFile: self.writeIntersections(self.splitFileName) if self.saveExtendedTreesToFile: self.writeNexus(extendedTrees, self.extendedTreeFileName) if self.saveExtendedToFile: self.writeExtended(self.extendedFileName)
[docs] def reducedMemQuick(self): from p4.LeafSupport import TreeSubsets print('Running divide and conquer to speed things up') sys.stdout.flush() ts = TreeSubsets(self.trees) self.trees = None self.buildConsensusTreeHash(ts.getConsensusTree()) subtreeDicts, taxNames, taxonSets, cherries = ts.getSubTreesAndTaxonSetsFromInputTrees( verbose=True) ts = None if len(subtreeDicts[0].keys()) == 1: print('No subdivisions possible, solving whole tree') else: print('Got %s subproblems to solve' % (len(cherries) + len(subtreeDicts[0].keys()))) sys.stdout.flush() allTaxa = self.taxNames[:] allBitkeys = self.bitkeys[:] taxa2bitkey = {} for index in range(0, len(allTaxa)): taxa2bitkey[allTaxa[index]] = allBitkeys[index] self.verbose = 0 print('Building intersectionlists, divide and conquer style') print(time.ctime(time.time())) sys.stdout.flush() weight = 0.0 splits = [] for i in range(0, len(taxNames)): if len(taxonSets[i]) > 2: trees = [] for dict in subtreeDicts: trees.append(dict[taxNames[i]]) self.splits, treeNames = self.commonLeafSetTrees(trees) if not weight: weight = sum(self.weights) names = [] bitkeys = [] for index in range(0, len(self.taxNames)): n = self.taxNames[index].split(':') for t in n: names.append(t) bitkeys.append(self.bitkeys[index]) left = 0 right = 0 for i in range(0, len(allTaxa)): if allTaxa[i] in names: left = left ^ allBitkeys[i] i = Intersection(left, right, weight) # i.printIntersection(allBitkeys) splits.append(i) taxon2bitkey = {} for index2 in range(0, len(names)): taxon2bitkey[names[index2]] = bitkeys[index2] intersectionList = BuildIntersections(self.bitkeys, self.minimumProportion, self.minNoOfTaxa, self.weights, self.splits, not self.treatMultifurcatingRootsAsUnrooted, self.sortByNoSplits, self.verbose) intersectionList.buildIntersections() for split in intersectionList.fullList: left = 0 right = 0 for i in range(0, len(allTaxa)): if allTaxa[i] in taxon2bitkey: if taxon2bitkey[allTaxa[i]] & split.left: left = left ^ allBitkeys[i] elif taxon2bitkey[allTaxa[i]] & split.right: right = right ^ allBitkeys[i] i = Intersection(left, right, split.hits) # i.printIntersection(allBitkeys) splits.append(i) for cherry in cherries: names = {} for set in cherry: for name in set.split(':'): names[name] = 1 left = 0 right = 0 for i in range(0, len(allTaxa)): if allTaxa[i] in names: left = left ^ allBitkeys[i] i = Intersection(left, right, weight) # i.printIntersection(allBitkeys) splits.append(i) print('Built intersectionlists') print(time.ctime(time.time())) sys.stdout.flush() print('Taxnumber to taxname translation: ') for i in range(0, len(allTaxa)): print('%s,%s' % (i + 1, allTaxa[i])) intersectionList.verbose = True self.intersections = intersectionList.quickList(splits, allBitkeys) self.taxNames = allTaxa self.bitkeys = allBitkeys self.extendedIntersections = [] if self.extendProfile: extendedProfile = intersectionList.buildExtendedProfile(1) for list in extendedProfile: tempList = [] for sd in list: tempList.append(Intersection(sd[0], sd[1], sd[2])) self.extendedIntersections.append(tempList) self.conTrees = self.buildTreesFromIntersections( self.intersections, self.minimumSplitsToBuildTree, 'Reduced strict consensus trees') if self.extendProfile and len(extendedProfile) > 0: self.extendedProfileTrees = self.buildTreesFromIntersections( self.extendedIntersections, self.minimumSplitsToBuildTree, 'Extended profile trees') return self.conTrees, self.extendedProfileTrees return self.conTrees, []
[docs] def reducedQuick(self): # list of taxanames in order from consensus tree, get from TreeSubsets # build taxname2bitkey with order from consensus tree # translate partial splits into full splits using taxonSet2taxonNames # and taxname2bitkey from p4.LeafSupport import TreeSubsets print('Running divide and conquer to speed things up') sys.stdout.flush() ts = TreeSubsets(self.trees) subtreeDicts, taxNames, taxonSets = ts.getSubTreesAndTaxonSetsFromInputTrees( verbose=False) self.buildConsensusTreeHash(ts.getConsensusTree()) ts = None if len(subtreeDicts[0].keys()) == 1: print('No subdivisions possible, solving whole tree') else: print('Got %s subproblems to solve' % (len(subtreeDicts[0].keys()))) sys.stdout.flush() allTaxa = self.taxNames[:] allBitkeys = self.bitkeys[:] taxa2bitkey = {} for index in range(0, len(allTaxa)): taxa2bitkey[allTaxa[index]] = allBitkeys[index] # print 'All taxa: ', allTaxa # taxname2splitList i.e. A:B:C -> [split, split,split] # taxname2taxonNames i.e. A:B:C -> ['A','B','C'] taxname2splitList = {} taxname2taxonNames = {} self.verbose = 0 print('Building intersectionlists, divide and conquer style') print(time.ctime(time.time())) sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(0, len(taxNames)): trees = [] for dict in subtreeDicts: trees.append(dict[taxNames[i]]) self.splits, treeNames = self.commonLeafSetTrees(trees) taxname2taxonNames[taxNames[i]] = [ self.taxNames[:], self.bitkeys[:]] if len(self.taxNames) > 2: intersectionList = BuildIntersections(self.bitkeys, self.minimumProportion, self.minNoOfTaxa, self.weights, self.splits, not self.treatMultifurcatingRootsAsUnrooted, self.sortByNoSplits, self.verbose) intersectionList.buildIntersections() taxname2splitList[taxNames[i]] = intersectionList.fullList weight = sum(self.weights) print('Built intersectionlists') print(time.ctime(time.time())) sys.stdout.flush() splits = [] for name in taxNames: temp = taxname2taxonNames[name][0] temp2 = taxname2taxonNames[name][1] names = [] bitkeys = [] for index in range(0, len(temp)): n = temp[index].split(':') for t in n: names.append(t) bitkeys.append(temp2[index]) # print 'names:',names taxon2bitkey = {} for index2 in range(0, len(names)): taxon2bitkey[names[index2]] = bitkeys[index2] left = 0 right = 0 for i in range(0, len(allTaxa)): if allTaxa[i] in taxon2bitkey: left = left ^ allBitkeys[i] i = Intersection(left, right, weight) # i.printIntersection(allBitkeys) splits.append(i) if index <= 1: pass else: for split in taxname2splitList[name]: # split.printIntersection(bitkeys) left = 0 right = 0 for i in range(0, len(allTaxa)): # print allTaxa[i] if allTaxa[i] in taxon2bitkey: # print '1' if taxon2bitkey[allTaxa[i]] & split.left: # print '2' left = left ^ allBitkeys[i] elif taxon2bitkey[allTaxa[i]] & split.right: # print '3' right = right ^ allBitkeys[i] # else: # left = left ^ allBitkeys[i] # right = right ^ allBitkeys[i] # print 'Freq:', split.hits i = Intersection(left, right, split.hits) # i.printIntersection(allBitkeys) splits.append(i) intersectionList.verbose = True self.intersections = intersectionList.quickList(splits, allBitkeys) self.taxNames = allTaxa self.bitkeys = allBitkeys self.extendedIntersections = [] if self.extendProfile: extendedProfile = intersectionList.buildExtendedProfile(1) for list in extendedProfile: tempList = [] for sd in list: tempList.append(Intersection(sd[0], sd[1], sd[2])) self.extendedIntersections.append(tempList) self.conTrees = self.buildTreesFromIntersections( self.intersections, self.minimumSplitsToBuildTree, 'Reduced strict consensus trees') if self.extendProfile and len(extendedProfile) > 0: self.extendedProfileTrees = self.buildTreesFromIntersections( self.extendedIntersections, self.minimumSplitsToBuildTree, 'Extended profile trees') return self.conTrees, self.extendedProfileTrees return self.conTrees, []
[docs] def reducedConsensusProfile(self): """ reducedConsensusProfile will depending on the minimumProportion and the input data produce 4 different outputs. * Given a set of trees with identical leafsets and a minimumProportion=1.0 a reduced strict consensus tree will be produced, i.e. a tree where all splits can be found in all input trees * Given a set of trees with identical leafsets and a 1.0 < minimumProportion >= 0.5 a reduced majority profile will be produced, i.e. a set of trees defined on differing leafsets with differing support, this profile will include the reduced strict consensus tree if it exists * Given a set of trees with differing leafsets and a minimumProportion= 1.0 a reduced strict super tree will be produced, i.e. a tree where all splits can be found in all input trees * Given a set of trees with differing leafsets and a 1.0 < minimimProportion >= 0.5 a reduced majority supertree profile will be produced, i.e. a set of trees defined on differing leafsets with differing support, this profile will include the reduced strict supertree tree if it exists """ self.splits, treeNames = self.commonLeafSetTrees(self.trees) # self.splits, treeNames = self.updateToCommonLeafSet(self.tfl) print('Building intersectionlist') print(time.ctime(time.time())) sys.stdout.flush() intersectionList = BuildIntersections(self.bitkeys, self.minimumProportion, self.minNoOfTaxa, self.weights, self.splits, not self.treatMultifurcatingRootsAsUnrooted, self.sortByNoSplits) self.intersections = intersectionList.buildIntersections() print('Done') print(time.ctime(time.time())) sys.stdout.flush() self.extendedIntersections = [] if self.extendProfile: extendedProfile = intersectionList.buildExtendedProfile(1) for list in extendedProfile: tempList = [] for sd in list: tempList.append(Intersection(sd[0], sd[1], sd[2])) self.extendedIntersections.append(tempList) self.conTrees = self.buildTreesFromIntersections( self.intersections, self.minimumSplitsToBuildTree, 'Reduced strict consensus trees') if self.extendProfile and len(extendedProfile) > 0: self.extendedProfileTrees = self.buildTreesFromIntersections( self.extendedIntersections, self.minimumSplitsToBuildTree, 'Extended profile trees') return self.conTrees, self.extendedProfileTrees return self.conTrees, []
class TreeBuilderFromSplits(object): def __init__(self, bitKeys, taxnames, internalNames=True): self.taxNames = taxnames self.bitkeys = bitKeys self.internalNames = internalNames def buildTreeFromInformativeList(self, list, treeName='conTreeName', excluded=0): informativeBits = ((self.bitkeys[-1] << 1) - 1) ^ list[0].right # print 'informative: ',informativeBits # print 'Excluded: ', excluded informativeBits = informativeBits ^ excluded # print 'informative: ' # Intersection(informativeBits).printIntersection(self.bitkeys) conTree = Tree() = treeName conTree.root = Node() conTree.root.nodeNum = 0 conTree.root.isLeaf = 0 conTree.nodes.append(conTree.root) index = 0 leafNo = 1 first = True rootBitkey = 0 n = Node() previous = n for bk in self.bitkeys: if bk & informativeBits: if first: n.nodeNum = leafNo conTree.nodes.append(n) conTree.root.leftChild = n n.parent = conTree.root n.isLeaf = 1 = self.taxNames[index] = bk rootBitkey = rootBitkey | bk first = False else: n = Node() n.nodeNum = leafNo conTree.nodes.append(n) previous.sibling = n n.parent = conTree.root n.isLeaf = 1 = self.taxNames[index] = bk rootBitkey = rootBitkey | bk previous = n leafNo += 1 index += 1 = rootBitkey for s in list: self.applySplitToTree(s, conTree) conTree.setPreAndPostOrder() conTree._setTaxNamesFromLeaves() return conTree def popcount(self, n): count = 0 for bk in self.bitkeys: if n < bk: return count if bk & n: count += 1 return count def applySplitToTree(self, split, tree): insertNode = self.findInsertNode(split, tree) self.insertSplit(split, insertNode, tree) return 1 def findInsertNode(self, split, tree): node = tree.root andScore = 0 nodeSplitScore = 9999999999 for n in tree.nodes: if not n.isLeaf: tScore = self.popcount( & split.left) if tScore > andScore: andScore = tScore node = n nodeSplitScore = self.popcount( elif tScore == andScore and self.popcount( < nodeSplitScore: nodeSplitScore = self.popcount( node = n return node def insertSplit(self, split, node, tree): n = Node() n.isLeaf = 0 n.parent = node = split.left n.nodeNum = len(tree.nodes) tree.nodes.append(n) n.sibling = node.leftChild node.leftChild = n if == None: if self.internalNames: = '%.0f' % (100. * split.frequency) else: = addNode = self.getSiblingInSplit(node, split) while addNode: # print 'while addNode' self.addNodeToNode(n, addNode) addNode = self.getSiblingInSplit(node, split) def getSiblingInSplit(self, node, split): previous = node.leftChild n = previous.sibling if not n: # print 'no n' return None while n.sibling: if self.isNodeInSplit(n, split): # print 'found node in split' previous.sibling = n.sibling n.sibling = None return n if not n.sibling: # print 'reached end of siblings' return None previous = n n = n.sibling if self.isNodeInSplit(n, split): # print 'found node in split outside loop' previous.sibling = None # n.wipe() n.sibling = None # n.parent = None return n # print 'reached end of loop' return None def addNodeToNode(self, node, addNode): addNode.parent = node if node.getNChildren() == 0: # print 'node.getNChildren == 0' node.leftChild = addNode elif node.getNChildren() == 1: # print 'node.getNChildren == 1' leftChild = node.leftChild leftChild.sibling = addNode else: # print 'node.getNChildren == @@@' rightChild = node.rightmostChild() rightChild.sibling = addNode def isNodeInSplit(self, node, split): if | split.left == split.left: return True else: return False class Intersection(object): def __init__(self, bitKey, bright=0, bhits=0, bfrequency=0): # print 'Frequency: ', bhits self.left = bitKey self.right = bright self.hits = bhits self.frequency = bhits = None self.excluded = [] def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(other.frequency, self.frequency) def __str__(self): intersection = '' for bk in bitkeys: if bk & self.left: intersection = intersection + '*' elif bk & self.right: intersection = intersection + '?' else: intersection = intersection + '.' return intersection + ', ' + str(self.frequency * 100) def copy(self): return Intersection(self.left, self.right, self.frequency) def firstHit(self, bitkeys): hit = 0 for bk in bitkeys: if bk & self.left: return hit hit += 1 return hit def setExcluded(self, bitkeys): self.excluded = [] index = 0 for bk in bitkeys: if self.right & bk: self.excluded.append(index) index += 1 def popcount(self, bitkeys): count = 0 for bk in bitkeys: if self.left < bk: return count if bk & self.left: count += 1 return count def getInformativeBits(self, bitkeys): highestNo = (bitkeys[-1] << 1) - 1 return highestNo ^ self.right def popcountLR(self, bitkeys): countie = self.left | self.right count = 0 for bk in bitkeys: if countie < bk: return count if bk & countie: count += 1 return count def popcountExcluded(self, bitkeys): index = 0 for bk in bitkeys: if self.right < bk: return index if self.right & bk: index += 1 return index def isIntersectionTrivial(self, bitkeyList): if self.left == 0: return 1 if self.popcount(bitkeyList) <= 1 or self.popcountLR(bitkeyList) == len(bitkeyList): return 1 if self.left | self.right == 0: return 1 return 0 def dump(self): print("%s %s, %6s %s, %6s %s, %6s %s " % ('L:', self.left, 'R:', self.right, 'F:', self.frequency, 'H:', self.hits)) def printIntersection(self, bitkeys, weight=1.0): intersection = '' for bk in bitkeys: if bk & self.left: intersection = intersection + '*' elif bk & self.right: intersection = intersection + '?' else: intersection = intersection + '.' if != None: print('%s %s' % (intersection, else: f = self.frequency / weight if f <= 1: f = f * 100 f = int(f) print('%s %s' % (intersection, f)) def intersectionToString(self, bitkeys): intersection = '' for bk in bitkeys: if bk & self.left: intersection = intersection + '*' elif bk & self.right: intersection = intersection + '?' else: intersection = intersection + '.' return intersection + ', ' + str(self.frequency * 100) def addSplit(self, bitkey): newSplit = Intersection(0) newSplit.left = self.left & bitkey newSplit.right = (self.left ^ bitkey) | self.right # print 'Creating new intersection: ' # newSplit.dump() return newSplit def addReverseSplit(self, bitkey, highestBitkey): newSplit = Intersection(0) newSplit.left = (self.left ^ bitkey) & self.left newSplit.right = ( self.left ^ (~bitkey & ((highestBitkey << 1) - 1))) | self.right return newSplit def intersection(self, other): newSplit = Intersection(0) newSplit.left = self.left & other.left newSplit.right = (self.left ^ other.left) | self.right | other.right return newSplit def reverseIntersection(self, other, highestBitkey): newSplit = Intersection(0) newSplit.left = (self.left ^ other.left) & self.left newSplit.right = (self.left ^ ( ~other.left & ((highestBitkey << 1) - 1))) | self.right | other.right return newSplit def matchingSplit(self, split): if self.left == split: # if self.left == 768: # print '%s i.l:%s i.r:%s == s:%s' % ('Found matching split', # self.left, self.right, split) return 1 if ((self.left ^ split) | self.right) == self.right: # if self.left == 768: # print '%s i.left:%s, i.right:%s, s:%s' % ('Found matching split # XOR', self.left, self.right, split) return 1 # if self.left == 768: # print '%s i.l:%s i.r%s != s:%s' % ('Found NONmatching split', # self.left, self.right, split) return 0 def overlapping(self, other): if self.right & other.right != 0: return True return False def smaller(self, other): if (self.right & other.right) == self.right: # print 'True' return True return False def definesNonOverlappingSets(self, other): if self.right == 0 or other.right == 0: return False if self.right & other.right == 0: return True return False def definesSmallerAndOverlappingSet(self, other, minimumProportion): if self.right & other.right == self.right: return True return False def isMoreInformative(self, list, minimumProportion): for other in list: # self.printIntersection() # other.sprintIntersection() if self.frequency > other.frequency and other.frequency < minimumProportion: # print '1' return 1 if other.frequency > self.frequency and self.frequency < minimumProportion: # print '0' return 0 selfORother = self.right | other.right if selfORother == self.right: # print '0' return 0 if selfORother == other.right: # print '1' return 1 return 2 def isSameSet(self, other): # if self.left | self.right == other.left | other.right: # return True if self.right == other.right: return True def isSameLooseSet(self, other): if self.left | self.right == other.left | other.right: return True return False def isOverlapping(self, other): if self.right == 0 or other.right == 0: return True if self.right == other.right: return True # if self.left & other.right != 0 or other.left & self.right != 0: # return 0 # if self.left & other.left != 0: # print 'Is overlapping: %s:%s ' % (self.left, other.left) # return 1 # print 'Is not overlapping: %s:%s ' % (self.left, other.left) # if self.left & other.left == 0 and self.right ^ other.right == 0: # return 1 return 0 def isOtherRedundant(self, other): if self.left | self.right == other.left | other.right: # if self.left | other.left == self.left: if self.right & other.right == self.right: # if self.left | self.right == other.left | other.right: # print 'Redundant o.l: %s, o.r: %s, i.l: %s' % (other.left, # other.right, self.left) return 1 # print 'NonRedundant o.l: %s, o.r: %s, i.l: %s' % (other.left, # other.right, self.left) return 0 def isCorrectIntersection(self): if self.left & self.right != 0: return 0 return 1 def isIdentical(self, other): if self.left == other.left and self.right == other.right: return 1 return 0