Source code for p4.mcmccheckpointreader

import os
import p4.func
import pickle
import math
import numpy
import glob
from p4.p4exceptions import P4Error

[docs]class McmcCheckPointReader(object): """Read in and display mcmc_checkPoint files. Three options-- To read in a specific checkpoint file, specify the file name by fName=whatever To read in the most recent (by os.path.getmtime()) checkpoint file, say last=True If you specify neither of the above, it will read in all the checkPoint files that it finds. Where it looks is determined by theGlob, which by default is '*', ie everything in the current directory. If you want to look somewhere else, you can specify eg:: theGlob='SomeWhereElse/*' or, if it is unambiguous, just:: theGlob='S*/*' So you might say:: cpr = McmcCheckPointReader(theGlob='*_0.*') to get all the checkpoints from the first run, run 0. Then, you can tell the cpr object to do various things. Eg:: cpr.writeProposalAcceptances() But perhaps the most powerful thing about it is that it allows easy access to the checkpointed Mcmc objects, in the list mm. Eg to get the first one, ask for:: m =[0] and m is an Mcmc object, complete with all its records of proposals and acceptances and so on. And the TreePartitions object. No data, tho, of course. (Sorry! -- Lazy documentation. See the source code for more that it can do.) """ def __init__(self, fName=None, theGlob='*', last=False, verbose=True): = [] if not fName: #fList = [fName for fName in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if fName.startswith("mcmc_checkPoint")] #fList = glob.glob(theGlob) # print "Full glob = %s" % fList fList = [fName for fName in glob.glob(theGlob) if os.path.basename(fName).startswith("mcmc_checkPoint")] # print fList if not fList: raise P4Error("No checkpoints found in this directory.") if last: # Find the most recent mostRecent = os.path.getmtime(fList[0]) mostRecentFileName = fList[0] if len(fList) > 1: for fName in fList[1:]: mtime = os.path.getmtime(fName) if mtime > mostRecent: mostRecent = mtime mostRecentFileName = fName f = open(mostRecentFileName, 'rb') m = pickle.load(f) f.close() else: # get all the files for fName in fList: f = open(fName, 'rb') m = pickle.load(f) f.close() = p4.func.sortListOfObjectsOn2Attributes(, "gen", 'runNum') else: # get the file by name f = open(fName, 'rb') m = pickle.load(f) f.close() if verbose: self.dump()
[docs] def read(self, fName): f = open(fName, 'rb') m = pickle.load(f) f.close()
[docs] def dump(self, extras=False): print("McmcCheckPoints (%i checkPoints read)" % len( if extras: print("%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s" % ( " ", "index", "run", "gen+1", "cpInterval", "sampInterv", "nSamps")) print("%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s" % ( " ", "-----", "---", "-----", "----------", "----------", "------")) for i in range(len( m =[i] assert m.checkPointInterval % m.sampleInterval == 0 if m.simTemp: thisNSamps = m.treePartitions.nTrees else: thisNSamps = int(m.checkPointInterval / m.sampleInterval) assert thisNSamps == m.treePartitions.nTrees # print " %2i run %2i, gen+1 %11i" % (i, m.runNum, m.gen+1) print("%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s" % ( " ", i, m.runNum, m.gen + 1, m.checkPointInterval, m.sampleInterval, thisNSamps)) else: print("%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s" % ( " ", "index", "run", "gen+1", "nSamps")) print("%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s" % ( " ", "-----", "---", "-----", "------")) for i in range(len( m =[i] assert m.checkPointInterval % m.sampleInterval == 0 if hasattr(m, "simTemp") and m.simTemp: thisNSamps = m.treePartitions.nTrees else: thisNSamps = int(m.checkPointInterval / m.sampleInterval) assert thisNSamps == m.treePartitions.nTrees # print(f"got thisNSamps {thisNSamps}, nTrees {m.treePartitions.nTrees}") # print " %2i run %2i, gen+1 %11i" % (i, m.runNum, m.gen+1) print("%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s" % ( " ", i, m.runNum, m.gen + 1, thisNSamps))
[docs] def compareSplits(self, mNum1, mNum2, verbose=True, minimumProportion=0.1): """Do the TreePartitions.compareSplits() method between two checkpoints Args: mNum1, mNum2 (int): indices to Mcmc checkpoints in self Returns: a tuple of asdoss and the maximum difference in split supports """ # Should we be only looking at splits within the 95% ci of the topologies? m1 =[mNum1] m2 =[mNum2] tp1 = m1.treePartitions tp2 = m2.treePartitions if verbose: print("\nMcmcCheckPointReader.compareSplits(%i,%i)" % (mNum1, mNum2)) print("%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s" % ("mNum", "runNum", "start", "gen+1", "nTrees")) for i in range(5): print(" ---------", end=' ') print() for mNum in [mNum1, mNum2]: print(" %10i " % mNum, end=' ') m =[mNum] print(" %10i " % m.runNum, end=' ') print(" %10i " % (m.startMinusOne + 1), end=' ') print(" %10i " % (m.gen + 1), end=' ') # for i in m.splitCompares: # print i print(" %10i " % m.treePartitions.nTrees) asdos, maxDiff, meanDiff = p4.func._compareSplitsBetweenTwoTreePartitions( tp1, tp2, minimumProportion, verbose=verbose) asdos2, maxDiff2, meanDiff2= p4.func._compareSplitsBetweenTwoTreePartitions( tp2, tp1, minimumProportion, verbose=False) if math.fabs(asdos - asdos2) > 0.000001: print("Reciprocal assdos differs: %s %s" % (asdos, asdos2)) if asdos == None and verbose: print("No splits > %s" % minimumProportion) return asdos, maxDiff, meanDiff
[docs] def compareSplitsAll(self, precision=3, linewidth=120): """Do func.compareSplitsBetweenTreePartitions() for all pairs Output is verbose. Shows - average standard deviation of split frequencies (or supports), like MrBayes - maximum difference between split supports from each pair of checkpoints, like PhyloBayes Returns: None """ tpp = [m.treePartitions for m in] p4.func.compareSplitsBetweenTreePartitions(tpp, precision=precision, linewidth=linewidth)
[docs] def writeProposalAcceptances(self): for m in m.writeProposalAcceptances()
[docs] def writeSwapMatrices(self): for m in if m.nChains > 1: m.writeSwapMatrix()
[docs] def writeSwapVectors(self): for m in if m.nChains > 1: m.writeSwapVector()
[docs] def writeProposalProbs(self): for m in m.writeProposalProbs()