Tutorials and Examples¶
- Introduction
- Using p4
- Customizing
- Alignments and data
- Trees
- Models and likelihood
- Simulating data
- Simulations with reference data
- Bayesian analysis with MCMC
- Compositional homogeneity tests
- Model fit tests
- Drawing trees
- To collapse nodes in a tree
- To combine tree supports from two analyses onto one tree
- Making a tree from compositions
- Doing MRP, Matrix representation / parsimony
- Kosiol’s AIS, almost invariant sets
- Assessing partition composition differences
- Testing whether two unrelated sequences have different compositions
- Testing whether two related sequences have different compositions
- Testing whether two related partitions have different compositions
- Comparing constant with variable sites
- Comparing autapomorphic sites with other variable sites
- An example using the Cox et al 2008 data
- Ancestral character state reconstruction