Source code for p4.tree

import sys
import string
import io
import math
import copy
import os
import p4.func
import time
import glob
from p4.var import var
from p4.p4exceptions import P4Error
from p4.node import Node, NodePart, NodeBranch, NodeBranchPart
from p4.nexustoken import nextTok, safeNextTok
from p4.distancematrix import DistanceMatrix

import numpy
import as pf
from p4.model import Model
from import Data
from p4.alignment import Part
import random

[docs]class Tree(object): """A phylogenetic tree. **Some instance variables** * ``fName``, if the Tree was read from a file * ``name``, the name of the tree. * ``root``, the root node * ``nodes``, a list of nodes. * ``preOrder`` and ``postOrder``, lists of node numbers * ``recipWeight``, the weight, if it exists, is usually 1/something, so the reciprocal looks nicer ... * ``nexusSets``, if it exists, a NexusSets object. **Properties** * ``taxNames``, a list of names. Usually the order is important! * ``data``, a :class:`Data.Data` object * ``model``, a :class:`Model.Model` object * ``nTax``, the number of taxa * ``nInternalNodes``, the number of non-leaf nodes **The node method** You often will want to refer to a node in a tree. This can be done via its name, or its nodeNum, or as an object, via the method :meth:`~p4.tree.Tree.node`. For example, from a Tree ``t`` you can get node number 3 via:: n = t.node(3) and you can get the node that is the parent of the Mastodon via:: n = t.node('Mastodon').parent For many methods that require specifying a node, the method argument is *nodeSpecifier*, eg:: t.reRoot(23) ``reRoots``'s the tree to node number 23. **Describe, draw, and get information about the tree** .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: ~Tree.dump ~Tree.draw ~Tree.textDrawList ~Tree.btv ~Tree.isFullyBifurcating ~Tree.taxSetIsASplit ~Tree.getAllLeafNames ~Tree.getChildrenNums ~Tree.getDegree ~Tree.getLen ~Tree.getNodeNumsAbove ~Tree.getPreAndPostOrderAbove ~Tree.getPreAndPostOrderAboveRoot ~Tree.getSeqNumsAbove ~Tree.subTreeIsFullyBifurcating ~Tree.summarizeModelComponentsNNodes ~Tree.verifyIdentityWith **Write** .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: ~Tree.write ~Tree.writeNewick ~Tree.writeNexus ~Tree.writePhylip ~Tree.tPickle See also Trees methods :meth:`p4.trees.Trees.writeNexus` and :meth:`p4.trees.Trees.writeNewick` for doing trees by the bunch. **Iteration over the nodes** Sometimes you don't want to just iterate over the self.nodes list, because after some manipulations a node might be in self.nodes but not actually in the tree; using these 'iter' methods takes care of that, skipping such nodes. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: ~Tree.iterInternals ~Tree.iterInternalsNoRoot ~Tree.iterInternalsNoRootPostOrder ~Tree.iterInternalsNoRootPreOrder ~Tree.iterInternalsPostOrder ~Tree.iterLeavesNoRoot ~Tree.iterLeavesPostOrder ~Tree.iterLeavesPreOrder ~Tree.iterNodes ~Tree.iterNodesNoRoot ~Tree.iterPostOrder ~Tree.iterPreOrder ~Tree.nextNode See also :class:`~p4.node.Node` methods that do similar things starting from a given node. **Copy** .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: ~Tree.dupe ~Tree.copyToTree ~Tree.dupeSubTree **In combination with Data and Model** .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: ~Tree.calcLogLike ~Tree.optLogLike ~Tree.simulate ~Tree.getSiteLikes ~Tree.ancestralStateDraw ~Tree.bigXSquaredSubM ~Tree.compStatFromCharFreqs ~Tree.compoTestUsingSimulations ~Tree.modelFitTests ~Tree.modelSanityCheck ~Tree.simsForModelFitTests ~Tree.getEuclideanDistanceFromSelfDataToExpectedComposition **Setting a model** .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: ~Tree.newComp ~Tree.newRMatrix ~Tree.newGdasrv ~Tree.setPInvar ~Tree.setRelRate ~Tree.setModelComponentOnNode ~Tree.setModelComponentsOnNodesRandomly ~Tree.setModelComponentsNNodes ~Tree.summarizeModelComponentsNNodes ~Tree.setNGammaCat ~Tree.setTextDrawSymbol **Tree manipulation** .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: ~Tree.addLeaf ~Tree.addNodeBetweenNodes ~Tree.addSibLeaf ~Tree.addSubTree ~Tree.allBiRootedTrees ~Tree.collapseNode ~Tree.collapseClade ~Tree.ladderize ~Tree.lineUpLeaves ~Tree.nni ~Tree.nni2 ~Tree.pruneSubTreeWithoutParent ~Tree.pruneSubTreeWithParent ~Tree.randomSpr ~Tree.randomizeTopology ~Tree.reRoot ~Tree.reconnectSubTreeWithoutParent ~Tree.reconnectSubTreeWithParent ~Tree.removeEverythingExceptCladeAtNode ~Tree.removeNode ~Tree.removeAboveNode ~Tree.removeRoot ~Tree.renameForPhylip ~Tree.restoreDupeTaxa ~Tree.restoreNamesFromRenameForPhylip ~Tree.rotateAround ~Tree.spr ~Tree.stripBrLens **Misc** .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: ~Tree.checkDupedTaxonNames ~Tree.checkSplitKeys ~Tree.checkTaxNames ~Tree.checkThatAllSelfNodesAreInTheTree ~Tree.inputTreesToSuperTreeDistances ~Tree.makeSplitKeys ~Tree.readBipartitionsFromPaupLogFile ~Tree.recalculateSplitKeysOfNodeFromChildren ~Tree.setNexusSets ~Tree.topologyDistance ~Tree.tvTopologyCompare ~Tree.patristicDistanceMatrix """ from p4.tree_manip import node, rotateAround, reRoot, removeRoot, removeNode, removeAboveNode, collapseNode, collapseClade, pruneSubTreeWithoutParent, reconnectSubTreeWithoutParent, pruneSubTreeWithParent, reconnectSubTreeWithParent, addNodeBetweenNodes, allBiRootedTrees, ladderize, randomizeTopology, readBipartitionsFromPaupLogFile, renameForPhylip, restoreNamesFromRenameForPhylip, restoreDupeTaxa, lineUpLeaves, removeEverythingExceptCladeAtNode, dupeSubTree, addSubTree, addLeaf, addSibLeaf, subTreeIsFullyBifurcating, nni, nni2, checkThatAllSelfNodesAreInTheTree, spr, randomSpr, inputTreesToSuperTreeDistances from p4.tree_optsim import __del__, deleteCStuff, _allocCStuff, setCStuff, _commonCStuff, calcLogLike, optLogLike, optTest, simulate, ancestralStateDraw, getSiteLikes from p4.tree_model import data, model, _checkModelThing, newComp, newRMatrix, newGdasrv, setPInvar, setRelRate, setModelComponentOnNode, setModelThingsRandomly, setModelComponentsOnNodesRandomly, setModelComponentsNNodes, summarizeModelComponentsNNodes, setTextDrawSymbol, setNGammaCat, modelSanityCheck, setEmpiricalComps from p4.tree_write import patristicDistanceMatrix, tPickle, writeNexus, write, writePhylip, writeNewick, _getMcmcCommandComment, draw, textDrawList, eps from p4.tree_fit import simsForModelFitTests, modelFitTests, compoTestUsingSimulations, bigXSquaredSubM, compStatFromCharFreqs, getEuclideanDistanceFromSelfDataToExpectedComposition def __init__(self): self.fName = None # The name of the file it came from = None self.root = None self.nodes = [] # nodeNums of nodes root -> tips A numpy array self.preOrder = None # nodeNums of nodes tips -> root A numpy array self.postOrder = None self.preAndPostOrderAreValid = 0 # Usually weight is 1/N, so the reciprocal looks nicer self.recipWeight = None # self.weight = None # Only for floating point weights, # so not usually ... # An ordered list. self.taxNames is a property self._taxNames = [] # A Data object. is a property self._data = None self.cTree = None # A pointer to a c-struct self.logLike = None self.partLikes = None # A Model object. self.model is a property self._model = None # self.nTax, a property self._nTax = 0 self._nInternalNodes = -1 # self.nInternalNodes, a property self.doDataPart = 0 self.nexusSets = None self.nodeForSplitKeyDict = None ######################################################### # Properties: data, model in Tree_model ######################################################### ######################################################### # Properties: taxNames, nTax, nInternalNodes ######################################################### @property def taxNames(self): """(property) taxNames""" return self._taxNames @taxNames.setter def taxNames(self, theTaxNames): gm = ['Tree.taxNames'] if not isinstance(theTaxNames, list): gm.append("You can only set property 'taxNames' to a list.") gm.append("Got attempt to set to '%s'" % theTaxNames) raise P4Error(gm) self._taxNames = theTaxNames if theTaxNames: self.checkTaxNames() @taxNames.deleter def taxNames(self): gm = ['Tree.taxNames'] gm.append(" Caught an attempt to delete self.taxNames, but") gm.append("self.taxNames is a property, so you can't delete it.") gm.append("But you can set it to an empty list if you like.") raise P4Error(gm) def _setTaxNamesFromLeaves(self): tax = [] for n in self.iterNodes(): if n.isLeaf and tax.append( # This next line should not be needed, as root leaves should be # leaves. # terminal root that has a taxName elif n == self.root and and n.getNChildren() < 2: tax.append( tax.sort() self._taxNames = tax if self._taxNames: self.checkTaxNames() def _getNTax(self): # We can't rely on len(self.taxNames), cuz it might not exist. # if hasattr(self, '_nTax') and self._nTax: if self._nTax: return self._nTax else: nTax = 0 if self.nodes: for n in self.iterNodes(): if n.isLeaf: nTax += 1 self._nTax = nTax return nTax nTax = property(_getNTax) """(property) nTax""" def _getNInternalNodes(self): if self._nInternalNodes >= 0: return self._nInternalNodes elif not self.nodes: return 0 else: self._nInternalNodes = len([n for n in self.iterInternalsNoRoot()]) if not self.root.isLeaf: self._nInternalNodes += 1 return self._nInternalNodes def _setNInternalNodes(self, theNInternalNodes): gm = ['Tree._setNInternalNodes()'] gm.append("Caught an attempt to set self.nInternalNodes, but") gm.append( "self.nInternalNodes is a property, so you shouldn't do that.") raise P4Error(gm) def _delNInternalNodes(self): self._nInternalNodes = -1 nInternalNodes = property(_getNInternalNodes, _setNInternalNodes, _delNInternalNodes) """(property) nInternalNodes""" ################################################## ##################################################
[docs] def dupe(self): """Duplicates self, but with no c-pointers. And no data object. If there is a model, it is duped. Returns a copy of self. """ storedData = None if storedData = # We don't want to have to copy a big data object, now do we? = None dupe = copy.deepcopy(self) # print 'Tree.dupe() self.root=%s, dupe.root=%s' % (self.root, # dupe.root) # Delete cPointers for n in dupe.nodes: if n.cNode: n.cNode = None if dupe.cTree: dupe.cTree = None if dupe.model and dupe.model.cModel: dupe.model.cModel = None if storedData: = storedData return dupe
[docs] def parseNexus(self, flob, translationHash=None, doModelComments=0): """Start parsing nexus format newick tree description. From just after the command word 'tree', to the first paren of the Newick part of the tree. Args: flob: an open file or file-like object translationHash (dict): associates short names or numbers with long proper taxon names doModelComments (bool): whether to parse p4-specific model command comments in the tree description Returns: None """ gm = ['Tree.parseNexus()'] # re-defined below if 0: print('Tree.parseNexus() translationHash = %s' % translationHash) print(' doModelComments = %s (nParts)' % doModelComments) print(' flob type is %s' % type(flob)) tok = safeNextTok(flob, 'Tree.parseNexus()') # print 'parseNexus() tok = %s' % tok tok = p4.func.nexusUnquoteName(tok) if tok == '*': print(gm[0]) print(" Ignoring '*' in tree description") tok = safeNextTok(flob, 'Tree.parseNexus()') if not p4.func.nexusCheckName(tok): gm.append("Bad tree name: '%s'" % tok) raise P4Error(gm) = tok # print "got name: '%s'" % tok # print "%s" % tok gm = ["Tree.parseNexus() '%s'" %] # re-defining tok = safeNextTok(flob, gm[0]) if tok != '=': gm.append("Tree name must be followed by '='") raise P4Error(gm) # Generally this is the beginning of the newick tree # description. But we have to look ahead to see if there is a # weight comment. savedPos = flob.tell() while 1: beforeSafeNextTokPosn = flob.tell() #print('mnop var.nexus_getAllCommandComments = %s' % var.nexus_getAllCommandComments) tok = safeNextTok(flob, gm[0]) # skips [&U] if there is one #print("parseNexus: tok after '=' is '%s'. Before pos %i, after pos %i" % ( # tok, beforeSafeNextTokPosn, flob.tell())) # This next bit will only happen if either var.nexus_getWeightCommandComments # or var nexus_getAllCommandComments is set. if tok[0] == '[': self.getWeightCommandComment(tok) elif tok == '(': #print("wxy var.nexus_getAllCommandComments is %s" % var.nexus_getAllCommandComments) self.parseNewick(flob, translationHash, doModelComments) # self._initFinish() break elif tok == ';': gm.append("Got ';' before any tree description.") raise P4Error(gm) elif tok[0] in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_' + "'":, 0) self.parseNewick(flob, translationHash, doModelComments) # self._initFinish() break else: gm.append('Expecting a newick tree description.') raise P4Error(gm) self._initFinish()
# print 'finished Tree.parseNexus()'
[docs] def getWeightCommandComment(self, tok): if 0: print('var.nexus_getWeightCommandComments = %s' % var.nexus_getWeightCommandComments) print('var.nexus_getAllCommandComments = %s' % var.nexus_getAllCommandComments) print("Got comment '%s' (type %s), checking if it is a 'weight' comment." % (tok, type(tok))) gm = ["Tree.getWeightCommandComment()"] cFlob = io.StringIO(tok) # The [ cTok = nextTok(cFlob) if not cTok: # print "no cTok -- returning nothing" return lowCTok = cTok.lower() if lowCTok in ['&r', '&u']: # print "got %s -- returning nothing" % cTok return if lowCTok != '&w': gm.append('Expecting a weight comment. Got %s' % tok) raise P4Error(gm) cTok = nextTok(cFlob) # It might be a float, or the more usual 1/something if ("." in cTok): # A float? try: self.weight = float(cTok) except: gm.append("I can't grok '%s' in weight comment %s" % (cTok, tok)) raise P4Error(gm) # Should check for scientific notation? else: try: theNumerator = int(cTok) if theNumerator != 1: gm.append( 'Expecting a numerator 1 in weight comment %s' % tok) raise P4Error(gm) # print 'got theNumerator %i' % theNumerator except ValueError: gm.append('Expecting a numerator 1 in weight comment %s' % tok) raise P4Error(gm) cTok = nextTok(cFlob) if cTok == '/': cTok = safeNextTok(cFlob, 'Getting weight comment %s' % tok) try: self.recipWeight = int(cTok) except ValueError: gm.append('Bad denominator in weight comment %s' % tok) raise P4Error(gm) elif cTok == ']': # self.recipWeight = theNumerator # ie 1, might as well leave # it as None pass else: gm.append("I can't grok '%s' in weight comment %s" % (cTok, tok)) raise P4Error(gm) cFlob.close()
# print 'got recipWeight = %s' % self.recipWeight # def printStack(self, theStack): # only used for debugging parseNewick() # print 'stack = ', # for n in theStack: # print "%i['%s'] " % (n.nodeNum,, # print ''
[docs] def parseNewick(self, flob, translationHash, doModelComments=0): """Parse Newick tree descriptions. This is stack-based, and does not use recursion. """ if 0: print('parseNewick here. doModelComments=%s' % doModelComments) print(" translationHash=%s, self.taxNames=%s" % (translationHash, self.taxNames)) print(" flob type is %s, pos is %i" % (type(flob), flob.tell())) print("wyy var.nexus_getAllCommandComments is %s" % var.nexus_getAllCommandComments) print(f" var.punctuation is {var.punctuation}") if gm = ["Tree.parseNewick(), tree '%s'" %] else: gm = ['Tree.parseNewick()'] if hasattr(flob, 'name') and self.fName = gm[0] += ", File %s" % self.fName stack = [] isAfterParen = 1 # to start, even tho its not true isAfterComma = 0 parenNestLevel = 0 lastPopped = None tok = nextTok(flob) # skip over [&U] if there is one. # print("xx Got tok %s" % tok) if not tok: return isQuotedTok = False if tok.startswith("'"): isQuotedTok = True # Should generally be the opening paren, except if its a single-node # tree. tok = p4.func.nexusUnquoteName(tok) if doModelComments: # Turn on var.nexus_getAllCommandComments in order # to be able to read model info on nodes, eg [& c0.1] # restore at end # We need this after the safeNextTok() above, in case there is a [&U] to be ignored. savedP4Nexus_getAllCommandComments = var.nexus_getAllCommandComments var.nexus_getAllCommandComments = 1 while tok != ';': #print("top of loop tok '%s', isQuotedTok=%s, tok[0] is '%s'" % (tok, isQuotedTok, tok[0])) if tok == '(': # print "Got '(': new node (%i)." % len(self.nodes) if not (isAfterParen or isAfterComma): gm.append( 'Got badly-placed paren, not after a paren or comma.') raise P4Error(gm) newNode = Node() if doModelComments: for pNum in range(doModelComments): # self.printStack(stack) if len(stack): newNode.parent = stack[-1] if newNode.parent.leftChild == None: newNode.parent.leftChild = newNode else: newNode.parent.rightmostChild().sibling = newNode else: if len(self.nodes) == 0: self.root = newNode # Sometimes. Generally not true-- corrected at the end. newNode.isLeaf = 1 else: gm.append('Something is wrong. Stack is empty.') gm.append('Extra paren?') raise P4Error(gm) newNode.nodeNum = len(self.nodes) self.nodes.append(newNode) stack.append(newNode) isAfterParen = 1 parenNestLevel += 1 elif tok == ',': if isAfterParen: gm.append('Got comma after paren.') raise P4Error(gm) elif isAfterComma: gm.append('Got comma after comma.') raise P4Error(gm) # self.printStack(stack) try: lastPopped = stack.pop() except IndexError: gm.append('Empty stack. Out of place comma?') raise P4Error(gm) isAfterComma = 1 if len(stack) == 0: gm.append('Empty stack. Out of place comma?') raise P4Error(gm) elif tok == ')': try: lastPopped = stack.pop() except IndexError: gm.append('Empty stack. Out of place unparen?') raise P4Error(gm) isAfterParen = 0 isAfterComma = 0 parenNestLevel = parenNestLevel - 1 if parenNestLevel < 0: gm.append('Unmatched unparen.') raise P4Error(gm) if len(stack) == 0 and len(self.nodes) > 1: gm.append('Empty stack. Out of place unparen?') raise P4Error(gm) elif tok[0] in string.ascii_letters or tok[0] in string.digits or tok[0] in var.nexus_safeChars \ or isQuotedTok or tok[0] in ['_', '#', '\\', '/', '"', '(', ')']: # A single-node tree, not ()aName, rather just aName. if len(self.nodes) == 0: isAfterParen = 1 if not (isAfterParen or isAfterComma): # Probably a name of an internal node. if len(stack): # if stack[-1].isLeaf and stack[-1].name != '(': if stack[-1].name: if not var.newick_allowSpacesInNames: # a second name after a node name, eg (A foo, B) =>foo is bad # or eg (A, B)foo bar => bar is bad gm.append("Badly placed token '%s'." % tok) gm.append("Appears to be a second node name, after '%s'" % stack[-1].name) gm.append('Missing comma maybe? Or punctuation or spaces in an unquoted name?') gm.append("To allow reading Newick (or Nexus) with spaces, ") gm.append("turn var.newick_allowSpacesInNames on") raise P4Error(gm) else: stack[-1].name += ' ' stack[-1].name += tok else: # Usually this... # print "naming node %i as '%s'" % (stack[-1].nodeNum, tok) # We allow bad names on internal nodes, ie we do # not nexusCheckName(tok) stack[-1].name = tok else: # len(stack) == 0 if lastPopped and == None: # ()A # print "naming lastPopped node %i with '%s'" % # (lastPopped.nodeNum, tok) lastPopped.isLeaf = 1 #lastPopped.label = tok = tok else: gm.append("Badly placed token '%s' in tree description." % tok) raise P4Error(gm) else: # A new terminal node. if tok[0] in string.ascii_letters or tok[0] in ['_']: if translationHash and tok in translationHash: # print 'got key %s, val is %s' % (tok, # translationHash[tok]) tok = translationHash[tok] elif tok[0] in string.digits: if var.nexus_allowAllDigitNames: if translationHash and tok in translationHash: # print 'got key %s, val is %s' % (tok, # translationHash[tok]) tok = translationHash[tok] else: try: tok = int(tok) if translationHash and repr(tok) in translationHash: tok = translationHash[repr(tok)] elif translationHash and repr(tok) not in translationHash: gm.append("There is a 'translation' for this tree, but the") gm.append("number '%i' in the tree description" % tok) gm.append('is not included in that translate command.') raise P4Error(gm) elif self.taxNames: try: tok = self.taxNames[tok - 1] except IndexError: gm.append("Can't make sense out of token '%s' for a new terminal node." % tok) gm.append('There is no translate command, and the taxNames does not') gm.append('have a value for that number.') raise P4Error(gm) else: gm.append("We have a taxon name '%s', composed only of numerals." % tok) gm.append(" ") gm.append('The Nexus format allows tree specifications with no') gm.append('translate command to use integers to refer to taxa.') gm.append('That is possible because in a proper Nexus file the') gm.append('taxa are defined before the trees. P4, however, does') gm.append('not require definition of taxa before the trees, and in') gm.append('the present case no definition was made. Deal with it.') raise P4Error(gm) except ValueError: if translationHash and repr(tok) in translationHash: tok = translationHash[repr(tok)] # else: # starts with a digit, but it is not an int. # gm.append('Problem token %s' % tok) # raise P4Error(gm) #print("Got terminal node '%s'" % tok) newNode = Node() if doModelComments: for pNum in range(doModelComments): newNode.isLeaf = 1 if p4.func.nexusCheckName(tok): = tok # print 'got = %s' % tok else: gm.append("Bad name '%s'" % tok) raise P4Error(gm) if len(stack): newNode.parent = stack[-1] if newNode.parent.leftChild == None: newNode.parent.leftChild = newNode else: newNode.parent.rightmostChild().sibling = newNode newNode.nodeNum = len(self.nodes) if len(self.nodes) == 0: self.root = newNode self.nodes.append(newNode) stack.append(newNode) isAfterParen = 0 isAfterComma = 0 elif tok == ':': # Looking for a br.len number, which might be eg 0.234 or -1.23e-05 # It might be a multi-token operation. Accumulate tok's in # theNum theNum = nextTok(flob) if not theNum: gm.append('Tree description ended with a colon. Bad!') raise P4Error(gm) # print " Got token after colon: '%s'" % theNum if theNum == '-' or theNum == '+': tok = nextTok(flob) # print " Got tok: '%s' after '%s'" % (tok, theNum) if not tok: gm.append('Trying to deal with a branch length.') gm.append("It didn't work, tho.") gm.append("Got this after colon: '%s'" % theNum) gm.append('followed by nothing.') raise P4Error(gm) theNum += tok try: # If it is a simple number like 0.123 or -23, then we are # finished. # Won't work if it ends in 'e' stack[-1].br.len = float(theNum) #print(' Successfully got br.len %f' % stack[-1].br.len) except ValueError: # The first bit after the colon is hopefully something like # +1.23e if theNum[-1] not in ['e', 'E']: gm.append( 'Trying to deal with a branch length after a colon, but I am totally confused.') gm.append("Can't make sense out of '%s'" % theNum) raise P4Error(gm, 'newick_badBranchLength') try: float(theNum[:-1]) except ValueError: gm.append( 'Trying to deal with a branch length after a colon, but I am totally confused.') gm.append("Can't make sense out of '%s'" % theNum) raise P4Error(gm, 'newick_badBranchLength') # Now we are sure that the first bit *is* something like +1.23e # We do not allow spaces after the 'e', so we do not use nextTok(). # That introduces a bug, where comments inserted in the number don't get ignored. <<== unfixed bug! # The first thing must be a '+' or a '-'. c = if not c: gm.append( 'Trying to deal with a branch length, possibly in scientific notation.') gm.append( "Got '%s' after the colon, but then nothing." % theNum) raise P4Error(gm) if c not in ['+', '-']: gm.append( 'Trying to deal with a branch length, possibly in scientific notation.') gm.append("Got '%s' after the colon." % theNum) gm.append( "Expecting a '+' or '-' after that (no spaces allowed).") gm.append("Got '%s'." % c) raise P4Error(gm) # Accumulate characters in 'theExp'. We need at least one # digit. theExp = c c = if not c: gm.append('Trying to deal with a branch length, possibly in scientific notation.') gm.append("Got '%s%s' after the colon, but then nothing." % (theNum, theExp)) raise P4Error(gm) if c not in string.digits: gm.append("Trying to deal with a branch length, possibly in scientific notation.") gm.append("Got '%s%s' after the colon." % (theNum, theExp)) gm.append('Expecting one or more digits.') gm.append("Got '%s'" % c) raise P4Error(gm) theExp += c # So we got one good digit. Are there any more? while 1: positionBeforeRead = flob.tell() c = if not c: gm.append('Trying to deal with a branch length, possibly in scientific notation.') gm.append("Got '%s%s' after the colon, but then nothing." % (theNum, theExp)) raise P4Error(gm) # We got something. If its a digit, add it to # theExp. If its anything else, back up one # space and then break if c in string.digits: theExp += c else: break #print(" At this point, theNum='%s' and theExp='%s'" % (theNum, theExp)) try: # print " Trying to see if theExp '%s' can be # converted to an int." % theExp int(theExp) try: theBrLen = float(theNum + theExp) # print ' Successfully got br.len %g (from %s%s)' # % (theBrLen, theNum, theExp) stack[-1].br.len = theBrLen except ValueError: gm.append('Trying to deal with a branch length, possibly in scientific notation.') gm.append("It didn't work, tho.") gm.append("Got these after colon: '%s' and '%s'" % (theNum, theExp)) gm.append('And they could not be converted to an exponential float.') raise P4Error(gm) except ValueError: gm.append('Trying to deal with a branch length, possibly in scientific notation.') gm.append("It didn't work, tho.") gm.append("Got these after colon: '%s' and '%s'." % (theNum, theExp)) gm.append('And the latter does not appear to be an int.') raise P4Error(gm) elif tok[0] == '[': # print("openSquareBracket. Got tok '%s'" % tok) # if doModelComments is set, it should be set to nParts. if doModelComments: # eg [& c0.1 r0.0] n = stack[-1] # print('got comment %s, node %i' % (tok, n.nodeNum)) cFlob = io.StringIO(tok) tok2 = safeNextTok(cFlob) while 1: if tok2 == ']': break elif tok2[0] in ['c', 'r', 'g']: ending = tok2[1:] splitEnding = ending.split('.') try: firstNum = int(splitEnding[0]) secondNum = int(splitEnding[1]) except ValueError: gm.append('Bad command comment %s' % tok) raise P4Error(gm) if tok2[0] == 'c':[firstNum].compNum = secondNum if tok2[0] == 'r':[firstNum].rMatrixNum = secondNum if tok2[0] == 'g':[firstNum].gdasrvNum = secondNum else: gm.append('Bad command comment %s' % tok) raise P4Error(gm) tok2 = safeNextTok(cFlob) elif 0: # Ugly hack for RAxML trees with bootstrap # supports in square brackets after the br len, on # internal nodes. First modify the eg [100] to be # [&100], set var.nexus_getAllCommandComments = # True, and turn on this elif section. myNode = stack[-1] assert not myNode.isLeaf assert not mySupportString = tok[2:-1] # print mySupportString = mySupportString elif var.nexus_readBeastTreeCommandComments: n = stack[-1] i = 2 while i < (len(tok) - 1): j = i inBraces = False while 1: j += 1 # print tok[j] if tok[j] == ']': break if tok[j] == '{': inBraces = True if inBraces: if tok[j] == '}': inBraces = False else: if tok[j] == ',': break substring = tok[i:j] # print(substring) splSS = substring.split('=') theNameString = splSS[0].strip() if '%' in theNameString: theNameString = theNameString.replace('%', '') theValString = splSS[1] if '{' in theValString: theValString = theValString.replace('{', '(') theValString = theValString.replace('}', ')') if theValString == 'true': theVal = True elif theValString == 'false': theVal = False else: theVal = eval(theValString) assert isinstance(theVal, (float, tuple, bool)) n.__setattr__(theNameString, theVal) i = j + 1 elif 0: # branch colours, after the branch length, eg '[&!color=#8caaf4]' if tok.startswith("[&!color="): myNode = stack[-1] theColour = tok[9:-1] #print(theColour) = theColour else: gm.append("I can't make sense of the token '%s'" % tok) if len(tok) == 1: if tok[0] in var.punctuation: gm.append("The token is in var.punctuation. If you don't think it should") gm.append("be, you can modify what p4 thinks that punctuation is.") gm.append("So you might do this:") gm.append("var.punctuation = var.phylip_punctuation") gm.append("(or use your own definition -- see") gm.append("read('yourWackyTreeFile.phy')") gm.append("That might work.") if tok[0] not in var.punctuation: gm.append("The token is not in your current var.punctuation.") #gm.append("tok[0] is '%s'" % tok[0]) raise P4Error(gm) sTok = safeNextTok(flob, 'Tree init, reading tree string') if sTok.startswith("'"): isQuotedTok = True else: isQuotedTok = False tok = p4.func.nexusUnquoteName(sTok) #print('got tok for next round = %s' % tok) # This is the end of the "while tok != ';':" loop # print '\n*** Stack len = %i ***' % len(stack) if parenNestLevel > 0: gm.append('Unmatched paren.') raise P4Error(gm) elif parenNestLevel < 0: gm.append('Unmatched unparen.') raise P4Error(gm) if len(stack) == 0: if len(self.nodes) == 1: pass else: gm.append( "Got an oddly-placed ';' in the tree %s description." % self.dump(treeInfo=0, nodeInfo=1) raise P4Error(gm) elif len(stack) > 1: gm.append( "Got an oddly-placed ';' in the tree %s description." % # gm.append('(stack len = %i)' % len(stack) #self.dump(tree=0, node=1) raise P4Error(gm) if self.root.leftChild and self.root.leftChild.sibling: # usually this self.root.isLeaf = 0 # Should a root on a stick be a leaf? If it is just for # display purposes, then it should be ok to not be a leaf. # But if you are going to re-Root, then it will cause trouble. # So by default, a root on a stick should be a leaf. I think. # Hopefully if you are dealing with this, then you know what # you are doing and what you want, and how to modify things to # get it. # Uncomment this next line to make it always non-leaf, even if it is a # leaf. # self.root.isLeaf = 0 # do this to always have a non-leaf # root-on-a-stick <-- Potential Trouble!!! = None # self.draw() #self.dump(tree=0, node=1, treeModel=0) if doModelComments: # restore the value of var.nexus_getAllCommandComments, which was # saved above. var.nexus_getAllCommandComments = savedP4Nexus_getAllCommandComments
def _initFinish(self): if gm = ["Tree._initFinish() tree '%s'" %] else: gm = ['Tree._initFinish()'] # Checking for duped taxon names used to be here, but it was # pushed further ahead, so that self.taxNames can be corrected # also, if need be. At this point, self does not have # taxNames set. # Check that all terminal nodes have names for item in self.nodes: if item.isLeaf: # print 'leaf name %s' % if not if item == self.root: if var.warnAboutTerminalRootWithNoName: print('Tree._initFinish()') print(' Non-fatal warning: the root is terminal, but has no name.') print(' This may be what you wanted. Or not?') print(' (To get rid of this warning, turn off var.warnAboutTerminalRootWithNoName)') else: gm.append('Got a terminal node with no name.') raise P4Error(gm) self.preOrder = numpy.array( [var.NO_ORDER] * len(self.nodes), numpy.int32) self.postOrder = numpy.array( [var.NO_ORDER] * len(self.nodes), numpy.int32) if len(self.nodes) > 1: self.setPreAndPostOrder()
[docs] def checkDupedTaxonNames(self): # Called by p4.func._tryToReadNexusFile() and p4.func._tryToReadPhylipFile() # Check for duped names if gm = ["Tree.checkDupedTaxonNames() tree '%s'" %] else: gm = ['Tree.checkDupedTaxonNames()'] if self.fName: gm[0] += ' file=%s' % self.fName hasDupedName = 0 loNames = [] for n in self.nodes: if n.isLeaf and loNames.append( for loName in loNames: if loNames.count(loName) > 1: if var.allowDupedTaxonNames: pass elif not var.doRepairDupedTaxonNames: gm.append( "Got duplicated taxon (lowercased) name '%s'." % loName) gm.append( 'Since var.doRepairDupedTaxonNames is not turned on, p4 will not fix duplications.') gm.append('To repair duplications verbosely, set ') gm.append('var.doRepairDupedTaxonNames = 1') gm.append('To repair duplications silently, set') gm.append('var.doRepairDupedTaxonNames = 2') raise P4Error(gm) hasDupedName = 1 break if hasDupedName: # print if var.allowDupedTaxonNames: # more hacking ... if var.allowDupedTaxonNames == 2: # ie silently. pass else: complainedAlready = [] for loName in loNames: if loNames.count(loName) > 1 and loName not in complainedAlready: if print(" Tree %s. Duped tax name (lowercased) '%s'" % (, loName)) else: print(" Duped tax name (lowercased) '%s'" % loName) complainedAlready.append(loName) elif var.doRepairDupedTaxonNames: repairedNames = [] for loName in loNames: if loNames.count(loName) > 1 and n not in repairedNames: repairCounter = 1 repairCounter2 = 1 for n in self.nodes: if n.isLeaf: if and == loName: newName = '%s_%i' % (, repairCounter) if var.doRepairDupedTaxonNames == 1: if print(" Tree %s. Changing '%s' to '%s'" % (,, newName)) else: print(" Changing '%s' to '%s'" % (, newName)) = newName repairedNames.append(loName) repairCounter += 1 if self.taxNames: for tNameNum in range(len(self.taxNames)): tName = self.taxNames[tNameNum] if tName.lower() == loName: newName = '%s_%i' % (tName, repairCounter2) self.taxNames[tNameNum] = newName repairCounter2 += 1 assert repairCounter == repairCounter2, "Got a problem with re-naming duped taxa."
############## ############## # # dump() # ############## ##############
[docs] def dump(self, tree=0, node=0, model=0, all=0): """Print rubbish about self. tree is the default, showing basic info about the tree. node shows info about all the nodes. model shows which model component number goes on which node. (which you can also get by drawing the tree) (If you want the info about the model itself, do a aTree.model.dump() instead.) """ if all: self._doTreeInfo() self._doNodeInfo() self._doNodeModelInfo() elif not tree and not node and not model: self._doTreeInfo() else: if tree: self._doTreeInfo() if node: self._doNodeInfo() if model: self._doNodeModelInfo()
def _doTreeInfo(self): if print("Tree '%s' dump" % else: print('Tree dump. No name.') if self.fName: print(" From file '%s'" % self.fName) else: print(" From an unknown file, or no file.") if self.root: print(' Node %i is root' % self.root.nodeNum) else: print(' There is no root') if self.recipWeight: print(' The tree recipWeight is %s' % self.recipWeight) else: print(' There is no recipWeight') print(' There are %i nodes' % len(self.nodes)) terminals = 0 for i in self.nodes: if i.isLeaf: terminals += 1 print(' of which %i are terminal nodes' % terminals) if print(' There is a data object, with %i parts.' % else: print(' There is no data object.') if print(' The data came from file(s):') for a in if a.fName: print(' %s' % a.fName) if self.model: print(' There is a model object, with %i parts.' % self.model.nParts) if self.model.cModel: print(' model.cModel is %i' % self.model.cModel) else: print(' There is no cModel.') else: print(' There is no model object.') if self.taxNames: print(' There is a taxNames list.') else: print(' There is no taxNames list.') if self.cTree: print(' cTree is %i' % self.cTree) else: print(' There is no cTree.') def _doNodeInfo(self): """Basic rubbish about nodes.""" print('\n-------- nodes -----------------------------------------') print('%7s %6s %6s %6s %6s %7s %6s %4s' % ('nodeNum', 'isLeaf', 'parent', 'leftCh', 'siblng', 'br.len', 'seqNum', 'name')) for n in self.nodes: print('%7s %6s' % (n.nodeNum, n.isLeaf), end=' ') if n.parent: print('%6s' % n.parent.nodeNum, end=' ') else: print('%6s' % 'None', end=' ') if n.leftChild: print('%6s' % n.leftChild.nodeNum, end=' ') else: print('%6s' % 'None', end=' ') if n.sibling: print('%6s' % n.sibling.nodeNum, end=' ') else: print('%6s' % 'None', end=' ') if and ( or == 0.0): print('%7.3f' %, end=' ') else: print('%7s' % 'None', end=' ') if n.seqNum or n.seqNum == 0: print('%6s' % n.seqNum, end=' ') else: print('%6s' % 'None', end=' ') if print(' %s' % else: print(' %s' % 'None') print('--------------------------------------------------------\n') doMore = 0 for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): if hasattr(, 'name') and doMore = 1 break elif hasattr(, 'uName') and doMore = 1 break elif hasattr(, 'support') and doMore = 1 break if doMore: print('\n-------- more node stuff -------------------------------') print('%7s %10s %10s %10s %4s' % ('nodeNum', '', 'br.uName', '', 'name')) for n in self.nodes: print('%7s' % n.nodeNum, end=' ') if and hasattr(, 'name') and print('%10s' %, end=' ') else: print('%10s' % '-', end=' ') if and hasattr(, 'uName') and print('%10s' %, end=' ') else: print('%10s' % '-', end=' ') if and hasattr(, 'support') and print('%10.4f' %, end=' ') else: print('%10s' % '-', end=' ') if print(' %s' % else: print(' %s' % 'None') print('--------------------------------------------------------\n') doMore = 0 for n in self.nodes: if hasattr(n, 'rootCount') and n.rootCount: doMore = 1 break if if hasattr(, 'color') and doMore = 1 break elif hasattr(, 'biRootCount') and doMore = 1 break if doMore: print('\n-------- even more node stuff --------------------------') print('%7s %10s %14s %10s %4s' % ('nodeNum', 'br.color', 'br.biRootCount', 'rootCount', 'name')) for n in self.nodes: print('%7s' % n.nodeNum, end=' ') if and hasattr(, 'color') and print('%10s' %, end=' ') else: print('%10s' % '-', end=' ') if and hasattr(, 'biRootCount') and print('%14s' %, end=' ') else: print('%14s' % '-', end=' ') if hasattr(n, 'rootCount') and n.rootCount: print('%10s' % n.rootCount, end=' ') else: print('%10s' % '-', end=' ') if print(' %s' % else: print(' %s' % 'None') print('--------------------------------------------------------\n') def _doNodeModelInfo(self): if not self.model: print('\n****** Node Model Info. No model.') if not print('(no data attached, either)') else: print('\n****** Node Model Info. nParts=%s' % self.model.nParts) if not print('no data') if not self.model.nParts: return print('\nComps in the nodes:') print(' %13s' % 'nodeNum', end=' ') for i in range(self.model.nParts): print(' %8s' % 'part%i' % i, end=' ') print('') for n in self.nodes: print(' %13i' % n.nodeNum, end=' ') for i in range(self.model.nParts): print('%8i' %[i].compNum, end=' ') print('') print('\nrMatrices in the nodes:') print(' %13s' % 'nodeNum', end=' ') for i in range(self.model.nParts): print(' %8s' % 'part%i' % i, end=' ') print('') for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): print(' %13i' % n.nodeNum, end=' ') for i in range(self.model.nParts): print('%8i' %[i].rMatrixNum, end=' ') print('') print('\ngdasrvs in the nodes:') print(' %13s' % '', end=' ') for i in range(self.model.nParts): print(' %8s' % 'part%i' % i, end=' ') print('') print(' %13s' % 'nGammaCats ->', end=' ') for i in range(self.model.nParts): print('%8i' %[i].nGammaCat, end=' ') print('\n') print(' %13s' % 'nodeNum', end=' ') for i in range(self.model.nParts): print(' %8s' % 'part%i' % i, end=' ') print('') for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): print(' %13i' % n.nodeNum, end=' ') for i in range(self.model.nParts): print('%8i' %[i].gdasrvNum, end=' ') print('') ########################### # # Set a NexusSets object, for taxSets ... # ###########################
[docs] def setNexusSets(self): """Set self.nexusSets from var.nexusSets. A deepcopy is made of var.nexusSets, only if it exists. If var.nexusSets does not yet exist, a new blank one is not made (cf this method in Alignment class, where it would be made). Important! This method depends on a correct taxNames. """ assert self.taxNames, "This method requires correct taxNames, in the correct order." gm = ["Tree.setNexusSets()"] if not var.nexusSets: return self.nexusSets = copy.deepcopy(var.nexusSets) self.nexusSets.taxNames = self.taxNames self.nexusSets.nTax = self.nTax self.nexusSets.constant = None self.nexusSets.gapped = None self.nexusSets.charSets = [] self.nexusSets.charPartitions = [] if self.nexusSets.taxSets: # print "%s. There are %i taxSets." % (gm[0], len(self.nexusSets.taxSets)) # Check that no taxSet name is a taxName lowSelfTaxNames = [txName.lower() for txName in self.taxNames] for ts in self.nexusSets.taxSets: if ts.lowName in lowSelfTaxNames: gm.append( "Can't have taxSet names that are the same (case-insensitive) as a tax name") gm.append( "Lowercased taxSet name '%s' is the same as a lowcased taxName." % raise P4Error(gm) self.nexusSets.lowTaxNames = lowSelfTaxNames # If it is standard format, # convert triplets to numberTriplets, and then mask for ts in self.nexusSets.taxSets: if ts.format == 'standard': ts.setNumberTriplets() ts.setMask() elif ts.format == 'vector': assert ts.mask if len(ts.mask) != self.nTax: gm.append("taxSet %s" % gm.append( "It is vector format, but the length is wrong.") gm.append( "taxSet mask is length %i, but self nTax is %i" % (len(ts.mask), self.nTax)) raise P4Error(gm) else: gm.append("taxSet %s" % gm.append("unknown format %s" % ts.format) raise P4Error(gm) # Now set ts.taxNames from the mask ts.taxNames = [self.taxNames[i] for i,c in enumerate(ts.mask) if c == '1']
########################### # # Get lists of nodeNums ... # ###########################
[docs] def getNodeNumsAbove(self, nodeSpecifier, leavesOnly=0): """Gets a list of nodeNums, in postOrder, above nodeSpecifier. The node specified is not included. """ x, y = self.getPreAndPostOrderAbove(nodeSpecifier) if leavesOnly: tOnly = [] for i in y[:-1]: if self.nodes[i].isLeaf: tOnly.append(i) return tOnly return y[:-1]
[docs] def getSeqNumsAbove(self, nodeSpecifier): """Gets a list of seqNums above nodeSpecifier.""" x, y = self.getPreAndPostOrderAbove(nodeSpecifier) seqNums = [] for nNum in y[:-1]: n = self.nodes[nNum] if n.isLeaf: seqNums.append(n.seqNum) return seqNums
# def getAllChildrenNums(self, specifier): # """Returns a list of the nodeNums of all children of the specified node # Ambiguous, unused. # """ # theNode = self.node(specifier) # if not theNode: # gm = ['Tree.getChildrenNums()'] # gm.append('Bad node specifier') # raise P4Error(gm) # ret = [] # x, y = self.getPreAndPostOrderAbove(specifier) # for i in y[:-1]: # ret.append(self.nodes[i].nodeNum) # return ret
[docs] def getAllLeafNames(self, specifier): """Returns a list of the leaf names of all children """ theNode = self.node(specifier) if not theNode: gm = ['Tree.getChildrenNums()'] gm.append('Bad node specifier') raise P4Error(gm) ret = [] x, y = self.getPreAndPostOrderAbove(specifier) for i in y[:-1]: if self.nodes[i].isLeaf: ret.append(self.nodes[i].name) return ret
[docs] def getChildrenNums(self, specifier): """Returns a list of nodeNums of children of the specified node. See also Node.getNChildren()""" theNode = self.node(specifier) if not theNode: gm = ['Tree.getChildrenNums()'] gm.append('Bad node specifier') raise P4Error(gm) ret = [] c = theNode.leftChild while 1: if c: ret.append(c.nodeNum) c = c.sibling else: return ret
[docs] def setPreAndPostOrder(self): """Sets or re-sets self.preOrder and self.postOrder lists of node numbers. PreOrder starts from the root and goes to the tips; postOrder starts from the tips and goes to the root.""" self.getPreAndPostOrderAboveRoot() self.preAndPostOrderAreValid = 1
[docs] def getPreAndPostOrderAbove(self, nodeSpecifier): """Returns 2 lists of node numbers, preOrder and postOrder. This uses a stack, not recursion, so it should work for large trees without bumping into the recursion limit. The 2 lists are relative to the node specified, and include the node specified. PreOrder starts from theNode and goes to the tips; postOrder starts from the tips and goes to theNode.""" gm = ['Tree.getPreAndPostOrderAbove()'] theNode = self.node(nodeSpecifier) preOrder = [] # nodeNum's postOrder = [] if not theNode.leftChild: preOrder.append(theNode.nodeNum) postOrder.append(theNode.nodeNum) return preOrder, postOrder stack = [] # nodes stack.append(theNode) preOrder.append(theNode.nodeNum) while len(stack): if stack[-1].leftChild: # print 'leftChild: %i' % stack[-1].leftChild.nodeNum theNodeNum = stack[-1].leftChild.nodeNum stack.append(stack[-1].leftChild) preOrder.append(theNodeNum) elif stack[-1].sibling: # print 'sibling: %i' % stack[-1].sibling.nodeNum theNodeNum = stack[-1].sibling.nodeNum theSib = stack[-1].sibling # print ' postOrder appending u %i' % # stack[-1].nodeNum postOrder.append(stack[-1].nodeNum) stack.pop() stack.append(theSib) preOrder.append(theNodeNum) else: # print ' postOrder appending v %i' % # stack[-1].nodeNum postOrder.append(stack[-1].nodeNum) stack.pop() if len(stack) == 0: break # print ' postOrder appending w %i' % # stack[-1].nodeNum postOrder.append(stack[-1].nodeNum) theNode = stack.pop() while not theNode.sibling: if len(stack) == 0: break # print ' postOrder appending x %i' % # stack[-1].nodeNum postOrder.append(stack[-1].nodeNum) theNode = stack.pop() if len(stack) == 0: break if theNode.sibling: stack.append(theNode.sibling) preOrder.append(theNode.sibling.nodeNum) else: gm.append('Problemo.') gm.append('xxx got theNode %s' % theNode.nodeNum) raise P4Error(gm) return preOrder, postOrder
[docs] def getPreAndPostOrderAboveRoot(self): """Sets self.preOrder and self.postOrder. This uses a stack, not recursion, so it should work for large trees without bumping into the recursion limit. PreOrder starts from the root and goes to the tips; postOrder starts from the tips and goes to the root.""" gm = ['Tree.getPreAndPostOrderAboveRoot()'] theNode = self.root preOrdIndx = 0 postOrdIndx = 0 if self.preOrder is None or self.postOrder is None or len(self.preOrder) != len(self.nodes) or len(self.postOrder) != len(self.nodes): self.preOrder = numpy.array( [var.NO_ORDER] * len(self.nodes), numpy.int32) self.postOrder = numpy.array( [var.NO_ORDER] * len(self.nodes), numpy.int32) # print "xx self.preOrder=%s" % self.preOrder if not theNode.leftChild: self.preOrder[preOrdIndx] = theNode.nodeNum preOrdIndx += 1 self.postOrder[postOrdIndx] = theNode.nodeNum postOrdIndx += 1 else: stack = [] # nodes stack.append(theNode) self.preOrder[preOrdIndx] = theNode.nodeNum preOrdIndx += 1 while len(stack): if stack[-1].leftChild: # print 'leftChild: %i (%s)' % # (stack[-1].leftChild.nodeNum, [n.nodeNum for n in stack]) theNodeNum = stack[-1].leftChild.nodeNum stack.append(stack[-1].leftChild) self.preOrder[preOrdIndx] = theNodeNum preOrdIndx += 1 elif stack[-1].sibling: # print 'sibling: %i (%s)' % (stack[-1].sibling.nodeNum, # [n.nodeNum for n in stack]) theNodeNum = stack[-1].sibling.nodeNum theSib = stack[-1].sibling # print ' postOrder appending u %i' % # stack[-1].nodeNum self.postOrder[postOrdIndx] = stack[-1].nodeNum postOrdIndx += 1 stack.pop() stack.append(theSib) try: self.preOrder[preOrdIndx] = theNodeNum except IndexError: gm.append("preOrdIndx=%s, theNodeNum=%i" % (preOrdIndx, theNodeNum)) gm.append("preOrder = %s" % self.preOrder) raise P4Error(gm) preOrdIndx += 1 else: # print ' postOrder appending v %i' % # stack[-1].nodeNum self.postOrder[postOrdIndx] = stack[-1].nodeNum postOrdIndx += 1 stack.pop() if len(stack) == 0: break # print ' postOrder appending w %i' % # stack[-1].nodeNum self.postOrder[postOrdIndx] = stack[-1].nodeNum postOrdIndx += 1 theNode = stack.pop() while not theNode.sibling: if len(stack) == 0: break # print ' postOrder appending x %i' % # stack[-1].nodeNum self.postOrder[postOrdIndx] = stack[-1].nodeNum postOrdIndx += 1 theNode = stack.pop() if len(stack) == 0: break if theNode.sibling: stack.append(theNode.sibling) # print "self.preOrder = %s, preOrdIndx=%i" % # (self.preOrder, preOrdIndx) self.preOrder[preOrdIndx] = theNode.sibling.nodeNum preOrdIndx += 1 else: gm.append('Problemo.') gm.append('xxx got theNode %s' % theNode.nodeNum) raise P4Error(gm) if 1: assert preOrdIndx == postOrdIndx # print "a preOrdIndx = %i, len(self.nodes) = %i" % (preOrdIndx, # len(self.nodes)) if preOrdIndx != len(self.nodes): pOI = preOrdIndx for i in range(preOrdIndx, len(self.nodes)): self.preOrder[i] = var.NO_ORDER self.postOrder[i] = var.NO_ORDER preOrdIndx += 1 postOrdIndx += 1 # print "b preOrdIndx = %i, len(self.nodes) = %i" % (preOrdIndx, # len(self.nodes)) assert preOrdIndx == len(self.nodes) and postOrdIndx == len(self.nodes)
[docs] def iterPreOrder(self): """Node generator. Assumes preAndPostOrderAreValid.""" for i in self.preOrder: j = int(i) # this speeds things up a lot! Two-fold! if j != var.NO_ORDER: # yield self.nodes[int(i)] yield self.nodes[j]
[docs] def iterPostOrder(self): """Node generator. Assumes preAndPostOrderAreValid.""" for i in self.postOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: yield self.nodes[j]
[docs] def iterNodes(self): """Node generator, in preOrder. Assumes preAndPostOrderAreValid.""" for i in self.preOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: yield self.nodes[j]
[docs] def iterNodesNoRoot(self): """Node generator, skipping the root. PreOrder.""" for i in self.preOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: n = self.nodes[j] if n != self.root: yield n
[docs] def iterLeavesNoRoot(self): """Leaf node generator, skipping the root. PreOrder.""" for i in self.preOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: n = self.nodes[j] if n != self.root and n.isLeaf: yield n
[docs] def iterLeavesPreOrder(self): for i in self.preOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: n = self.nodes[j] if n.isLeaf: yield n
[docs] def iterLeavesPostOrder(self): for i in self.postOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: n = self.nodes[j] if n.isLeaf: yield n
[docs] def iterInternalsNoRootPreOrder(self): """Internal post order node generator, skipping the root. Assumes preAndPostOrderAreValid.""" for i in self.preOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: n = self.nodes[j] if n != self.root and not n.isLeaf: yield n
[docs] def iterInternalsNoRootPostOrder(self): """Internal post order node generator, skipping the root. Assumes preAndPostOrderAreValid.""" for i in self.postOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: n = self.nodes[j] if n != self.root and not n.isLeaf: yield n
[docs] def iterInternalsPostOrder(self): """Internal post order node generator. Assumes preAndPostOrderAreValid.""" for i in self.postOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: n = self.nodes[j] if not n.isLeaf: yield n
[docs] def iterInternalsNoRoot(self): """Internal node generator, skipping the root. PreOrder""" for i in self.preOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: n = self.nodes[j] if n != self.root and not n.isLeaf: yield n
[docs] def iterInternals(self): """Internal node generator. PreOrder. Including the root, if it is internal.""" for i in self.preOrder: j = int(i) if j != var.NO_ORDER: n = self.nodes[j] if not n.isLeaf: yield n
################################################ #
[docs] def stripBrLens(self): """Sets all's to 0.1, the default in p4. Then, if you were to write it out in Nexus or Newick format, no branch lengths would be printed. """ for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): = 0.1
[docs] def getLen(self): """Return the sum of all br.len's.""" if self.cTree: # About 0.01 msec for a tree with 1000 leaves return pf.p4_getTreeLen(self.cTree) else: # About 2 msec for a tree with 1000 leaves. total = 0.0 for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): total += return total
# def lenInternals(self): # """Return the sum of all internal br.len's.""" # total = 0.0 # for n in self.iterInternalsNoRoot(): # total += # return total # def stemminess(self): # """Ratio of internal branches to overall tree length. # Also called 'treeness'. Via Phillips and Penny, MPE 2003, but # they cite Lanyon 1988.""" # total = self.len() # internals = self.lenInternals() # return internals/total def _makeRCSplitKeys(self, splitList=None): """Make long integer-valued split keys. This is dependent on that the leaf bitkeys are already set, ie this method should only be used by the reduced consensus supertree class """ if not self.preAndPostOrderAreValid: self.setPreAndPostOrder() # self.draw() # allOnes = 2**(self.nTax) - 1 # print 'nTax = %i, allOnes = %i' % (self.nTax, allOnes) # for n in self.iterInternalsPostOrder(): for n in self.iterInternalsNoRootPostOrder(): # if n != self.root: # print 'doing node %s' % n.nodeNum # if not n.isLeaf(): if n.leftChild: childrenNums = self.getChildrenNums(n) # x = childrenNums[0] x = self.nodes[childrenNums[0]].br.rc for i in childrenNums[1:]: x = x | self.nodes[i].br.rc # x = x | i = x if splitList != None: splitList.append([x, 0]) = []
[docs] def makeSplitKeys(self, makeNodeForSplitKeyDict=True): """Make long integer-valued split keys. This needs to have self.taxNames set. We make 2 kinds of split keys-- rawSplitKeys and splitKeys. Both are attributes of, so we have eg Raw split keys for terminal nodes are 2**n, where n is the index of the taxon name. Eg for the first taxon, the rawSplitKey will be 1, for the 3rd taxon the rawSplitKey will be 4. RawSplitKeys for internal nodes are the rawSplitKey's for the children, bitwise OR'ed together. SplitKeys, cf rawSplitKeys, are in 'standard form', where the numbers are even, ie do not contain the 1-bit. Having it in standard form means that you can compare splits among trees. If the rawSplitKey is even, then the splitKey is simply that, unchanged. If, however, the rawSplitKey is odd, then the splitKey is the rawSplitKey bit-flipped. For example, if there are 5 taxa, and one of the rawSplitKeys is 9 (odd), we can calculate the splitKey by bit-flipping, as:: 01001 = 9 rawSplitKey 10110 = 22 splitKey (Bit-flipping is done by exclusive-or'ing (xor) with 11111.) The splitKey is readily converted to a splitString for display, as 22 becomes '.**.*' (note the '1' bit is now on the left). It is conventional that the first taxon, on the left, is always a dot. (I don't know where the convention comes from.) The root has no rawSplitKey or splitKey. For example, the tree:: +-------2:B (rawSplitKey = 2) +---1 | +---------3:C (rawSplitKey = 4) | 0-------------4:E (rawSplitKey = 16) | | +-----6:A (rawSplitKey = 1) +----5 +-----------7:D (rawSplitKey = 8) has 2 internal splits, on nodes 1 and 5. :: Node 1 6 6 5 9 22 There should be no duplicated rawSplitKeys, but if the tree has a bifurcating root then there will be a duped splitKey. This method will fail for trees with internal nodes that have only one child, because that will make duplicated splits. If arg *makeNodeForSplitKeyDict* is set, then it will make a dictionary ``nodeForSplitKeyDict`` where the keys are the splitKeys and the values are the corresponding nodes. """ gm = ['Tree.makeSplitKeys()'] #raise P4Error(gm) if not self.taxNames: gm.append('No taxNames.') raise P4Error(gm) if not self.preAndPostOrderAreValid: self.setPreAndPostOrder() # self.draw() if makeNodeForSplitKeyDict: self.nodeForSplitKeyDict = {} allOnes = 2 ** (self.nTax) - 1 # print 'nTax = %i, allOnes = %i' % (self.nTax, allOnes) for n in self.iterPostOrder(): if n != self.root: # print 'doing node %s' % n.nodeNum if not n.leftChild: try: = 1 << self.taxNames.index( # "<<" is left-shift except ValueError: gm.append(' %s' % gm.append('is not in taxNames %s' % self.taxNames) raise P4Error(gm) # = 1 << self.taxNames.index( # # "<<" is left-shift if == 1: = allOnes - 1 else: = # print 'upward leaf node %s, rawSplitKey %s, splitKey # %s' % (n.nodeNum,, else: childrenNums = self.getChildrenNums(n) if len(childrenNums) == 1: gm.append( 'Internal node has only one child. That will make a duped split.') raise P4Error(gm) x = self.nodes[childrenNums[0]].br.rawSplitKey for i in childrenNums[1:]: y = self.nodes[i].br.rawSplitKey x = x | y # '|' is bitwise "OR". = x # Make's in "standard form", ie # without the first taxon, ie without a 1. To do that # we use the '&' operator, to bitwise "and" with 1. # Ie "Does rawSplitKey contain a 1?" or "Is rawSplitKey # odd?" if 1 & # "^" is xor, a bit-flipper. = allOnes ^ else: = # print 'intern node %s, rawSplitKey %s, splitKey %s' % # (n.nodeNum,, if makeNodeForSplitKeyDict: self.nodeForSplitKeyDict[] = n if 0: # There should be no duped rawSplitKeys theKeys = [] for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): theKeys.append( for k in theKeys: if theKeys.count(k) > 1: gm.append('Duped rawSplitKey %i.' % k) for n in self.nodes: if n != self.root: print('%7s %4s %4s' % (n.nodeNum,, raise P4Error(gm) # Any duped splitKeys? There will be if the tree is bi-Rooted. if 0: theKeys = [] for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): theKeys.append( for k in theKeys: if theKeys.count(k) > 1: gm.append('Duped splitKey %i.' % k) for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): print('%7s %4s %4s' % (n.nodeNum,, raise P4Error(gm) if 0: print(gm[0]) print(self.taxNames) print('nodeNum rawSplitKey splitKey') for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): print('%7s %4s %4s %s' % ( n.nodeNum,,, p4.func.getSplitStringFromKey(, self.nTax)))
[docs] def recalculateSplitKeysOfNodeFromChildren(self, aNode, allOnes): children = [n for n in aNode.iterChildren()] x = children[0].br.rawSplitKey for n in children[1:]: x = x | # '|' is bitwise "OR". = x # Ie "Does rawSplitKey contain a 1?" or "Is rawSplitKey odd?" if 1 & # "^" is xor, a bit-flipper. = allOnes ^ else: =
[docs] def checkSplitKeys(self, useOldName=False, glitch=True, verbose=True): gm = ['Tree.checkSplitKeys()'] allOnes = 2 ** (self.nTax) - 1 # print 'nTax = %i, allOnes = %i' % (self.nTax, allOnes) isBad = False for n in self.iterPostOrder(): if n != self.root: # print 'doing node %s' % n.nodeNum if not n.leftChild: # A long int, eg 1, has no upper limit on its value try: if useOldName: rawSplitKey = 1 << self.taxNames.index( n.oldName) # "<<" is left-shift else: rawSplitKey = 1 << self.taxNames.index( # "<<" is left-shift except ValueError: if useOldName: gm.append(' %s' % n.oldName) else: gm.append(' %s' % gm.append('is not in taxNames %s' % self.taxNames) raise P4Error(gm) # = 1 << self.taxNames.index( # # "<<" is left-shift if rawSplitKey == 1: splitKey = allOnes - 1 else: splitKey = rawSplitKey # print 'upward leaf node %s, rawSplitKey %s, splitKey # %s' % (n.nodeNum,, else: childrenNums = self.getChildrenNums(n) if len(childrenNums) == 1: gm.append( 'Internal node has only one child. That will make a duped split.') raise P4Error(gm) x = self.nodes[childrenNums[0]].br.rawSplitKey for i in childrenNums[1:]: y = self.nodes[i].br.rawSplitKey x = x | y # '|' is bitwise "OR". rawSplitKey = x # Make's in "standard form", ie # without the first taxon, ie without a 1. To do that # we use the '&' operator, to bitwise "and" with 1. # Ie "Does rawSplitKey contain a 1?" or "Is rawSplitKey # odd?" if 1 & rawSplitKey: # "^" is xor, a bit-flipper. splitKey = allOnes ^ rawSplitKey else: splitKey = rawSplitKey # print 'intern node %s, rawSplitKey %s, splitKey %s' % # (n.nodeNum,, if != rawSplitKey: print("checkSplitKeys node %2i rawSplitKey: existing %s, calculated %s" % (n.nodeNum,, rawSplitKey)) isBad = True if != splitKey: print("checkSplitKeys node %2i splitKey: existing %s, calculated %s" % (n.nodeNum,, splitKey)) isBad = True if glitch and isBad: raise P4Error(gm) if verbose and not isBad: print("checkSplitKeys(). ok")
[docs] def taxSetIsASplit(self, taxSetName): """Asks whether a nexus taxset is a split in the tree. Args: taxSetName (str): The name of the taxset. Case does not matter. Returns: Node: the node in self if the taxset is a split, or else None """ gm = ["Tree.taxSetIsASplit(%s)" % taxSetName] assert self.nexusSets assert self.taxNames assert self.nexusSets.taxSets lowArgTaxSetName = taxSetName.lower() theTS = None for ts in self.nexusSets.taxSets: if ts.lowName == lowArgTaxSetName: theTS = ts break assert theTS, "Could not find the taxSet named %s" % taxSetName # theTS.dump() assert theTS.mask # Make sure that self splitKey has been set. Check the first internal node. needsDoing = False for n in self.iterInternalsNoRoot(): if not needsDoing = True break if needsDoing: self.makeSplitKeys() rawSplitKey = 0 for i in range(len(theTS.mask)): # print i, theTS.mask[i] if theTS.mask[i] == '1': rawSplitKey += (1 << i) # Ie "Does rawSplitKey contain a 1?" or "Is rawSplitKey odd?" if 1 & rawSplitKey: allOnes = 2 ** (self.nTax) - 1 splitKey = allOnes ^ rawSplitKey # "^" is xor, a bit-flipper. else: splitKey = rawSplitKey # print "got splitKey %s" % splitKey for n in self.nodes: if and not n.isLeaf: assert, "Needs on all internal nodes." # print " %2i %s %s" % (n.nodeNum,, splitKey) if == splitKey: # self.draw() # return n.nodeNum return n # Was -1 before, when n.nodeNum was returned for hits. Now a node is # returned. return None
[docs] def checkTaxNames(self): """Check that all taxNames are in the tree, and vice versa.""" # If var.allowTreesWithDifferingTaxonSets is set to True we will not check # the taxnames. This is primarily used to read trees for supertree and # leafstability calcuations. # Peter comments that Tobias added this, but it is not needed, # and messes other things up -- so comment out until it is # sorted. # if var.allowTreesWithDifferingTaxonSets: # return # self.taxNames is a property, so when it is set, it calls this method if gm = ['Tree.checkTaxNames() tree %s' %] else: gm = ['Tree.checkTaxNames()'] if self.fName: gm.append("From file '%s' " % self.fName) if not self.taxNames: gm.append('No taxNames.') raise P4Error(gm) tax = [] for n in self.iterNodes(): if n.isLeaf and tax.append( # This next line should not be needed, as root leaves should be # leaves. # terminal root that has a taxName elif n == self.root and and n.getNChildren() < 2: tax.append( # print 'tax from tree = %s' % tax # print 'self.taxNames = %s' % self.taxNames # Check for same number of taxa if len(tax) != len(self.taxNames): # self.draw() # self.dump(node=1) gm.append('Mismatch. Length of self.taxNames is wrong.') gm.append('The tree has %i leaves with names, but len(self.taxNames) = %i' % ( len(tax), len(self.taxNames))) gm.append('leaves on the tree = %s' % tax) gm.append('self.taxNames = %s' % self.taxNames) gm.append('symmetric_difference is %s' % set(tax).symmetric_difference(set(self.taxNames))) # print ' Setting invalid taxNames to an empty list.' #self.taxNames = [] raise P4Error(gm, 'tree_badTaxNamesLength') # Check for mis-matched taxNames isBad = 0 taxSet = set(tax) selfTaxNamesSet = set(self.taxNames) s = taxSet.difference(selfTaxNamesSet) if len(s): isBad = 1 print(gm[0]) print('TaxName mismatch between the tree and self.taxNames.') print('These taxa are found in the tree but not in self.taxNames:') print(s) s = selfTaxNamesSet.difference(taxSet) if len(s): isBad = 1 print(gm[0]) print('TaxName mismatch between the tree and self.taxNames.') print('These taxa are found in the self.taxNames but not in the tree:') print(s) if isBad: raise P4Error(gm, 'tree_taxNamesMisMatch')
################################################ # Copy and Verify
[docs] def copyToTree(self, otherTree): gm = ['Tree.copyToTree()'] if len(self.nodes) != len(otherTree.nodes): gm.append('Different number of nodes.') raise P4Error(gm) # node relations (parent, child, sib) for nNum in range(len(self.nodes)): selfNode = self.nodes[nNum] otherNode = otherTree.nodes[nNum] # parent if selfNode.parent: otherNode.parent = otherTree.nodes[selfNode.parent.nodeNum] else: # print "otherNode.parent", otherNode.parent otherNode.parent = None # leftChild if selfNode.leftChild: otherNode.leftChild = otherTree.nodes[ selfNode.leftChild.nodeNum] else: # print "otherNode.leftChild", otherNode.leftChild otherNode.leftChild = None # sibling if selfNode.sibling: otherNode.sibling = otherTree.nodes[selfNode.sibling.nodeNum] else: # print "otherNode.sibling", otherNode.sibling otherNode.sibling = None # root = otherTree.nodes[self.root.nodeNum].br otherTree.nodes[self.root.nodeNum].br = None otherTree.root = otherTree.nodes[self.root.nodeNum] # brLens and splitKeys for nNum in range(len(self.nodes)): if self.nodes[nNum] != self.root: otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.len = self.nodes[nNum].br.len otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.lenChanged = self.nodes[ nNum].br.lenChanged #otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.flag = self.nodes[nNum].flag otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.splitKey = self.nodes[ nNum].br.splitKey otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.rawSplitKey = self.nodes[ nNum].br.rawSplitKey # model usage numbers if self.model: for nNum in range(len(self.nodes)): selfNode = self.nodes[nNum] otherNode = otherTree.nodes[nNum] if and for pNum in range(self.model.nParts):[pNum].compNum =[pNum].compNum if selfNode != self.root: if and[pNum].rMatrixNum =[pNum].rMatrixNum[pNum].gdasrvNum =[pNum].gdasrvNum # pre- and postOrder for i in range(len(self.preOrder)): otherTree.preOrder[i] = self.preOrder[i] otherTree.postOrder[i] = self.postOrder[i] # partLikes if self.model: for pNum in range(self.model.nParts): otherTree.partLikes[pNum] = self.partLikes[pNum] otherTree._nInternalNodes = self._nInternalNodes
[docs] def verifyIdentityWith(self, otherTree, doSplitKeys=False, doMore=False): """For MCMC debugging. Verifies that two trees are identical.""" complaintHead = '\nTree.verifyIdentityWith()' # keep if len(self.nodes) != len(otherTree.nodes): print(complaintHead) print(' Different number of nodes.') return var.DIFFERENT # check node relations (parent, child, sib) isBad = 0 for nNum in range(len(self.nodes)): selfNode = self.nodes[nNum] otherNode = otherTree.nodes[nNum] # parent if selfNode.parent: if otherNode.parent: if otherNode.parent.nodeNum != selfNode.parent.nodeNum: isBad = 1 else: isBad = 1 else: if otherNode.parent: isBad = 1 # leftChild if selfNode.leftChild: if otherNode.leftChild: if otherNode.leftChild.nodeNum != selfNode.leftChild.nodeNum: isBad = 1 else: isBad = 1 else: if otherNode.leftChild: isBad = 1 # sibling if selfNode.sibling: if otherNode.sibling: if otherNode.sibling.nodeNum != selfNode.sibling.nodeNum: isBad = 1 else: isBad = 1 else: if otherNode.sibling: isBad = 1 if isBad: print(complaintHead) print(' Node %i, relations differ.' % nNum) self.write() otherTree.write() return var.DIFFERENT if self.root.nodeNum != otherTree.root.nodeNum: print(complaintHead) print(' Roots differ.') return var.DIFFERENT # brLens, lenChanged, and node.flag. and splitKeys for nNum in range(len(self.nodes)): if self.nodes[nNum] != self.root: # if self.nodes[nNum].br.len != otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.len: if math.fabs(self.nodes[nNum].br.len - otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.len) > 1.e-8: print(complaintHead) print(' BrLens differ.') return var.DIFFERENT if self.nodes[nNum].br.lenChanged != otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.lenChanged: print(complaintHead) print(' br.lenChanged differs.') return var.DIFFERENT if self.nodes[nNum].flag != otherTree.nodes[nNum].flag: print(complaintHead) print(' flag differs, nodeNum %i. %s vs %s' % (nNum, self.nodes[nNum].flag, otherTree.nodes[nNum].flag)) return var.DIFFERENT if doSplitKeys: if self.nodes[nNum].br.splitKey != otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.splitKey: print(complaintHead) print(' SplitKeys differ.') return var.DIFFERENT if self.nodes[nNum].br.rawSplitKey != otherTree.nodes[nNum].br.rawSplitKey: print(complaintHead) print(' rawSplitKeys differ.') return var.DIFFERENT if self.model: # model usage numbers isBad = 0 for pNum in range(self.model.nParts): for nNum in range(len(self.nodes)): selfNode = self.nodes[nNum] otherNode = otherTree.nodes[nNum] if and if[pNum].compNum !=[pNum].compNum: isBad = 1 if self.nodes[nNum] != self.root: if and if[pNum].rMatrixNum !=[pNum].rMatrixNum: isBad = 1 elif[pNum].gdasrvNum !=[pNum].gdasrvNum: isBad = 1 if isBad: print(complaintHead) print(' Node %i, model usage info does not match.' % nNum) return var.DIFFERENT # pre- and postOrder isBad = 0 for i in range(len(self.preOrder)): if self.preOrder[i] != otherTree.preOrder[i]: isBad = 1 break elif self.postOrder[i] != otherTree.postOrder[i]: isBad = 1 break if isBad: print(complaintHead) print(' Pre- or postOrder do not match.') return var.DIFFERENT if self.nInternalNodes != otherTree.nInternalNodes: print(complaintHead) print(' nInternalNodes differ.') return var.DIFFERENT # partLikes for pNum in range(self.model.nParts): # if otherTree.partLikes[pNum] != self.partLikes[pNum]: myDiff = math.fabs(otherTree.partLikes[pNum] - self.partLikes[pNum]) if myDiff > 1.e-5: print(complaintHead) print(" partLikes differ by %.8f (%g). (%.8f, (%g) %.8f (%g)" % ( myDiff, myDiff, otherTree.partLikes[pNum], otherTree.partLikes[pNum], self.partLikes[pNum], self.partLikes[pNum])) return var.DIFFERENT if doMore: # some more for nNum in range(len(self.nodes)): selfNode = self.nodes[nNum] otherNode = otherTree.nodes[nNum] if selfNode.nodeNum != otherNode.nodeNum: print(complaintHead) print(' nodeNum differs') return var.DIFFERENT if selfNode.seqNum != otherNode.seqNum: print(complaintHead) print(' seqNum differs') return var.DIFFERENT if != print(complaintHead) print(' name differs') return var.DIFFERENT if selfNode.isLeaf != otherNode.isLeaf: print(complaintHead) print(' isLeaf differs') return var.DIFFERENT return var.SAME
[docs] def isFullyBifurcating(self, verbose=False, biRoot=False): """Returns True if the tree is fully bifurcating. Else False. If arg biRoot is True, then it is required that the tree be biRoot'ed (ie have a bifurcating root) If arg biRoot is False, then biRoot'ed trees are not allowed, but trees rooted on a leaf are allowed. """ rootNChildren = self.root.getNChildren() if rootNChildren > 3: if verbose: print("isFullyBifurcating() returning False, due to root with %i children." % rootNChildren) return False if not biRoot: if rootNChildren == 2: if verbose: print("isFullyBifurcating() returning False, due to root with %i children." % rootNChildren) return False elif rootNChildren == 1 or rootNChildren == 3: # rooting on a leaf is OK if rootNChildren == 1: if not self.root.isLeaf: if verbose: print("isFullyBifurcating()", end=" ") print("returning False, because the single-child root is not a leaf.") return False for n in self.iterInternalsNoRoot(): if n.leftChild and n.leftChild.sibling: if n.leftChild.sibling.sibling: if verbose: print("isFullyBifurcating()", end=" ") print("returning False, due to node %i having 3 or more children." % n.nodeNum) return False else: if verbose: print("isFullyBifurcating()", end=" ") print("returning False, due to non-leaf node %i having 1 or fewer children." % n.nodeNum) return False return True else: raise P4Error("Tree.isFullyBifurcating() --- this should not happen; fix me.") if biRoot: # root on a leaf not allowed on a biRoot tree, as the root is explicitly not a leaf. if rootNChildren != 2: if verbose: print("isFullyBifurcating(biRoot=True)", end=" ") print("returning False, due to root with %i children." % rootNChildren) return False for n in self.iterInternalsNoRoot(): if n.leftChild and n.leftChild.sibling: if n.leftChild.sibling.sibling: if verbose: print("isFullyBifurcating(biRoot=True)", end=" ") print("returning False, due to node %i having 3 or more children." % n.nodeNum) return False else: if verbose: print("isFullyBifurcating(biRoot=True)", end=" ") print("returning False, due to non-leaf node %i having 1 or fewer children." % n.nodeNum) return False return True
# These next two are for the eTBR implementation that I got from Jason # Evans' Crux. Thanks Jason!
[docs] def getDegree(self, nodeSpecifier): n = self.node(nodeSpecifier) if n.isLeaf: if n.parent: return 1 else: assert n == self.root if n.leftChild: # a tree-on-a-stick return 1 else: # a single isolated node return 0 else: #assert n.leftChild deg = 1 # the leftChild if n.parent: deg += 1 s = n.leftChild.sibling while s: deg += 1 s = s.sibling return deg
[docs] def nextNode(self, spokeSpecifier, hubSpecifier): """Get next node cycling around a hub node. A bit of a hack to make a p4 Node behave sorta like a Felsenstein node. Imagine cycling around the branches emanating from a node like spokes on a hub, starting from anywhere, with no end. The hub node would usually be the parent of the spoke, or the spoke would be the hub itself. Usually self.nextNode(spoke,hub) delivers spoke.sibling. What happens when the siblings run out is that self.nextNode(rightmostSibling, hub) delivers hub itself, and of course its branch (spoke) points toward the hub.parent. (Unless hub is the root, of course, in which case self.nextNode(rightmostSibling, hub) delivers hub.leftChild.) In the usual case of the hub not being the root, the next node to be delivered by nextNode(spokeIsHub, hub) is usually the leftChild of the hub. Round and round, clockwise. """ spoke = self.node(spokeSpecifier) hub = self.node(hubSpecifier) if spoke.parent == hub or hub == spoke: if spoke == hub: if spoke.leftChild: return spoke.leftChild else: return hub else: if spoke.sibling: return spoke.sibling else: if hub.parent: return hub else: return hub.leftChild else: print("*=" * 25) self.draw() gm = ["Tree.nextNode() spoke=%i, hub=%i" % (spoke.nodeNum, hub.nodeNum)] gm.append( "Need to have either spoke.parent == hub or hub == spoke.") raise P4Error(gm)
[docs] def topologyDistance(self, tree2, metric='sd', resetSplitKeySet=False): """Compares the topology of self with tree2. The complete list of metrics is given in var.topologyDistanceMetrics For most metrics using this method, taxNames needs to be set, to the same in the two trees. If the taxa differ, this method simply returns -1 The 'metric' can be one of 'sd' (symmetric difference), 'wrf' (weighted Robinson-Foulds), 'bld' (Felsenstein's branch- length distance), or 'diffs'. The unweighted Robinson-Foulds metric would be the same as the symmetric difference. There is also an experimental scqdist, but that needs the module, in the QDist directory. See Felsenstein 2004 Inferring Phylogenies, Pg 529. The default metric is the very simple 'sd', symmetric difference. Using this metric, if the 2 trees share the same set of splits, they are deemed to be the same topology; branch lengths are not compared. This method returns the number of splits that are in self that are not in tree2 plus the number of splits that are in tree2 that are not in self. So it would return 0 for trees that are the same. The 'wrf' and 'bld' metrics take branch lengths into account. Bifurcating roots complicate things, so they are not allowed for weighted distance calculations. In the unweighted case (ie metric='sd'), whether the trees compared have bifurcating roots or not is ignored. So the trees (A,B,(C,D)) and ((A,B),(C,D)) will be deemed to have the same topology, since they have the same splits. The measurement 'diffs', which returns a tuple of 2 numbers -- both are set differences. The first is the number of splits in self that are not in tree2, and the second is the number of splits in tree2 that are not in self. (Consider it as the the symmetric difference split into its 2 parts.) If you calculate a distance and then make a topology change, a subsequent sd topologyDistance calculation will be wrong, as it uses previous splits. So then you need to 'resetSplitKeySet'. The 'scqdist' metric calculates quartet distances. The code was written by Anders Kabell Kristensen for his Masters degree at Aarhus University, 2010. It has two versions -- a pure Python version (that needs scipy) that I do not include here, and a fast C++ version, that I wrapped in python. Its speedy -- the 'sc' in 'scqdist' is for 'sub-cubic', ie better than O(n^3). I have also incorporated the tqDist v1.0.2 code, from 2014, also for quartet distance calculations, from Christian N. S. Pedersen and his group at BiRC in Aarhus. See 2014. It is available here via the 'tqdist' metric. """ gm = ['Tree.topologyDistance()'] if metric not in var.topologyDistanceMetrics: gm.append("Got a request for unknown metric '%s'" % metric) gm.append("The 'metric' arg should be one of %s" % var.topologyDistanceMetrics) raise P4Error(gm) if metric == 'scqdist': # no need for taxNames try: import p4.scqdist as scqdist except ImportError: gm.append("Could not find the 'scqdist' module needed for this metric.") gm.append("See the instructions for making it in the p4 source, in the Qdist directory.") raise P4Error(gm) tsSelf = self.writeNewick(toString=True) tsTree2 = tree2.writeNewick(toString=True) return scqdist.qdist(tsSelf, tsTree2) elif metric == 'tqdist': # no need for taxNames try: import p4.pytqdist as pytqdist except ImportError: gm.append("Could not find the 'tqdist' module needed for this metric.") gm.append("See the instructions for making it in the p4 source, in the tqDist directory.") raise P4Error(gm) tsSelf = self.writeNewick(toString=True, spaceAfterComma=False) tsTree2 = tree2.writeNewick(toString=True, spaceAfterComma=False) return pytqdist.qdistFromStrings(tsSelf, tsTree2) if not self.taxNames or not tree2.taxNames: gm.append("This method requires taxNames to be set.") raise P4Error(gm) if self.taxNames != tree2.taxNames: gm.append("The taxNames are different for the two trees.") gm.append("Self: %s" % self.taxNames) gm.append("tree2: %s" % tree2.taxNames) raise P4Error(gm) if (self.root.getNChildren() == 2 or tree2.root.getNChildren() == 2) and (metric in ['wrf', 'bld']): gm.append('One of the input trees has a bifurcating root.') gm.append( 'Weighted tree distance calculations do not work on bi-rooted trees.') raise P4Error(gm) # I might be doing a lot of these, and I don't want to make # splitKeys and make the splitKeys set over and over again. # So store it as a Tree.attribute. if resetSplitKeySet: if hasattr(self, 'splitKeySet'): del(self.splitKeySet) if hasattr(tree2, 'splitKeySet'): del(tree2.splitKeySet) if not hasattr(self, 'splitKeySet'): self.makeSplitKeys() self.splitKeySet = set( [ for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot()]) if not hasattr(tree2, 'splitKeySet'): tree2.makeSplitKeys() tree2.splitKeySet = set( [ for n in tree2.iterNodesNoRoot()]) if metric == 'sd': # Symmetric difference. The symmetric_difference method # returns all elements that are in exactly one of the sets. theSD = len(self.splitKeySet.symmetric_difference(tree2.splitKeySet)) return theSD # The difference method returns the difference of two sets as # a new Set. I.e. all elements that are in self and not in # the other. selfHasButTree2DoesNot = self.splitKeySet.difference(tree2.splitKeySet) tree2HasButSelfDoesNot = tree2.splitKeySet.difference(self.splitKeySet) if metric == 'diffs': return len(selfHasButTree2DoesNot), len(tree2HasButSelfDoesNot) if metric in ['wrf', 'bld']: self.splitKeyHash = {} for n in self.iterNodesNoRoot(): self.splitKeyHash[] = n tree2.splitKeyHash = {} for n in tree2.iterNodesNoRoot(): tree2.splitKeyHash[] = n if metric == 'wrf': theSum = 0.0 for k in self.splitKeySet.intersection(tree2.splitKeySet): # print '%s - %s' % (self.splitKeyHash[k].br.len, # tree2.splitKeyHash[k].br.len) theSum += abs(self.splitKeyHash[k].br.len - tree2.splitKeyHash[k].br.len) for k in selfHasButTree2DoesNot: # print 'x %s' % self.splitKeyHash[k].br.len theSum += self.splitKeyHash[k].br.len for k in tree2HasButSelfDoesNot: # print 'y %s' % tree2.splitKeyHash[k].br.len theSum += tree2.splitKeyHash[k].br.len return theSum elif metric == 'bld': theSum = 0.0 for k in self.splitKeySet.intersection(tree2.splitKeySet): theDiff = self.splitKeyHash[ k].br.len - tree2.splitKeyHash[k].br.len theSum += theDiff * theDiff for k in selfHasButTree2DoesNot: theSum += self.splitKeyHash[k].br.len * \ self.splitKeyHash[k].br.len for k in tree2HasButSelfDoesNot: theSum += tree2.splitKeyHash[k].br.len * \ tree2.splitKeyHash[k].br.len # print 'branch score =', theSum return math.sqrt(theSum)
[docs] def tv(self): """Tree Viewer. Show the tree in a gui window. Needs Tkinter. If you have nexus taxsets defined, you can show them. """ from p4.btv import TV #import os #os.environ['PYTHONINSPECT'] = '1' TV(self)
[docs] def btv(self): """Big Tree Viewer. Show the tree in a gui window. This is for looking at big trees. The viewer has 2 panels -- one for an overall view of the whole tree, and one for a zoomed view, controlled by a selection rectangle on the whole tree view. Needs Tkinter. If you have nexus taxsets defined, you can show them. """ from p4.btv import BTV #import os #os.environ['PYTHONINSPECT'] = '1' BTV(self)
[docs] def tvTopologyCompare(self, treeB): """Graphically show topology differences. The taxNames need to be set, and need to be the same for both trees. (If the red lines don't show up right away, try adjusting the size of the windows slightly.) """ sd = self.topologyDistance(treeB) if sd == 0: print("The trees are the same. No tv.") return # for sk in self.splitKeyHash.keys(): # if sk not in treeB.splitKeyHash: # print "self has sk self.splitKeyHash = {} for n in self.iterInternalsNoRoot(): self.splitKeyHash[] = n treeB.splitKeyHash = {} for n in treeB.iterNodesNoRoot(): treeB.splitKeyHash[] = n assert self.splitKeySet assert treeB.splitKeySet selfHasButTreeBDoesnt = self.splitKeySet.difference(treeB.splitKeySet) treeBHasButSelfDoesnt = treeB.splitKeySet.difference(self.splitKeySet) from p4.btv import TV #import os #os.environ['PYTHONINSPECT'] = '1' TV(self, title='TV self') TV(treeB, title='TV treeB') for spl in selfHasButTreeBDoesnt: n = self.splitKeyHash[spl] = 'red' for spl in treeBHasButSelfDoesnt: n = treeB.splitKeyHash[spl] = 'orange'
[docs] def drawTopologyCompare(self, treeB, showNodeNums=False): """Graphically show topology differences between two trees. The two trees (self and treeB) are drawn as text, with differences highlighted with a thick branch. The taxNames need to be set, and need to be the same for both trees. """ sd = self.topologyDistance(treeB) if sd == 0: print("The trees are the same. ") return self.splitKeyHash = {} for n in self.iterInternalsNoRoot(): self.splitKeyHash[] = n treeB.splitKeyHash = {} for n in treeB.iterNodesNoRoot(): treeB.splitKeyHash[] = n assert self.splitKeySet assert treeB.splitKeySet selfHasButTreeBDoesnt = self.splitKeySet.difference(treeB.splitKeySet) treeBHasButSelfDoesnt = treeB.splitKeySet.difference(self.splitKeySet) for spl in selfHasButTreeBDoesnt: n = self.splitKeyHash[spl] = '=' for spl in treeBHasButSelfDoesnt: n = treeB.splitKeyHash[spl] = '=' self.draw(showNodeNums=showNodeNums) treeB.draw(showNodeNums=showNodeNums)
[docs] def getNodeOnReferenceTreeCorrespondingToSelfRoot(self, refTree, verbose=True): """Find, on a ref tree, a node corresponding to where the self root is. This works for both bifurcating and non-bifurcating roots (of self). The refTree should not be bi-rooted. To facilitate doing a lot of (self) trees, a counter in the corresponding node in the refTree is incremented. The refTree is rooted on the first taxon. For bi-rooted trees, the is incremented, and for non-bi-rooted trees the node.rootCount is incremented. The root counts should therefore be immune to reRoot()'ing. """ gm = ["Tree.getNodeOnReferenceTreeCorrespondingToSelfRoot()"] assert self is not refTree assert self.taxNames assert refTree.taxNames assert self.taxNames == refTree.taxNames isBiRoot = False # sr = self.root; srnChildren = nChildren of self.root srnChildren = self.root.getNChildren() if srnChildren == 1: gm.append("Self root has only one child; does not work") raise P4Error(gm) elif srnChildren == 2: isBiRoot = True for n in refTree.iterNodesNoRoot(): if not hasattr(, "biRootCount"): = 0 else: for n in refTree.iterNodes(): if not hasattr(n, "rootCount"): n.rootCount = 0 #self.draw() refTree.reRoot(self.taxNames[0]) #refTree.draw() self.makeSplitKeys() # default makeNodeForSplitKeyDict=True refTree.makeSplitKeys() for ch in self.root.iterChildren(): if & 1: break # ch clade has the first taxon, ch.parent is self.root #print("self root child %i clade has the first taxon" % ch.nodeNum) refNode = refTree.nodeForSplitKeyDict.get( if refNode: if isBiRoot: += 1 if verbose: #print("When the refTree is rooted on the first taxon,") #print("the bi-root is on the branch on refTree node %i" % refNode.nodeNum) print("Incrementing refTree node %i br.biRootCount by 1" % refNode.nodeNum) else: refNode.rootCount += 1 if verbose: #print("When the refTree is rooted on the first taxon,") #print("the root is at refTree node %i" % refNode.nodeNum) print("Incrementing refTree node %i rootCount by 1" % refNode.nodeNum) return refNode else: if verbose: print("There is no node in the refTree corresponding to the self.root") return None
[docs] def readPhyloXmlFile(self, fName, verbose=False): """Start with an empty Tree, read in a phyloxml file""" assert not self.nodes, "The tree should be empty, with no nodes" import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET xAll = ET.parse(fName) for el in xAll.iter(): if '}' in el.tag: el.tag = el.tag.split('}', 1)[1] # strip all namespaces xroot = xAll.getroot() xphylogeny = xroot.find('phylogeny') assert xphylogeny rootclade = xphylogeny.find('clade') assert rootclade def recurseClade(theClade): global currentNode for el in theClade: #print(el.tag) if el.tag == 'clade': n = Node() n.nodeNum = len(self.nodes) el.attrib['p4Node'] = n n.parent = theClade.attrib['p4Node'] if n.parent: if n.parent.leftChild == None: n.parent.leftChild = n else: rmCh = n.parent.rightmostChild() assert rmCh, "Can't get rightmostChild" rmCh.sibling = n self.nodes.append(n) currentNode = n recurseClade(el) elif el.tag == "branch_length": = float(el.text) elif el.tag == 'name': #print(el.text) = el.text if verbose: print("Got node name", el.text) elif el.tag == 'width': = float(el.text) if verbose: print("Got node width, as", el.text) elif el.tag == 'color': thiscol = {} for el2 in el: thiscol[el2.tag] = int(el2.text) cols = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] for col in cols: assert thiscol.get(col) myHexString = "" for col in cols: bit = thiscol.get(col) hx = hex(bit)[2:].upper() myHexString += hx #print(myHexString) = myHexString if verbose: print("Got node color (as attribute", else: print("Fixme. Unhandled/unused element with tag %s" % el.tag) n = Node() n.nodeNum = 0 = None self.root = n self.nodes.append(n) rootclade.attrib['p4Node'] = n recurseClade(rootclade) for n in self.nodes: if not n.leftChild: n.isLeaf = 1 self.setPreAndPostOrder()
[docs] def attachRooter(self): rNode = self.nodes[-1] assert == 'tempRooter' assert rNode.nodeNum == var.NO_ORDER rtMostCh = self.root.rightmostChild() rtMostCh.sibling = rNode rNode.sibling = None rNode.parent = self.root rNode.nodeNum = len(self.nodes) - 1 if self.taxNames: # taxnames can be shared among trees, so check whether it has already been added if not in self.taxNames: self.taxNames.append( self.preAndPostOrderAreValid = False self.setPreAndPostOrder() #if self._nTax: # self._nTax += 1 return rNode
[docs] def detachRooter(self): rNode = self.nodes[-1] assert rNode.parent == self.root safety = 0 while self.root.leftChild.sibling.sibling != rNode: self.rotateAround(self.root) safety += 1 if safety >= 5: self.draw() raise P4Error("Tree.detachRooter() Too many rotations.") assert self.root.leftChild.sibling.sibling == rNode self.root.leftChild.sibling.sibling = None rNode.parent = None rNode.nodeNum = var.NO_ORDER self.preAndPostOrderAreValid = False self.setPreAndPostOrder() if self.taxNames: # taxnames can be shared among trees, so check whether it is in if == self.taxNames[-1]: self.taxNames.pop()
#if self._nTax: # self._nTax -= 1
[docs] def isBiRoot(self): """Answers whether self has a bifurcating root""" rootNChildren = self.root.getNChildren() if rootNChildren == 2: return True return False
[docs] def isTriRoot(self): """Answers whether self has a trifurcating root""" rootNChildren = self.root.getNChildren() if rootNChildren == 3: return True return False